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/x/ - Paranormal / Occult

Only the madman is absolutely sure.

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Hello, Ubuu. I'm at my wit's end. I fucked something up and I don't know what to do.

Ever since I was young, I was able to see ghosts. Shadows that move, black and white. Women with long hair and white nightgowns, and eerie faces at windows. I can also hear whispers and crying, sometimes giggling. The words are never intelligible, but they're there. It started when I was six, when I saw a red face at the window of our old house. It was at the top, so I couldn't have been a prankster or a stalker. Since then it hasn't stopped.

My father said he could see things like that when he was younger, but when he aged, it stopped. His mom can still see, though. So that may explain things.

Anyways, the main point here is something's up.

I was with my best friend, browsing the website "Saya in Underworld". We accidentally read a cursed story, which had a warning at the END. So we decided to finish the terms which was spread the story to one person. Simple right? Unfortunately, no. We stupidly decided to play some games on that website. We went to the supposedly haunted areas in school and made noises and did dumb shit in general. We also read a story that was cursed. It was an account of a girl getting murdered and her spirit taking vengeance on everyone she knows. The story is called "I Love You, ARA".

The rules of the story was "Pray before you read this." and "No skipping/backreading chapters" and"Finish this story, or she will be mad."

We broke all those rules, not intentionally.

Since then, she's been showing up in odd hours in both our houses. She even showed up in broad daylight. She grabbed my shoulder and my friend screamed. Another one was the incident where we were video chatting and something passed my back. It was a shadow. She screamed.

Tell me what to do, Ubuu. I already brought a rosary bracelet, blessed it with holy water and she still hasn't left. It's driving me insane.


1. make a movie "based on a true story"
2. profit
3. move out


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sound like soft ad, to be honest.


People with spiritual sensitivity generally shouldn't indulge in those sorts of games (not that anyone should.) It sounds like you've either invited an actual spirit to haunt you, or the ritual of the game created a thought-form which is now stuck to your auras.

In this case, your best bet is for you and your friend to study and practice a banishing ritual until you can both do it from memory, and then perform the ritual wholeheartedly in your respective houses. That should eliminate foreign presences / unwanted energies from your auras and from the space surrounding your dwellings. The upside of being sensitive is that when you perform the ritual it should end up being particularly potent.

This is the golden standard for banishing rituals in western esotericism – the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram. You should be able to learn it in a few days if you study it earnestly. Good luck.



Thanks so much for the advice, and sorry for being late. Got my ass kicked by work. Anyways, any other steps we should be taking?


Besides the full-on banishing ritual, you can also try smudging your houses with sage, which has banishing properties. If the thing haunting you is a thought-form of your own creation rather than a spirit, then you might be able to get rid of it by just convincing yourself that it isn't real, but this can be harder than it sounds. And I don't know how to tell whether it's spirit or thought-form. I doubt that ARA was ever a real person, but if lots of people played the game, then it could be a group thought-form called an egregore, in which case the belief and energy of everyone who has played the game is empowering its existence. So, I still think the banishing ritual is your best option, but shore it up with sage smudging, and maybe research some protective seals you can put on the doors of your house.

If you need additional help or advice, I'd ask on the DKMU Facebook group. It's a huge gathering of magicians from many different schools of thought with an emphasis on chaos magic, who collaborate on projects together and give each other advice. That place has always been super helpful to me. There are questions to get in, but as long as you give honest answers (even "I don't know" will do for the second one,) then you will be added shortly. If you don't have Facebook, you could ask on the DKMU Discord server.



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I don't understand why people read cursed stories, I mean if it's for the thrill you can get thrilled doing lots of other things but I keep reading these stories about people screwing up rituals and it backfiring horribly. Just stay safe friends…

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