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/hikki/ - NEET / Advice


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If I'm successful financially, I think I might create a NEET house, as a safe space where NEETs can move out of their parents house, become a virtuoso of what they're passionate about, and/or be counseled on how to actually succeed at life. Eventually though, they will have to either use what they've learned to get a job and move out, or contribute to the household (I suspect it'd mostly be the later, since it's the safer option).

What do you think? Can someone learn to not be a leech on society in an environment like this, or would this inevitably reinforce their dependence on others? Would you be comfortable moving to such a place full of NEET strangers, even if shit hit the fan?
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>isolated shithole town
Sounds comfy. I live in a big city and I'm miserable. I wish I could move to some bumfuck hick town and live in some cabin in the woods away from society


living alone in privacy somewhere in the woods sounds cozy but the thought of needing a ride every time to go to town for groceries or necessities kills the neet. Comfy without having to run into people but also within walkable distance to stores is a good balance to me personally


I'd take advantage of your generosity anon, 99% of us would because we wouldn't be able to help it. You can't just stick a bunch of dysfunctional people in halfway home and expect meaningful things to come of it. If I'm a depressed, reclusive chud and my roomies are depressed, reclusive chuds, it's going to turn into a game where we inevitably avoid one another as often as possible because none of us want to roll the dice with burdensome social interactions.


This would be great
I've dreamt of this for a while
But I keep end up failing in life and dropping out of things
But I'll try and remember to come back here later at some point


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I used to think this was a good idea, and it is in a systemic sense. But as an individual I would advise you to focus on building general community and yourself up more. The sort of care that NEETs and Hikkis need takes a diligent village of mature people at minimum, and likely prolonged support from broader society. We are unfortunately a symptom of grand cultural problems that I don't want to bring up in this thread.
The solution is an equally grand systemic effort grounded in empathy to help us. I am a NEET who thanks to luck has gained some financial means over the past years, but nevertheless still lives at home. I have at various points given money to other NEETs. Even so, material support has yielded little results other than temporary happiness for recipients, which, while welcome, is not a solution.
I think a NEET house could work in principle if it was run and maintained by NEETs seeking a better life. The issue is that it requires non-NEETs to set up initially and be maintained for some indeterminate amount of time. Considering the highly volatile mental health conditions of many NEETs this is a job that simply requires more than 1 person, perhaps a particularly remarkable person could pull it off alone, and if that's you by all means, but it's not me, and it's not a lot of people.
If you're going to do it I wish you luck, but you are more likely to be successful if you get at least another person or two for support to establish a NEEThouse with. I do not wish for you to undergo the same emotional abuse at the hands of other NEETs that I have while trying to reach out and help. I provided more than money, I also provided a shoulder to cry on and a safe space. This backfired horribly as I'm not emotionally equipped to handle the abusive behaviors of other NEETs even though I empathize with their struggle deeply. This is something that would ideally involve some kind of trained mental health crises team, therapists, etc. Not to imply the mental health system always has the right answers, it doesn't, but in some cases some approaches can be helpful.

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How would you recommend I start promoting myself so I can make money off selling custom art for people?
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Oh, I happen to be an expert on this. It's honestly really fucking easy.

You draw some art, it doesn't even have to be good, make sure to put a recognizable signature to it so people can google you, have a blog or something where the rest of your gallery is, link it to your paypal account or bitcoin wallet or something for people to send donations to.

Again, your art doesn't even have to be masterpieces, but what's important is a certain meme-value that compels someone to save it to their hard drive and later repost it somewhere else. Initially, you will be the one posting your own art in various different high-traffic places until it catches on and becomes viral and your fans are doing your work for you.

Use reverse image search to see who's reposting your shit and where.


Wow, embracing mediocrity. I can't blame you for doing it, but I can't respect you either. If you can, don't live off of commissions op.


Way to insult me dude. It's not mediocrity, read my post again, you can do what you love and not be a prostitute like Shadman who draws porn of spinners and emojis and Donald Trump and whatever, but whatever you draw actually has to be interesting to others to get popular, not just to yourself. One way or another you have to get people to repost it and talk about it.

Nobody owes you anything for spending a lot of time working hard on a piece, it's the value they receive that matters.


