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/x/ - Paranormal / Occult

Only the madman is absolutely sure.

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Hello /x/ You will see during this time I have been collecting several sigils to be able to activate them, the problem is that I do not know how to activate them since from what I have investigated it sounds very fanciful or very complicated, do you know ways to activate them? (I leave you with pic related which is the one that interests me)


I have nothing to contribute but I think its cool that circles are perfectly round and congruent and so you have to be able to use math, and these shapes are not natural in this world so you have to use your mind in order to will these shapes into existence. Also
>This knowledge to be used only in times of extreme emergency
It is an extreme emergency, right anon?


>It is an extreme emergency, right anon?
Yes anon.




you got this from lainchan didn't you?


Fear, rush, masturbation

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