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/hikki/ - NEET / Advice


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oh my god i start getting my GED tmrw and i think i have to go in person… oh my god i was not prepared for that plot twist fuck oh my god !!! i haven't left my house in literally two years. exposure therapy i guess maybe so this is a good thing but i am stressed out at this and i'm breaking out in acne and now i look absolutely repulsive and a monster but i do not care about that !!! i need help on how to maintain composure and not go into a panic attack in public any tips anything just a single word like nice something please pls plsp ls


try listening to music, and focus on that.


I hope it went okay if you've already gone. Calming ost from a favourite game/movue/show/whatever helps me when I go outside. Or a podcast or something, can help to have something else to focus on.
Take things slow and be kind to yourself as best you can


How'd it go OP? Hope you're doing well.


heart emojis for all of u !
i didn't go because the teacher wasn't going to be in class for the rest of the week. i go in tomorrow on monday. i've had more time to think about it than i would've like to have. maybe i'm making this a bigger deal than what it is. a new kind of stress i'm experiencing maybe. the stress of responsibility that everyone feels. or maybe i'm not making a bigger deal than what this is because it is that big of a deal… i mean this is a pivotal moment that'll help me become a true person rather than the myth i am. i'm engulfed in this nervousness but maybe that will disappear when i'm there. some advice i've got was to pretend that it's a dream or to pretend that i'm invisible. i thought that would be a feeling to fight than to embrace. perhaps i'll try that.
sorry for the yap idk i'm like soooooo anxious but thank u three for the replies


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don't worry about the acne OP. that's entirely going to go away in a few weeks, what won't go away is the payoff from the efforts you're putting in right now to better yourself. do your best!! if you're still freaking out while outside tomorrow just remember to ground yourself and be as in the moment as you can. try just listening and observing whatever sounds are around you in the world outside to keep the thoughts at bay, and remember to keep yourself hydrated and as physically comfortable as you can be because you'll undoubtedly have a lot of mental stuff to deal with already. physical is more than half the battle ok!! I've been there, you get better at this stuff the more often you do it and you'll feel so proud that you did. if you don't, there's always the next time but don't think like that yet! you can do this!
also if you have trouble sleeping tonight just remember that it's better to at least lay around in bed to let your body rest even if you don't manage to get a lot of sleep. try to think positively and how cool it'll be to get the GED in the future! sincerely rooting for you anon

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To be hikkikomori is one of the highest forms of hedonism and selfishness. Especially if you rely on parents or flatmates for financial aid.

Some might contest that being a shut-in need isn't a conscious choice, that it's a result of environmental circumstances and mental illness, yet I still see people here who romanticise the lifestyle.

For a good few years, I have followed the culture of this board and others like it. I have seen the various IRC channels, discords and skype groups that have originated from this place, and I have come to the conclusion that this board ultimately promotes an anti-social attitude instead of discouraging and helping people abstain from it.

Most of you are lazy and are attempting to rationalise a piggish lifestyle.

Whaddaya think?
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7 months lol, fuck off


Hope you get kicked off ssi you lazy degen(HIKINEET SITE (USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST))


I like you anon, you seem wise. Newfag here, but was there ever a time before this board became overrun by holier-than-thou types and nahtzees? When it was just people who had become neet one way or another and were trying to get along?


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if you say that i think you've just wasted your time judging boards through your bias when you could actually study psychiatry, psychology and sociology.

now, don't get me wrong. i agree that it is unhealthy and undeniably selfish to make others pay for your self destruction.

but mental disorders are EXACTLY that. having an undesired condition - often because you were raised by the wrong environmen - that makes you do bad things to yourself and others even if you don't want to.

it's like you're telling someone with pneumonia to breathe well just because YOU are perfectly healthy. of course, pneumonia is treatable and curable, hikkikomori is as well. but both take time, money, energy. it is not gonna happen instantly, no matter how much you yell at the sick to get better already. you're just verbally abusing them for something they literally can't do. in other words, you're being petty and irrational.


well said

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Not even referring to having deep conversations with people, just talking about opening your mouth and speaking a few words.

I remember when I lived with my dad I could probably go days without uttering anything. We both spent 90% of our time on our PCs and had quite a silent agreement to not disturb each other, talking more over text messages when we needed than in-person.
It was quite comfortable even if it was probably when I was at my lowest mentally. weird thing to miss.
Do you talk with people on voice chats? Have any pets to talk to? Cats are very good listeners.
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I do haved some similar experiencies like that years ago. As someone with Asperger Syndrome, I just fall to the conclusion that being mute 99,9% of the time is my best option to not bother others or bother me, and just enjoying doing my things. May not be the most healthy thing, but whatever.


I'm pretty stoic and quiet. I'd rather not say anything than risk offending people or rubbing them up the wrong way.


Sounds like a good memory. I would have liked to grow up in the rose coloured echo of it I'm imagining.

