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/ot/ - Off-topic

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Love Live Tennoji Rina
Very cute girl


Post her


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Gonna post her. Also started playing allstars today
Wish i could be excited getting back into love live idk

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You better have a sauce to this


this isn't reddit


This is a cyberpunk thread, we already have no standards here.

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>germany  has never won a war
<israel has never lost a war
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You know that's completely irrelevant in this thread's context, right?


>/ot/ - Off-topic


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Okay argie-chan, I hope you cure your depression while eating chipa in your house next to Villa 1-11-14 as your dad screams like an autist because his shitty soccer team didn't score a goal.


ISRAEL was a bad idea, mmmmkay?


you know, even if I can't be a 'femboy', perhaps I can have that sort of pleasant dykey aesthetic I'm seeing on THCM

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I've been reluctant to post here despite my deep love for the game mainly just from the idea of sheer anonymity being somewhat scary to me, mostly just from the idea that I could never really know if I was speaking to the same person again twice. Not knowing if I'd ever be able to see them again, or how long they've been here, not unlike the feeling you get seeing someone offline for several years. I guess I'll have to move past that now, since I don't really know where else I could go. Social media is shittier than usual now and Discord doesn't feel worth all the crap you have to deal with. I spend all my time in bed and more time watching gameplay of stuff in my library since I can't spend more than a few hours at my PC before wanting to lie down again. I've been dealing with OCD for almost 7-8 years now and with shit everything outside has gotten, the symptoms have been getting worse. I love this game, and this place seems to really love it too, it makes us feel together being alone. I just want someone who understands that I can really talk to.


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most of ubuu will of course talk about yume nikki given the opportunity, with what little is left to talk about
just remember that you're not talking to people, you're talking to anons

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Anonymous vs Q

Who wins & whats the finishing move



Whoever wins, we lose


Nuh-uh, you're just a little sheeple faggit


Go back to Facebook where this garbage topic belongs.

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Any Vapers here?
What's your Hardware and liquid of choice?

I use pic related and prefer mostly fruity liquids, usually 12mg nicotine
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Would you please contribute in a meaningful manner or hide the thread? thank you


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I know it's just shitposting and I shouldn't care one way or the other but seriously

>sucking on burnt carbon and literal poison insyead of straight fucking vapor because one of them might make you look like an idiot based on associations with some autist who posts online

>when the ones making that comparison are also autists on the internet

so would you rather be an idiot but not look like one? Well, arlight


I wouldn't do either, but I had to choose, yes.


You want 420chan.

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Sometimes, when I'm stressed out, I like to look at violent pictures. I want to see what's the worst people can come up with. Every post should try to one up the last. I'll start with something really tame.


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I know decapitation is not a theme exclusive to the story, but the painting you posted reminds me of Judith beheading Holofernes.
Though I suppose this isn't really that much worse than your picture.


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Reminded me of David and Golitath, also by Caravaggio.


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>Hey Seisatu, guilty conscience about your part in inspiring and supporting terrorism after all those dead folks in NZ?

lmao guilty conscience much, sei?
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Here's some advice, people will be more interested in your product if you don't sound like a desperate car salesman. Adjust your pitch to blend with the community you are targetting.


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dead thread resurrected by a literal bot you cannot make this up


Please do the needful and uninstall yourself.



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You have less than 24 hours to do something useful this year.


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Sometimes people send me these advertising requests.

This is a mistake.
1 post and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


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I need a Seisatsu massage


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Have a merry xmas, Seisatsu


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