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/hikki/ - NEET / Advice


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Hi there. I've been a struggling NEET for years now.

In the past 6-8 years I have had several entry level jobs lasting between 2-6 months on average.

For 4 years I have been a complete NEET, (aside from a few single courses), because I was hit by a car.

I live with my parents since then, comfortably, but with no hope of meeting new people, finding (and desperately wanting to have) a girlfriend, or feeling a part of any social community that could help me branch out.

I do deal with physical pain (mostly in my back), which can be limiting.

My *MAIN* problem is that I can't think of enough pro's to work myself out of this situation. I'm on Welfare, so I make enough money to feed myself, and I can entertain myself and even learn skills at home comfortably, but I am very alone.

Just wondering if anybody has any advice for working yourself out of the NEET-hold and becoming a social, or "normal" person again.


Having welfare got me a lot of benefits that made school practically free. Still gotta pay for books. It was useful because I am not very good at learning new skills without being shown. It makes me happy just to learn to be productive.

My back has been the biggest challenge in school but luckily my SSI also allows me to have medicaid and medicare. I finally made a resolution to see a doctor and went through a lot of hoops to make myself my own payee so I could get my proof of insurance back (since I lost it) and start a health care plan.

I'm hoping they can get my a chiropractor, maybe physical therapy, or at least some decent pain medecine.


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>Just wondering if anybody has any advice for working yourself out of the NEET-hold and becoming a social, or "normal" person again.

Hi P,
I can tell you how I became a more social person: I talked to people and went to events. Any time I hear about an event in my community (any kind of event with the possibility for social interaction), go to the event and talk to the people there! You may have to learn new skills you're unfamiliar with, but that's part of the fun. Realize you are going to make mistakes, but be genuine and sincere. You may be surprised at the number of people in the world who will help you if you are a genuine person who asks for help.

You can also look around to see what events aren't being advertised. Go to your local community college or university and see what events are advertised on the bulletin boards. You can also do this at coffee shops. Additionally, you can walk around town, making a note of every store/building you see. You might be surprised how easy it is to overlook a business or place to socialize until you explicitly look for one.

I have never been a normal person for a single day in my life; I can't help you there.


Sometimes I wish I could have been victim of a disease or accident just to have en excuse for all my failings in life. The older you get, the harder it gets to shoulder all the shame that accumulates over time.

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I'm not quite sure what compelled me to post this or what reminded me of this place, but this is the first time I've been on this imageboard in years, perhaps the last time being 2013-2014 as far as I can even remember my time as a hikki. I didn't post very much, and when I did, I made sure not to make a name for myself. I was a hikki for 3 1/2 years, give or take based on what you consider the cut-off between NEET and hikki status. It's been nearly 3 years now since I left that lifestyle and ostensibly cured myself. Not to say I don't still have some mental abnormalities, but they're undetectable, both to myself and to others. I went back to college, graduated with a STEM degree and great grades. I applied for a job a couple weeks ago and am going in for an interview in a few days. I got a gf and lost my virginity last year, and now have a decently large friend group of very normal people that I blend in with completely, and sometimes don't even feel like an outlier around.

I don't mean to bore you with my life story – I just wanted to let you know that it is possible to get better and escape this lifestyle. I won't lie, I sometimes get brief pangs of nostalgia for the days of sleeping 15+ hours a day eating nothing but ramen and wasting all my time on the computer. But I feel okay now. I don't feel afraid, or anxious, or suicidal, or empty, or confused anymore. I feel healthy, I feel comfortable, I feel almost normal. Things can get better. Not just for me, but for you. It's not easy, and I've learned over the years to not try to offer what worked for me as advice, but I just want you all to know that it is possible to get out of this. The world is beautiful unobscured by depression, anxiety, fear, depersonalization, etc. I care about all of you and I want to see you all do good. I won't be sticking around for long – I don't want to reinforce long-dead habits – but I hope one day you can all join me. I love you all. Good luck my friends.
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hikki =/= NEET though.


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good for you OP, thanks for remembering us, offering perspective, and letting us share in what for you was victory. i am glad that you achieved your desires.

