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/hikki/ - NEET / Advice


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Not a NEET exactly but I grew up with anxiety issues because of an overbearing mother. I was feeling like I was getting better ever since I started college but the pandemic has made my issues worse because of having to take classes online which made me not able to focus well. I was also trying to get over my anxiety issues when talking to people.

I am thinking of taking a break but my mother wants me to take classes part time so I won't struggle. I am unsure about my major since the pandemic threw it in the gutter. I haven't picked my classes yet and feel like I'm wasting time and money. My mother is worried about me since I don't really leave home to exercise or anything since the pandemic has started and I am not taking care of myself as I should.

I do have friends but I only trust a few people in my life due to bullying, unpleasant experiences, and people not understanding me. Even then, my anxiety interferes with situations sometimes. I question or feel like I'm too shy to talk seriously to most of the people I meet online/irl. Most of the time, I put on a mask to hide how nervous I am.

I have a job interview today but I'm trying to have low expectations since I've struggled to find a job ever since I was laid off unfairly years ago. It's gonna be hard not to stutter. I'm mostly afraid of slipping into becoming a NEET because of struggling so much lately.

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How good/poor is your hygiene?
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I probably haven’t brushed my teeth since March. Can’t remember anymore. Haven’t bathed in months.


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>I take a bath three or so times a month
I haven't taken a bath since I was seven. I remember just resting in the warm water peacefully. Are baths better than showering?


Showering is a more efficient way of actually cleaning yourself and if it's less than ten minutes or so a shower will usually use less water but some people really like baths. For me they're a lot more relaxing and every time I take a shower I think about how much I'd rather be just sitting down and submerging myself for a long time in a tub full of hot water.


since you become an adult it's not. I also remember those times when i loved to chill in bath, i've been trying to enjoy this as i did but it doesn't feel that good and calming anymore.


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I'm not sure as I have only had like less then 10 showers in my life. My house does not have a shower so its always baths for me. I only take baths this often for umm reasons lets just say that. If I didnt have my reasons I would take maybe 1 every two months or so.

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Do you have any unusual aspirations that you did not have outside of NEETdom?

I have been getting some very strange longings to become a street artist. I've even been creating stencils and posters that I will never put up. I guess the optimistic viewpoint is that I've been released from wage slavery and now want to do something real and exciting with my life, but its never going to happen anyway because I'm too scared of the police so I mostly just sleep and kill myself.

I also want to wear a cloak and sword and go on a Hobbit style adventure, but…
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You should draw propaganda for an arbitrary group of extremists. They soon will be glad to find you just working on some dick sketches.
>like to check in on me often
Wtf! Are you on suicide watch?


What at night? Unless you're actually a ten year-old that is creepy as fuck and you should ask them to stop. Hell, even if you are ten they should at least knock first.
Wtf! Are you on suicide watch?

They think it's normal to check in on your adult kid 24/7. I told them countless times to stop, but nothing has changed. I can't argue with them either because "it's their house and as long as I live here, I'll have to obey their rules".


You should focus on moving out first. Or at least pay rent and argue that gives you the right to privacy. Does your door even have a lock?



If your door doesn't have a lock, install one. The peace of mind of having a lock on your door, just for privacy's sake, is incredible.


>have lock
>parents just bang their body into the door like retards
(im not the anon you were talking to)
Most of the time it's nothing urgent, they just want to harass me

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Recently i lost all my friends including internet ones too. So i've been feeling pretty frustrated. Usually i loved spending time on my own and denied people in meetings just because i changed my mind. But since my internet friend got a gf (we were tight about 3 years) , i argued with my the only one irl friend and worldwide known pandemic got to my hometown i (surprisingly) have nobody to share my feelings with. How to enjoy your own company without knowing that you always have a"pillow of safety" in the form of friends?


I don't understand why you need IRL friends when you have the internet…


Understanding your relationship with your friends is about as fun as sliding you're cock into a zebra


I dunno man. I'm in a similar situation. Conversations online aren't visceral enough for me. My own company is the same old. I have seen that the best things in my life ultimately happen from being in the presence of others.

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Have any of you ever experienced ego death? It was such a terrifying but also very eye opening experience for me. I ended up going outside for the first time in a couple of years the day afterwards. Couldn't even get my own groceries, couldn't even get near the front door… I know it's not all simply solved now, I'm still going to have some issues, but for the first time in my life I finally feel grateful to be alive, and it's such an amazing feeling. I think I'm finally on the path to escaping this hellscape of agoraphobia.
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Here's someone who's never experienced ego death.



here's another lol


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and another one

Ego death can be euphoric, but it's not the same as euphoria. It's the complete loss of the sense of self caused by total suppression of short-term and long-term memory access. During ego death you observe the world around you without any concept of your past or identity. It's a very bizarre feeling. The euphoria comes from the total abandonment of your usual mental and emotional burdens during the experience, and it can be very inspiring in retrospect.


