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/hikki/ - NEET / Advice


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 No.19[Last 50 Posts]

hi /n/, im curious about the NEETdom and wondering if you could answer some questions?

how long have you been a NEET?
was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?
what do you do all day?
what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?
how often do you get outside, if at all?
do you live independently or with parents?


>how long have you been a NEET?
10 years now.
was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?
Social anxiety, passivity, lack of ambition, hate of the system.
what do you do all day?
>diverse pc crap with a a small walk in between.
what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?
>Multiple chatrooms with diverse set of people and numbers.
how often do you get outside, if at all?
>Once a day for a quiet walk.
do you live independently or with parents?
>Parents, they dont mind, its a strange situation.

Im really sick of this and no there is nothing more to life than computers.


Fucking hell how could i fuckup my quoting so bad.


>how long have you been a NEET?
Three years.

>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?

Mental and physical ailments which have prevented me from maintaining employment. Also disdain for the system since because of my ailments I'm destined for a life of borderline poverty no matter what I do or try and do. Life would be good for somebody like me if Marxism came into fruition. Too bad everybody considers socialism as Stalinism or Maoism, even though both those were communist state prototypes. And even communism itself wasn't unviable, per-say. Had Lenin not been superseded by Stalin, Russia could have very well become a very stable communist state. Regardless, capitalism will eventually go pop so there's not much point in conforming with the system, having children, and then either experiencing the explosion or having my children (or there children) feel the wrath. It's why my country has become 'democratic socialist' (albeit, democratic socialism only tries to put a band-aid on the capitalist system and said band-aid is not doing a terrific job thus far). I want to overcome both my mental and physical ailments someday soon and find something meaningful to do in life, but so far.. haven't been able to. I hope to write a few pieces of published literature eventually too, though I don't intend on making very much money from it because of the state the publishing industry is in.

>what do you do all day?

Either read or shitpost. Occasionally give into some mindless hedonism and watch some anime.

>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?

I occasionally visit some NEET IRC rooms. Sometimes socialise with fellow pro-communist/socialist friends who don't care what I do with my life for as long as I'm happy.

>how often do you get outside, if at all?

I go shopping occasionally. Physical ailments make it a strenuous task, but I make do.

>do you live independently or with parents?

I live in a NEET household, currently. Mother's on disability bux. Sister cares for her autistic son. Nephew is on autismbux. I'm on disability bux.


>how long have you been a NEET?
It'll be three years in June.

>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?

I'm too mentally ill to hold down a job or go to college so after I graduated high school, there was nothing for me to do.

>what do you do all day?

Sleep, video games, cartoons/television, wikipedia articles, lurking *chans/forums, baking, arts and crafts

>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?

None outside of my therapists. I don't know how to meet or talk to people even online so I've had to get creative to stave off the loneliness. I depend on pets, stuffed animals, and imaginary friends.

>how often do you get outside, if at all?

I go to therapy at least twice a week. Once in a while I'll go grocery shopping or out to eat.

>do you live independently or with parents?

I live with a shitty boyfriend who hits me and fucks other girls all the time.


>how long have you been a NEET?
It's been roughly a year.
>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?
Nothing outside of the norm, no.
>what do you do all day?
Exercise, browse various chans, masturbate.
>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?
Online I exchange emails with a few strangers I occasionally meet, offline I have a small group of very good friends.
>how often do you get outside, if at all?
Not as frequently as I had before, I'd very much like to start hiking though.
>do you live independently or with parents?
I'm rooming with my uncle currently.


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>how long have you been a NEET?
2 years in total to be strict. However I have been living the lifestyle for ~5 years now.

>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?

Anxiety / depression / motivation problems + my nature have prevented me to transitioning into a "normal", functional adult life.

>what do you do all day?

Browse imageboards / Reddit.

>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?

Online: none with a persistent identity. I only ever post anonymously and belong to no communities.
Offline: no friends or romances. I live with my mother and speak one or two sentences to her each day. Usually in the form of:
Her: "Anon, I'm going out."
Me: "OK."
Also about once a month or thereabouts she grills me about my NEEThood and general failure to progress into a normal life.

>how often do you get outside, if at all?

Once every 3 or 4 days normally to buy bread and other foodstuffs.

>do you live independently or with parents?

With my mother.



how long have you been a NEET?
about 8 months.

was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?
anxiety about getting a job, lack of qualifications to even get a job, disdain for the system.

what do you do all day?
mostly shitpost on various imageboards, sometimes learn new programming skills, recently been getting back into gaming.

what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?
online, imageboards.
offline, my parents, though it's more interacting with them out of necessity than having actual conversations.

how often do you get outside, if at all?
pretty much never. I used to go out occasionally to get fast food or stock up on booze, but I don't do either anymore since I stopped drinking a while back.

do you live independently or with parents?
With parents.


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>how long have you been a NEET?
Coming up 7 years next month.

>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?

Bullied in high school, dropped out and that was that.

>what do you do all day?

I work out, listen to music mainly. Bit of video games.

>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?

I talk to one person on steam who I've met up with in real life.

>how often do you get outside, if at all?

once or twice a month at most, depends on doctors appointments, haircuts, etc.

>do you live independently or with parents?


Don't worry anon, we're all because we fucked up somewhere.


Got any plans? I'm sure you're still young, anon.


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>how long have you been a NEET?
About a year now.
>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?
No motivation and I dislike how the world works.
>what do you do all day?
Play games on the pc (smite,Lol,csgo,blade and soul. I also like to crossdress its fun. And the rest of my time I'm on youtube or some chan.
>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?
Online only unless you count me talking to my mom and dad some times.
>how often do you get outside, if at all?
Not much no reason to unless i need to feed my cats or dogs.
>do you live independently or with parents?
I live with my parents.


>how long have you been a NEET?
4 years, off and on
>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?
I don't like working or school
>what do you do all day?
Surf the net, chat, read, code, clean, cook, run little errands, hang out, sleep.. watch anime, listen to music…
>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?
I go to a lot of anonymous sites, IRC, and twitter. I see friends offline once or twice a week.
>how often do you get outside, if at all?
Maybe every 2 or 3 days, for getting groceries or beer or whatever. I like walks, so when the weather's nicer, I'll go out every day.
>do you live independently or with parents?
I live alone, fugg yes. Finally out of painful roommate scenarios.


>How long have you been a NEET?
1 year, then i tried to go to college for a few months and now i'm a NEET again.
Depression, didn't want to deal with people, scared of everything, irrational fears.
>What do you do all day?
Be on the computer. Go outside once a week to get food.
Talk to people on chans and sometimes talk to family.
1-2 times a week.
Live in a tiny apartment.


how long have you been a NEET?
10 years
was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?
what do you do all day?
masturbate, watch anime, programm a game.
what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?
imageboards, skype with 2 people.
how often do you get outside, if at all?
every 2 weeks
do you live independently or with parents?
with parents


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>how long have you been a NEET?
2 years, with 2 months.
>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?
Depression, anxiety, ptsd, ocd, blah blah.
>what do you do all day?
Read books, comics, manga,(i used to draw but not anymore, fuck you dad) chans sometimes (shitpost to hide feels sometimes), movies, anime, play with my dogs and sometimes i study about interesting topics.
>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?
Every friday me and my 2 friends watch a cult movie, just that.
In november i had to do some communitary service in some, communitary center… teaching kids how to draw and it was ncie, but everybody was like: lol this guys is weird, blah blah, and i met 1 prettycool girl and 1 pretty cool boy, but i had to leave because of it was not so nice and stuff.
>how often do you get outside, if at all?
Just when i need to buy food, when my dogs want to go to the park.
>do you live independently or with parents?


>(i used to draw but not anymore, fuck you dad)
What happened?


Not much, my dad it's just a dickhead that is always saying things like: "you have no future drawing, that's for kids" "do something useful"… meh, that's why i have more hobbies.


Don't listen to him, man. He probably doesn't expect a future out of you no matter what you do if he's that kind of person.


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I guess you're right… :^)
Pic is my door, is not finished, because of depression, but maybe i'll finish it one day.


Three years.
I hated school, had anxiety and depression, and pretty much everything about having to interact with normalfags.
Read, watch anime, play games, browse imageboards, exercise.
I post on imageboards and sometimes write emails to some online friends I've made.
Like physically leave the house, or "go out"? I probably go outside every 3-4 days to go to the store.
With my parents.


How do you make friends online? i always meet just normies.


You looked in the wrong place then obviously.

Try more niche places, there is some shutin irc thread somewhere here, you have to dig it out yourself.
This would be your best bet, otherwise you just need something you get into, a game is generally a good idea, or some other kind of community.

Its a hit or miss thing, you just have to try and get lucky and go for it when you seen an occasion.


Not the same non but it seems like most communities anymore are just shitposting and clique bullshit. I know someone from that irc and they say it's mostly normies anymore.

Eh, probably good incentive to meet people irl honestly.


>it seems like most communities anymore are just shitposting and clique bullshit.
You can get in to those, if this is your critique.
But yes its quite often a ciclejerk, but you can still find relatable people in some.


>Friend seeker


>how long have you been a NEET?
2013, that makes 3 years.

>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?

mental problems at the time. somehow got through high school drunk (2nd highschool, that's how it works in some countries), even though the police, hospital and national mental healthcare got involved numerous times + no plans for college/uni because of a sense of directionless in this manipulated world.

>what do you do all day?

use as much alcohol, weed and music as I can so I'm a step ahead of my brain. think about the world. Most important is probably the guitar. It's something that's sticked to me for about 11 years, unlike anything else. I used to watch tons of anime but I lost steam. I still play games but it's going along the same path as anime.

