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/hikki/ - NEET / Advice


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 No.8376[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Trans Mega Thread!

So, let's try something here.

Frequently a trans-related topic comes up in a thread here in /hikki/, and the thread will quickly get derailed by malicious comments or by the diversion in topic just taking over. There is clearly a lot of interest in discussing trans topics, as well as a lot of unwelcome interest in shutting them down. But they do tend to take over threads either way. So, while we figure out how to handle this from a moderation standpoint, I am going to make a trans discussion mega thread here to contain such conversations. This might end up being permanent. If you find that a thread makes you want to discuss a trans-related topic, make a post here instead.

Rules 6 and 7 are strictly enforced in this thread, and violations will result in longer bans. However, uncomfortable questions are also allowed within reason.

Also if a trans topic starts to derail a thread from now on we may delete those posts.

Also Sei is trans. So I might make some posts in here as well.

Update 11/04/2024: When the conversation in the trans thread veers into whether transness is even a thing that exists, that will be considered an attempt at derailment. This thread isn't for you. It is specifically a containment thread for people who want to talk about transness from the starting assumption that the topic itself and the kind of identity it discusses is valid. Please keep that in mind.
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Yes, it is if you haven't noticed.

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From now on, the >>>/rec/ board should generally be used for conversations about recovery from NEETism. This is not a hard rule but you are likely to have a better experience.

Seeing as absolutely everyone misread the /hikki/ rules sticky and used it to draw apocalyptic conclusions about the death of all that was good about /n/, here's a less flippant sticky with less room for ambiguity, in the form of a Q&A. We've also made some concessions based on your feedback in thread >>13, which was moved to /sugg/ for being meta.

What is allowed on this board? What is its purpose?
On this board you can discuss and request or give advice regarding NEETism, Hikikomoriism, anxieties and social or mental issues arising from these conditions of living, and things closely related to these topics. If you're content with being a NEET at this stage in your life, that's ok, and you won't get in trouble for saying so. The board's primary focus is self-help and advice regarding these issues. Despite rumors, threads looking for help with suicidal feelings or drug addition are also allowed.

What is not allowed on this board?
* Encouraging others to become NEET.
* Attacking or discouraging others for being NEET.
* Giving or requesting advice on how to enter the NEET lifestyle.
* Encouraging or showcasing drug usage.
* Announcing your planned suicide.
* Helping others to plan or commit suicide.
* Topics not related to the purpose of the board. Such topics will be moved.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


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It sound faggy, but I wish I lived in the world of DELTARUNE. I hate my shitty little life here in Australia. My only actual friends are the faggots the government pays to tolerate me to make sure I don't sperg out and kill myself. I've tried to go to social events, like Magic and Pokémon TCG tournaments, but the only people there are megaspergs who I can't be next to without wishing that they get shot, or they're unfriendly zoomers. The few nice people are too distant. Nothing gives me joy any more. If I was a DELTARUNE character everything would be so much easier. I love the colours of Hometown, I love the people there. I don't want to come across like one of the autists soying out about how great it would be to live in the Avatar universe, but does anybody feel the way I do? I hate how close my cucked lib parents are to me. I wish they didn't care so that I could have an actual excuse to be upset. I wish I lived in Canada or even a shithole like America or the UK. I hate being stuck in the shitty weather with my ugly stupid fucking parents and their stupid fucking gen x faggotry. I almost want to cut myself just to have something to cry over but I'm scared. I wish I had some friends but because I live in such a fucking shithole the only people around are complete fucking retards with fucking ugly haircuts and subhuman levels of intelligence. I hate this. I wish I had different parents. I'll never be able to buy a house, or live on my own. If only I had just a few close friends that weren't complete fucking autismo cunts. But that's too much to fucking ask for in a fucking era of "neurodivergency" and "self expression". I want a fucking friend. I want a room that isn't in a complete fucking shack owned bu some fucking faggy pacifist christian group. I hate everything about my life. I wish someone would rape me to death so that I could at least go out without it being my fault. I wish people would mourn me. I'm so bored. I'm so alone. I hate my stupid fucking parents so fucking much. I wish they had abused me as a kid so that I actually had something to cry over. I'm stuck. I had one friend. I liked her so much. It was entirely platonic, but that didn't make it any less of a break from the stupid faggotry that this shitty fucking world keeps flinging at people. I hate feeling sorry for myself because I have things that people would die for but I'm such a pathetic little faggot. I want to troon out because I'm so sick of being a man, and being a girl seemsPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Ubuu dating app when?