Capitalist pigs not welcome here


my oinks are worth more than your wah wahs, new age comm

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Who here has achieved monk-tier hikkidom?
>i have made myself to be a walking wikipedia
>started working out and actually developed muscle
>my level of doucheness has risen to considerable levels
>Turns out looking down on people cures some of the anxiety
I still dont leave my house though, mainly because i dont have reasons to do so, i lost all my "friends" a long time ago and calling them to hang out now would be awkward (i dont even have money to go drinking) and i still get anxious as fuck when im outside (i was diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder)
And getting a job still looks impossible


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i forgot to add
>i have elevated my level of english to near native status (expressing myself is still difficult because i dont speak too much with people)
>on my way to learn japanese (those untranslated eroges wont stay out of my reach)


Monk tier hikki-dom is becoming a literal hermit. Come back when you farm your own food, produce your own clothing and transcend mortal desires.


>started working out and actually developed muscle
stopped reading right there


>he got past "monk-tier hikkidom"


try getting on voice chats , be that a videogame voice chat or just some discord VC.

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Oh…good, I still have my trip on hand.

Anyways, I feel like now would be a good time to post what's been going on with me, and ask something of this board. I'm aware I could potentially identify myself by revealing what I've been up to, but oh well. If you find me, you find me. But more to the point: I've become officially, completely disabled and a NEET after several years of successful reintegration into society and getting an Associate of Arts. Some of you might remember me and my medical mysteries. I'm all too chuffed to tell you that they've gotten way worse, to the point where I may now get referred to a geneticist on suspicions of genetic cellular disease. In essence, we fear whatever's going on with me may be something we can't catch with the average level of testing. If it is the disease we're thinking of, it means it's a progressive condition that you can only throw experimental treatments at to slow the progression of, and it's something I would potentially very likely pass on to my kids. My prognosis would be completely unknown and dependent on a lick and a prayer. Not the stuff you successfully hold down a career with.

On the upside, though, I have a good team of people helping me out on it, and I've got a girl I've been seeing that I really enjoy. She's also a disabled NEET, and I think we really see eye to eye on a lot of life priorities. It's really strange. I've had a renewed interest in living and moving forward ever since I fell for her.

However, the point remains that I am back where I was when I started posting here: mostly shut-in, tired, sick, and (allegedly) doing nothing to contribute to society. So I ask this of you all: How many of you have had on-and-off NEETdom? What do you do when you realize you're going to have to become NEET again, whether by life circumstances or your own sanity or whatever? And…well, I'm probably asking this to the wrong people, but how do you keep it together? I don't know how to enjoy my time as a NEET like I once did. It just all feels strange now. Is there any ways to make it easier to accept it?

Apologies if there's already a thread like this that I didn't see, I'm super groggy from my migraine medication.

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I was born poor and retarded, from earliest formed memories of social interactions, I've been shunned by everyone around me. My parents abandoned me, I'm unemployable, every doctor I spill my guts to just pretends I'm neurotypical and tries to get rid of me.
No matter where I go or what I do, humanity has already decided I'm a pariah.
I'm so exhausted, what did I do to deserve this?
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The question might be, "what did you not do".
Yet you may start finding yourself better when sending the opinions of others to the trash, stop clining on them the way you do


please go and stay go


You are defending the pettiest teenage attempt to pose as an edgelord this website has seen in a long time, please remove yourself from adult websites.



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This is only a brief guide about what I gathered. To deeper knowledge of why I am saying this all, you'll to research on your own. This practices are designed to outcast most defficiencies known by mankind away, exceptuating only those given by genome. Whatever it be, only experience would give you a true appreciation about it:
>leave all diaries, inmediately
>leave grains: no wheat, corn or rice at all
>eat your foods within a reduced schedule, rather than through all the day long
>avoid starchy foods and red meats
>if not vegetarian, eat meats briefly: like once a week or two weeks
>the softest meats are white fish
>do you like nuts? disregard walnuts at least
>learn your ayurveda body type (dosha) and how to regulate it