>no true hikki would ever ____

argumentum ad populum, a purely emotional argument, used in an effort to regulate the hikki/neet community.

>OP's hubris

this deals little with the actual content of the post; given that, according to the sticky, one of the board's primary focuses is advice about "help in escaping the NEET lifestyle," one would think that the input of the ex-NEET/ex-hikki would constitute a valuable contribution to discussion. to the extent that what he wrote is true, his post does offer some degree of perspective on the NEET/hikki experience.

am i wrong?


best post on uboachan [SOURCE: 8 yrs lurker]


I'm a word smith.


I am happy you made it and glad that it turned out so good for you OP. May your happiness be forever for you and your family.

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Please help me. I am do gay i cant stop buying male prostitutes but only if they are black.. my bank account is in the red my family hates me. IF ONLY I DIDNT BECOME A MEMBER OF GNAA(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)


Sei, could you please ban this edgy, prepubescent faggot from 4chan who doesn't understand the purpose of the /ot/ board?


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>Sei, could you please ban this edgy, prepubescent faggot from 4chan who doesn't understand the purpose of the /ot/ board?
This isn't the purpose of /ot/ either, my friend.

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Who are neets going to vote for in 2016?

Donald Trump is the meme candidate but Bernie is offering free shit which is good for neets like us.
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If I had a nickle for every jackass who has already said that. I will have a nice laugh when Trump wins and all of you are still here.


And I feel very, very sorry for all those unfortunate enough to not have an escape route from the inevitable martial law enforced plutocracy that would emerge from that government.


I don't know where you people get this from. It seems like 99% of people who hate Trump haven't listened to a word he has said.


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"dude weed/college lmao"

contemporary politics is kuso tire anyway, WHO CARES

t. angsty suburb teen from the 90s

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Hi all,

I posted a few times on the old board several years ago whilst I was NEET after dropping out of uni.

Just recently been made redundant and I am going to go through the NEET lifestyle again.

Any tips or suggestions for a UK NEET?



i dont know much about uk neets but what do you mean redundant?

what did you major?


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>Any tips or suggestions for a UK NEET?

Can you go back to university? Fight hard to graduate from a university. University has helped me greatly; I've met several important mentors and learned a great deal about socialization, fitness, programming, and drawing, just to name a few. I was a NEET in the past and now I have professional programming prospects.

Though I should warn you in advance I am telling you to graduate from a university, not to attend. It took me about two years from when I started attending to become what I consider to be a serious student, and I took summer school. It make take you a shorter or longer time.


>Though I should warn you in advance I am telling you to graduate from a university, not to attend.


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Did Economics before dropping out from LSE, too boring and workload was too much, I spent most of my time playing poker online.

I was in a job and they got rid of me because they were losing business so they paid me like £400 an said you're fired with compliments.

Last time I was NEET I lived with my parents and still had Unibux, now I've got barely £200 and the belt is tightening. Signed up for JSAbux tho.. $70 a week..

>>838 I would not mind to but I suppose you hit the nail on the head, I would probably attend and not graduate if I'm being frank. Besides that I couldn't fund the university and neither could my parents, who whilst employed are carrying loads of debt.

I've applied to some jobs… but no luck and when I look in the mirror I don't see much staring back..


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You can definitely go to a university if you are willing to make enough sacrifices. You can eventually get scholarship money in places you wouldn't expect if you are willing to make enough sacrifices.

Another thing I would suggest is studying some skill in your spare time. Any skill will work, but some are much better than others (e.g. it will be easier to find people willing to pay you to program than people willing to pay you to play video games). Then, later, after a few years, (this is the important part) figure out how to sell that skill for money.

I currently run a business selling chess lessons to (the parents of) elementary schoolers. I never thought I would make money from playing chess, and I certainly didn't start playing chess with money in mind, but there it is.

You might be surprised to find out what skills you already have if you look inside yourself and what you can sell. I can't give you any specific formula because I was randomly lucky.

However, I can tell you that you don't need to study any one skill exclusively to sell it. My current work is an amalgamation of varying levels of skill at social networking, social skills, dress sense, willpower, physical fitness and attractiveness, punctuality, marketing, teaching, public speaking, awareness of my surroundings, computer skills (yes, really), design (yes, really), and chess ability.

