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/x/ - Paranormal / Occult

Only the madman is absolutely sure.

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File: 1318010117702.gif (1.07 MB, 250x187, 1275344768261.gif)



Uboa has a rival in jump scares.

Don't turn your sound up too loud.


how dis hapen



The website forces you to scroll down. :D


What are you talking about?


Holy shit, there was an English version? I only saw the original Korean one.

Fucking read it and you'll know what he's talking about


Dude, I posted it. I HAVE read it.

It doesn't "force you to scroll". All that happens is comic frames release when you get to specific parts of it.


ah this, I saw this a while ago.
Didn't make me jump though. It was too fast~


it does force you to scroll down.
after reading it scroll back up.


I fail majorly at jumpscares. never again.


File: 1429151975939.jpg (27.25 KB, 300x158, dowant.jpg)

Gave me pleasant dreams. Thanks, OP!

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