>>21286No? it's been up for a while.
Ubochan is perfect though…
Argh.. Kirt is using 420chan to boost his twitch streaming..
>>21598I think Reddit is fine for hobbies. I use it for fishkeeping and cute pictures of parrots.
As long as you stay away from the main and popular page I think it's fine. including meme pages
uboachan cause its one of the only chans I don't have to see constant slurs and hatred towards LGBT people
>>21598it's not as terrible if you only look for the exact shit you need, and avoid the comments unless necessary
otherwise you'd have better luck (and hygiene) rummaging through a dumpster once a week
>>21888Just go through the list of imageboards linked on this thread and see for yourself
Many of website that i visited, uboachan are better.
>>16099Does leddit count? Haha.
>>21928Yes but uboa is best for my purposes.
I don't really have sites that I use reguraly.
Nowhere fells like home, so I just visit here and there and then leave again.
Honestly I would be interested to hear what the few people left here are using.
Stay awhile & listen
I hope to make the answer to this "None." Imageboards, in fact all social media, can provide very little of value except a waste of time and very mediocre entertainment. I think I used them because i'm lonely, but there has to be better ways than actively decreasing my quality of life by browsing sites filled with nothing but shit opinions and people spamming the same things over and over.
I've used tons over the years. Right now I visit a few: Uboachan, Sushi, Zzzchan, Endchan, Lainchan, 4chan. Any others are visited very sporadically. I do like that they all have unique cultures, although I have begun to use imageboards less and less over time. There was… one imageboard I had used for years but left permanently as of recent because of some major revelations I had, mainly that it was an extremely toxic, cult-like place filled with close-minded, unhelpful people. Even though me leaving felt horrible (And I still feel bad sometimes), it was incredibly illuminating and has opened up my life to all kinds of new experiences…
Imageboards are incredibly cold places. Even in tight-knit communities people are still paranoid and hostile towards each other over incredibly petty things, and drama runs rampant, if you have any "wrong" opinions people pile on top of you and start labeling you all sorts of things. Its off putting to any potential new users and makes frequent users afraid to voice their thoughts and question things. It kills the site.
4chan honestly feels nice for hobby boards. There is A LOT of whining on other imageboards that 4chan is dead, its filled with "normalfags", etc. I've come to learn that they're all just idiots and that 4chan is just fine. Its an ever-changing place used by tens, if not hundreds of millions of people across the world. "Anonymous/Imageboard culture" is whatever people make it, and those who try to dictate its growth or try to control it are bound to be disappointed.
>>226054chan is dead from a spiritual, essential perspective
>>22606Hardly. Its an ever-changing mass of tens of millions of users. Big general boards are usually filled with trash but there are still fine areas of the site.
>>22547lainchan and nanochan.
I mainly browse 4chan and erischan.
Used to browse lainchan and arisuchan. Perhaps masterchan back in the day and a few obscure tor boards.
>>20026Im on lolcow all day tbh. Prob the easiest imageboard ive found to just be completely entertained by for hours
>>22627The way the lolcow community works is that one of them will wander into an argument somewhere, lose very badly (due to the lack of intelligence and mental stability that afflicts all of them), and then run back to the community so they can manufacture a "lolcow" out of the victor and gang up on him. Why you would find this entertaining is beyond me, but then again I don't have an IQ of 75.
>>22693People on lolcow communities are indeed usually pretty stupid, but that's really not how it works at all.
Imageboard chans are still popular?
>>22693this almost reads like you were posted or something but it's just too out of touch to even be that
>>19963>yakui.moeI cant believe its dead….
For me? UBOACHAN only.
>>23830Dreamch just went down without any announcements. I think it was because of the admin's health. Laguna's gone.
>>24238I agree with you, but there might be a chance to turn over a new leaf now that they're moving to trashchan since's shutting down.
Two must read books are “No, They Can't” by John Stossel and
“Ways to Influence People” by Andy Reven.