>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?

childhood friends from elementary and middle school. They all live in the same city but I was forced to move to a different town. I can only see them when I've got money to fill up my motorcycle, we mostly communicate online. I've got a good bond with them but it's been withering from my side. Still, I've known them long enough for it to be demi-permanent. I try to see them whenever I can; they're good people. Only one of them is a NEET, but the rest are FAR from normies: they're not stupid. Somehow, I've also got a girlfriend that likes to play vidya, watch anime and do drugs/alcohol with me, which is obviously not an everyday catch.

>how often do you get outside, if at all?

daily, actually. grabbing beers, smoking a joint or just going downtown with my gf out of boredom. Not a lot of money so it's not like I can buy 5 grams of weed and 24 cans of beer at once: it's a lot of trips after collecting money from empty bottles (you can bring them back to stores for ~25 Cents)

>do you live independently or with parents?

parents. they don't like it very much, but there's not much any of us can do right now. My mom understands. Her husband, not so much.

damn it's good to share some of the under-the-table stuff every once in a while. even without a reply, it feels good. cheers, good people.


how long have you been a NEET?

I have been a NEET for about 3 years and hikikomori for 2.

was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?

Stress/Anxiety caused me to drop out and then I slowly regressed into never leaving my house. Now here I am.

what do you do all day?

I spend my entire day on the computer. On rare occasions I just sleep/read a bit but even reading is mostly done on the computer.

what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?

I talk to my immediate family and some of my old friends but not much other than that.

how often do you get outside, if at all?

In an attempt to stop being hikikomori I would sometimes push/test myself to see how far away from my house I could walk. (Usually a block or so)

do you live independently or with parents?

I live with my parents.


Could we hear you play?


>how long have you been a NEET?
Since graduating high school in 2011
>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?
I have an illness. It was a struggle to even graduate high school. I tried college but quickly relapsed and couldn't continue.
>what do you do all day?
Mostly do online stuff like watching movies or 4chan. Otherwise, I'll putter around the house, play games, draw or cook.
>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?
Aside from occasionally talking to my parents, none. I hardly comment anything online. Sometimes I'll run into an old high school friend and we'll chat briefly but that's very rare.
>how often do you get outside, if at all?
Only when my parents go out so it's mostly for grocery shopping or to church. Otherwise, I'm happy to stay at home (esp. with my weak immune system and illness, I can easily catch any bacterial or viral sickness and it can get much worse for me)
>do you live independently or with parents?
With parents. I don't think I can live independently considering my illness and my parents need my help anyways (they're old and need help taking care of the house and animals)


>how long have you been a NEET?
8 years or so
>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?
I lost it in high school, started to isolate myself, stopped going out with friends
>what do you do all day?
a whole lot of nothing, listen to music and try to play games or chat with people with mixed results
>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?
strictly online these days, just text based chatting, been trying to use voice a bit but it gives me some anxiousness
>how often do you get outside, if at all?
a couple of times a month, really only go outside for groceries
>do you live independently or with parents?


You sound like me and I have a suggestion for you, if you spend so much time isolated alone with your thoughts, and you spend so much time typing, then consider writing a story be it a fanfic or hell a novel, put your time to use.


That's an interesting thought, one I've toyed with but the chances are anything I write won't be any good, most of the daydreams I have these days are autistic power fantasies and I'm cringing at just the thought of putting that on paper.
Have you written anything yourself?
Anything you'd like to share?


for sure, man. I'll write something up and record it, should be monday, or sooner. I appreciate the interest


Awesome! Do you sing, too?


I used to be in a band some years ago where I did guitar/vocals. they went somewhat big and trendy (pop/rock) so I haven't been singing much after that.

here's an instrumental for 2 guitars (noise+rhythm) and drums I'm working on. it should feel frail and miserable but with a sense of warmth coming through like watching sunset from a familiar room in an abandoned city. something like that.



>how long have you been a NEET?
5 or 6 years
>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?
Social anxiety, paranoia and depression. Every attempt I've made at pushing myself out into the world has failed. And every attempt has made my condition worse it seems.
>what do you do all day?
Sit in front of my PC mostly. I play games and watch videos.
>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?
I have a friend on Steam. I read boards sometimes but I don't usually post anything. Offline, I talk to my grandmother daily and I have a friend who comes over about once a week. I also see a therapist.
>how often do you get outside, if at all?
I go to the grocery store and my therapist.
>do you live independently or with parents?
I live with my grandmother.


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>how long have you been a NEET?
For 5-6 years, until this September.

>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?

Same as most of everyone here, mental health problems. I'm a diagnosed schizotypal, and I was doing horribly until I got meds. Starting to take them is the reason I was able to push myself out there and go back to school. No way in hell I would've been able to do that before.

>what do you do all day?

PC, cooking, general chores.

>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?

I got married this year, so I live with my husband. Outside of that, I have a couple IRC friends and I talk to my mum and grandmother on a weekly basis.

>how often do you get outside, if at all?

I try my best to leave at least once a day, even if it's just going to get groceries. Prior to meds I would stay in for months.

>do you live independently or with parents?

Independently. I inherited a small apartment from my dad - technically half of it, but mum let me be there by myself since I was 16.


>how long have you been a NEET?
6-7 years.

>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?

Too many. Mostly my head.

>what do you do all day?

PC, that's all.

>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?

I speak a few sentences a day to my family, but that's about it. No friends online or in real life.

>how often do you get outside, if at all?

I've left I think about twice in the last 6-7 years. This is total times my foot has been placed outside of my house. Outside world is pretty much just what I see through my window.

>do you live independently or with parents?



I see you are in a similar boat.
I've also been spending some of my surplus time on guitar. It's nice having tangible to focus on, instead of another screen.


>how long have you been a NEET?
It's been a few years… Maybe 3-ish if I had to put a number to it.
>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?
Well, I was first diagnosed with depression in 3rd grade. So for roughly 15 years I've been struggling with motivation and mood swings, to the point where now, I'm worn down, essentially numb to almost all emotion except sadness and occasionally anger. That made it pretty difficult for me to care about homework, causing me to be held back a couple of times in high school. When I did graduate, my first semester of college ended with a motivation crash where I didn't leave my room for a while, barely ate or even got out of bed. After that I dropped out of college, then a few months later tried and dropped out of an online program as well.
I've just gotten to where I don't really care to take part in the world as it is now. It's full of shit systems, run by shit people, for shit reasons.
>what do you do all day?
Sleep, try to play games, watch anime, stream something, listen to music, play guitar
>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?
Mostly online, through chans. Offline, I visit with old high school friends rarely, or have band practice from time to time.
>how often do you get outside, if at all?
Every couple days or so. Depends on if I can scrape up some change for a drive or if I have to run an errand.
>do you live independently or with parents?
With parents. Technically my dad since my mom is stuck working out of state.


when I'm just jamming and on a roll, it's like dreaming away. wouldn't trade it for anything.

>I've just gotten to where I don't really care to take part in the world as it is now. It's full of shit systems, run by shit people, for shit reasons.

that's been a returning thought for me as well. I'd love to fight it, but money seems to have a bit more influence on the world than I do.


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>how long have you been a NEET?
about eight years now

>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?

extreme mental illness and a very long history of trauma. with the exception of my mother not hating me there have been very few good things that have happened to me, ever, and im at a point where if i step outside for anything longer than a cigarette without someone holding my hand the whole time i will break down sobbing and shaking until i can go back in

>what do you do all day?

i sit at the computer and write in my diary, and i guess i listen to music occasionally or watch youtube videos or movies. some times i play games but mostly i just kinda drift through the hours

>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?

i can talk to my mom, and i can talk to my one irl friend, who i met as i was getting into NEETdom but wasnt completely fucked, mostly because he's just as miserable as i am, just slightly more socially competent. online ive got some friends and ive tried "dating" once or twice (online of course) but it's gone really, really, really, really, really badly and just killed any hope for change id developed

>how often do you get outside, if at all?

i go outside to smoke or if i really really have to, like to a dentist appointment or something. otherwise i never leave my room.

>do you live independently or with parents?

i live with my mom. my dad died when i was sixteen. she treated me really shittily up to that point so i think she's just trying to make up for hurting me a lot as a kid. i know she's probably completely sick of my shit by now but she cares enough about me to be understanding, at least to the extent that she lets me stay


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>how long have you been a NEET?
9 months
>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?
Anxiety, no direction in life. Making terrible decisions in life.
>what do you do all day?
Games and sports. Work out sometimes
>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?
Online I talk to all my friends who went away to foreign unis or are working now, steam friends or just random strangers. Offline I talk to my parents often.
>how often do you get outside, if at all?
Not very often. When I'm sent to my cousins to try and get rid of this anxiety I just stay indoors and continue my routine. The only reason I have to go out now is to settle some scholarship issues.
>do you live independently or with parents?
Parents. I love them and they're very supportive. But I know sooner or later they're going to see me as a big disappointment.


>how long have you been a NEET?
7 Years.
>Was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?
School was really hard to bear because I guess im pretty emotionally weak, so I said to myself "Once I get out of school, I'm taking several years off to just sit on my ass in front of my computer and be free". I thought I'd just be able to recover and pick up my life again, and I didn't realize that the great recession was coming, and how not working for a couple years would make me unemployable.

>what do you do all day?

Browse the internet, sometimes play videogames, occasionally talk to people online. I'm trying to switch some things up so I won't mentally deteriorate any further.

>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?

I have some online friends who I talk to every 1-7 days and one guy I've known since highschool who I hang out with once a month. I don't know how I keep it up because I'm not very social, and I fear one day they'll all just leave me because I'm usually not a fun person, and I never know what to talk about.