Maybe your soul expired…


you can do that kind of thing through practicing meditation , no need for drugs

In OP's story he's clearly just chasing the purple dragon

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officially back to neetdom after being fired recently, it was only a few months of shitty work. first job i've had in this new state in 3 years and dropped out of college 1 year ago.

wondering if my options above are really all i have left.

i found working on below-subpar wages for months on end, dealing with manic depression and mental instability from my mom's failing health and my father's abuse, dissociation-episodes from body dysmorphia, and stress/anger issues with customers isn't the life i want to keep dealing with.

my folks are adamant on kicking me out if i dont find a job again, but being a useless queer fuckwit with no skills and no goals besides reading manga and playing vidya online with peeps, aka being the lazy asshole im only ever gonna be, makes it hard to wanna find reasons to go back into wagecucking.

do i skip steps and just rope or try and just fail to get buxs from SSI or some shit?
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>>"lgbt tranny here can I get donations! UmU here's my discord 0w0"(USER WAS WARNED FOR THIS POST)


u aint wrong anon, u aint wrong


I'm very sorry that you're in that situation, OP.

Personally I would never go for the rope unless I thought that without doing so I might end up in a situation where I wouldn't even have the option - for example, I might consciously consider the rope IF I was facing some sort of awful disease that might render me unable to make the decision and execute it at some point. I don't think there's any shame in choosing to exit, and I don't think you have anything to worry about as I believe in a resurrection of the dead, so you'll just wake up afterwards, but it's a really horrible decision to even consider, and so long as you're alive I guess there is always at least some hope that things will improve, and at least some hope to find some sort of happiness or meaning.

I think, so long as you're not suggesting damaging yourself first in order to be able to get it, that you should at least try for the SSI, though you'd have to consider the possible consequences of doing so for yourself (sorry I don't know much about the US system). I know from my own experience on NEETbux that it can be very hard to escape that situation once you've been in in long enough, and my situation has been very bad at points - but then again, I'm not sure the alternative was any better, if I'd continued working I'm sure that right now I'd just have wasted vastly more time serving other people, rather than at least having some time to myself as a NEET (even if in the end, my family stole vast amounts of it during that that time).

I don't think there's any shame in doing the sugardaddy thing so long as you don't actually have sex. If you can find someone willing to pay you to see photos or videos or something, it may not be ideal - but considering the amount of humiliation and subjugation involved in 'normal' wageslavery, I'm not sure that it's any worse. I don't see it as exploitation in either direction, but it's absolutely disgusting that people might have to reduce themselves to that rather than get support from 'society'. People in general should be ashamed for allowing such a situation to exist.

Maybe if you find a way to subsist for now, you'll eventually at least inherit your parents house if they own it? I see it as your parents having a moral obligation to support you, no matter how old, considering they brought you into the world and are responsible for your upbringing, so it's pretty terrible of them to want to toss you out. Is there Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


updating, still alive but not well.

however this virus turned out to be a blessing in disguise for me in a variety of ways

1. my folks actually care about me and wont kick me out in the middle of a pandemic
2. everyone around me now is living my lifestyle so im understood a bit better by some
3. im not able to get a job during all of this

but, shit still aint great or even good in the slightest.

unemployment benefits in my state is taking forever to come through, i havent gotten a stimulus check either, and im still waiting to hear back about disability / SSI shit so while i am "safe" to stay and be more of myself, im still not in any better of a financial situation.

its stressing me out and while i dont feel as bad as i did at the start of this, it's still hurting and terrible in my eyes and if anything i am believing the second this pandemic ends, i might just have to give it all up and just do it already.

for as much as i talk about this 'an hero', ill be honest and say i still fear it and still am pushed to keep going by some natural instinct to stay alive. say what u will about being over-dramatic and being being a fucking special snowflake pussy, but thats just the point, i am that shit and right now im still considering adding myself to the suicide rate of people like me.
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Lots of people get SSI $700 a month
Some people get SSDI $1,000 month
If a parent is dead you could get Survivor Benefits $1,400

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>A Hikikomori on the other hand (abbreviated hikki) is someone who seals themselves inside their home and does not leave at all for any reason, generally for 6 months or more in the clinical definition. Some NEETs are hikikomoris, but not all hikikomoris are NEETs – for example, a hikikomori could work or take classes from home. Sometimes "Hikikomori" is used less formally to describe a person who very rarely leaves their home due to social anxieties, and this can go hand in hand with the isolation often brought about by the NEET lifestyle.

