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/hikki/ - NEET / Advice


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i was wondering what kind of things have being a neet change in your life. What things did you learn? whats your list of things you wanna try? what did you try? has anything made you change an opinion you once strongly had? future plans changed? what do you mainly do with your time? Anything of that sorta thing.
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it's like people can see right through me. as soon as i open my mouth, they know they're dealing with a loser. some have the decency not to make snide remarks, but it's depressingly obvious how differently i'm treated. like a pest, a disgusting bug that needs to be dealt with. The Metamorphosis by Kafka hits too close to home.


do these people know you're a neet? or are they random strangers?


i had random strangers in mind when writing that post. situations like being treated differently from other shoppers at the checkout, stuff like that


I know exactly what you mean. I get extra scared to go outside anywhere like grocery stores during typical working hours because then it's even more obvious that I'm a NEET. But I don't want to go out in the evenings when there's more people everywhere either.

I actually really like any sort of physical activity but it's hard to do much in a small apartment


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>I get extra scared to go outside anywhere like grocery stores during typical working hours because then it's even more obvious that I'm a NEET. But I don't want to go out in the evenings when there's more people everywhere either.
I usually go when the shop opens. It's always just full of elderly people. The only thing I'm worried about is how I shop at the same place, and buy the same food every single time. So even if they don't remember my face, when they see the same things lined in order I always think that they remember me. That's why I recently started to buy different things at the store, even if I don't really need them, to sort of confuse the clerks because it feels so pathetic otherwise.

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Anybody else here who used to frequent hikkichan?
It's closed now and I feel like I lost my home.
This is the only other place where I can maybe belong..
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Fuck my life


E-laborate, anon


I feel like Hikkichan came back for a hot minute last year.


Really? Where?


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it came back under this URL (https://web.archive.org/web/20240000000000*/https://hikkichan.net ) i dont think its associated with the original, and i think they shilled it here on the >>>/ot/ board.

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is anyone here a migratory NEET?
I find that my restlessness stops me from being able to stay in one place; even though chronic illness and money are always concerns that can limit whether or not moving is a good idea, i really can't stand staying in the same place for more then a few months. i did some thinking last night and realized i have lived in 15 different houses or apartments all over the country since 2019.. I just moved again last week and i'm already feeling very very restless. sometimes I go back to stay with my family, which can be peaceful, but eventually the usual home-life problems drive me away again.

how do you settle down? regardless of if i'm with someone else, a girl or a boy, friend or someone who likes me, wants to fuck me, whatever, i can't stand being around anyone, i always leave again trying to find something that feels right; i'm only happy when i'm in nature by myself.. so whenever i end up in a city again i guess that's when i get the craziest like this.

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Should I go back to the psychiatrist and get my medication?


if you are dealing with issues that severe, yes.

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does anyone else get intense attachments to ppl u dont even know??? like i feel like ik them better then anyone and have known them their entire life and maybe even am them but ive never even talked them once lol. the ppl i am refering to r captianhowdie, zombiebeatz2000/noriko and gerard way..


please refer to rule one of the site rules and come back in five years OP


also this isnt halfchan, stop namefagging. this is meant to be an anonymous imageboard, everyone else here is anonymous we dont care if youre amechan_inda_flesh

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post everytime you get neetshamed
got neetshamed today


ok but so like… am i not even allowed to post here if I didnt get neetshamed


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my roommates been neetshaming me so hard im going to move back in with my family (even if its just for a little bit) just so i can be left the fuck alone

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how do u make friends while a hikki? im not a hikki by choice, its by force since my illness' make it hard to go outside and im really lonely these days - 🥩
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if we assume for argument's sake that you're talking about IRL, I don't think you can
I've thought to myself about when my parents will inevitably ask "when are you going to get a gf", but I have no outside places, nor a workplace in which I could find one, and I think it is the same with regular friends as well
in that regard, finding someone who you can attempt to become friends with is hard enough, actually finding someone who you want to be friends with is even harder, not to mention that both you and this person will stay in regular contact
as a tangent, not long ago (March this year or something), my 'parole officer' and my mum tried to set me up to be friends with someone, and they thought we would be good friends, because, to quote her directly, "you're both gamers", and while he was not thoroughly unpleasant, I had no interest in speaking to him (also I found out several months later he was a nonce)
guess that's just me forcing an excuse to blogpost, point is, finding friends is hard, but at least as /hikki/posters we have a tenuous connection, which is something, and maybe it's better that way, finding friends is a lot of hard work for what in most cases does not produce satisfactory results
but I'll be your friend if you want


Rule number one: never ever use discord. You will only find two kinds of people there: meme spouting underage retards or some really fucked up mentally ill freaks (trannies, schizos etc).
Personally I've made a few friends on penpal websites, but you gotta be comfortable with using your real pic for that.