>how often do you get outside, if at all?

I don't have a drivers license, so whenever my dad leaves the house I usually go with him to get fresh air.

>do you live independently or with parents?

With my parents.


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>how long have you been a NEET?
was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?
A year after high school, then dropped out of college, a year after that, then dropped out after that, and from then till now. In total I'd say roughly three years.
>what do you do all day?
Shitpost and drugs, sometimes a bit of mediocre writing, sometimes practice keyboard a bit
There used to be a little more variance in my schedule than that
>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?
Shitposting only my man
>how often do you get outside, if at all?
Twice a week maybe? Usually to go to the grocery store.
>do you live independently or with parents?


>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?
Missed one
Mostly anxiety
Shit personality too, couldn't handle being around other people

I never really learned how to handle school so by the time I was introduced to college I had no work ethic or anything like that. Drugs made me slower and stupider, and doubt reality, too.

A lot of it comes from going full time trans as a teenager. Really fucked up my high school years, social fallout led to a lot of emotional problems, huge derealization and trust issues. Not really as into it as I used to be, feel like I kinda just let that part of me die, but I'm still fairly androgynous (and I wouldn't have it any other way) so whenever I go outside I still feel like everyone is "against me" and I still feel like a freak. Only place that seems safe is my own mind.

Really just want to get this over with and walk away from this shitty movie but can't yet.


hi im new
>how long have you been a NEET?

hard to say since dropping in and out of school since 6th grade and then in highschool but altogether probably 7 yrs. I've been a hikikomori since I was 10 regardless of mandatory education. I’m 23

>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?

bad parenting, being raised in a junkie environment, poverty, mental illness, social anxiety, humans make me uncomfortable, not making a single friend until middle school do to being extremely socially awkward, being bullied for it non stop through my adolescent yrs

>what do you do all day?

video games, read(wikis,books,fanfic, literally anything to distract my brain), regular internet shit, smoke weed and pop pills(that my sister(26 and married and both employed) brings me), masterbate, have sex, daydream, reasearch suicide methods etc

>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?

I see my partner of 6 yrs after work on week days and all day on weekends, my sister and my partner bring me food and shit to keep me alive but I dont ever leave this room. Everyone else in the house knows not to come upstairs without warning. I dont talk to anyone online unless Im drunk/high as balls which I am now

>how often do you get outside, if at all?

maybe like twice a year to see my doc and get my fucking prescriptions(which I also have to be high as fuck to accomplish) if a car drive to the doctor and back counts as going outside

>do you live independently or with parents?

my sickly dad owns the house and lives here but my sister basically runs the place. My brother(19 employed) lives downstairs but I almost never see him


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>how long have you been a NEET?
Not a NEET (Soon though Parent's are forcing me to go to school Dropping out not an option in my family), but I do have interest in NEET culture and how NEETs end up in their situation.
>what do you do all day?
Shitpost, play games Mainly Binding of Isaac ight now, anime, crossdressing is fun, and Twitch to pass the time.
>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?
Offline: None really
Online: Only on a skype group of 3 other people and one friend I had in primary schooling but moved and became a NEET.
>how often do you get outside, if at all?
very rarely, just to go where parents tell me to go.
>do you live independently or with parents?
Parents right now, but soon with a NEET friend.


>how long have you been a NEET?
almost a year
>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?
depression, social anxiety, personality disorder, lack of belongness, hate people, hate this world, drop out college
>what do you do all day?
watch movies, watch tv series, listen to music, read, chat with some online friends, sleep, sometimes i write something
>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?
sometimes i talk with a few online friends
>how often do you get outside, if at all?
to buy stuff sometimes
>do you live independently or with parents?


>how long have you been a NEET?
2 years, give or take some months
>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?
Social anxiety and paranoia.
>what do you do all day?
Sit in front of my PC watching LPs and lurking through sites, listen to music, read
>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?
I talk to family, rarely interact with others online
>how often do you get outside, if at all?
Once a month
>do you live independently or with parents?



I'm surprised there aren't more people here who have stated they are NEET because of problems finding employment. My opinion, I'm sure, is similar to yours, The Great Recession fucked everyone who didn't have connections in the ass.

Anyway, once I graduated from Uni with an engineering degree I applied for jobs at large engineering companies. Despite my 2.1 grade and, in my opinion, a fairly decent CV I got nowhere and didn't even get rejection letters. However, within 6 months I was able to get a job at a small engineering company, of less than 5 people. That lasted a year and I had to be laid-off due to the company having cash flow problems. Since then I've been applying for jobs, getting interviews, doing well in them or at least better each time but then never hearing back from company's like before. It's the classic experience paradox, I need more experience but can't get it without experience. Been unemployed for 2 years now.

Perhaps I am being melodramatic but I would rather be a NEET and reach for the 12 gauge when I'm 40 than just take any wage-slave job. And also I think it would be prudent for me to, not give up, but think about how I would be happy in life without a job as this is looking like the most likely outcome now.

In my spare time I read, garden, play computer games (not much anymore though, I've lost most of my interest in them). Live with my parents but pay rent.


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>how long have you been a NEET?
4 years
>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?
Formerly profound anxiety/depression and whatever has been posted here.
>what do you do all day?
I go running at least every other day, read books, brush up on my cinema, and a few other things which I halfass. Fair share of idling too. Don't really browse the web al that much. If I had the funds i'd probably do more productive things(gym membership and protein sources, for starters). If I were to kill myself in the future, it'd likely be for boredom.
>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?
Offline: core family. Dafuq am I supposed to do? Meetup.com?
Online: I've become very detached to any communities and irc's have never seemed all that appealing to me. Outgrew shitposting quite sometime ago.
>how often do you get outside, if at all?
Everyday for at least walks or driving to the library from time to time. Would get more ambitious with my destinations if I wasn't so poor.
>do you live independently or with parents?
this'll likely be one of my last posts on IB's for a long time.


>how long have you been a NEET?

2 years.

>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?

Got a PhD, thought I was the shit, realized the market will take 10 yrs or more to have room for people like me.

>what do you do all day?

I acutally am 'kind of a NEET': I am not officially employed, but I help substantially with the family business.

>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?

Family, online friends, and various acquaintances / contacts / unwknows daily, my job requires it.

>how often do you get outside, if at all?

Outside daily, but I live in the sticks so I actually go into people places once a week or so.

>do you live independently or with parents?

I live with parents, but our house is also part of our business and I live in a country where living in the same building as your parents is not instant social stigma.


>how long have you been a NEET?

4 years

>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?

Anxiety physically & mentally. Before I started online HS I would throw up daily(sometimes blood), my stomach issues didn't help. Have had cold sweats & depression since middle school.

>what do you do all day?

Tons of music, animu& mangos(didn't start these till 3rd year), reading worldly sites, old movies. Tf2. I like to think I'm a NEET detective. I used to dab oil all the time but schizophrenia makes it hard.

>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?

Offline : one friend from middle school
Online : I found 2 friends this year( they never seem to last)

>how often do you get outside, if at all?

Sometimes vacations, otherwise not at all. Buy online, I don't shop at stores.

>do you live independently or with parents?


I didn't know the term NEET/hikki till about 2 years into it, but that was exactly what I was doing. Sometimes I feel really stuck, my thoughts do endless looping when I'm alone. I think I'm in love with it though. It's like being a rich old person with no money. I'm just as frail & weak. Thank god for loli h-manga.


>how long have you been a NEET?
It will be three years in May
>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?
I majored in journalism. Graduated with highest honors. No one seems to want to hire me. Not as a writer, editor, trashman or working on an oil rig.
>what do you do all day?
I listen to a lot of music, podcasts, and I try to write fiction.
>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?
I still see my friends regularly. They're all moving on with their lives.(I'm 25) We do our best to see each other.
>how often do you get outside, if at all?
I try to go outside often. For walks and to see friends. I don't consider myself a shut-in yet. Perhaps in a few years once my friends really move on.
>do you live independently or with parents?
I live at home with my parents. My older sisters are still here too. One is disabled and the other suffers from bipolar disorder along with depression. She works at McDonalds.


>how long have you been a NEET?
Not an actual NEET, but relatively isolated for 5 years.
>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?
Lack of motivation, lazyness and depression since I broke up with a girl.
>what do you do all day?
I wake up at 1PM, take a shower go buy some food, eat. Go to class for 4 hours and then shitpost, read or smoke cigarettes in front of the screen until 5AM.
>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?
Online: I hang out in a friend's TS
Offline: I try to speak with the people from my class and sometimes I hang out with them; I'm "that guy who rarely goes out", and that made me more or less attractive to them. I can name like 2 people from a group of 6.
>how often do you get outside, if at all?
Every day I go to class, yet I'm doing horribly in most part of the subjects. I go out one every two months with my classmates.
>do you live independently or with parents?
With my parents.


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>I'm not a NEET
>My eason of becoming a NEET is this
Fuck son
>depression since I broke up with a girl.
Okay I guess it's possible…

>I'm "that guy who rarely goes out"

>Every day I go to class
Why are you doing this?


>how long have you been a NEET?
About four years
>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?
I fail at life. Suffer from depression and anxiety; I'm scared of a lot of things that people need to do in order to fit in to society. Due to my attempts to self-medicate I'm physically dependent on opioids (methadone and heroin).
>what do you do all day?
Sleep, read, play games, get high, talk with my flatmate
>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?
I live with my friend at the moment, so I talk with him every day. Other friends - there aren't many - I see about once a week maximum.
>how often do you get outside, if at all?
I like being outside. I go outside every day.
>do you live independently or with parents?
I live independently. It's been over a year since I moved out of my parents' place and things have been great to be honest. I'm 25 so I felt it was about time even if I am a NEET


Nigga, you ain't NEET.