Well, thanks, but, respectfully, sodomize yourself with a crowbar.


I am going to bed. And I will dream I am in another world and live out my best life. There's no way I can find joy in this fake existence but I will have fun in my dreams.




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OP here. I feel this way too. There's nothing like good sleep. I hate having dreams of sex. It takes me away. I want to sleep for all eternity. I wish I was a whale.

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At what point in your /hikki/dom are you afflicted with so much longing for physical human connection you're genuinely searching boorus for rating:safe hand_holding?
Because guess what I've been doing tonight.

Is there any hope, anons… Is there…


no unless you turn into fish do it become fish

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 No.7914[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

must have and ideal tech setup for neets and hiki.
to start things off, id have to say
-desktop PC
-backup HDD or SSD
-2nd monitor for laptop
-CRT for retro games and films
-2nd computer or 2nd laptop for use as media server
-comfortable chair or recliner
-steam deck
-decent speakers
-mechanical keyboard thatll last
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damn. what a shame. i miss legacy switch version too. i don't mind bedrock but the tiny worlds and little quirks were so charming. thanks for the mod, i find java combat untenable, does it fix that?


If I knew what Bedrock would become, I would keep up the Legacy version without any doubt. And no, the 1.9 combat will stay on during sex until it (probably) get ported to older versions.


I am genuine;y really miffed about the marketplace. It could have been such a good way for creators to make money off of modding but instead we get Epic Hacker Tools add-on 9000 420 or whatever.


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I know there's some quality addons and genuinely good creators, but the marketplace sometimes gives me the idea that Bedrock edition (at least that sense, the core game is still good) is just a knock off of that roblox garbage.


yeah… it's a shame. it does have some pretty good stuff, like wireless multiplayer and imo nicer ui but it's so overshadowed by all the slop being forced down your throat that it hardly feels justified.

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 No.254[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

How old are you?

ADMIN NOTE: This discussion is OK again since the change to Rule #1.
ADMIN NOTE: Fuck sake don't post that you're under 18 in here, rules are different than the Discord.
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im 9 but dnt. wary im realy coll im not liek otehr 9 years Olds. My local priest say's im relly Smart and Mature and he buy's me candy im relly col guys :sunglasses: :boom: :dinosaur: lol xd xd(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)


Forgot how many times I posted in here. Maybe twice before. I'm 31 now. Changed my hikki ways years ago but was surprised to learn that was the easiest part of it all. I will keep trying my best but I will still say the time to create a foundation is in your teens, not 20s. People like me will likely have big problems for the rest of their lives, just how it is.


Can one of yous play with me wily I want girl but it dosnt matter


sure, why not.


I'm in austria

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Has anyone here ever been obsessed with someone for no reason at all? Not in a crush-esque kinda way, just platonic, if that.

For example, I saw someone a while back on a Discord server and they're probably the only person who shares the same interests on the server as I do. I can't get them out of my head and am constantly thinking about doing stuff together. I've got a circle of friends already, but I just feel some sort of a special connection (?) to them. Am I becoming a creep or something?
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My friend request was denied twice already. it's already difficult to even get any response from her on the server whatsoever


As painful as it is, you should probably drop it if she's denied the friend request twice now. I get it though, sometimes I get really obsessed with certain people and want nothing more from them than their love or friendship. However, you should know that the idea of there being "plenty of fish in the sea" really is true, especially if you just follow your interests and talk with more people. You can find someone that inspires that wonderful feeling again in the future, just with someone different.


That's gonna be hard… I still wanna hope for the better though, at least for now


That really sucks, I'd keep trying with a little distance inbetween you know her better than I do. But also what >>8820 said is true too. Some folks take a long time to open up and I've had girls message me out of the blue months later, but it's also healthy to look around for someone else who will reciprocate instead of obsessing.