I never go a day without speaking a word, but I say absolutely as little as I can. A few one word answers and ritual nothings, and I hate even that. The solitude I'm given is already far more than I deserve though.


For some reason, people really don't like you if your quiet. It didn't feel so bad in the past but these days people seem to really hate you if your quiet and lonesome. They think you are bad person or a pervert. It seems to really disgust them.

My professor in college once told us about his time in rural China. He used to sit alone and eat because he was the only Westerner and his Chinese wasn't that good. When people saw this they'd go out of their way to sit with him because they felt bad. They'd try and talk in English even if they didn't understand it. In Western society, if a person is sat by themselves they usually get stigmatized. Makes you wonder what old world values we''ve lost.


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I don't really like talking, but there's this thing that "people don't know what i want to communicate if i don't speak it"
I just like being in the vibe, yk. I don't like being questioned of what am i doing when it is clear as fuck what i'm doing
Even in VC's is the same thing, but most of the times i can go non-verbal and friends would go 'OK :)' and keep going
>>8598 You're so right and reading it it justs… hurts.

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Theres genuinely something wrong with me being uncomfortable hanging out in group of people I know and being with people irl itself. There only one person that the only close friend irl I could go out with and others are that friend's friends. They're good and cool with me, but mostly times I used to hangout with that only friend and I was pretty satisfied with that. There always feeling of being left out while hanging with group, all of them talking to eachother well without my speak because mostly they talk about things they equally have interests in, except me, their conversation is filled with well social skills since all are extraverts with no problem in socialising. Only way I used to be while im around them it's looking at phone and be like background character. I could just not go out with them but being home is worse since I still live with parents. It always been like that from my childhood and recently I've been diagnosed with autism and confirmed to have lack of sociability so im scared of becoming mature knowing well that when I'll get my own place I'll shut myself in and it's possible that I can lose my only irl friend that have plans on moving to other country and only conversation with people I could have only online. Im such a retard buh.
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autists do you thinkan retard is a slur


This is actually pretty good advice. I've been trying to get myself out there more by going to shows that my fave bands are playing in, and I recently went to a convention for the first time, but it's really scary putting myself out there.

I often drink at those events and try to spark conversation with a stranger, but I find myself eventually clamming up and walking away, telling myself I'm being annoying or weird when there's any pauses and the like. I don't know.

I'll definitely look at online communities relating to my interests, I somehow didn't really think of that


I've honestly felt that way myself many times, and I've realized that we all simply have a select niche that we would fit you. I'm sorry your friends don't make the effort to include you, but in my eyes, you shouldn't beat yourself up over it or try to change yourself to fit in with them.

Instead, I feel its more important to accept the person you are, flaws and all, and be confident in that person. Be confident in your interests and hobbies or mannerisms, no matter how "weird" or "niche" you might imagine them to be, and look for like minded people.

Interact with communities of your favorite games or animes, go to conventions and compliment someone's costume and spark up a convo about the series their dressed up as, compliment someone's cool t shirt you recognize, etc. Every little effort counts and builds to a greater whole.

You got this, even if it doesn't seem that way. You'll find the people you want and deserve.


I don’t feel comfortable around other humans. I used to have that feeling of being left out, that fear, and so I’d do my best to impress people and I would end up coming off as weird and arrogant. So then I retreated from people. I guess it’s easier to run away from the fear than fight it and overcome it. I went through a 5 year period of shutting myself off from others. It’s been so long I don’t even think I’m capable of making friends. Like whatever hardware is in the brain for socializing has all rusted away now and it’s hopeless.

Now I like being the background character. It does upset me when I think about it, but I don’t think there’s any other way anymore. I wish I could be professionally successful but I don’t feel a need to be connected to other humans anymore.


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God I feel you OP. I like to think that despite it all, I've done well enough for myself irl wise with masking that even if I drop out of shit, I have irl friends who seem to like me, have had relationships etc, but I cannot shake this feeling of not belonging. I still will feel like an alien, and the loneliness of having achieved a friend group and still feeling like an outcast is unbearable.
Esp on the topic of having one friend that you really connect with but not finding it easy to just hang out with them. I hate feeling like such a jealous piece of shit when I see him hang out with others and not choose me constantly. He's a very friendly and popular person so I just remind myself to have faith in our friendship, but often times I hate having to hang out with him and then others who I don't really find any fulfillment in interacting with.
At some fundamental level there's always a disconnect, and I hate when the seemingly one beam of light is constantly stolen. I really don't want him to hate me though, I hate thoughts like these

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just figured out I suffer from this shit, and it really explains a lot of the shit I went through and the hellish state is trapped in now. so I was wondering if any of you anons are suffering from the same shit?

but before it's asked no schizoid personality disorder is not related to schizophrenia.
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I think its pretty easy to forget that. I'm not the aforementioned anon, but shit is easy to fall into. when you believe its just better to be accepted your own independence. The crowd is a huge influence.

