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/x/ - Paranormal / Occult

Only the madman is absolutely sure.

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Ask me anything.


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Do you have any questions?


What's you're purpose in life? Why do you choose to keep breathing?


I tend to believe I am being forced to live by a program of positioning of humans, creatures, and things. This program is forced by computer machines. This program is a forcing of dodging, harming, surviving, and preventing. These events are supposed to force eternal life. There is a technology of instant regrowth of missing body parts. There is a technology of old brains put into the heads of young cloned bodies.

My purpose is to make eternal life. I breathe because I like breathing. I've experienced many absolute terror fields. I've learned to enjoy breathing.


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>I'm fucking crazy
Oh, right, you're THAT guy. How far deep does the rabbit hole go?


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That prompt is actually choosing the blue pill.


Despair Code.
Humans accessed eternal life technology thousands of years earlier than now.
Humans are getting instant regrowth of their missing body parts. They are getting their old brains placed into the heads of young cloned bodies.
Ancient humans, breakaway civilizations of humans are, "mind controlling" millions of humans by a muscle flexing technology. The machines are as close as at you. The machines are as far as miles. The mind control happens by electricity caused at your muscles or your brain.
Aliens (science freak experiments) are pets, slaves, workers, acquaintances, friends, "family", or comrades of the most ancient humans and breakaway civilization humans…and like how the richest surface humans of United States of America pamper their pet dogs with food which is better quality than most humans at surface of Earth eat…some aliens have better quality technology than United States Armed Forces. Many of the aliens, among the groups of humans who are dominating all the aliens, use the aliens as, "portable storage containers" which are, "smart", "interesting", "interactive" and, "self securing".
Humans can travel from Earth to Marse during only a few hours time. Humans are living at the moons of every planet gravitied of Sol. They have robots to make all their food, and their governments are comprised of all members representing at the legislature, courts, and harming operations (executive work).


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>The mind control happens by electricity caused at your muscles or your brain.

You clearly have no understanding of electricity or physics at a charge level. Electrical fields are exactly that, vectorial fields, ergo they aren't really a good mean to manipulate specific objectives because you aren't sending charge through any channel but just to EVERYTHING around them. Sending specific pulses of charge through nerves would require you to concentrate the specific amount of current necessary not to blow the shit out of the system (and necessary to move the body part with the desired force), and that would require you to have contact with the area that controls that body part (i.e. the brain) while at the same time insulating the current through some insulator to prevent charge from going the wrong way. The voltage in an electrical field alone isn't the best mean of sending that charge, you need more control, hence why we use wires surrounded by non-conductor materials to conduct current and why nerves resemble a wired system.


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How did ancient humans discover such advanced technology? Why do these highly advance people mind control others? How do humans travel to mars so quickly? How does has organizations like Nasa not notice their flights to mars and other moons? If Nasa is hiding what it finds, why are they doing so? Why have no regular people noticed these flights?


The way I heard the technology works is like how the new cell phone batteries are being charged by placing them on top of plates…though are not, "plugged in". The electricity is created at the spot…not sent to the spot.

There are tiny metals in the human body…and these metals are moved by something sent at them to strike them to movement…and this movement is kinetic energy as electricity.

I'm not sure how the ancient discovered, invented, or accessed eternal life technologies. These highly advanced people mind control others to force situations of which the advanced people surely live. They live among the non-advanced people to company them so that if they survive to advancement then these new, "comrades" are to be placed at other places of the stars of the galaxies as a positioning to learn where the next, "big bang" explosions of the universe will come from. Then we dodge, prevent, or survive the explosions, one of which, by astronomers, is estimated to have occurred 14 billion years earlier than now.
The humans traveling to Marse use the gravity between huge bodies to be pulled a little faster to their destination. There is a space between large bodies where the gravity is zero. Equal pull from both directions. A little closer to one object and you are pulled. The travelers use this pull to accelerate their extraorbital boats.
They do notice, but they are sometimes not leaders at forcing disclosure about topics which, by someone or an other, was deemed classified. They are also not people who are in their business for any show. They don't want to be paraded around…or be on a television show claiming aliens exist. They don't want to be mocked. We should really just be humble that humans are even more advanced than our civilization. Yet, many humans have feelings of grandiosity that if their people don't know about it then it doesn't exist.
NASA are not necessarily hiding…but they have not been showing to courts to describe their findings even when not invited to do so.
Very few people are rich enough to have telescopes which can see things on the surface of other planets like a, "Google Earth" program of the surface of Earth. Science based on the findings of a few are not verified enough…though for now very few commoners are spending their money to buy big telescopes. Some have observed craft coming to and from, "Luna".