This is incorrect i think we need to clear up this misconception all hikikomori are NEETs having a job or receiving an education means you are still apart of society. The Japanese government describes hikikomori 引きこもり as those who do not work do not go to school and isolate themselves in their parents house in their rooms for 6 months due to mainly social and cultural triggers related to Japanese society and while NEETs are global hikikomori is mostly only a Japanese problem and there are only a few true cases overseas in the west due to the cultural differences between the east and the west. Also the verb 引く has only one k, and 引く is the Japanese word for pull and hikikomori means to pull inward or (Acute Social Withdrawal)

Video by a gaijin living in Japan who has researched hikikomori.


If you have a difference of opinion that is okay this thread is meant to be a civil debate thread so admin please do not lock this thread.


>admin please do not lock this thread
damn, look at this guy knowing the admins intended culture


Institutions already alienate us, why should we care for their rigid definitions? I think there is a difference between NEET and Hiki but the Hikis themselves should define this. Considering the complexity and variation of humans at large I'd imagine there are gradients of hikikomori. I don't know where that line is between hiki and NEET but a ridged adherence to strict definitions only creates walled gardens, at least with things like this. Discussing what a hiki is isn't the same as something more concrete like physics.


>I think there is a difference between NEET and Hiki

The only difference is one can be social while not contributing to society the other is isolated completely or nearly completely here is some more interesting info i found on some Japanese websites regarding hikikomori.

From Japanese Wikipedia.

引きこもり(引き籠もり[1]、ひきこもり、英語表記 hikikomori[2])とは、仕事や学校に行けず家に籠り、家族以外とほとんど交流がない人の状況を指す。現時点では、日本の厚生労働省はこうした状態が6か月以上続いた場合を定義としている

Acute Social Withdrawal (Withdrawal [1], Withdrawal English notation Hikikomori [2]) refers to the situation where people cannot go to work or school, stay at home, and have little interaction with their family. At present, the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare defines these conditions as having lasted for more than six months.


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NEET The acronym for (Not In Education Employment Or Training) The acronym NEET refers to those who have given up and refuse to attend school work or vocational training

Freeter フリーター

Japan's word to describe those who work part-time jobs with low pay and have a hard time earning a living.

Hikikomori 引きこもり

Hikikomori is a Japanese term when translated into English it means pulling inward being confined (Acute social withdrawal) it is Japan's word to describe those who have isolated themselves in their parents house refuse to attend school or work and stay in their bedrooms for very long periods at a time due to social and cultural reasons related to Japanese society (Generally 6 months)

Unemployed Person

A unemployed person is someone who is temporarily unemployed but still seeking out employment looking for a job and is willing to work

Self-Employed Person
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I know this might be a little silly, but does anyone have tips for making friends while being a hikki? I've tried joining discords and other places, but a lot of them feel so heavily occupied that it sets off social anxiety for me and I just can't talk.

It seems hard to find smaller places to make friends while still feeling comfortable. I was just wondering if anyone has any tips, thank you for reading.
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I'm looking for a place like mentioned too. All I have is a small twitter circle of people but something like a discord does sound kind of tempting.


Penpal sites


Try smaller discords, facebook groups, forums, etc. It's also good to look for communities centered around something that interests you, so you already know what topics to break the ice with when starting a conversation.


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These "plz direct me to obscure net circles" threads are always awful, but are there seriously people recommending facebook groups? Listen anonymous; every single hangout on the internet revolves around hobbies. You can browse forums dedicated to knitting cute sweaters, to finding torrent groups willing to share the most FUBR fetish porn vids. Think to yourself what activity on the internet do you partake in the most. If you like saving pictures of anime girls you found on pixiv, *insert imageboard community* exists for that. Despite what some people might tell you, forums and IRC haven't been taken over by reddit or anything of the sort.
>anyone have tips for making friends while being a hikki
For the record, people that "want to be friends on the internet" will want to mic chat with you or pressure you into doing things for them. They want friends that have a skill set. If you don't have any real skills like drawing, music or programming, for example, then they'll probably ghost you or kick you from whatever group you share.


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Well personally I like browsing the sanctionedsuicide forums but I don't know if it counts as a hobby or not.

