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/ot/ - Off-topic

Best board

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The new CP spam filter now also works on posts that hide the link in the image instead of the post body.

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 No.19921[View All]

It's back, but this time on /ot/ instead of /hikki/. I don't really know why it was on /hikki/ in the first place. Please welcome our new, site-wide Chats & Communities Thread.

Do you have a neat web community or chat group you'd like to invite people to? Maybe want to drop your messaging handle and strike up some conversations? Do it here. Ads are not allowed elsewhere on the site.

One post per service please! Duplicate ads may be deleted. This especially includes discord links. To make a permanent discord link, click on instant invite, go to advanced settings, and change the expire time to never.

Thread rules:(Updated 2/21/25)
If your discord link expires, your post will be deleted.
To avoid spam/bots and potentially illegal content, describe your community briefly, don't just drop the link.

Posts to this thread do not appear in recent posts on the front page.
54 posts and 29 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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does the animated gif resizing technique


hey anon could you please post a new link, thanks




helene, if you see this, come back.


Pls check out this small imageboard I run: https://619chan.org/

/619/, /b/, /i/, /grusha/, /bridget/, /bu/, and /yiff/ are the only boards we have at the moment, but they're enough to start out with.

Yume Nikki is fun too.


Forgot to include links to the matrix room and IRC on both this and the sushigirl post, please forgive me.
#619chan on irc.711chan.net (port 6697)


HEY! Not advertising anything, but just wanted to say "Hi" from 8moe and PLW.



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Stop posting discord servers


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And what if I do anyways? What's gonna happen? Someone will die? Get rich, or maybe go bankrupt? The entire universe collapse, perhaps?


So many dead links


Dreamchan was a nice place to chill, but I think it has finally been shut down after growing periods of inactivity and the BO's health problems. It was one of the few chans where people weren't toxic and you didn't have chuds throwing racist shit all over, but you had chill people talking about what they were nostalgic for, their dreams and aspirations. It was one of the only image boards that had a positive and constructive environment, and I'll miss it.

What happened to it?!


If the tranny janny is going to delete 5 months worth of posts for no reason he might as well delete this post linking to a site which hasn't existed for like a month now.


do u still exist? whats ur username


the link doens't work


neets.club admin is retarded and makes new sites every week expect a new link by him dropped here and on every dead alt-chan listed on the webring.


I want strawberryheaven back so bad… The Internet is dying.


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It's been a while since I regularly posted on ubuu. Felt that things changed. Since then, I've wanted to make my own imageboard. Here it is:


People knew me as ProfessorLemur. Now I am Hiramaky.

If you fancy talking to an ubuu nerd who hadn't posted regularly in over a decade feel free to hit me up.


I wouldn't trust anyone called a professor


That's reasonable. I wouldn't trust me.


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Come to heyuri.net!


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Link to Uboachan's discord server is broken


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join if you're esoteric


lmao, see called it. >>25175


please do not quote non-existing posts


Died, and came back to life recently.


The fediverse is the new image boards.



It's impossible to find communities unless you already know someone who's in one.


Hi! I found this place thru 39chan! I used to play yume nikki coz my ex was obsessed with it, but never finished it… uh…. do you have to finish (is there even an ending?) yume nikki to play yume 2kki? also, is it weird to eat fruit snacks at 27? thats all I have to say kthnxbye


whats 39chan?


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I love to see people creating their own imageboards and the like (I dream of a future and long for a past where people created their own odd little sites instead of just having an 'insta' etc. (yes, neocities is cool)) but we all know what happens…99% of them get no posters and fade away. Which is sad, but makes sense. In this day you need some kind of strong foundation, and I wonder what that can be exactly. A common interest–no, that's not enough in itself. A strong theme or idea too, to differentiate itself. Maybe it needs to be attached to something else, another reason for people to come to your place. Like you might offer forums as part of your site that lets people _____/that people visit to _____. I mean it's hard right, because if there's little activity, then most people will immediately move on, which leads to little activity, which means, well you get the idea.
I've started to think it's too difficult and pointless to try start something like that anymore, and what would be the point. Things have peaked, no? The last 'big', new imageboard was probably 8chan, and there's very clear reasons why that blew up which I don't ever see happening again with how the internet and culture has changed.

Anyway, my idea was to create a hyper localised imageboard, just for my town. When I go around town, occasionally I will see new tags pop up, 'LOST' is a recent one. It's interesting because sometimes I find myself retracing their steps as I keep seeing it along the way. I see new ones emerge after the weekend occasionally and can tell they've been out. The other year someone was going out with chalk, scrawling on the footpath in support of Alex Jones lol. I want to 'advertise' the board in some similar way. Perhaps like the stickers you see covering certain garbage cans and electric boxes. Maybe I could meet some like-minded individuals. I've been working on a website for a long time that I've uploaded a heap of 'content' to. Film, books, anime, music, art, all sorts. I've never posted it online in fear of things getting taken down. Perhaps it could be the 'hook' for this board. I almost see the whole thing as a sort of art project. Hm.

I loved my internet friends when I was younger, and I still have some of them from 15 years ago, but as I grow older and find it more difficult to form more physical personal relationships (not sexual, as in proximity) and spend less time along the feeling of isolation becomes more palpable…no, I mean I still make acquaintances here but, someone who I can share more of my true self and interests with.

In the previous small town I lived, of a couple thousand people, I somehow met a /pol/ poster. He's one of my best friends now. But it was pure coincidence how we met. I met my ex through /a/ ten years ago (my fault) she lived in the same city. There are people out there, I just have to find them…build our own Outer Heaven (if only, 'spiritually').

I've tried to stop checking the news. I've gotten better at ignoring it over the years. We need to reach out to one another, out there. It's tough to keep going sometimes. I think you should too. But, if I just stay inside, we'll never meet…I'll still try. Maybe someone else will too. I hope to meet you soon.


A vocaloid imageboard. It came out a few days ago.
>Anyway, my idea was to create a hyper localised imageboard, just for my town.
I could see this working with maybe younger people but I feel like anyone over the age of 35 will prefer using something like a Facebook group or at worst a Whatsapp group. I don't use Facebook myself but I've seen people make groups for small towns and the like.


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WHAATTTT you havent joined THE FEMCEL ENTREPRENUER DISCORD AT discord.gg/r0t ?!?!?!(Yes, it indeed is NOT a good place.)


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What a strange niche, why is this a thing?


Isn't this a grooming server? Why are you spamming this here?


hey uboachan! advertising https://rottingangels.org, a band new image board about general discussions of various niche topics, from the paranormal to anime!
stop by! i’m hoping to foster a chill community.


postsovdep emigrants in benelux



got a weird one
some kind of cross between an imageboard and a forum, running its own software
rules are similar to here but signup is required

admin is creating boards for whatever niche of the day a few people posted about


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I don't think I ever got around to posting wapchan on here…
We're an imageboard that has been running for a few years that's focused on retro anime and the works of Rumiko Takahashi. We also host /kind/!
Come visit us sometime.


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This is the lesser part which had a beginning and shall have an end
And for which words were conceived solely to speak of
The tiny broken beings of this world, it said
The beginnings and endings of this world, it said
For which words were conceived solely to speak of
Now remove these words and what remains, it asks me



my buddys running a discord if youre the type to like indie vtubers its a nice place




a imageboard for neets


nice theme.


dammn, its already down sadge.



How do I get past this "entry gate" shit?


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Read the rules and you'll find out.


Already CP4'd on the only active board

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