This is a video of the acceleration technique used by humans traveling to Marse: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtyFQRkhW9g


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The "plates" where you place your cellphone are the "contact points" I'm talking about, mate, and you can't compare the simplicity of a two metal plates touching each other with the complexity of a brain with thousand if not million of entries that determine body movements according to very precise electrical pulses.

>and these metals are moved by something sent at them to strike them to movement…and this movement is kinetic energy as electricity.

Okay, you just said horrendous things just now.
To begin, waves are capable of moving (i.e. sending) energy, but not capable of moving matter. If it was possible to move things with just waves, we'd be using them for practical purposes now. This nullifies completely your "metal pieces inside a body" that, apparently, not even METAL DETECTORS SEEMS TO NOT NOTICE? SERIOUSLY? Do you know these things scan metals through waves, right? So if they can't detect them then your friends at Venus can't move them either. And before you come with more pseudo-science, we manipulate very large sets of waves, in all frequencies, so no, there is no magical wave capable of moving matter at a distance.
And, the second part… first, electricity isn't energy. Second, kinetic energy isn't electricity. Third, the electrical potential is voltage, which goes back to all I told you about contacts and fields. Go grab the Sears & Semansky and learn some physics before believing bullshit you read in the internet. That, or you have serious problems.


>That, or you have serious problems.
You must have not seen this thread.


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>You must have not seen this thread.
This is me. >>>/ot/17266
I'm just waiting for more pseudo-science.



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>What is induction?


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To know that what's happening? That people are being mind-controlled? Why do you believe that ancient people discovered the technologies needed to be immortal? What would lead you to that conclusion? How do these people's ships move so fast again> All ships are affected by gravity so how to these ships use gravity to a greater effect than any other? The video you linked does little to prove anything. Why do you assume that a few dots of light are spaceships?


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>I don't need to know how the technology works to know its happening.
If I tell you money grows in the trees, would you believe it? You DO need to know because if not then I can tell you absolute bullshit and you would believe it just because you are fucking ignorant. Having some basic knowledge of how electricity works is enough to realize the stupidity of this. See this, >>1388 it answers your question and makes it obvious such a thing doesn't exist because it's ridiculous.

Also, even if we make aside how it works, it's not the medium but how to make it touch the specific nodes inside your brain the problem. An electrical field would touch every single node inside your head. Every single one. You'd dance like a motherfucker instead of moving your hand to grab the TV controller. Electricty is just not feasible for body/mind control.

Also this >>1389


I must depower my computer soon but I will type during the few moments I can. I will answer more tomorrow.

Snipers and rifleman don't need to know how gun powder works to fight in the army. They need to know how to aim and stay healthy to carry the gun.
I am experienced that the mind control technologies exist. I don't know how they work.

I've experienced these technologies at Marse, and other places. I think the bible, mythologies, and paranormal are real evidence of civilizations of humans who are, "godly". I assume the tiny lights of the video are ships because this my intuition based on the fact that I've been to Marse and moons of other planets. This is just reality to me. Ships exist which people are in while the ships are destined to other planets.


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>I must depower my computer soon but I will type during the few moments I can. I will answer more tomorrow.
Roger that, I hope tomorrow is a nice day in Alpha Centauri. Please send me pics when you visit Iscandar.

>Snipers and rifleman don't need to know how gun powder works to fight in the army.

lol you are so wrong I don't even know where to start.
Snipers take a lot of training because their work involves dealing with ballistic trajectories, which are affected by temperature, atmospheric preassure, the type of bullet they are using (innerently related to knowing how the fucking bullet works, yes, I mean gun powder), distance, earth's curvature, wind, etc. They need to take all of this into consideration to make a shoot because all these factors DO alter the path their bullet takes. Of course, they also need to know how their weapon works because it jams, overheats, and may break. So yes, they do know all the ins and outs of their equipment. Hell, even common soldiers need to know this shit and are made to dissamble and assemble their own guns so they know how they work. This is one of the worst examples you could give to serve your point.

>I've experienced these technologies at Marse, and other places. I think the bible, mythologies, and paranormal are real evidence of civilizations of humans who are, "godly". I assume the tiny lights of the video are ships because this my intuition based on the fact that I've been to Marse and moons of other planets. This is just reality to me. Ships exist which people are in while the ships are destined to other planets.

You can't seriously consider the bible as a good source. Also, you traveled through space and time and can't even understand basic electricity? Hell of a crew in your ship; must have been awesome.