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I was thinking about Youtubers, Twitch streamers and people who get paid for basically being on the internet and doing something that a monkey could.
These people could easily qualify as NEET, right? They spend up to 8 hours or more a day playing videogames or vlogging or something and most of their income comes from their fans.
Yet nobody really bats an eye at them other than the occasional angry dude that gets way too bent out of shape over people getting money from fans rather than employers. But with NEETs there's a higher level of stigma, telling them they're parasites and that they need to work on themselves and conform. Is the difference really as subtle as simply getting money? Or providing a service, even if it has little to no effect on society and the person's community?
What makes the difference in the way a NEET and someone who turns their hobby and cult of personality into a "job"?
Also have any NEETs here attempted this? Would you?
Is it viable? etc etc
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You have talked yourself into a paranoid delusion about PC costs and functionality. Nothing I can say will talk you out of it because you use it as an excuse for your failings.




>Translation: "I know better what goes on in your country than you do, faggot!"



I think the answer to "Why is it like this" is that most people simply receive their opinions from others by tradition and don't think about things that much themselves, this leads to massive inertia when it comes to 'major' changes to perception and organisation of society. Their opinions are also very much aligned with their own PERCEIVED economic interests - central banks create money out of nothing, lend it to government and banks, creating a 'debt hierarchy' that most people are too busy caught up in climbing to question. Because of the amount of wealth, stability, etc in the world today most people in this hierarchy ARE doing relatively well for themselves (at the expense of those below them), most of these people are also very focused on the idea of climbing high enough in the hierarchy that they can essentially either live without working by relying on those lower in the hierarchy, or live and work for personal fulfillment with an increasingly luxurious lifestyle. NEETS under this system have little to no resources to really even express their views as individuals let alone politically organise to the point of creating coherent and loud enough narratives to 'convince' a bunch of people to stop climbing the hierarchy in the interests of everyone.

This is something you might experience first hand directly from wagies. The wagies in my family all have this internalised mentality that because they work and I don't, they are justified in treating me like dirt, practically. They partly do this because they RESENT the fact that you're surviving without doing the work they are, and probably resent you too for having slightly more independence and strength of character to resist. These people are absorbed in climbing the hierarchy most of the time and so they don't have the time to consider more rational systems. In some funny ways, NEETs have more in common with the super-rich leisure classes than the average person working away at their job, because the elites have time and leisure to consider alternatives.

The irrationality and unfairness of the present system could never be more obvious - I have spoken to multiple people who simply inherited so much money that they'll never have to work a day in their lives, while other people wear their bodies and minds out day after day serving people who are higher up in the hierarchy. Lots of people simply repress any awareness of all of this, though - because as I said they're trying to Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


>What makes the difference in the way a NEET and someone who turns their hobby and cult of personality into a "job"?

One thing about this is that you might not realise it, but a disproportionate amount of those who become successful Youtubers etc today are already from middle\upper-middle class families, with a degree of leisure and enough spare money to try things out without risking falling into poverty. It boils my blood to think of the number of talentless youtubers who get paid by a megacorporation to repeat memes that were made for free by people 10 years ago. They pillage the public sphere for their own selfish purposes, ruining internet culture and prostituting everything, and most of them don't even really need the money.

You're also mostly only seeing the 'successes' when you see these 'Youtube celebs' online. If you look around you can find people who tried hard, and even put in a lot of effort and got nowhere on Youtube, and even then you're looking at those who tried to make a go of things on Youtube, rather than the many more people trapped slaving away in wage labour or stuck in NEET obscurity.


very good post i agree

very good post i agree

i dont like any of the other posts.

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Around 10 years ago, I lived a very reclusive lifestyle and I was very miserable, I don't wanna go on details or to give away who I am, but something happened, something saved me from that, those years I worked hard on redoing my life, I got a job, a future, and became a better person, I had everything you could dream of that would make you happy, and more.
Now I lost all of it, and I'm scared I'll go back to how it was before, how do I go on? I'm not asking for back pats or pity, I just genuinely want to know how do you continue after losing everything.
I honestly want to, I am seeking professional help, and I try to stay focused at work, but nothing is working.


Nothing lasts forever man, not even when life is going good for you. Don’t beat yourself up about it, more than likely it’s something that wasn’t entirely in your control. But hey, look at it this way, if you were able to drag yourself out of being a recluse already what’s stopping you from doing it again? Just don’t give yourself the option of going back to your previous lifestyle, as enticing as it may be at times.


Exact same situation here. I would write many things and I have thought about it so much but in the end it's just that. I have no answers, sadly…


My life's goal is to tell the stories of people like you guys.
Too often we only hear from the people who succeeded, who made it in life, who had the ideal family and kids, house and car, job, status, etc. … the 'winners' in other words… and so we have a natural bias towards those types of people, and it unfairly colours our opinions. But in reality, most people don't win; most people fail, but we never hear from them because they don't make it.
Basically, I'm saying that you have a story worth telling, so for that reason alone, you have a duty to come through this, because I know there's at least one person out there who needs to hear it.

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