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/x/ - Paranormal / Occult

Only the madman is absolutely sure.

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File: 1331143073984.jpg (168.78 KB, 1200x981, SCP-173.jpg)



yes good

well, some of them are better than others, but overall the quality is surprising for an open group project on the internet


Through an incredible amount of flaming noobs thouugh



that's to be expected, don't you think?


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over the past 4 months I have read 1,600+ SCPs

by my estimates I expect to have finished the 4,000 around mid-July 2018.

I am not looking forward to having to get a real hobby. I was going to start on the Holders after that but I guess the site was taken down.


Oh man, you just reminded me of the holders, it's been so long. Such a shame it died. Was it archived somewhere?
By the way, you may be interested in playing the SCP game that came a few years ago (if you haven't already), SCP Containment Breach. Pretty good overall if a bit confusing with the whole modular room system. Don't watch any videos, just download and play, if you have any questions feel free yo bring it up on /og/.


the Creepypasta wiki on wikia has maybe 50 of those stories, other than that, I don't think anyone else was keeping them up. Duckduckgo was no help, unless you're looking for towel bars and other bathroom storage solutions.

Yeah I heard that the game was fun as fuck. I wonder if it's availiable in app form. I am a mobileposting literal pleb.


Almost ten years of nope later, I have finally come to the realization that SCP-173 has some bitchin thighs and a nice core, although dat ass leaves much to be desired

if there's one thing we can take away from this legendary creepypasta about a concrete neck-snapping monster, it is that you can't neglect your glutes, bruh

thank you for your time


oh my fucking god

the holders.org is back up!



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