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That's a false equivalency. While >>1392 proved you wrong about your example, if I entertained your point it still doesn't work. An artist doesn't necessarily have to understand everything about pencils. They can still make a drawing because drawing is a physical action. You are attempting to explain concepts and answer questions about them. If you don't know how these technologies work, don't pretend that you do. Provide tangible evidence of their existence. As for your theory about mythology, it's also complete bullshit. Every culture has some form of soup right? Every single one. There's Asian soups, Russian soups, Jewish soups, Indian Soups, etc. Clearly that means that everybody's minds are subconsciously connected, otherwise how that be possible? The answer is that people just tend to make fucking soup. Every culture has some form of dragons too, does that mean that they're also real? How do you explain inconsistencies between different culture's mythologies? The Greek gods are a hell of a lot different from the Mayan ones. Their origins, powers and duties are in some ways similar and overlap, and in other ways are totally different. Why would these immortals reveal themselves to common people in those times, but not now? They must have been pretty open before for there to be so much mythology about them. Answer, people just tend to want to explain the world around them so they made up a bunch of nonsense because they had no better alternative at the time. Science was incapable of explaining the mysteries of the universe, so people made up gods. The gods resembled people because humans tend to be egotistical.
There's a difference between intuition and jumping to conclusions.


>experienced many absolute terror fields
>is still fat



I don't think I was proved wrong about my example of rifleman and sniper. Their jobs are to hit their targets. While it is preferred that they learn all that you mentioned…those are not applicable in many real world wars. Combat of which both sides are bleeding each other happen. Many examples throughout history have shown that when the enemy is at the gates or across the block…anyone who can hit the mark down the alleyway a few times gets a gun to fire at the enemy.

The bible is a perfectly fine source. Anyone who has eternal life technology is someone who is, "godly". If you don't access that technology then how are you going to know what you are preparing for? The bible is a perfectly good source of information about life as a human accessing eternal life technologies. The bible is also a perfectly good source of information about life as a human not accessing eternal life technologies.

About electricity…people do what they are good at. I am lucky enough to be born into a one of the best programs of forcing eternal life by technology. Its not glamorous…but I am only one who got to travel the planets because I DON'T DIE. I am probably one of the group of the most ancient humans.

As a man getting regrowth of my missing body parts by technology, sometimes instantly later than harmed, my brain is fired upon by many groups. Mafia, racial gangs, military, police, sheriff, da'esh, terrorists, and enemies. There are many parts of my brain that are blown out of my skull. Sometimes I don't get those pieces back into my skull. Sometimes regrowth of the missing tissue at my brain happens. The newly regrowthed brain tissue is brain which experience has not yet changed. When I am hit through the brain I become less educated, I become more savage, and I am less civilized. Any, "smart" about me is a, "like-memory" program of muscle flexing caused by machines so that I experience what is recognizable as a me since the muscle flexing is based about what I experienced.

The crews on the ships I've been on…many die…many are harmed, and I am one who harms them because I am wild by my experiences as, "rare". Very few times am I among breakaway civilizations or the most ancient humans…both of whom are accessing eternal life technologies.


>snipers do not need to train!
>but they need
>not applicable in the real world!
>The bible is a perfectly fine source.
What does your mom say about you being in the spectrum?


SHOOT YOURSELF AND UPLOAD THE VIDEO PLEASE, that's the only way I will believe you. The rest of your shit is irrelevant.


I am believing you don't know how fragile humans really are. Making up gods will only last so long. People will kill those taking advantage of them except by overwhelming proof, somewhere somehow, to someone of a benefit though there is also advantage.
The, "immortals" are really mortals who, by constantly trying or being forced to experience trying, are making immortality. They've shown themselves to many humans, and sometimes they have not. Their technologies are the kinds of which humans can be, "godly". You are literally able to do nothing for them except become a human who will benefit them.
Also, its not that great a job or operation to live among humans not accessing eternal life technology when was accessing eternal life technology. If a human will put these technologies to humans not accessing eternal life…they must deal with the problem of NOT putting the technologies to all the evil people first since the evil people will harm the good ones. If the technologies are put to the good humans then the good humans can force the evil people to live until their brains are changed to that of a good human. If one wants to be sure whether a human is good or not…they interview them. They sense them. How can a human be sure a human is really genuinely represented by what is passing through a shell, protection suit? Is the programming of the suit correct? Was it tampered with while sleeping? Is there a malfunction? Take the suit off and there is a human directly getting the very air from the humans mouth, throat, lungs, and stomach. When the shell suit is off the very light reflected from the interviewed human is at the eyes of the interviewer. Without the suit…a human is vulnerable. They might be stolen from. They might become sick. How many family members of those humans will really say, "go and live among them…while if you will be to them as you are to us then you will be vulnerable. NO. The family members say, "Don't go there unless you have a plan where you will continue to live so many years which you can live by the use of the eternal life technologies we have.