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Good news, I guess. I decided to take the risk and ask her in DMs about what's up with her ignoring my requests. Turns out she's just scared of being hurt by people online and thought I'd just be another unpleasant interaction.

Two days and a few dozen of her apologies later, I guess she's more than comfortable with me now. Already spamming random stuff that she wants to show me and all…

Yet I can't help but feel kinda stupid for reaching out, I dunno why

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post itt if you are sickly as well as NEET

i got CFS/ME/SEID/whatever docs wanna call it, but basically im too tired to leave the house or even bed most of the time, and its not depression or anything mental

also get mad headaches, nausea, and dizziness from just standing up

also relevant is itt NO BULLYING ALLOWED!!
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Your Cat is nice, otherwise wrong board jackass. You're not a hikki, you're not even a NEET. And I don't want to see your face either.


I was for 7 years and this is my thread fuck off


I ran out of my vitamin D supplements not long ago and I'm beginning to face the effects without it. Being a hikki especially one who's been inside for 6 months now I know it won't go well without it - going to reup soon.


so much to update in the last year jesus christ

long story short im very much NEET again, i pick up my first dole/unemployment payment in ireland tomorrow

meanwhile cafe went to shit and i lost everything, but its pushed me to accept im going to have to back to school which ill most likely be doing from this september

i moved back to america for a month but nope'd the fuck out, im 32 in a month and without a degree the job prospects were shit but its really the same in most first world countries so may as well be somewhere im happy and has a better welfare state

in ireland im going to be able to get paid to go to school, potentially get a medical card for free healthcare, all that jazz which is great


you look like stampylonghead if he just went cold turkey on a heroin addiction <3

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Some questions I'd be interested in you guys answering, for curiosities sake!

1. What "caused" your hikikomori? Do you currently have, or have a history of mental illness? Have you experienced significant trauma? Or, is it simply a mixture of environmental factors and introversion, or maybe all of the above in some way?

2. How long have you been a hikikomori? Do you enjoy this lifestyle? Are you content with it? Do you want to change? Do you envision that change being possible for yourself anytime in the near future?
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Thinking about it again, I may have been autopiloting for way longer than just 7 years. I mostly only performed okay at school because of pressure but I all my dream careers were extremely far fetched or poorly paid.


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I'm not a hikki anymore since I started college (again) but even then I'm a loner on campus.

I was always a bit reclusive and very shy and this society isn't especially welcoming for people like that. So you get stuck in that corner and that's your whole life. The social skills and speaking got worse as I became more and more of a loner.

Society is basically dead now anyway. Every interaction is so impersonal that unless you already have friends or go out of your way to insert yourself into people's lives, you will just end up alone and nobody will notice. Its very easy to end up a hikki.

In old movies, you'll see people talk on street corners or interact with waiters and stuff. Do people do that anymore? No. We use electronic service machines, social media, and order stuff online. So how do people not turn into hikkis? If you're reclusive, mentally ill, shy, or odd you will end up hikki adjacent because your connection to the social world is already weak.


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1. I'm autistic and have a brain injury, both diagnosed. The demon psych professionals put me on every pill they could as a child, if it was given to children in the 2000s I was on it. They also put me in solitary confinement and severely traumatized me. My self-isolating behaviors are all rooted in responses to my childhood environment being overwhelming and then recoiling from the education/prison systems attempts at forcefully reintegrating me instead of just letting me hang out in a park and read books or something. Children aren't meant to be locked in sterile rooms where they sit still and listen for 8 hours, not just autists like us.
I digress, I feel safe and can think when I'm alone. I mask in most social situations and it builds stress all through my body when I have to do it. There are a few 10+ years online friends I have where I don't have to mask and I really enjoy their company. I have PTSD, depression, anxiety, ahedonia, insomnia, and misophonia. Everything but the misophonia and the ahedonia are "officially" diagnosed but I know myself well enough to apply the other two at this point.
2. I've been hikki or hikki adjacent since I was a child. These past few years I've really tried my absolute best to get out of it recently. Somethings are better others are the same, I think my sleep is worse than its ever been. I went out with my cousins for new years which was really nice yesterday.