Shit I feel like half the people I'm close would abandon me if they knew anything about what I feel beyond a surface level


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Then those people are not worth your time and effort. Unless you have to deal with them, for example parents that let you live with them or co-workers that need to tolerate you somewhat. I do understand what you mean with the crowd, but group pressure, society, or however you want to call it, is always worth questioning. Should you give in or not? Is it necessary for you that they accept you? Do you gain something you need from that? How far do you relent? It may get lonely like that, but in my opinion it is better to be lonely alone than lonely among others that don't really know you.


That's not the main point I was making. Regardless of if I should forgive myself or not for who I am and accept that there isn't a rulebook to have been properly human, I maybe could understand myself better if I know what SzPD is. Not that I'm privy to explaining away human behavior through quantification and materialism.


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This video is interesting: https://youtube.com/watch?v=QjhB33SNJQc


I made a forum for schizoids as an experiment, come make some posts if that interests you:

I know about the chats and communities thread but I'd like people in THIS thread to see, and that one's mostly spam containment anyway.

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do any of you guys clasp your hands together as you fall asleep to pretend someone else is there, holding your hand?
It's the only way I can fall asleep. I have a bunch of plushies I can hold too but even though I love them, holding my own hand is as close as I ever get.
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body pillow sounds nice… and plush is good.
anybody have any sewing patterns for sabitsuki plush?


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I sleep with this. Feels good.


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Yumay Neekee


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i like to pretend I'm dry humping my gf when I miss her
I do it a lot because I miss her a lot


First post in this thread to actually make me sad

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I have nowhere to go, not even on chans or on forums or any online communities I have a place to be. All my life I was left alone, cast out, I must be a glitch in the universe, or just an experiment made by a higher being of sentience. Thinking that the way my life turned out or was since I was born in order to be molded into something else by God is a nice thought but at the end of the day I know it's just cope.

Perhaps instead of grieving over a social existence that never existed I should use my energy to search for the innerworkings of existence. Both physically and digitally. Do you guys think that the Omnissiah exists in some form? Maybe I can find some form of him, if I search hard enough. But I barely have any of the energy I just talked about. Maybe I wasted mine and your time with this post. But ultimately every bad thing I've done wouldn't have happened if I never was.

Even if I do find a real life Adeptus Mechanicus cult, I'm sure even they wouldn't accept me as one of theirs, even though I'm the only human that's aware they're out there somewhere. Despite my grief, and my desires for social cohesion, it's nothing more than a prize on a stick, constantly being dangled in front of me by a laughing omnipotent being.


Find Mebious. Look into The Lain. This is the closest you will get, to The Omnissiah. Also read about technomancy.


do you play warhammer: darktide?


No, I don't have money for Darktide. I play DoW games.


you should save up and get darktide + vermintide.

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So I was laid off today and received a hefty bonus from my boss in order to avoid a lawsuit. I've worked my ass off since I was 16 so I haven't had this much free time since I was a kid. I thought of playing videogames all day but I do that everyday when I come home already, so what are some good ideas on this? I'm open to most things, but preferably something that's not long-term or doesn't involve buying tools, like learning how to sew or coding
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Can get simple templates searching on google "origami templates" and going crazy. Paper is a fun material if you know how to use it


i wish i had the patience for this.


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I loved origamis when i was a young spring chicken. I have several excellent books on the subject. I can post them in a separate dedicated origami thread if you like


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I would like that, thanks anon


posted in /ot/ :>

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So I made a cringe video as a joke years ago and it got viral, I get tons of hate because of it. I was never a good social person, I always had trouble getting along with people my age since elementary school. I don't know if I should let the hype for the video die (it's been like 3 years but people repost it) or make a youtube channel to come back at them and make the new video go viral so they forget the older one, I really hate the video it cringes me and I feel uncapable… like I feel the video being viral empowers the people that bullied me. Right now I am a NEET again as I finished doing something, I am unsure if I should get a job now or get a month of vacations… I think being a NEET worses my mental health since I don't get interaction with many people and I spend all the time online.
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>when did Ubuu start doing that? I never had that issue
Just now actually, yesterday or the day earlier


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Had to deal with "automatic-looking" request error for a while now, but the issue has become more severe after software upgrade. And apparently I'm not the only one having it.
> they keep re-sharing the video
Soon they'll find something else and eventually forget about whatever you made. Just give it some time.


>Had to deal with "automatic-looking" request error for a while now, but the issue has become more severe after software upgrade. And apparently I'm not the only one having it.
Are you still getting that error? I was the anon who initially complained about this issue on /test/ but the pop-up messages stopped appearing for me now. Maybe Seisatsu silently fixed it


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Still do, but a lot less frequently, and it usually being fixed by disabling my funny userscript before posting.

Maybe Uboachan doesn't like thread auto-update thing the userscript has.


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thank you for your optimism you sound very wholesome have a nice day fren, would also like to thank the other anons that gave advice.

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