My education is basic so-word skill. I sometimes do work where I talk and talk and talk and talk and talk. I sometimes do work where I follow people during days and I don't leave their side…not even to eat. I have often experienced NO TOILET during DAYS. I have learned that many operations I experience are ones which I will starve because I'm too busy arguing. Since I am so busy arguing…I don't eat…AND OFTEN THERE ARE NO TOILETS! This is not funny to me. I don't like to shit on the floor in a room or hallway or any place where people walk through. I don't like to shit my pants. I learned starting fat for an operation is OKAY by work I do.


My mom? I don't know her. PROMISE.

Shoot myself? I only need to claim, "United States" is my organization while I am riding a bus or walking down the street at some places I might be…and I will get a fight. Shooting myself is painful. I will not experience pain so you can see something which, by current technology, you can claim is, "CGI" or like "Hollywood special effects"?

To be honest, there are already a few videos at media websites which were me getting regrowth of my missing body parts by technology.


So, you cut your body parts to show you have the technology to regrow them back and you can't stream yourself shooting yourself in the head?


I don't cut my body parts to show I have regrowth of missing body technology. I access these technologies…but they are mostly put to me whether or not I want them. The ancient humans have a program that has been going for thousands of years…and is benefiting me. I don't, "have" these technologies by any normal sense of, "possession" which is recognizable in courts of state of California of United States of America of Earth of Sol.


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This whole thing is fucking aids. This is fucking shit.
Snipers and soldiers can't hit their enemy unless they know how their guns work. In the modern world every soldier is properly trained. In the first or second world war they might have rushed people out to the battle field very quickly, but they don't do that now. The way a modern military operates has developed in a similar way to how people think about things. They started by not understanding what they were talking about and making shit up as they go, but with time they advanced to the point were they find evidence and make conclusions based off of that.
You didn't address my first point. If you attempt to explain something, you should know what you're talking about. You're whole spiel about mind control is scientifically inaccurate. You have already proven yourself to be an unreliable source of information. If you don't know how shit works, don't try to explain it. Clearly you THOUGHT you knew how mind control works. This suggests that you are full of shit. Ideologically speaking, humans are very resilient. Hundreds of years after Christianity was formed people still believe in it despite never seeing the immortals that supposedly inspired the religion themselves. If humans weren't resilient, wouldn't they just stop believing in Christianity since nobody alive today has seen these immortals? A believer in Christianity doesn't have to see an immortal to be convinced, so yes, imaginary gods can persist in the public's conscience. After such a long time, whether these immortals were imagined or not does not matter because the evidence to support their existence would be exactly the same, the bible. The bible is not an accurate source of information because like you, it is full of massive amounts of misinformation. It says the world is flat and everything in the universe revolves around our planet. If it's wrong about those things, there's very little reason to believe that it would be right about immortals. Why don't immortals show themselves today? If they appeared often enough in the past, a time were record keeping was not nearly as accurate, to spawn religions, why are there no modern day documented cases of their existences?
Go to a medical profession, numb your finger with anesthetic, cut it off, and stick it back on to heal. If you can do this and have the medical professional confirm that it happened, I will believe you. If you really wanted to, it would not be difficult to prove your immortality. You could also shoot your head in public. The people around you can provide eye-witness testimony to your miracle technology.


At Syria they are fighting like how they fought during World War II. Many don't know how gun power works…but they're expected to kill and they're killing.

I continue to believe the bible is an excellent source of information about how to experience eternal life technologies by those who are currently accessing eternal life technologies.

There is plenty of paranormal which has been remembered. There is plenty of biblical-esque phenomena. If you're not seeing it then I DON'T CARE BECAUSE YOU'RE PROBABLY NOT BEING INVOLVED BECAUSE YOU MIGHT DIE AND PEOPLE KNOW YOU ENOUGH THAT THEY DON'T INCLUDE YOU. Knowing reality is wonderful. I understand believing humans accessed eternal life technology is difficult for humans who haven't seen nor heard anything…but believing you must see something is silly. The very technologies we are talking about is complex enough to force eternal life…without dying ONCE.