Nice datamining thread. I'm not a hikki anymore, but there were definitely 6 month plus stretches of time where I did not go outside during my on again/off again NEETing days from 2015-2023. Hikkis tend to be pissy when it you let it be known you don't number among them anymore. It's the same kind of reaction you'd get from admitting you don't walk the the path of the wizard anymore. Perhaps it's an unpleasant reminder that their own days are numbered.

I had a bad (to me) childhood that I suspect caused CPTSD (self-diagnosed). I've been formally diagnosed with Avoidant Personality Disorder and Major Depressive Disorder. Basically I grew up poor and had a mental breakdown over performing academically and never recovered.

Hikki lifestyle ain't bad when it's someone else paying for it. The early years are sweet notwithstanding the spell of anhedonia I had. I think having been a hikki for a few years is enough that you will carry that experience with you the rest of your life. I don't think working a dead-end job to survive is that different in the grand scheme of things in terms of who you are as a person.


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1. I have a schizo-spectrum disorder, one symptom is that being around people causes me to lose grip of the world and drains all my mental energy, another is anhedonia, so no motivation. I was also raised with the intention of making me helpless.

2. Several years, briefly interrupted by some attempts that didn't work out. I would be ok with hikikomoriism if I could live alone, but living with my family removes too much agency and privacy.
A cure might require magical intervention or an apocalypse scenario, nevertheless I have hope that these things are possible. I also might be able to make myself money online somehow (I am beginning to write a blog, which can't make money on it's own but maybe it could lead into something). I would like for one of these three things to happen soon, before I end up on the bad route.


Anyone here do it? I used to cut myself open, just for the sake of it really, but I regret it a lot because the scars never faded and I'm covered in ugly lines that anyone would be able to tell are from self harming.

You may also post QTs cutting themselves up.
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I was here long before I was 18 and I always got the impression that other people were too. Also your "we are not the same" shit is stupid. They weren't claiming to be le tortured soul, self harm just means harming yourself.


1. literally the first rule on the rules page is that you have to be an adult
2. this is a forum for NEETs/hikikomori. Not only has the user we are discussing admitted to not being that >>7863 but last I checked in most countries it's illegal to be a NEET when under eighteen.
This is a place for NEETs and hikikomori. It should be common sense that anyone who does not fit this criteria should leave.
Even if you think rules are retarded, people who aren't NEETs should be allowed in a community specifically dedicated to NEETs etc. do you think a minor SHOULD be here? I sure as hell don't want anyone to grow up to be like me. I get the feeling that this minor romanticises this sort of lifestyle and joining in with communities dedicated to it will likely do more harm than good.
Also I'm not even just talking about their one post here, I'm talking about their participation in this community as a whole.


I honestly don't agree with most of what your saying, legality doesn't really have bearing on whether a person can be a hikki or not, my school just lied about attendance to keep their stats up when I was that age. But this user obviously isn't a neet or hikki and should hang out on any other board on this site instead of this one.


I forgot to mention that the scars lasted for 3 or 4 years.


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Replying to myself just to randomly vent / blog I guess, there's a weird comfort in just saying my thoughts on this board every once in a while. It feels like a lot has changed while nothing has changed in two years. I still go to gym, and I work at that job still and got a small promotion, so I've been able to save up money and visited another country for the first time ever.

I wasn't self harming since this post, until a friend commit suicide in 2023, so I started again. Part of me thought I grew out of it, but I feel like at this point my way of dealing with my emotions has been so unhealthy for so long that I'll never stop doing it, I feel like my emotions are much stronger and linger longer than normal peoples' do, but maybe they don't, and I'm just making excuses. It doesn't help that I think a part of me really likes my scars, like they're a significant part of my history like tattoos or something.

I also recently got very close with a girl, but my insecurities started showing, and I think this made her lose interest in me, so I started cutting again while at work today. I couldn't find anything sharp, so I snapped my plastic ID badge in half and used that, if there's a will there's a way I guess. I need to go to therapy or go on antidepressants or something, but I'm so emotionally closed off from most people that it feels scary to ever be open.

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