If you want quick results, these are the shock therapies:
>fasting regularly (the body must slowly develop its ability to detox or adversities a.k.a "detox crisis" are to be faced. The same on mucusless diet.)
>colon enema
>HIIT exercise
>do not use domestic cooling/heating unless your body strictly requires so, due to some sickness or whatever else
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>leave all diaries, inmediately
You mean dairy? If you're lactose intolerant sure, but some people have an adapted gene to eat that stuff that developed over thousands of years.
>leave grains: no wheat, corn or rice at all
Pseudoscience, most cultures have developed alongside the domestication of these plants and our bodies are genetically disposed to them for the past 10,000 years.
>eat your foods within a reduced schedule, rather than through all the day long
Snacking all day can be bad but it depends what you eat and is tied into circadian rythem more than anything. There's no "right" or "wrong" eating schedule. If a person sleeps well there's nothing to worry about and it's very individual.
>avoid starchy foods and red meats
Why? Like all the other food recommendations, why? Both starchy foods and red meat we've eaten for thousands upon thousands of years. Ever hear of tuber foraging or hunting and gathering?
>if not vegetarian, eat meats briefly: like once a week or two weeks.
Meat is only bad if a person eats meat for every meal and their diet is unbalanced. Meat everyday is fine. It's like anything else if you don't eat anything but one thing.
>the softest meats are white fish
And Slavs eat bone soup.
>do you like nuts? disregard walnuts at least
Do you like plants that have been foraged for millennia upon millennia? Disregard some arbitrary ones because I say so.
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>Been a hikikomori for 11 years
>Been trying to recover for about 2 years now
>I feel like i want to die

I fucking hate my life can anyone relate??.
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Have you tried just accepting life as a hikikomori? it ust suck to be a hikki who wants to be a normalfag.
Hey neety better try now or it will get worse unless you actualy enjoy having nothing and being a loser.


Are you still here, OP? Did you get a job?


Same, was a NEET for 12 years
I gave up on life, nobody came to help me.
Fuck them, you know.


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Does anybody else feel like they are losing an important part of themselves whenever a family member sees you outside of your room? Its a grotesque feeling and I have to physically stop in my own tracks and actually take in that I was seen.

I desperately wish to move far away from it all uboanons. I'd like to make friends but I'm beginning to truly believe I exude a negative wave that people are perceptive to even if I don't say anything at all and I am defeating myself before I even had a chance.


You pretty much answered yourself.

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I'm in Asialand, and I still act as a hikkimori.

It's different, on tinder/bumble I'm popular and I have girls stay over, but I don't really feel like going out besides cycling or running.

Parties are exhausting, but it's nice, I have a group of friends here that try. Mostly from dating apps.

I always feel like I lacked the ability to make male friends easily, I did all the time back "home" which is USA, vs females.

So I don't know. I wouldn't say I'm a NEET, but the past few months I resigned work contracts, starting again in Jan. Typical IT/SDE.

So, have a picture. I'll post my travels and my thoughts time to time.



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If your NEET lifestyle causes you to be active mostly indoors and/or at night, take vitamin D supplements if possible. Vitamin-deficiency-induced brain fog is no joke.
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Yeah, same. Made no difference.


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Whenever I take it I just get a headache or end up feeling MORE tired…


Not OP, but it made no difference for me too because I was taking vitamin D pills that did almost nothing. The doctor prescribed me little bottles that had high vit D and I had to take it once a week and I felt a bit better. Idk if you already tried it, but if pills don't help, you should try with something more strong (like 10k IU) but you should be aware that if you don't do any tests, you could take too much and have vit D toxicity.


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There are some other very common deficiencies that a lot of people have, moreso if you don't eat very well. A deficiency in any of these will contribute to brain fog and depression.

* Magnesium - Take Chelated Magnesium, it doesn't give you the shits like Magnesium Citrate and it absorbs better.
* Vitamin B - Take a Vitamin B Complex pill.
* Choline - You can get this from a Choline pill or from a Lecithin pill.
* Vitamin D - Already discussed.
* Fish Oil - This is another important one. High EPA/DHA oil is best but regular Fish Oil pills help and are cheaper. Keep them refrigerated.


works on my machine although the change from off to on isn't a total cure turnaround

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tell me how your neet day was
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went outside for a relatively long walk. i don't necessarily feel any different, but the cold wind and rain was an experience.


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Thank you.
I remembered the forest road with the vending machine the most, everything else felt pretty fresh to me after all this time. The thing that stood out to me was all the Mesoamerican influences in the art style, which completely went over my head the first time I played it.

I've only baked pies and buns before, but perhaps I'll bake cookies with your recipe some day. May good things come your way so you can relish in those moments with your delicious cookies.

I also went for a walk because the sun was shining brilliantly here today with a clear blue sky. It was around near freezing temperature, but the sun made it feel warmer and put a smile on my face.


walking out in the rain is the best


i should go out on a sunny day sometime, it would probably do my health some good. i'm glad your walk made you smile.

yeah, it's my preference to go out when it's raining. the sounds are relaxing, i like the damp air, and it tends to be quieter too.


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