I don't harm myself. There are plenty of opportunities for people to see video of me being harmed. Its on the internet already. Many people already, while in public, saw me get regrowth of my missing body parts. Any attempt of me harming myself might go wrong…and I would be put to a mental health institution. I don't want to freak people out either. You should have thought about the minds of other people. Its not alright to go out into public in order to shoot oneself. Even if I get regrowth of missing body parts…that doesn't mean some people aren't going to run away from the sound of the gun shot…and never see me okay though they first saw me bloodied.

Even though I don't know how some of the technologies work…I am a human who is not dying anytime soon. I am experiencing some of the best if not THE best program forcing eternal life. I survived absolute terror fields the likes of which are unbelievable to someone who is so deeply ingrained in a, "safe" experience…and good for you! I want you to be safe even though you might not see paranormal, or anything biblical as is caused by use of eternal life technologies. If you're not obviously getting instant regrowth of your missing body parts…then I want you to STAY OUT OF THE ABSOLUTE TERROR FIELDS UNLESS YOU'RE PREPARED TO BE HUMBLED BY HOW PEOPLE WILL TREAT YOU SINCE YOU MIGHT ACTUALLY DIE!

I can explain enough about much. I am terribly experienced to force eternal life. I am not much of a texter…but I am so-word/sword. The records of many show I am a survivor by technology of instant regrowth of missing body parts.


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>At Syria they are fighting like how they fought during World War II. Many don't know how gun power works…but they're expected to kill and they're killing.
The people fighting in Syria don't have a modern army and they would be killing a hell of a lot more people if they did. They don't even make their own weapons. They use guns left over from world war 2 and whatever is given to them by other countries. They're not self-sufficient and can barely be considered a real army.
>I continue to believe the bible is an excellent source of information about how to experience eternal life technologies by those who are currently accessing eternal life technologies.
An unreliable source continues to be considered a reliable source by unreliable people, wow, that's sooo surprising.
>There is plenty of paranormal which has been remembered.
No, there hasn't been. If there was, everybody would know about it. Whatever paranormal things you're talking about have either been proven to be fake, have little to no evidence baking them up, or come from unreliable people. DNA, fingerprints, undoctored photographs, undoctored video, physcial objects, etc. are considered to be real proof. Tangible things.
>There is plenty of paranormal which has been remembered. There is plenty of biblical-esque phenomena. If you're not seeing it then I DON'T CARE BECAUSE YOU'RE PROBABLY NOT BEING INVOLVED BECAUSE YOU MIGHT DIE AND PEOPLE KNOW YOU ENOUGH THAT THEY DON'T INCLUDE YOU.
You said I could ask you anything. Right now i'm asking you for proof that these technologies don't just exist in your imagination.
>believing you must see something is silly
That's called the scientific method. Making conclusions purely based off of evidence is what's responsible for the computer that you are typing your posts from. It's responsible for every piece of modern technology that can be proven to exist.
>There are plenty of opportunities for people to see video of me being harmed. Its on the internet already
Where? Give me a link to a video of you harming yourself.
>I don't want to freak people out either. You should have thought about the minds of other people. Its not alright to go out into public in order to shoot oneself.
You're ignoring my first suggestion of going to a medical professional and providing a private demonstration to them. You also did not go into any detail about why the Bible is a reliable source of information. You also forgot to acknowledge my point about why imaginary gods would still be believed in. The majority of Christians have no clue what, "biblical phenomena", you're talking about, yet they still continue to believe in god. These supposed phenomena are not the basis of the vast majority of Christians' faith.



You're wrong about the weapons at Syria. There is fighting with weapons that Da'esh took from the Iraqis. The Iraqis had weapons which United States of America gave. Da'esh was also receiving weapons from United States of America while they were, "rebels" rebelling against the Syrian Arab Republic. There is clear evidence of fighting with modern weapons by the many videos of a website called liveleak.com where uploads were of, "rebels" using advanced anti-tank weapons which track, lock on, and hit tanks.

The bible is a good reference because people continually proved it was powerful because they believed. This power is strong today. The majority of Americans believe God exists. To understand reality we might learn a common language together. This is a language where god exists. The bible is thus a good reference to learn about reality. AND the many events of the bible are, theoretically, possible by technology since there has been many paranormal events recorded since cameras and audio recorders have been invented by humans not accessing eternal life technologies.

These videos are evidence:
If you are willing to look then there is plenty more. The videos above are of me, "harming" myself.

Today we live in a world where CGI of video games or Hollywood special effects can make any imagined scene, "real". Of course people are blowing off videos of paranormal.