Very new to this imageboard, could someone who does live alone provide some insight on how they generate some form of financial income please?


i dont live alone but i live on my own.

its very unlikely a person can live on their own without a career unless they get help from their family or are severely disabled.

the first step to independence was finding the balls to make some friends. than we combined our resources and lived together.

some ways to get income is going to school and getting financial aide or getting disability (which means you gotta have the balls to at least start going to a psychologist. better find out if your insurance or health care plan covers that).


Damn. About to graduate high school, and I just want to disappear from everyone. Would there really be no way for me to just live in an apartment isolated from the rest of the World? I've heard of people talking about bitcoin mining, no clue what it is though and how much you actually make.


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i've done that with some of the most powerful bitcoin miners and only made enough to have some extra spending money on top of what i already make. it was nowhere near enough to pay for living and they eventually broke.

living alone is something you earn, it's a complete and utter delusion to believe that you can get away with not working alongside the planet you live on.

where the fuck do you think money comes from?


Well then, could you be a hikki but have a job then? I know that would negate the NEET part but still…


i doubt it. never seen it happen, personally. not even if you're a prodigy.


>5 months, previously I was only doing less than 15 hours of classes a week though
>I didn't want to work
>sit on my computer and do everything from web surfing. game playing, media viewing, reading, video/music producing, downloading and sorting and a little bit of tidying
>offline I have my gf I see everyday, I have one friend from high school I talk to a bit on and off and a number of people I've met over the years that I hear from very sporadically
>I haven't left the property alone in months, but I go out every now and then with my gf for shopping or whatever
>I live with my gf

I have been looking for a job for a bit because I don't have anymore money now and my gf is barely making enough to help lend me money sometimes. Been rejected from some Mc Donald's today which is fun.


when I was in high school 4-5 years ago my 7970Ghz (cost me $740) could mine maybe a a couple dollars worth of bitcoin a day?
I was able to buy some Humble Bundles for a while at least.


>how long have you been a NEET?

About 8 years.

>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?

I quit my job, thinking I could do better. Boy was I wrong! I tried for years but couldn't even get a job at the Goodwill. I'm not certain why. I have good hygiene. I'm actually fairly competent and, due to my OCD, a highly conscientious worker. I'm definitely introverted, thoughI don't think I have an anxiety disorder. But,for whatever reason, no place I have applied for in the past 8 years (with one exception) has even granted me an interview.

>what do you do all day?

I read a lot of nonfiction, especially science and math. It makes me feel like I'm accomplishing something. I also write a lot of fiction and some nonfiction as well but, due to the controversial nature ofthe subject matter, I don't dare try publish any of it. I also exercise and do a lot of cooking and cleaning. It's not really that bad of a life and, ironically, I've never been happier than I am right now. I would like a girlfriend, but judging from people I know who do have girlfriends/boyfriends, she might be more trouble than she's worth.

>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?

Virtually none.

>how often do you get outside, if at all?

I walk several miles a day, usually in evenings when things have quieted down.

>do you live independently or with parents?

Neither, I live with a friend who lives with <I> his </I> parent who, not surprisingly, is even NEETer than me.


Fuck you.


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Language, anon.


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Woah, hold on young boy, the F word is way too mean for new people's sensitivity!
Please try to use polite language or you may make us look unfriendly!


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「G, gomen。」


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>how long have you been a NEET?
7 years.
>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?
Anxiety, depression, derealization, ugly, unintelligent, permissive parents.
>what do you do all day?
Browse imageboards, watch youtube, read, play guitar, play games, exercise, ruminate on my miserable situation.
>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?
Parents, siblings and imageboards.
>how often do you get outside, if at all?
I try to get sunlight in the yard daily.
>do you live independently or with parents?
With parents.


how long have you been a NEET?
>6 years, then worked, now neet for a bit over a year.
was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?
>parents very easy to convince. dont like working.
what do you do all day?
>browse chans, masturbate, watch anime, sometimes play video games, watch youtube videos, eat, read stuff. I code sometimes too.
what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?
>Online I have one chat I go to, not a lot of people like me however so I may just stop going in the coming months. Offline, nobody except my family.
how often do you get outside, if at all?
>Never really. Sometimes If I notice I haven't been outside in a while I'll sit out in the sun for 5 minutes.
do you live independently or with parents?


>How long have you been a NEET?
Just a little over a year.
>Reason for becoming a NEET?
Social anxiety and depression became too much to handle. I'm surprised I finished school.
>What do you do all day?
Mostly sleep, I guess. I don't play a whole lot of video games or watch a lot of anime.
>What form of social interaction do you have?
I'm in a few chat rooms, I guess.
>How often do you go outside?
Once or twice a week.
>Do you live independently or with your parents?
Parents. They don't really seem to care about me anymore.


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>how long have you been a NEET?
I've been a neet for a combined period of 8 years over my life, currently it's been 1 1/2 year.
>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?
Yes, dropped out of college, thought I could make enough as a semi skilled worker to live by myself but barely made a third of what I was hoping, with no reason to keep working I quit my job. That and my moms death that sent me again into a spiral of depression, why do I even bother?
>what do you do all day?
Chans, music, porn, sometimes anime and movies when it doesn't feel like a chore.
>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?
Other than chans absolutely none, always anonymously. Tried IRCs and forums before but I can't help but feel uncomfortable between all the ERPfags, stormfags, tumblrites, tinfoilretards and generally angry and violent people. And even when that doesn't happen it's clear im forcing myself into it.
>how often do you get outside, if at all?
2 times a week I venture outside for cigarrettes, alcohol and junkfood.
>do you live independently or with parents?


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>how long have you been a NEET?
Worked on & off since 2010 but no work at all since 2013/2014

>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?

Working for other people and getting paid little whilst you are making them MUCH more money just turns me off. Have social/mental issues but nothing I can't really just overcome if I push myself. I'm blessed to not be on the street and have people who love/support me.

>what do you do all day?

Practice kendama & 1A yoyo. I also have been into writing music, making beats, drawing on stuff, sk8, bike, take care of my little girl (dog), appreciate my wife.

>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?

Instagram, twitter, facebook like twice a year, I talk to my brothers, parents, wife, her family, say "hi" to people on the street because you never know what can happen if you put yourself out there.

>how often do you get outside, if at all?

I used to never go out of the house for days/weeks a few years ago but then kendama entered my life and gave birth to a new me I guess… maybe it just reminded the child in me who I wanted to be….

>do you live independently or with parents?

Between my parents & my wife's parents house right now but I'm staying positive!!


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>How long have you been a NEET?
3 years
>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?
A got involved with drugs in highschool and became withdrawn and isolated from my freinds, skipping class and slacking off.
>what do you do all day?
Sleep, wake up, browse image boards and forums then sleep again rinse repeat
>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?
the only interaction I have with people who aren't family is over IRC
>how often do you get outside, if at all?
everyday to smoke
>do you live independently or with parents?
with my parents


I should add to the highschool part that drugs lead to me dropping out and that's why I'm NEET today, I'm 20


What sort of drugs?
Any interesting stories you can share? Times when you almost got busted, perhaps?


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>how long have you been a neet
three years.
>was there a reason for you becoming a neet
i dropped out after sophomore year to do online, but that didn't work out and was removed after one month. around that time my parents divorced, due to my mom being mentally unstable she basically neglected me for an entire year and just didn't care what the fuck i did. I never decided to go back to school.
>what do you do all day
sleep, lay in bed, anime, lite gaming, i smoke cigarettes out my window
>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline
i have one friend online that I play wow with, he has 3 other friends that I'm associated with, but I wouldn't call them friends. I speak to them maybe once a weak. I have 0 friends offline. I talk to the people I live with once a week.
>how often do I get outside
Maybe once a week
>I live with my mom and brother.

I have REALLY bad social anxiety online. It doesn't apply with the people I associate with through wow because i met them way before I had these issues. I have absolutely no anxiety offline though. I start college in the fall, and I'm excited. My problem is that the past three years spent in isolation has made me hollow and I have no identity or presence anywhere and I don't know what to do lol




>how long have you been a NEET?
not sure/dunno, but it must have been at least 3 years now
>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?
I don't really know. Hated school and doing any kind of work, was a shy, unfunny, cringeworthy faggot (but I didn't get bullied or some shit), started not going to school occasionally and that evolved to never going to school at all some day
>what do you do all day?
shitposting, playing video games (but I fucking suck), tv-shows, movies, or entertainment media that I can consume, food ,practicing guitar(I can't play for shit, haven't ever passed beyond day-one beginner skill)
>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?
family offline, anons online
>how often do you get outside, if at all?
twice a week for therapy
>do you live independently or with parents?
with parents


>how long have you been a NEET?
3-4 years
>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?
We're All Mad Here. plus crohns and vertigo. kicked out of school.
>what do you do all day?
sleep and eat, play abandoned mmos and retro shit no one liked
>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?
skype & fb chats, used to use forums and chans a lot but i haven't been feelin it lately. courtesy-chill w. drug dealers. two conventions a year.
>how often do you get outside, if at all?
like once twice a week
>do you live independently or with parents?
independently w/ assistance


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>how long have you been a NEET?

since 4th grade

>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?

i just stopped going to school one day and my parents rolled with it. i'm not huuman.

