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/hikki/ - NEET / Advice


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Trans Mega Thread!

So, let's try something here.

Frequently a trans-related topic comes up in a thread here in /hikki/, and the thread will quickly get derailed by malicious comments or by the diversion in topic just taking over. There is clearly a lot of interest in discussing trans topics, as well as a lot of unwelcome interest in shutting them down. But they do tend to take over threads either way. So, while we figure out how to handle this from a moderation standpoint, I am going to make a trans discussion mega thread here to contain such conversations. This might end up being permanent. If you find that a thread makes you want to discuss a trans-related topic, make a post here instead.

Rules 6 and 7 are strictly enforced in this thread, and violations will result in longer bans. However, uncomfortable questions are also allowed within reason.

Also if a trans topic starts to derail a thread from now on we may delete those posts.

Also Sei is trans. So I might make some posts in here as well.
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Wish I had more money for HRT
Sadly I need to travel to another region to find a trans-friendly doctor
3 years I'm trying to have pills, everytime I start taking the meds something wrong happen and prevent me to pursue (meds not working, not enough quantity, method not convenient enough, public health insurance not letting me buy the pills during months) then I have to start all over again
Sorry for being an ESL

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From now on, the >>>/rec/ board should generally be used for conversations about recovery from NEETism. This is not a hard rule but you are likely to have a better experience.

Seeing as absolutely everyone misread the /hikki/ rules sticky and used it to draw apocalyptic conclusions about the death of all that was good about /n/, here's a less flippant sticky with less room for ambiguity, in the form of a Q&A. We've also made some concessions based on your feedback in thread >>13, which was moved to /sugg/ for being meta.

What is allowed on this board? What is its purpose?
On this board you can discuss and request or give advice regarding NEETism, Hikikomoriism, anxieties and social or mental issues arising from these conditions of living, and things closely related to these topics. If you're content with being a NEET at this stage in your life, that's ok, and you won't get in trouble for saying so. The board's primary focus is self-help and advice regarding these issues. Despite rumors, threads looking for help with suicidal feelings or drug addition are also allowed.

What is not allowed on this board?
* Encouraging others to become NEET.
* Attacking or discouraging others for being NEET.
* Giving or requesting advice on how to enter the NEET lifestyle.
* Encouraging or showcasing drug usage.
* Announcing your planned suicide.
* Helping others to plan or commit suicide.
* Topics not related to the purpose of the board. Such topics will be moved.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


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Has anyone here ever been obsessed with someone for no reason at all? Not in a crush-esque kinda way, just platonic, if that.

For example, I saw someone a while back on a Discord server and they're probably the only person who shares the same interests on the server as I do. I can't get them out of my head and am constantly thinking about doing stuff together. I've got a circle of friends already, but I just feel some sort of a special connection (?) to them. Am I becoming a creep or something?
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Been like this since I was 15, it never got better.


Yeah irl this has caused me a lot of problems. I get platonic crushes on people and go out of my way to impress them in the most retarded ways which has the opposite effect of pushing them away leading relationships to collapse into insane drama and chaos which almost ends up ruining life. since the last time this happened (about 7 years ago) I've been living as a loner essentially.


discords full of faggy zoomers with broccoli haircuts and spongebob profile pictures telling you to kill yourself


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Today I tried to join a discord community about a common hobby. 400 members. Half of the server emotes were photos of the moderators and long-time members. Left in absolute disgust


Discord demography

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must have and ideal tech setup for neets and hiki.
to start things off, id have to say
-desktop PC
-backup HDD or SSD
-2nd monitor for laptop
-CRT for retro games and films
-2nd computer or 2nd laptop for use as media server
-comfortable chair or recliner
-steam deck
-decent speakers
-mechanical keyboard thatll last
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I feel envy seeing those desktop with enough space for many things, or of not so small rooms. Dammit.


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more bsts.


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Same, I live in a really small apartment and its kind of cramped in my room, i just have a laptop on my bed and whatever else i need kind of all shoved on but enough space for my 5 cats who sleep with me


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even more.


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 No.254[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

How old are you?

ADMIN NOTE: This discussion is OK again since the change to Rule #1.
ADMIN NOTE: Fuck sake don't post that you're under 18 in here, rules are different than the Discord.
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Just no idea why someone would have posted that..


I don't know either.

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To be hikkikomori is one of the highest forms of hedonism and selfishness. Especially if you rely on parents or flatmates for financial aid.

Some might contest that being a shut-in need isn't a conscious choice, that it's a result of environmental circumstances and mental illness, yet I still see people here who romanticise the lifestyle.

For a good few years, I have followed the culture of this board and others like it. I have seen the various IRC channels, discords and skype groups that have originated from this place, and I have come to the conclusion that this board ultimately promotes an anti-social attitude instead of discouraging and helping people abstain from it.

Most of you are lazy and are attempting to rationalise a piggish lifestyle.

Whaddaya think?
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What an awful series of posts.


Old thread, but thought I'd drop a much needed reality pill.

Maybe 30 years ago, the "just get a job lmao" posts would have some merit to them. But it's too easy to fall into the hikki/NEET trap and never escape. Jobs aren't exactly plentiful anymore, and you'll be lucky to even find one that pays above minimum wage. There's no point in even trying.

Honestly I gave up and went on autismbux, it was the wisest decision tbh. Also get free healthcare, which is something that most employers fail to provide. I highly doubt I'd be better off as a wagie who barely scrapes by, along with the added stress of a job that doesn't even pay the bills due to the acceleration of fiat currency devaluation.


