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/x/ - Paranormal / Occult

Only the madman is absolutely sure.

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Is it possible to make friends through occult methods?


I couldn't tell you, anon. I wish this board was more active; you could likely get some answers then. The only active /x/ board anymore seems to be 4chan's. I fear that I may be one of the last left lurking here. Please, tell your friends about this board, I wish to see it alive again.



I'm no expert but I suspect that beckoning some unsatisfied spirit is more plausible than real magic.
OP if you ever find out how please let us know. I would have thought I made this thread myself if not for the picture.


This probably already came to mind but what about tulpas?


Try using a "shower rune". I've heard that they're pretty hard to find among /x/ users.

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