Some ideas* for A+ skills that you can apply to pretty much anything:
Learning (yes, this is a skill. it is at the top of the list on purpose)
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Ay /hikki/
15 year old here.
Fuck it I hate everything and I'm tired of everything.
Long story short, I'm gonna become a neet next year.
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go outside and pet a dog kid


This is why condoms exist.


Lurk before posting and don't forget to go to bed early or mom will be mad.


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Can we shitpost in this thread Sei?


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hey so i was 3-months Neet at my mothers house until i got kicked out and now im at my jobs and got my current hours cut to just the weekends, i have going around town looking for any 'now hiring' signs to no luck. so my question for right now is what to do to improve my chances of getting hired/finding a job? Do I go to college and wait 4 years? do i go to vocational school to pick up a skill while i wait at college? do i just keep going at customer service/ retail jobs?


The first thing you could do is start writing properly. What do you mean by going to vocational school while waiting at college? If you go to vocational school, you aren't going to be waiting for college. The option you pick depends on where you want to be in life. Do you want a blue, collar job, or do you want a white collar one?


Create things and sell them on etsy or set up a patreon. Target businesses that you would like to work at and find out if they're hiring or willing to take on an apprentice.


By vocational school i was talking about picking up a trade and then leaving to go back to college to get a higher paying job maybe do like>>3231says to make money the only thing that i need now is to find a way ti create something and sell it


>the only thing that i need now is to find a way ti create something and sell it

So, the entire business, then?

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I don't know if this is going to be a poor OP for a thread but I just became homeless and I really don't know what to do. I'm scared.
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I have a friend who pitched a tent in some deep woods for months when they were homeless. They just walked to town for groceries. It's workable, but turns out there are mountain lions so you don't want to go far from your tent. You also need to really know what you're doing to camp in the wild.

Building a house in the wild is technically possible but it could be discovered eventually. If you're in the US though and want to camp in the woods, look to the Bureau of Land Management's website for a map of areas falling under their jurisdiction. These areas, as I understand, are legal for anyone to camp in at any time as long as they don't build structures.

Really though do your research and do it well before going out deep. You should also do some test runs in less deep areas first to iron out any issues with your plans.

Also since OP has friends they should definitely try staying with friends before staying in the woods.


That's a false analogy. Tell me how many people you've seen going to jail for downloading a movie and how many went for taking over a place and making an illegal house on it.


Ask about it on lainchan, they've got some radical homeless people there.


Yes I've stayed with friends for the past few nights since I originally got kicked out of my place. My parents said I could come back but fuck that place. Right now I am talking to some people who are saying that they will bounce me around rooms at their college. There is also a wooded area nearby that I think I could feasibly sleep in need be, but I will have to check it out to make sure. The location is also PERFECT for finding work as it is literally right next door to a mall, and various other shopping plaza's.

My plan right now is to save up some money to get my own place, all the while looking for ways to make money online or through some sort of trade that would allow me to travel. Who knows if that will actually work though.


I dunno if there are in USA too, but i live in Italy and we have a bunch of left-wing movements that help homeless people (not bums, usually immigrees or "normal" people who lost work or are in a similar situation to yours) to occupy places in cities like unused officies or similar, you can ask them! Sometimes the owner manages to make the police to make occupants leave, but this doesn't happen so often. Living conditions are almost the same as owned house ones, and you can have electricity and water because activists knows how to stealthy interlace with state distibution system. I can confirm cause i have friends living in occupied places. You can occupy houses even without those organisation's help, i know people who did it, but it is more complex and you have to be more than a single person, obviously.