All that CSI investigation evidence that you are wanting is in some form or an other as discovered at crime scenes…but rarely argued in court as due to a universe where humans accessing eternal life technologies do whatever they want. Though this does not mean there is no reason to believe humans who are accessing eternal life technologies are not doing whatever they want. By the nature of the technologies…they can do whatever they want. They don't need our approval. They don't need to explain anything to us. To assume they would is a delusion of grandiosity: thinking we would be treated any differently than we treat poorer people than us. There are poor people in Africa who have no clean drinking water, hospitals, or public education…and you aren't moving in with them to make their villages your new and permanent home?

Biblical phenomena which is paranormal, or due to humans who accessed technologies of which they could force eternal life, is ALL over the bible. Walking on water, levitating, regrowth of missing body parts, curing ailments, longevity of life to a thousand years.


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>The Iraqis had weapons which United States of America gave. Da'esh was also receiving weapons from United States of America while they were, "rebels" rebelling against the Syrian Arab Republic
You just said it yourself, they don't make their own weapons. They get them from the United States. Those soldiers probably at least know to assemble their fucking guns too so there's really no point in obsessing over this point. To do something properly and effectively, you have to be knowledgeable about it. Doing it the while being ignorant is far less effective and is in some cases impossible.
>The bible is a good reference because people continually proved it was powerful because they believed.
I thought you said those religions could only exist because real life immortals inspired them? You agree with me that people don't need any more proof than the bible to believe in Christianity. There are people who believe in much stupider things so the argument that just because a lot of people believe in the bible, it must be accurate is bullshit. Children believe in Santa Claus and adults who don't learn any better can too. This just gives more evidence to the argument that mythologies were made up. People will believe in all kinds of ridiculous shit with no proof except for somebody else telling them that it's real so there's no reason to think that gods had to have been based off of real people.
>AND the many events of the bible are, theoretically, possible by technology since there has been many paranormal events recorded since cameras and audio recorders have been invented by humans not accessing eternal life technologies.
No, as I said before, if paranormal things happened and were actually documented and proven everybody would know about it.
>All that CSI investigation evidence that you are wanting is in some form or an other as discovered at crime scenes…but rarely argued in court as due to a universe where humans accessing eternal life technologies do whatever they want.
What? It's like you're train of thought shifted mid-sentence. You're saying that real evidence has been discovered, but people refuse to acknowledge it in courts. That has nothing to do with these supposed immortals. Evidence should exist of these immortals' existence whether they like it or not. Even if you say they don't want there to be any evidence of their existence, why not? They were around enough times before for people to make religions out of them according to you, so would they be so secretive now? Why would they remove literally every piece of evidence of their existence except for people's mythologies?
>Biblical phenomena which is paranormal, or due to humans who accessed technologies of which they could force eternal life, is ALL over the bible. Walking on water, levitating, regrowth of missing body parts, curing ailments, longevity of life to a thousand years.
It doesn't matter if the bible says that because the bible isn't a credible source. The bible again, also said that the earth was flat and that everything in the universe revolves around it. The bible was wrong about those things, so there is no reason to believe anything else it said.
Those videos you posted as evidence are from the last thread. They still don't count as evidence. I took a closer look at them this time. Neither of them can be proven to not be faked. The first one is some news clip that could have been altered in any number of ways. The guy could have just gone underneath the train or something. There is also no proof that the people in either of those videos are you either, especially with the shitty camera quality in both of them(a staple of bullshit). In the second video, around the second second mark, you can clearly tell that the guy was replaced by a double right before we were able to see the ground. Notice how the camera follows the guy's fall instead of zooming out to show the entire travel. The rate at which the body falls also drastically increases at this point which it shouldn't. Acceleration due to gravity doesn't just jump like that. At the end, the guy's clothes don't even have any blood on them. the guy also looks nothing like you. His forehead is way bigger and he's a lot thinner. Either you gained a lot of weight and got plastic surgery, or you're full of it. Take a look at the screenshots. Even if i'm wrong about the things i'm pointing out, there's plenty of other ways the video could have been doctored. Also, why try to prove the regenerative powers with things that would be so painful every time/ Wouldn't cutting a finger off and putting it back on be a lot less painful that being hit by a train? You yet again, ignored my point about how you could just to a medical professional and prove these technologies to exist instantaneously. You also, again, forgot to acknowledge my point about why imaginary gods would still be believed in.