>what do you do all day?

dissociate and wish i was dead, also think about sexually traumatizing things and shiver constantly

>what form of interaction do you have, online and offline?

my computer can't run anything so i can't play games, i don't have any friends online, i never have anything to do or talk about. the only true contact i've ever had with other people was doing sexual RP's with adults back when i was a kid

>how often do you get outside, if at all?

usually my mom pesters me to go to the doctor, but sometimes we don't have the money for the bus fare so we can't go.

>do you live independently or with parents?

man what would i give to live alone


Interesting site I just found: https://www.whywork.org/


>how long have you been a NEET?
2 years
>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?
being lazy and not going to uni
>what do you do all day?
play cs, watch anime, shitpost and masturbate
>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?
I have epic internet friends but I'm friendless irl
>how often do you get outside, if at all?
once a week to buy food and stuff
>do you live independently or with parents?
independently but my parents give me money


>how long have you been a NEET?
3 years
>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?
>what do you do all day?
listen to music,refresh imageboards,masturbate
>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?
>how often do you get outside, if at all?
every two weeks for therapy
>do you live independently or with parents?
live alone with my disabled mother both of us are on the bux


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>how long have you been a NEET?
7 years, longer in spirit.
>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?
It's a difficult question… I want to say failure at school but I think it exacerbated deeper issues I had with depression and a growing dislike for life
>what do you do all day?
For the first few years I would play free MMOs, read imageboards and jerk off, but I no longer play MMOs (or games at all really) any more.
>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?
>how often do you get outside, if at all?
Extremely rarely. Once or twice a year.
>do you live independently or with parents?


does that make you an actual hikki



I suppose it does, anon, although I've always been somewhat uncomfortable with the label.


>how long have you been a NEET?
6 years

>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?

i'm lazy and don't want to work

>what do you do all day?

fap to rule 34, watch youtube videos and east fast food

>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?

IRC and skype, i have no IRL friends

>how often do you get outside, if at all?

3-5 times a day to buy fast food

>do you live independently or with parents?



>how long have you been a NEET?
Graduated from highschool '15, so I guess a full year. I was already showing signs by missing days/even entire weeks from school during my senior year.
>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?
undiagnosed anxiety disorder most likely, laziness on my part, I think I may be on the spectrum so it's harder for me to make friends with people and i'm over obsessive when it comes to my special interest
>what do you do all day?
skype with online friends, draw, and play video games
>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?
online mostly since I rarely get out of my house. Though I do see my irl best friend every once in a while and hang out
>how often do you get outside, if at all?
maybe once or twice a week
>do you live independently or with parents?
with my mom atm


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>how long have you been a NEET?
3yrs, after finishing higher education. Basically attained an equivalent to GCSEs. Missed out on 99% of education because of bad health.
>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?
Due to chronic illness, I'm virtually unemployable. Intense fatigue makes it very difficult to maintain relationships outside my immediate family. I don't like it.
>what do you do all day?
Game dev (RPG Maker natch), video games, drawing, chores, internet stuff, shitposting, looking after our pets (I have a ball python and our cat is a shared pet).
>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?
Offine, none aside from family members. Online, no one I really know the name of. Imageboards is where I get most of my social interaction. I used to have friends (well, my brother's friends really) but I've pretty much lost contact. That makes me feel guilty and I don't know why I don't put more effort into it. Anxiety and fatigue mostly, I think. Everyone runs on a different clock than me.
>how often do you get outside, if at all?
Every few days. I like going outside, but it's an ordeal.
>do you live independently or with parents?
With my parents. Living independently would be tough and at the moment there's really no point in leaving. If I can somehow become financially, physically and mentally stable, I would like to live by myself someday. I fear it would be very difficult and lonely, though. My parents don't mind me being around (for the record, I'm in my mid 20s so I appreciate their patience) so it's not like living here is painful. It can be a bit stifling, though.

tl;dr Chronic disease is a bitch. I wish I had cancer instead.


>chronic illness
same here but i got (mostly) better. spent most of my adult life wandering between part time employment and halfassed attempts at qualifications. at this point i figure it's not even worth trying; even healthy people can't make it. maybe after enough forced comedy show viewing i'll find the will to tackle life again.

>how long have you been a NEET?

as long as i've been sick, so ~a decade, with pauses.
>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?
see above
>what do you do all day?
right now just taking care of myself. i'm in the midst of interviewing for a new job but not getting my hopes up. i like working and would like an excuse to get out of the house.
>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?
i have friends but mostly thru the internets. i find face to face interaction very dull.
>how often do you get outside, if at all?
often enough
>do you live independently or with parents?
i get bux but they'll chip in as well.


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>how long have you been a NEET?
2/3 years

>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?

Moved to a new city when I graduated high school to live with my father. He didn't and hasn't helped me very much in getting a job and it's just hard in general. I applied for jobs for a while but kinda gave up. I have bursts of doing it but I never get any calls. I got a job on sight once but my dad said it was too far away for him to drive me.

>what do you do all day?

Talk to people online, watch anime or youtube, read wikipedia, listen to music, fuck around online, sometimes study japanese, draw, make some shitty meme music, occasionally play games, spend time with my imaginary boyfriend

>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?

None IRL except for my dad and his girlfriend. Online I lurk a bunch of places and talk on VC regularly.

>how often do you get outside, if at all?

Sometimes not for weeks or months. Ocassionally I go on walks. I need to start doing it again.

>do you live independently or with parents?

With parents


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>how long have you been a NEET?
Almost 3 years now.
>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?
Not really. I was pissed off at my parents in my late teens so I moved out to live with my older brother and his gf. They pretended to care for me, but my depression ended up getting way worse. I ended up in the hospital a couple of times and they couldn't handle it, so they sent me back to this shithole. I was on some bullshit meds, prozac I think, and that gave me all sorts of new problems. I've never had anxiety before taking that, and even though it's been two years since I stopped, I still have really bad anxiety. I couldn't finish high school, ended up dropping out and here I am do this day.
>what do you do all day?
Video games, chatting with friends, roleplaying online, playing with my cat
>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?
Online I have a plethora of internet friends, and a discord group I hang out with sometimes. Lately though, we aren't as close. I think it had a lot to do with basically everything there wanting to bang me, but after they realized how terrible I am they all scattered. I still have a couple of close friends that I talk to every day and a bunch of acquaintances I chat with about random bullshit
Offline, I don't have any interactions at all except with my parents. Those aren't really conversations, though.
>how often do you get outside, if at all?
Not that often. I go outside when I have to, to feed the dogs or when my mom takes me out to go to the store
>do you live independently or with parents?
I live with my mom and dad. I wish I lived alone so I wouldn't be constantly reminded of how much of a fuck up I am, but I honestly don't think I could survive without someone taking care of me.

It feels good to get this shit out. Thanks for listening.



>MGS2 Raiden for image

god-tier taste.

Nothing else to add really.


don't you feel ashamed infront of your parents and relatives? One day they will kick you out.


>how long have you been a NEET?
7 months

>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?

Severe lack of motivation to do anything and social anxiety. While in high school I couldn't get my grades that high and occasionally ill excel in some shitty way but in the end depression hit and I realized that this wont get me anywhere.

>what do you do all day?

Visit imagebords, watch anime, and play some Video games.
Specifically I like to play Team fortress 2 with friends most of the time.

>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?

Online: I have online interaction with friends, I have my own group of friends that i get on to hang out with every day. We even have drama but its not shitty drama like normies have. Im a really aggressive person on the internet and Im just one of those trolls and dicks that like to call people names but offline I dont do that.
Offline: Interaction I have with offline people is very limited. Im generally really polite to people at supermarkets, business and ect, but I cant and do not want to converse in actual conversation with people my age. If i try depression will sink in so I just do business and get done with it.

>how often do you get outside, if at all?

Only if necessary, such as If i have a appt with a doctor or need groceries.

>do you live independently or with parents?

I live with my mother. I wish i had a very easy job to support myself or to help my mother but Im too accustomed to this lifestyle that its too hard to break from. I see no benefits for getting a job other than for buying anime shit and feeding myself so I feel nice living with my mother.


>how long have you been a NEET?
1 year
>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?
Don't feel like doing anything
>what do you do all day?
Video games, anime, manga
>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?
>how often do you get outside, if at all?
Once a month
>do you live independently or with parents?
With parents


Thats really good, post it when you're done please


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>how long have you been a NEET?
4 years this year.
>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?
I've always struggled with anxiety/depression all my life. I was diagnosed bipolar around highschool and it's just gone gradually downhill since then.
>what do you do all day?
Huh, I mostly spend my days with my other NEET friend. We usually play games together and stuff. Music, watching videos or anime strung together in the day, too.
>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?
I talk to my mom every now and then. All my interaction is done online. I do enjoy friends, they make my life so much more bearable.
>how often do you get outside, if at all?
Probably once every 2 weeks? Only for chores, if at all.
>do you live independently or with parents?
I live with my mother.



I wish I could get to know you. Shame this post is so old..


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>how long have you been a NEET?
3 years, close to 4 years.
>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?
A mix of social anxiety, laziness, depression,a lack of direction in life and no motivation for anything. After I barely finished high school I thought I was just take a gap year to do whatever, but yet here I am 3 years later.
>what do you do all day?
Daydream, watch random shit on the net, browse a few imageboards, play some video games and listen to some random podcast or some other white noise to stop me dwelling on things too much. I used to read a bit but my visual snow has gotten worse over the past few months and makes it too much effort to do anymore.
>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?
I chat to some groups in Discord I'm comfortable talking to but I feel like I've been growing apart from them for a while now. I also lurk in a few other groups but that's about it. Offline I mostly speak to my mum for a while and rarely my brother whenever he pops around.
>how often do you get outside, if at all?
Very rarely if we need milk or something I go to the shops.
>do you live independently or with parents?
My mum. I think she feels guilty that she has mostly focused on my brother over me so just gives me a free pass.


