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/ig/ - RPGMaker / Gamedev

RPGMaker Help and Indie Game Development

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Hopefully the right place to put this, but looking for a couple people to help play-test an upcoming game.

Best way I can describe it as a cross between LSD and Dreaming Mary. It all seems very randomy but does have an overarching horror element exposed late-game that ties it together. Very heavy exploration based with levels that change themselves as you progress.

Does require a decent gaming rig, and fully supports local CO-OP. The game is finished besides any last minute bug-fixes or additional hints as needed.


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File: 1540427375998-1.png (2.61 MB, 1674x1029, zeal.png)

A couple more pics


It looks very interesting. Kind of psychedelic.


this looks really cool. i'm interested!


I'm going to go ahead and move this to the indie gamedev board.


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Cool, thank you.


Awesome! Feel free to e-mail me at: kle(AT)waifu.club and I can get you a copy.

Also full disclaimer, I do plan to put this on Steam for a few bucks since I've sunk a lot more money and time into it than I care to admit. Will definitely give out keys on Uboa though (And of course free copies to the testers), since I really just want people to try it out.

A quick trailer is now up at: https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steam/apps/256734700/movie480.webm


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Well if anyone stumbles back in this thread and wants to try it out on Steam: WDJ8D-786AJ-YF5VT


er, what's it called? Can't find it on steam without a name :^J


Kitten Love Emulator
The code is expired though.


Just beat this game recently. It was really cool.


Looks awesome, love the aesthetic. Would've loved to try it, but cool that I know abut it now.


Def would recommend. It's inspired me a lot and probably has one of my fav aesthetics of any game.

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