You haven't addressed the argument about humans, accessing eternal life technologies, behaving to us like how we behave to poorer people than us. This is an argument about why you, and others, are not observing phenomena like humans accessed eternal life technologies.
I agree that those not accessing eternal life technologies are not experiencing much evidence…but they are experiencing evidence.

I'm not going to see a doctor to start harming me in front of a doctor. The instant you start claiming that you can harm yourself and you get regrowth of your missing body parts…you get labeled mentally ill. The technology of instant regrowth of missing body parts is instant once it starts but is not always happening immediately. There is a chance that by cutting a finger that the finger would not grow back in time of which a doctor would not call the cops. The cops might not see a regrowthed finger. I am not chancing being damaged for a while just to prove something which is proved to me while I just try to live as a human who IS getting instant regrowth of missing body parts.

I didn't read much of your post. Much of your text was repetition.

Anything which you argued, of which I did not reply to, was because I argued about humans just not being respected like they are a threat, or beneficial to an other human. Humans who are not accessing eternal life technologies can be really NOTHING to a human accessing eternal life technologies. Humans might want to feel special, and they are while they are forcing all humans are special, yet many are not trying to force all humans are special. There is really not that much of a reason for humans accessing eternal life technologies to try to include humans who have never known that life…though there is reason enough that SOMEONE will do this, but there might not be many since all that is required to have a, "possible" best program is one human from the humans, accessing eternal life technologies, lives among those not accessing eternal life technologies.

This human is sometimes called a, "demiurge".


so since humans were not a threat, or beneficial…thus many humans just did not show the, "perks" of living in a universe with those who earlier accessed eternal life technologies.


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>You haven't addressed the argument about humans, accessing eternal life technologies, behaving to us like how we behave to poorer people than us.
I, and nobody I know, tries to hide their existence from people who are poorer than them. Poor people know that we exist so the same to should apply to immortals if you choose to stick to that comparison.
>I agree that those not accessing eternal life technologies are not experiencing much evidence…but they are experiencing evidence.
You're just saying that. I could say that my father was Bill Gates and it would be just as believable. If there's really so much evidence that people see on a day to day basis, than what is it? Give me some examples.
>The instant you start claiming that you can harm yourself and you get regrowth of your missing body parts…you get labeled mentally ill.
You said that you were the person in the videos though(which you forgot to address my points about). You would take that risk when getting run over by a train and jumping off of a building, but not at a doctor's office? You seem pretty inconsistent about how much risk you're willing to take when it comes to, "being labeled mentally-ill".
>The technology of instant regrowth of missing body parts is instant once it starts but is not always happening immediately.
Oh, really!? You just happened to leave that part out, huh? You forgot to mention that the instant regrowth isn't always, "instant". Okay. If that's the case, could you show me some videos of somebody injuring themselves, not instantly healing, and then, "instantly", healing?
>I didn't read much of your post. Much of your text was repetition.
That's pretty rude for somebody who said they would answer any question. I've read every word you're your infinitely repetitive walls of text.
>Humans who are not accessing eternal life technologies can be really NOTHING to a human accessing eternal life technologies.
You have access to these technologies though. Why do you care about being labeled mentally-ill if normal people are nothing to you?
That does not explain why substantial evidence that these immortals exist can not be found. They should be leaving marks all over the place. Unless these immortals are actively trying to hide their existence, a lot of evidence should exist of their existence. But, if they are trying to hide their existence, why would they be talked about in mythologies so much? You also forgot to address my points about why the bible is not a reliable source of information. You just said, "oh, well it actually is reliable". That's not how you explain something to someone. You also forgot to address my point about dragons and the one about Santa Claus. You even forgot to mention any of my points about the video. If you do not address a point I make, you are admitting that you have no response to it and that I am right.