>how long have you been a NEET?
September, though I have been NEET for great lengths of time before, sometimes even years
>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?
Mental ilness, dropping out of school, agoraphobia, depression, all the usual stuff
>what do you do all day?
Channing, meming, gaming, watching films/series
>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?
Online? Only chans. Offline I have a friend I see once in a while, also a NEET
>how often do you get outside, if at all?
Once a week typically
>do you live independently or with parents?


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>how long have you been a NEET?
Almost 2 years now.
>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?
Selective mutism (fear of talking to people), Internet addiction.
>what do you do all day?
I spend most of my free time on the Internet.
>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?
Online: Steam friends, people I work on open source projects with. Offline: I have a mentor helping me find a job, I see her once a week. I also do volunteering for a mental health charity and helping other young people in similar situations find a job.
>how often do you get outside, if at all?
I now try to force myself to go outside and talk to people at least once a day to get over my anxiety.
>do you live independently or with parents?
Mom and grandmother.


>how long have you been a NEET?
I have been a Hikki/Neet/Freeter for about 10 years now .. Man, time sure does fly
>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?
I had a lot of potential up until my third year of high school (or well, my countrys equivalent to high school) when I got an extreme anxiety/psychosis attack due to past abuse and growing up in a family with a history of severe mental illness. For years I had just tried to shrug it off, until I finally hit my breaking point. I fucked up school and graduated with piss poor grades, I alienated all my friends except one and I also pretty much destroyed my life and my future. I was off the system for about 4 years before I finally tried to get back into society, and by then, it was aparently to late. I am almost 30 now and ive been trying since I was 24 to get some kind of stable career and life, but I just cant seem to get it to work.
>what do you do all day?
I draw and do 3d modeling while working a weekend job to earn money for atleast basic expenses. Ive been trying to go back to school to study something creative such as game design or art, but in all theese years, only two high school level courses have accepted me and that was when I was about 23-24 years old. For the past 2 years, I have applied to a school for game art, but they keep rejecting me due to my poor grades and presumably bad portfolio. Being 30 soon, I guess i might as well give up on it.
>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?
I only have one single friend irl. He was also a bit socially akward for most of his 20s but he is becoming more and more integrated into society, so I guess ill end up completely alone. I dont have any real online friends atm.
>how often do you get outside, if at all?
I go out for jogs and walks every now and then. I also have to leave the house to go to my weekend job.
>do you live independently or with parents?
I rent a tiny place from my friend. Its isolated, but atleast I get to be alone to work on my art and such. I guess ill stay until my friend throws me out or until I die.


>how long have you been a NEET?
About 2 years now.

>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?

Mentall illness, autism, depression, anxiety, lonely, my only best friend left me cus of how retarded I am, you know the usual

>what do you do all day?

play vidya, watch anime, go on the internet, think about how much I hate myself

>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?

online i talk to some people on steam, offline I guess I talk to some people at school

>how often do you get outside, if at all?

only when I need to go somewhere by any means, usually school

>do you live independently or with parents?

with parents


Do you know what NEET means?


>how long have you been a NEET?
2 years
>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?
Developed a panic disorder during uni, ignored it, blew up on me when I graduated. The job market where I live isn't doing me any favours.
>what do you do all day?
Programming, surfing youtube, random computer projects, housework and vidya of course.
>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?
Online - Image boards
Offline - Every now and again I see the few friends I keep in touch with. One of my friends is a fellow NEET who I see more often.
> how often do you get outside, if at all?
Almost everyday I try to force myself to do some sort of exposure therapy. Normally walking, driving, going to the grocery store for errands.
> do you live independently or with parents?
With parents


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>how long have you been a NEET?
one year soon, tho during my 4 years in college I was living the lifestyle already, skipped classes that were not mandatory, didn't socialize with anyone

>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?

I didn't network during college, so I just finished and I was without direction.

>what do you do all day?

shitpost and play videogames
used to work out but last 6 months been lacking motivation and am doing it even less each month, skipped last three weeks

>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?

online, various chans, don't like discord, I speak with people in WoW just to set up raids
offline, I talk some with my parents during meals, once a month or so some old school friends hang out, some of them are also neet

>how often do you get outside, if at all?

havn't left home for two weeks
used to leave almost everyday to go to the gym 6 months ago, went down to 2 days a week, i'd really like to get some motivation to go back at it

>do you live independently or with parents?



>how long have you been a NEET?
16 Months

>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?

I wanted to find a job that was higher than minimum wage at first, then I decided to try to find something that wasn't fast food, 16 months later I still haven't had any luck.
There's barely any jobs where I live (small town, USA) and it's also become so bad with crime, violence, and drugs I'm terrified to have any social interactions with majority of the people in my town.

>what do you do all day?

Well I just recently finally got my sleeping schedule back on track, I used to stay up all night playing video games, watching anime, browsing chan sites and other parts of the web, fapping, watching informational / educational videos. Now I plan on trying to learn more about how to do things on my own and possibly take some online courses that are free as well as try to learn another language (probably Japanese)

>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?

Online - Chan sites, random people on various websites, then a very few number of people actually talk to me on Facebook.
Offline - I usually only spend time with my family, my girlfriend when she's actually home or with the group of people I play Yugioh with. (main reason why I still play it)

>how often do you get outside, if at all?

Once or twice a week if I'm lucky.

>do you live independently or with parents?

I live with my girlfriend, it feels like shit because she pretty much takes care of me and I feel so useless like I can't do anything.
I feel if something doesn't change soon, I'll be packing my stuff and moving into a storage room at my grandmas.
I mean if I had a job we also wouldn't live in this fucking nightmare I call an apartment. It's a little one bedroom with people above us and they are LOUD it's almost unbearable to live here with not enough space and dealing with hearing noise and creaks 24/7. My depression has been getting the better of me lately. I need a real life change and push myself to muster up the motivation to get me out of this.


>how long have you been a NEET?
6 and a half years, complete hiki for the last 5.

>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?

Mental health issues, mainly ASD & Anxiety (Both social and general). Was on track for theoretical physics degree but couldn't cope with the stress/socialising/expectations. Started smoking weed to cope and ended up dropping out on my last year.

>what do you do all day?

Mostly PC, occasional chores. Ususally either gaming, programming (but I haven't the motivation anymore), and reading random things to pass the time.

>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?

Several friends on TeamSpeak and Skype who I talk to. One RL friend from school but he lives far away so I've only met up with him once in all this time. Only one other hiki friend.

>how often do you get outside, if at all?

Rarely. Trying to a bit more now even if I don't have a real reason to. It seems so surreal out there after all this time, so it takes a lot of mental energy to even take a walk.

>do you live independently or with parents?

With my mother. She's sympathetic to my mental health so doesn't mind. Worries for my future, though not as much as I do.


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>how long have you been a NEET?
Kinda hard to say as I have been trying to do something with my life, failing and eventually going back to the scratch all time. Oficially, the last time I've tried to do something was in 2015, but I'm a NEET de facto since 2011, when I dropped out school.

>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?

I don't know, I've never liked to socialize and I've never been interested in "normal" things. You know, maybe I (and us) just wasn't made to live in society. Maybe there are "lone humans" who rejects society just like there are lone wolves who rejects their packs. I always got nervous in social situations, reaching to the point of sweating and shaking when talking to strangers. But everything really went downhills after my father dies and I had to left school to take care of my mother.

>what do you do all day?

Housework, walking outside, gaming, internet (animus, chans, porn, this sort of thing).

>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?

Offline, pretty much only my family. Online, I have plenty of friends, particularly from steam. I'm very grateful for that: these people are my only source of contact with the outside world and the only thing keeping me from commiting sudoku.

>how often do you get outside, if at all?

Usually once a day.

>do you live independently or with parents?



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>how long have you been a NEET?
Over a year now. I was a NEET once before too which lasted for a year before I tried college.
>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?
I had a mental breakdown. Now I'm just lazy, apathetic/depressed, or maybe I'm a coward
>what do you do all day?
Gardening, reading sometimes, sleeping, exercise, watching films, playing music. When my depreshun gets bad then I don't do anything except for sleep and vegetate. I have to force myself to do things.
>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?
Used to sit on IRC, now I just chat with a couple of old 4chan friends on skype once in a while.
>how often do you get outside, if at all?
It's summer right now so I go out into the garden almost everyday. I leave the 'property' maybe once a week to go for a walk.
>do you live independently or with parents?
With my parents, I'm a worthless leech


>how long have you been a NEET?
3 years
>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?
I wanted to study math in college but exposure to that level of study made me exhausted and ineffective. I also have trouble going into public without a family member.
>what do you do all day?
Study my fields of interest at the pace of an iceberg and try to make progress in spiritual development. When it gets tiring again i watch game shows or old movies on TV to relax.
>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?
I post on discussion boards and write text documents to myself. Offline my loneliness is abated by my father and sister who i see at least once a day to retrieve dinner from.
>how often do you get outside, if at all?
When they eat out i usually go along, about twice a week. I also try to go into the yard and pull weeds a few times a week if it's quiet out.
>do you live independently or with parents?
With parent


The reason I'm a neet is because I have this awful paranoia that people want to kill me and television news are talking about me, it's irrational but I can't stop feeling that way.