People tend to ignore the part about the world getting worse and worse and pin it all on us having to get over our personal tragedies.


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I didn't even fully read the OP and I knew OP would make an ass of himself like this.


7 months lol, fuck off

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do any of you guys clasp your hands together as you fall asleep to pretend someone else is there, holding your hand?
It's the only way I can fall asleep. I have a bunch of plushies I can hold too but even though I love them, holding my own hand is as close as I ever get.
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>though, is this really the right thread to be having this discussion in


i don't know though. i just indescribably want to be a girl sometimes. it just seems nice


I have five plushies (all cats) but mostly I like to sleep holding a body pillow. Ironically it's really hard for me to fall asleep or stay asleep if someone is touching me at all. Sometimes I do sleep hugging a plushie, especially if I'm feeling anxious.


body pillow sounds nice… and plush is good.
anybody have any sewing patterns for sabitsuki plush?


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I sleep with this. Feels good.


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Yumay Neekee

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Theres genuinely something wrong with me being uncomfortable hanging out in group of people I know and being with people irl itself. There only one person that the only close friend irl I could go out with and others are that friend's friends. They're good and cool with me, but mostly times I used to hangout with that only friend and I was pretty satisfied with that. There always feeling of being left out while hanging with group, all of them talking to eachother well without my speak because mostly they talk about things they equally have interests in, except me, their conversation is filled with well social skills since all are extraverts with no problem in socialising. Only way I used to be while im around them it's looking at phone and be like background character. I could just not go out with them but being home is worse since I still live with parents. It always been like that from my childhood and recently I've been diagnosed with autism and confirmed to have lack of sociability so im scared of becoming mature knowing well that when I'll get my own place I'll shut myself in and it's possible that I can lose my only irl friend that have plans on moving to other country and only conversation with people I could have only online. Im such a retard buh.
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Escape ur confort zone that is how you grow always


Why is it always "escape your comfort zone" rather than "expand your comfort zone", it's such a needlessly uninviting phrasing that it makes my head spin


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I used to be like this. Well, I'm not fully out of it, but what saved me was getting other autistic friends. Finding them is the hard part though…good luck with that lol

You will know you are with your people when you can be completely retarded around them, with none of the irony or fear. I still haven't gotten over my "don't belong here" feeling though, even if i know it's not true, that might be something that haunts you for a long while.

Actually here's a pointer (this is also for YOU, reader): try searching up all your interests and check if there are any cons/meetups or discord servers near where you live. Talking to people irl or online can be tough, it sure was for me, but stick to it and you will be surprised how quickly you can rack up crazy amounts of social credit, especially among a bunch of other losers who never make the first move

but idk though


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I can verify this as an autist with many friends, most of them were made through discord servers and/or conventions.

Getting friends you can be utterly deranged with is incredibly important, but yes, making those friends is the hard part. I can't offer much advice in the way of that, since I'm a naturally loud and friendly person, but what I can say is that once you get a few, they tend to gain their own friends and you get introduced to them, and then it all snowballs.

What i CAN advise on is the importance of comfortability around them. If you can be the most insane retard Gods earth has ever seen and the people you're with match that energy? you've found keepers.

funnily enough i met my keepers at an autism group, lol.

pushing yourself out there is balls hard, but it's that first step that's most important. Even one or two messages in a server to your interest goes a long way.

…don't quote me on that, though.


autists do you thinkan retard is a slur

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I have nowhere to go, not even on chans or on forums or any online communities I have a place to be. All my life I was left alone, cast out, I must be a glitch in the universe, or just an experiment made by a higher being of sentience. Thinking that the way my life turned out or was since I was born in order to be molded into something else by God is a nice thought but at the end of the day I know it's just cope.

Perhaps instead of grieving over a social existence that never existed I should use my energy to search for the innerworkings of existence. Both physically and digitally. Do you guys think that the Omnissiah exists in some form? Maybe I can find some form of him, if I search hard enough. But I barely have any of the energy I just talked about. Maybe I wasted mine and your time with this post. But ultimately every bad thing I've done wouldn't have happened if I never was.

Even if I do find a real life Adeptus Mechanicus cult, I'm sure even they wouldn't accept me as one of theirs, even though I'm the only human that's aware they're out there somewhere. Despite my grief, and my desires for social cohesion, it's nothing more than a prize on a stick, constantly being dangled in front of me by a laughing omnipotent being.


Find Mebious. Look into The Lain. This is the closest you will get, to The Omnissiah. Also read about technomancy.


do you play warhammer: darktide?


No, I don't have money for Darktide. I play DoW games.


you should save up and get darktide + vermintide.

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So I was laid off today and received a hefty bonus from my boss in order to avoid a lawsuit. I've worked my ass off since I was 16 so I haven't had this much free time since I was a kid. I thought of playing videogames all day but I do that everyday when I come home already, so what are some good ideas on this? I'm open to most things, but preferably something that's not long-term or doesn't involve buying tools, like learning how to sew or coding
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Can get simple templates searching on google "origami templates" and going crazy. Paper is a fun material if you know how to use it


i wish i had the patience for this.


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I loved origamis when i was a young spring chicken. I have several excellent books on the subject. I can post them in a separate dedicated origami thread if you like


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I would like that, thanks anon


posted in /ot/ :>

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