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tl;dr turning 20, was a neet starting 2013, got a taste of the good life last year, things fell out; lost job and got arrested, have no good job credentials and I'm losing my mind again living like a hikki in the middle of nowhere

First post here, bear with me. Let me start by saying I turn 20 in three days, and I live a few miles into the countryside next to a big city. Before July of last year, I was a NEET since my parents pulled me out of my junior year of high school. I got a job at Home Depot starting October of 2015 but my life was mostly restricted to work and homelife at that point. I tried networking with my coworkers but alas, it didn't go very far. I still don't have my driver's license, and HS homeschooling failed so no diploma. A bad weed experience and a bad DXM experience coupled with depression lead to some of the worst depersonalization I think I would ever experience and life was generally a depressing, chaotic mindfuck until midsummer last year.
Around July of last year, I started working out. I would also loiter in some public places like vape shops, and met my most recent best friend. I met some more people, some good, some bad like a few methheads and my ex gf, but overall I had a circle going. I was working out here and there still, was around friends and acquaintances, and even had a party here and there. I went over a year without playing any video games, got a tattoo, was meeting new people, unintentionally started NoFap, lost a lot of weight, smoked a lot of kush with good experiences, lost my virginity, got taken places like different cities by my circle, and while I lost my job due to the hecticness of my social life, I was constantly up to something and generally felt better and enjoyed life's adventures.
However, things started to crash around the beginning of the new year. Me and gf broke up, (not exactly anything bad tho kek) had a falling out at that time with my best friend, another good friend moved out of the city, and being jobless, I was left more or less broke. (I'd work temp work for some pocket cash here and there, but it's a pain in the ass to get on location and I was always left with less than $80 on any day.) I tried going back to school to give me something to do, but was arrested 3 weeks later after buying weed from someone there like an idiot, and was sent to alternative HS after I got out of jail on bail. The location was quite too far, and while I opted for a bus, the pickup time was wayPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Thought I should mention I work as a computer programmer. I spent several years of my life to get here and now I almost want to work at pizza hut


Actually I have no idea what my point is. What the fuck are my problems?


I am an idiot


It's gotten to the point (at least in the USA) where the costs outweigh the benefits. There are better avenues to progress to high income levels without the horrendous debt burden. It's only really worth it if you have someone else footing the bill (through contacts, grants, or scholarships, never fukken loans; those will ream you 50x over)


Step one would probably be to get a minimum wage job somewhere until you can afford transportation. If you're living at home and don't really have rent/bills to pay, that's not as far out there as it seems. Even part time minimum wage would net you (provided you're in the US) at least $500/month, which would give you a decent down payment in about 6 months if you were putting some of it towards personal needs and food etc. Always test drive, and avoid "buy here pay here" scam lots. Might help to call up some local mechanics and see if any have specials where they'll look over a vehicle you're looking at, let you know what's going to need fixed or replaced in the short term, and give you fuel to use in bartering down the price. Usually you can get a dealer to take enough off after that to where it pays for itself, and it would steer you clear of any lemons. Then, it's simply fuel and routine oil changes, keeping a couple hundred in the bank in case of emergency repairs.

Once you have a car, you'd be able to expand your job search greatly and move up to something that pays better. A good start is call center work or data entry work, they don't require any advanced degrees, you can get full time of better-than-min-wage (tho not great, usually between $10 and $12/hr) with benefits, and network out from there to move up.

Source: School of Fukken' Hard Knocks

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I'm no longer a NEET/Hikki after about 2/3 years and time began flowing completely different for me. Everyone said when you're at work and it's busy time flies but that's the opposite. It's like time is in a stand still. What feels like 40 minutes it only 5.

In general time feels so much longer now that I have things I have to do. An hour feels so long while I'm getting ready for work. I'm always early because of it. As a NEET everyday sort of blurred together and time went by extremely fast even when I mostly sat around doing nothing all day.

Does anyone else have something similar happen? It's been jarring for me since I thought I'd have no time to myself but now I can barely get through that time.


I 100% know what you mean. I was a hikki for longer than I've been out of it, but all the years I spent as a hikki feel like probably 1/30th the time that I've been out of it. It was a really jarring transition because, when I was a hikki, time felt normal if not kind of blurry and mundane. But after maybe a month of having a job I noticed that my memory of all those years got extremely blurry and what felt like a few years suddenly felt like maybe a year at the most, and the longer time went on the shorter my time as a hikki seemed. My guess is that the life of a NEET/hikki has so little mental and physical stimulation, your memory only has so much to work with to form memories, which would also explain why time seemed so blurry and monotonous too.

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