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>how long have you been a NEET?
Technically forever? I never went to school, worked or anything. I'm incapable of being productive.
>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?
Dysfunctional childhood.
>what do you do all day?
Post on image boards, listen to albums, watch films, read manga, watch youtube videos, watch anime, play old SNES/N64 games, write in my dream journal or write stories, play piano, sing, watch weather videos of storms or nature videos, make youtube videos about weather/storms/nature/animals/insects/nightwalks and dreams, make youtube videos where I create sort of short film length edits featuring my music combining all sorts of art I've made that capture a comfy/surreal/depressing feeling, talk to myself, pet my cats, obsessively draw people getting progressively older (several hours per day), make up new worlds on the spot and live out stories inside of them along with simple visual guides through maladaptive daydreaming and my own adaptation of sleepwalking, talk to the evil god that lives inside of my brain.
>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?
Haven't had human communication or contact offline outside of parents in 10 years. Online I only talk to fellow NEET/hikikomori but I don't have any real friends. Mostly just talk to people who watch my videos and strangers on image boards centered around my hobbies.
>how often do you get outside, if at all?
Only nightwalks. I've gone years without leaving my room, but right now maybe once every 6 months.
>do you live independently or with parents?


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>How long have you been a neet??

4 years

>Was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?

Got fired from my job that i had from 2009-2013 and now i have no desire to work to be honest and a few years earlier i was a hikki because of my social anxiety bullying and my autism
>What do you do all day?

Shitpost watch movies and anime play video games fap

>What form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?

Parents imageboards some irl friends

>How often do you get outside, if at all?

Only once or twice a day

>Do you live independently or with parents?



The thing I always wonder is - how can you survive independently while NEET?

I was terrified of going outside, but the reality that I was about to be homeless (and dead) has forced me to work.


Independently wealthy (savings or investments), or more likely, getting money from some other source (usually parents or benefits or some kind)


It's because your parents had to get that money from somewhere. You're taking something from them without giving anything back. Selfishness is generally looked down upon for obvious reasons. What does is say about a person when they're incapable of doing what millions of others can? I'm not blaming you or anything, I don't know your circumstances, but at least try to look at it from an average person's point of view.


To me it sounds like your dad is fucked in the head. It seems like mental illness runs in your family. Let me tell you what a normal person's life is like, because it's not that. First of all they go to school as a child on a daily basis. They know basic hygiene and toiletry, "skills", by the age of ten. They study for tests and get decent grades. The majority also do some kind of extracurricular activity like learning how to play a musical instrument or athletics. They go to college based on their grades and financial situation(a lot of people get bank loans), choose a profession, take classes to get a degree, and try to do some internships related to their chosen field at the same time. After their education is done they find a job and an affordable place to live. This is what mortgages are for. They are then an independent person. They pay for all of their living expenses and taxes. This is what it is to be a well-adjusted person who is not a leech. If I was you, I'd get the fuck away from my bat shit insane family. You should have been able to brush your fucking hair before your balls dropped. You have no reason to be thankful to your dad for teaching you a kindergarten skill at nineteen. Get away from them. Get some money from somewhere and skip town without a trace on a bus. Get your life into your control. Before that you should probably try to get some kind of an education. Knowledge is power. You have a computer right? I don't know, call the cops or something. Clearly your family is fucked up in some manor. There's difference between living in ghandi-eaque poverty an being a regular human being.


>it was the only school my dad would pay for despite all attempts to explain to him how shit it was and of course there was literally no way i would go to any other school because how am i going to afford it even with my meager "life savings" and everyone discouraging me from going

Get a bank loan, go to a real college despite what your parents tell you, and when you have a proper education, go to a town with a more thriving economy. If you're really so poor then you can probably get some kind of benefits like a scholarship or welfare or something. Do some research on this. You're already an adult. Also, try to start capitalizing your Is, using apostrophes, and putting periods at the end of a sentence. You don't have to write like you have a mental illness if you understand basic grammatical rules.


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I'm a neet because of my skin color. white people keep oppressing me


Actually, the joke is on you, my friend. In my spare time, I run a business selling paintings I created to local people. This is my third business. It's easy to start a business if you just change your reality.


You still don't have a proper college education and you still don't make enough money to support yourself. I don't get why you're acting like i'm insulting you. It's a fact that despite being an adult, you are not financially independent. How many paintings would it take to pay for a private college? You'll be eighty by the time you get to that number, and by that point no company will hire you. Take a bank loan.


16 years NEET, im 38

rocky mtn spotted fever as a infant (13mo) has caused bad motion control in my legs and constant nerve pain. injury , death of wife

i garden, try to walk often (took years to start enjoying the out of doors) play games, read, try to be creative including making boardgames and d&d (im a dm). i break down old electronics and harvest metals as well as pc or tablet repair. electronics once was a hobby is now a major source of my income. i have a good friend that owns a board game store and a chain of game stores so i can get work at his warehouses under the table, super flexible hours and the fact he is a friend is the only reason i can do it.

i have hardly any social activity. i had to drop most of my friends since they are on drugs. my d&d group is a ggood social/creative outlet and i still have a few close friends . i dont date ( since my son lost his mother i am a large part of his personal identity. so i stay single until he is older and its healthy for him.) also i dont experience the full range of human emotion anymore. so i dont experience boredom. my 11 year old son with me at home all day. so we play alot of multiplayer games together.

i force myself top go out and walk my dog and do simple gardening , paint the house. constantly cleaning the house .. if i dont move around or exercise at all my anxiety peaks from stress induced by nerve pain.

i own my own home, i also get death benefits from my wifes death. Thank god i live in a capitalistic country and can make money instead of living off others. that provides me with self value and esteem. im white and male so i dont get hardly the same income benefits as a minority with social programs. at first i didnt make any money and was a drain on my countryman and family. over the last 8 years i have really worked hard to change that and my depression has lifted to normal levels!


good luck paying back those student loans, bank shill


>how long have you been a NEET?
since 2010
>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?
grad highschool in 2010
had to stop working because of allergies from nose-hairs bugging me. my hair brows very fast and thick.
>what do you do all day?
sleep for 9 - 14hours
look at porn for an hour/bathroom stuff every morning
leave aimp/discord/steam running while reading chans/doing things from backlog
>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?
family members
>how often do you get outside, if at all?
every 2weeks for food trips
>do you live independently or with parents?
moved into my own place JAN 2017

discord; flint#8647
steam; nuct


> how can you survive independently while NEET?

I get money from the government.



I suppose it's a bit off topic but I finally made it out.

I hope some of you others are doing better as well.


Congratulations, anon!


>>5614 nice man!


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>how long have you been a NEET?

About 5 months now

>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?

I have zero ambitions and no sense of direction. Also, I'm a brainlet and that if I were to work I'd probably be stuck working at a supermarket for the rest of my life.

>what do you do all day?

Go to the gym,read,shitpost,and cum

>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?

how often do you get outside, if at all?

Social interactions: Parents, siblings, and image boards. I go outside everyday, just mindlessly walking around and window shopping. I also do a bit of cardio in order to stay in shape.

>do you live independently or with parents?

With parents. Though, I'm not sure how long I can keep this up for.


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>how long have you been a NEET?
I'd say for about a year now, but technically I've been a NEET since birth because I never received any form of schooling when I was younger.
>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?
I do not want to do anything with my life besides indulge in my hobbies. I see working as a form of modern slavery and I don't see the point of working to sustain a lifestyle that I wouldn't care to live. Basically, working restricts freedom and takes too much time.
>what do you do all day?
I used to try learning languages, musical instruments and do lots of exercise, but recently I fell back into bad habits like surfing the internet for 11 hours a day or masturbating (which makes me demotivated and lazy), but I'm slowly dragging myself out of the dirt.
>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?
None besides my family. I only go to family gathering/events so that my parents leave me alone for awhile. I don't desire friendship or anything like that.
>how often do you get outside, if at all?
I don't really have any issues with going outside. I often go on walks.
>do you live independently or with parents?
I live with my parents. I would rather live alone, but doing so would mean I have to slave away to work so, I don't do it. I'll probably end up homeless when my parents pass.


>I see working as a form of modern slavery and I don't see the point of working to sustain a lifestyle that I wouldn't care to live. Basically, working restricts freedom and takes too much time.

This video has helped me with this thought and I feel it applies to many things in life.


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>how long have you been a NEET?
almost a year now
>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?
no, its my own doing. I am absolutely opposed to getting a job or going to college.
>what do you do all day?
chat on IRC, read, post on *chans, sleep (usually during the daytime)
>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?
online: see above. offline I avoid interaction as much as I can.
>how often do you get outside, if at all?
I usually go for a walk every midnight or so.
>do you live independently or with parents?
I live alone


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>how long have you been a NEET?
About seven years.

>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?

Immense stress from family issues and high school alongside mental illness. Attempted to find work after a mental breakdown where I refused to leave the house for months. No results, even with assistance from a job employment agency. Realized after a few years that I had no strong sense of direction and dedicated myself to indulging in my hobbies for a while.

>what do you do all day?

Used to just entertain myself with media-related hobbies like vidya, anime and movies. Even tried to do productive and social stuff like write stories, online roleplay, build Gunpla and online tabletop RPGs. Now I just sit in front of my computer screen and desperately try to find ways to amuse myself until my next online D&D session with friends I've met in real life.

>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?

Online: I frequently chat with friends on Discord or Steam. But I'm inevitably losing the ability to hold a conversation with them.
Offline: My mother and younger brother at home, neighbors, and my job agency provider that I see every fortnight. Otherwise I just talk to cashiers whenever I need to leave the house for anything.

>how often do you get outside, if at all?

Once or twice a week, I think. There's nothing to do in this town that interests me enough to leave the house unless my friends come to visit me from another state or town.

>do you live independently or with parents?

I live with my mother and younger brother.


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>how long have you been a NEET?

Since I was about 13 years old.

>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?

