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/x/ - Paranormal / Occult

Only the madman is absolutely sure.

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I have reasons to believe so, the symptoms are as follows:
- Increased Paranoia/The feeling of being watched and followed
- Waking up with bruises
- Doors (even those that are locked) opening
- Increased fatigue
- Seeing shadows move on their own
- Nightmares

Of course, I'm not a spirit expert. Any anon think it's ghosts? (pic unrelated)


Film yourself while you sleep. Did anything happen recently to warrant this?


>>1740 Filmed myself, nothing out of the ordinary happened.
I recently went hiking out in the woods, but I do that once every month so unless someone hid a body out there, I doubt it's that.
It's getting worse, though. Whenever I'd leave my room something gets moved around or footsteps could be heard right behind me. I'm not one to get scared of the dead but it's taking a toll on my health. Might try to communicate with it at this point.




Update, I have acquired my grandmother's tarot and her advice. Long story short, it's not the spirit of the dead but rather an angry fae. joy.
It really was the hike in the woods.
>>1742 Hilarious suggestion, but unfortunately not. I was tested negative for it years ago.


Update, things have calmed down after I returned to the woods last month. Not sure what I did, or how I made it all stop, but life is back to normal. GB

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