>meme spouting underage retards or some really fucked up mentally ill freaks

Man, I don't know what alternative reality imageboards you come from, but sign me up. You've just described most of this sphere's userbase


"A channer-to-Facebook-normie pipeline? How would you even do that?"


most of my friends are real life ones usually just due to circumstances, i cant stand how people are online now
that said i still only talk with them a few times a month

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so, i'm just assuming most people on here that don't live alone are housed (begrudgingly or not) by their family.
from what i read, it seems like this is always a major stressor and cause of strife, but this isn't the case for me, more like the way of life.
am i alone here in having asocial / avoidant parents who have just accepted it as the way to exist for themselves and their kin?
how do you break free of something like this, and still keep your bonds intact?


My father is an ex hikki as well as a current hermit so I've probably inherited his taste for solitude. However to my knowledge he's not a schizoid, whereas I am, perhaps making me an example of how kin commonly amplify the behaviors learnt from their parents?
Regardless; what are you trying to break free from? Learnt asocial behavior or your familial expectations of asocial behavior?
If it's the first: learnt familial behaviors are quite difficult to overcome, if not impossible to overcome fully, however really the only way you can improve your social prowess is to force yourself to be uncomfortable in any social situation.


my sister has the same behavior patterns as me, she's more 'normal' and even though we mostly grew up indifferent to eachother she's growing up with a similar lifestyle i had

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How does anyone in this situation find it in them to seek help for mental health problems? I'm one of those long-term NEETs who can go outside very occasionally (think once every few weeks), mostly to stock up on bare necessities I need for the long-haul in isolation, but it exhausts me to no end.

To add to this, my already fragile mental health (generalised anxiety/clinical depressive disorders) has been deteriorating even more this past year than before, and now I can't even take care of those basic needs reliably anymore. I know the solution is to go back to my doctor or even see if my old therapist would see me again, but how does one find not only the courage, but the desire to seek out such serious and draining help when you can't even shower most days or hardly want to get out of bed? I used to imagine that I could go back anytime, because if I timed it to one of those days I had to go out anyway, it would be easier. But I've started relying on others like a fucking leech to bring back all the stuff I need for me sometimes. I'm probably moving one step closer to full unbroken isolation, and it sucks.

On any days where I feel "better" I prefer to ride the wave of that small high, and then I'm right back down where I started. I know that most of us losers here are stuck in similar cycles of inaction, because all we need to do is "just go to therapy and get a job lol", but it feels like I'm not going to break out of it, because I've been stuck in it so long that I don't even know what it means to "break out of it" now.

What do, /hikki/?
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Infuriatingly, I know you're right.

Good on you, anon. I'll probably try to start with something similar, and see if I can ease myself into going out more often despite myself. Thanks.


>But I've started relying on others like a fucking leech to bring back all the stuff I need for me sometimes
If it makes you feel any better, this is usually the norm for NEETs.


I used to have a deranged kind of "pride" from taking care of myself in some small way, so it stings a bit to end up getting worse like this.


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I used to do this until the grocery stores stopped being open 24/7. I sorely miss going to the store at 3am to get sushi. I live in Appalachia, on a clear night careening over the hilltops in my mom's car with the windows open I'd play 2000s nightcore and take in the wind. Oh well…


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only real therapy thats ever worked for me is finding a hobby, even if i have to break the law for it
i've had problems since i think middle school, the only real gaps between states of depression have been ways i could go up against something to achieve a goal
if i'm not fighting, it just feels pointless, and i'll feel like i've failed myself
maybe thats just projecting my issues on to other things or groups, but its better to fight against an imaginary boogey man than constantly feel empty

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That's probably a bit of an unusual topic. Does anyone here also struggle with late sexual initiation in their lives?

I've been lonely for the most part of my life, up until early 30s due to a multitude of reasons.

For more context: i am a late-transitioning trans woman (i do actually pass and that's by standards of a pretty conservative central european country)

At school i struggled with impeded social skills and i was a moderately unattractive person at that time (in my opinion) - by either masculine or feminine standards of beauty.

I had a very little internal sense of gender back then and felt pretty much like a genderless entity, although my environment treated me like a dude, obviously.

Due to my general emasculation i was often badly mistreated and abused by male peers. It was a small, provincial school, full of people with very conservative and narrow mindsets. Girls were pretty traditional there and weren't interested in me, plus it was generally expected that i should initiate things, as a "man", while i was never the type to do so.

Later in life i have become extremely secluded and never completed any education beyond HS. This of course left a huge negative impact on my social life and skills.

With the life context out of the way - fast forward to 2023.
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This thread is just so surreal. What am I even reading? Am I still on the /hikki/ board?


Should be deleted, yeah, but Sei is biased.


this advice definitely sounds like it's trying to be nice and helpful about everything but there's such a thick layer of weird hypersexual groomer talk over it that I can't help but look down on you as a poster. you're a weird ass predator, this isn't how honest people think


>27 year old minor groomed by advice on how to get to know people they might want to have sex with


This made me laugh stupidly hard

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