> I, and nobody I know, tries to hide their existence from people who are poorer than them. Poor people know that we exist so the same to should apply to immortals if you choose to stick to that comparison.
I'm not saying people hide from the poorer humans…they don't live among them and they don't go to live among them. Have you ever lived in a tent city at a, "skid row" in a multimillion human city? Humans avoid those places. The humans accessing eternal life technologies avoid us.
> You're just saying that. I could say that my father was Bill Gates and it would be just as believable. If there's really so much evidence that people see on a day to day basis, than what is it? Give me some examples.
You could just google search, or youtube search, paranormal and see many paranormal videos. Parapsychology, UFO's, stuff at planet, "Marse", ayyy lmao, levitating.
> You said that you were the person in the videos though(which you forgot to address my points about). You would take that risk when getting run over by a train and jumping off of a building, but not at a doctor's office? You seem pretty inconsistent about how much risk you're willing to take when it comes to, "being labeled mentally-ill".
No, I am not inconsistent because getting, "instant" regrowth of missing body parts doesn't mean you get broken out of mental health institutions…it just means your neck won't be broken forever.
> Oh, really!? You just happened to leave that part out, huh? You forgot to mention that the instant regrowth isn't always, "instant". Okay. If that's the case, could you show me some videos of somebody injuring themselves, not instantly healing, and then, "instantly", healing?
Instant once it starts…but not always instantly later than harmed.
>You have access to these technologies though. Why do you care about being labeled mentally-ill if normal people are nothing to you?
Because being pilled SUCKS! My body is great. I don't need drugs. Psychiatrists can jail people for many years depending on their own, "beliefs".
>That does not explain why substantial evidence that these immortals exist can not be found. They should be leaving marks all over the place.
Don't assume this. People go to poorer nations and they take pictures but they don't leave those pictures behind…they bring them with them when they leave.
>Unless these immortals are actively trying to hide their existence, a lot of evidence should exist of their existence. But, if they are trying to hide their existence, why would they be talked about in mythologies so much?
They do whatever they want. Mostly…they don't want to be hit by you or anyone else. They like to be, "near naked" just like you. Thin clothes…sunlight on the skin.
>You also forgot to address my points about why the bible is not a reliable source of information. You just said, "oh, well it actually is reliable". That's not how you explain something to someone.
I argued that whether or not it is evidence as history…it is a theory of reality which a majority of humans of America know and since they know so its a great source of information because you can work with so many humans to access eternal life technologies
>You also forgot to address my point about dragons and the one about Santa Claus.
Dragons are either science freak experiments or robots. Santa Claus is not interesting to me…but is possible by technology. I didn't want to speak about either because I don't involve myself with people who talk about fantasy.
>You even forgot to mention any of my points about the video. If you do not address a point I make, you are admitting that you have no response to it and that I am right.
I lived those videos and you are telling me I am lying, and though I will argue. Light skinned happens when brain is put into a cloned body which has not been at solight (sunlight). My facial structure really is like the video of a man falling from a building. Haircut is different though.


> Oh, really!? You just happened to leave that part out, huh? You forgot to mention that the instant regrowth isn't always, "instant". Okay. If that's the case, could you show me some videos of somebody injuring themselves, not instantly healing, and then, "instantly", healing?
I already did.


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You want more?
Here: I am experiencing some of the best, if not THE best, program forcing eternal life. So many people have evidence that I've been forced to live, by regrowth of missing body technologies, that the fact that you don't know about me is a proof that you are so fucked you might not even get to live to the moment eternal life technologies are in the hospitals you go to when you are harmed.


So, xXDarkFlameXx, how do I access eternal life tech? Do I suscribe to your channel, or I need to call the office and they offer me a plan or something?


So, (((Kyle))), how do I access eternal life tech? Do I subscribe to your channel, or I need to call the office and they offer me a plan or something?

"Kyle" is more known among surface Californians than, "DarkFlame".

I will answer this anyway.

Three ways: reinvention; make a society of which those accessing the technology live among us (this is an explanation of trading since we must come into contact with them like we can coexist); live among those accessing the technology.

How do we make this happen? I'm working to ensure this…but I am really alone so I only have so much reply to give to you.

I don't have a youtube channel which I have a password to. I have a blog. I answer replies to my blog.

THE office? I currently do not have an office which is not a residence. The residence I am staying at is legally someone else's. Maybe you are referring to other workers?

A plan? I am part of a plan. I am willing to work..but I am not currently…willing to, "take hits" for other peoples ranks to stay the same or greater. I am not wanting to involved myself of humans who are not ranked by a true rank. I don't want to be jailed, or hit just because some people are powered to be involved of me though they are not qualified to take the gains which can happen by working with me.

Is there a something?
I hope. There is so much going on that you should just do as many actions as you can.

I really want to tell to you more…but I am lacking texts. I have often had my texts stolen…or taken the instant I made them. I have lost passwords to access my texts. I have done speech many times just to give gains to humans who didn't have anything with them…nor could keep anything. I have often told to humans who could not give a copy to me. I am a speaker…and so I only have so many texts though I know what I want to tell…and I want to tell, though I have told the words I would tell, so many times that I am sometimes just not wanting to tell repetitive combination of words.


I will try to tell to you an other time. I want rest.


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What the fuck am i reading?


The world's least creative and logically bankrupt ARG.

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