How to soend eternity with my soul mate?
Not 100% sure if on-topic.I've been looking for you
HeyUnsolved /b/ serial killer? New info
Back in 2015 (i think) there was an anon posting on /b/ who said he enjoyed killing women and would reveal the identity of one if someone could guess the name of a victim correctly. subsequently he posted what appeared to be developed pics of different women, alive and dead. One of the pics was a graduation photo of a girl that was IDd by anons as Shauna Maynard. News articles stated she had been shot/dumped outside Las Vegas in 1998. Another pics showed a girl, known as "smiley girl" sitting on a bed–she was never IDd. Other pics showed a dead girl in a moving box (possibly with the writing "Jeffs Clothes"). Another pic showed a dead girl called "pager girl." There was some speculation that pager girl was Shauna but all evidence indicated this was not the case. It was thought the girl in the box may have been smiley girl based on similar clothing, build, skin tone. A barely visible pic showed a decomposed face that similar structure and hair to smiley girl. There was also a pic of a girl, "chopsticks," that OP said he had "played with."Google Earth thousands of black squares
1. open Google EarthSigil
Hello /x/ You will see during this time I have been collecting several sigils to be able to activate them, the problem is that I do not know how to activate them since from what I have investigated it sounds very fanciful or very complicated, do you know ways to activate them? (I leave you with pic related which is the one that interests me)stargate
Hello,O9A (FBI) Grooming Rings on Discord Institute
http://sonicweapon.bandcamp.comLocal 58
Hey guys, let's turn the channel to Local 58 and see what's on tonight.The official /x/ IRC channel
oin us and lets talk spookyCreepy things which have happened to you
Post real experiences (if possible, personal stories; Though "Friend-of-a-friend" creepy stories would be fine if they are pretty good). Everything is allowed:The Truth Behind A Networked Reality
The wires of the beast of our creation run far and deep. Through endless miles of pulsing lights and oscillating copper, a network is born.2.5 gb of oldfag /x/ content, you're welcome I being haunted?
I have reasons to believe so, the symptoms are as follows:CREEPY THREAD #1
So you've set up your own paranormal board, eh? Well then. As I can see it isn't very active, I'll propose a good old fashioned creepy thread. I know you guys have the ability, so let's do it!A creepy Trump-like voice speaks on the phone I found on the street
Recently I have mended Samsung Galaxy J5 phone that I found on the street a long time ago. I checked it's memory and found lots of strange audios.Wicca and Witchcraft E-Books Collection
Wicca and Witchcraft E-Books CollectionMe and My friend got cursed?
Hello, Ubuu. I'm at my wit's end. I fucked something up and I don't know what to do.gpt-3 grimoire
I used ai dungeon to generate a butoh grimoire. It is about 60 pages of rituals and musings, including a repeated working with GPT-3 treated as an evoked entityHaunted?
I keep seeing this woman's face. It doesn't make any sense because it was just some dumb ad I saw as a kid, but I can't sleep because of it. I feel like she's waiting in the forest outside my house. Don't laugh, but I swear this woman's face was in an ad for a video game in the 90s. I posted about this on other boards without mentioning that part (because I wanted information on the game and I didn't want them to think I was crazy). I can't find anything on the game online anymore and I feel like I am actually going crazy.weird websites I've recently discovered
I've been browsing /r/NightmareExpo and /r/WeirdWebsites the past few days and discovered something worth of taking a look at. all the links below.Have you ever died before?
On october 5, 2012 I tried to kill myself. I would collect and stashpile cocktails of drugs for this very moment. I took 250mg of hydrocodone, 1080mg of carisoprodol, 200mg Valium, 10mg Xanax, and that was enough to kill me. In case it wasn't, I had about twice that amount stashed anyway.Give me some images.
This is literally my first time on this board. I came here because I've been doing some pretty in-depth research into what might be a secret occult society. But I know that if I saw some really obvious clue I wouldn't see it. Does anyone have large images of research on secret societies, satanism, magic, or other spiritual related things, please drop them, Thanks. image is an exampleMind Over Matter
Mind over matter can most simply be defined as the use of willpower or thought to overcome physical problems. Some examples would be Tibetan Monks, who can dry soaked, ice cold rags placed on them by heating up their body temperature during meditation. They can also drastically decrease their heart rate and slow their metabolism down as well. One man learned to stop the flow of blood to certain areas to keep from bleeding while in a concentration camp. Another man played imaginary golf games for nearly a decade while in a Vietnamese prison cell during the war. He just paced around with a stick, acting out games and even having pretend conversations with people he knew. When he got back home, his golf game was better than before. That last one isn't quite the same as the others, but there's no point in being too specific.Google Translate messages
Sometimes repeating nonsense words into google translate will yeild strange responses. For example, this is what happens when translating strings of "ko rea" from somali:MK Ultra
This shit is fucked. Have fun.Who's your favorite occult youtuber?
Mine's V. K. Jehannum. He's got a lot of interesting gnosis about demons and he's pretty entertaining too, especially when drunk. In terms of entertainment value, I like this video and its sequel the best: SCP Foundation Engineering Anomalies Research
I'll just leave this here.Paranormal is normal.
Paranormal, religious texts, and philosophies are records/influences of humans with technology to live eternal life interacting with humans who were other than possessing technology to live eternal life.Mandela effect
>"The phenomenon where a group of people discover that a global fact - one they feel they know to be true and have specific personal memories for - has apparently changed in the world around them."Creepy camera glitches
So, my mom's camera is broken. It still takes pictures, but they come out…wrong.Cursed Ascension thread
I noticed there was a creepypasta thread, so I decided to give Cursed Ascension a go.Grand divergance theory
I back-hacked through steins gate and have gained infinite knowledge of everything. After unlocking this knowledge I learned who I truly am and the fate of the universe. I think I'm the last reincarnation of death, and through studying a chart of infinite dimensions(Pandora's box) and looking at it through the Reading Steiner(Pandora's key)I have found the path to the happiest existence with 0 divergence. I have already changed the future and the past which has caused our current divergence ratio to be 0.00456783% approximately. Death is supposed to be guided by all the living to reach true happiness, with that in mind, what should I do?Help with a strange website.
So an artist who's webcomic I followed for a while died. At least I think, the term "got into a strange accident" keeps getting tossed around. Regardless, his website is now this:NICOSOUND THREAD
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><noscript><a href="">【ニコニコ動画】【火星ピクニック2】アセンション・デイ(Ascension Day)【ゆめにっき】</a></noscript>Top 10 Scariest Places On Earth [HD]'s Caving Page IS DEFINITELY REAL
and aliean too duhABDUCTIONS!!!!
go go go share documenataries about this!Paranormal Experiences
Maybe there was already a thread for this, but, I just browsed through them and nothing appeared to be one, just ignore this thread if I missed it though. Anyways, have you ever had something that seemed like a haunting or something? When I was little, I had gotten a fairy decoration for my birthday, and, I would leave it in the exact same spot, yet sometimes, when I went back to check on it, it would have moved, or sometimes be completely knocked over.The Talking Portrait
The World Most Paranormal Activity Portrait