Yes. My parents took me out of school at 12-13ish because muh religion or something, then let me rot with only the internet to keep me company. Severe neglect. That was of course a long time ago, I'm too far gone now.

>what do you do all day?

Practically nothing.
Browse, watch, post, vidya, fap, eat, shit, sleep. Literally all I do. I used to have code/art projects to keep me busy. I fucked up my routine and then everything went to shit. Can't get back into it no matter how hard I try. I lack the executive function to force myself to do anything that takes more effort than writing a text post, despite the fact that I want to. My brain is fried beyond belief. My autism and ADHD are probably progressive. Maybe I have clinical depression now too.

>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?

A few discord friends I play vidya with on occasions, image boards and reddit are all my interactions outside of exchanging a few words with parents each day. I often speak less than 20 words per day, sometimes even 0.

>how often do you get outside, if at all?

Can't remember the last time. It's been a year, minimum. I currently have no real reason to do so. The idea of going outside gets scarier every passing day.

>do you live independently or with parents?

Parents. If/when I lose their support, I might have to commit.


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A hikki living alone without a job? It's rare, but it can and does happen.

I've read about porn commission/Patreon artists and porn game devs who didn't leave their houses for 6+ months at a time (which is something I've strongly considered pursuing myself, but I'm not skilled enough yet).



Fuck, well ignore the "without a job" part unless like me you don't really consider that a "job."


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>how long have you been a NEET?
A total of four and a half years, off and on. I now have a job after 4 months of unemployment.
>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?
Bullying and abandonment in grade school sealed the deal for my depression.
>what do you do all day?
When I'm NEET I mindlessly browse the web, tinker with my computer, or play whatever game I'm feeling at the moment.
>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?
I have a few online friends who were also NEETs for a long time. One of them I met in highschool, the other two I've since met IRL. Actually ended up living with one of those two which got me out of my dad's place, and I still keep close communication with my other bud, despite our friend group online dismantling. Made some normie friends that were girls recently, but that ended when I got too drunk with one and groped her.
>how often do you get outside, if at all?
Before I moved out, almost never. Didn't really have a clue what the world and people were about, besides from what I saw inside my hometown or on my computer screen. Now that I've moved out I go outside to work, skate, eat, or drink. That's about it.
>do you live independently or with parents?
I moved out of my dad's place when I was 19.


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I do live alone on disability bux. Almost everything gets delivered and magically materializes at my doorstep.
The system works but isn't very stable… or enjoyable.


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>how long have you been a NEET?
entering my 3rd year
>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?
being maniaco-depressive. but what marked my entry in NEETdom was a bad case of social phobia, basically unable to go out without ending up choking and almost fainting. i overcame it enventually and now im looking to get back into education and work
>what do you do all day?
look for a job (lol); play games watch films, make art (i studied art before being a NEET), browse on twitter(super time consuming)
>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?
family and internet friends. sometimes my longtime friend from middle school
>how often do you get outside, if at all?
once every two weeks.. my record so far is 4 monts
>do you live independently or with parents?
was independent the 1st year and now i live with my mother&siblings. shes veeery hard to live with though, so i want to move out asap even if i prefer living with others


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>how long have you been a NEET?
Six years, currently trying to get out of it by working online.
>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?
I intensely prefer my room over the outside. I intensely prefer being alone rather than around people.
>what do you do all day?
Jump from personal project from personal project while believing each time "is the one thing I'll stick to and see it through the end", while watching youtube, playing games or just doing nothing at all.
>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?
Imageboards online, parents offline.
>how often do you get outside, if at all?
Once a month give it or take.
>do you live independently or with parents?
With parents.


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>how long have you been a NEET?
Three years.

>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?

Social anxiety and misanthropy. I hated dealing with people.
Tried doing college online, but I got bored and felt like I didn't learn anything, and the rest is history.

>what do you do all day?

Game dev, play games, write in my journal, workout, mess with computer stuff from time to time, and sleep. Contemplating on playing guitar but eh.

>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?

Offline: Mum and brother.
Online: I have two friends, but we pretty much talk only a little bit these days.

>how often do you get outside, if at all?

Only time I go outside is whenever I have a doctors' appointment for my medication. Other than that, I rarely go outside

>do you live independently or with parents?



>how long have you been a NEET?
since i dropped out of high school.
>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?
im very asocial and antisocial.
>what do you do all day?
play video games, watch films shows make lists.
>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?
group chats, matrix chats, banter on forums n boards.
>how often do you get outside, if at all?
maybe once a week or every 2 weeks i go on a walk.
>do you live independently or with parents?
with parents.


>how long have you been a NEET?
About 5 years now?
>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?
I simply do not want to work. It makes me miserable and suicidal. I have some issue where I can't sleep at the same time every day, so being forced to wake up at the same time just means I will be chronically sleep deprived as I was my entire childhood, university, and when I did have a job. I am also diagnosed with Autism spectrum disorder and bipolar, which I take medication for.
>what do you do all day?
I play team fortress 2, play eroge, watch anime, watch youtube, read some non-fiction books and watch lectures to further my knowing. ALso Make music and other creative projects. I used to visit imageboards all the time but these days less so.
>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?
I have 2 irl friends, one of whom lives far away so I see him rarely, the other I also see rarely because I don't want to go outside. I have various online friends. I also have a transgender online girlfriend which is nice.
>how often do you get outside, if at all?
I go out weekly for groceries, and then maybe once a month I go to the cinema with my friend.
>do you live independently or with parents?
I live alone. I own my own apartment and I have a sizable inheritance from my parent's death which allows me to survive so long as I live cheaply. Which is fine because I am low maintenance. I don't mind eating rice and beans to live.


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>how long have you been a NEET?
about two years

>reason for you becoming a NEET?

decline in mental health and worsening working conditions at my job

>what do you do all day?

watching youtube, reading, cooking, gaming, making music

>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?

a few irl friends I mostly chat with online, occasional visiting relatives

>how often do you get outside, if at all?

usually once a day for around 30 minutes, sometimes I stay indoors for a couple of days

>do you live independently or with parents?



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>how long have you been a NEET?
Three or so years.

>reason for you becoming a NEET?

Had full-time job for about five and a half years, then the lockdowns happened, then I lost my job.

>what do you do all day?

Youtube, Minecraft, chatting.

>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?

Nothing IRL, just online chatting (mostly on the fediverse but I pop back to image boards every several months or so)

>how often do you get outside, if at all?

Two or three times a week. Mostly to watch my nieces.

>do you live independently or with parents?

Live with parent.


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>how long have you been a NEET?
probably 4 or 5 years now
>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?
i just never went back to school after moving. no high school education means i'm unable to find a job where i live for the most part. i've tried for a while and no places want me. i guess aside from that i'm just not compatible with other people. i'm happier when i'm alone
>what do you do all day?
i like to draw every day, i'm attempting to learn how to compose music and create video games using rpg maker. i do a lot of cleaning and household activities as well as picking up some exercise recently. i think my daily activities are a lot better than what they used to be when i was always around other people
>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?
only talk to family offline, but even then i still distance from them. i have a few people i talk to online
>how often do you get outside, if at all?
maybe once a month. i want to start going for walks again, stopped initially because i was unnerved by other people
>do you live independently or with parents?
parent and siblings. though i'm getting a lot older and i'll have to move eventually


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>how long have you been a NEET?
Since the day I dropped out high school near the end 2016, so 7-8 years now.

>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?

Autism and my upbringing: grew up poor, raised by an unstable and neglectful parent, and having my mind and spirit (and my front teeth) broken by the public school hell. Relentless bullying (which turned into regular assaults and beatings from middle school onward) and alienation throughout my entire adolescence lead to me becoming a dysfunctional non-adult who is isolated, and extremely paranoid about others. I don't believe I would've survived another year of HS. Thoughts of ending it still regularly cross my mind when painful memories from school randomly come back, or whenever I'm reminded of just how far behind I am compared to normal healthy people my age (24) and younger.

>what do you do all day?

I lost interest in my hobbies (namely art and gamedev) and did nothing but sleep all day, and lurk various image boards and dead forums from 2017-2020. September 2021 I upgraded from my old laptop to a decent PC with money I had saved from the stimulus checks, and decided to get back into art, learn and get good at 3D art with Blender, and actually create something instead of wasting away. I squandered much of 2022, binging through various games I had missed out on, and did not make as much progress as I had wished. Starting 2023, I decided to play less games and dedicate my time to practicing and grinding away at 2D and 3D art until it's decent enough to post online, get good at animating, and learn a certain game engine I've been wanting to work with. I Feel like I've made good progress over the past year, and have come to realize that I absolutely need to keep myself busy, as to not ruminate over negative thoughts and memories, or engage in self-destructive behavior.

>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?

I currently have zero internet friends, no presence on social media, and never had single IRL friend either. My mother and 19 year old brother (who is also a neet and autistic) are usually locked away in their rooms like myself. We only exchange a few words with each other each day, if any. I feel like I'm too broken to connect with anyone anymore, and just not compatible with this society which has devolved into a permanent high school culture.

>how often do you get outside, if at all?

Not counting the brief hospitalizations in 2021, I can count the number of times I willingly left the house these past seven years on one hand: 1.) getting my state ID in 2018 and 2.) opening my first bank account in 2020.

>do you live independently or with parents?

Still living with my mother and brother. I feel somewhat more at peace right now, but very unsure about the future.


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>how long have you been a NEET?
5-6 years, fuck me
>was there a reason for you becoming a NEET?
It first started when i was going to college then i had a constant panic attack that lasted a month or a couple of weeks. In which i had spent most of my days sleeping then if not having an anxiety attack. It obviously eventually ended in me being kicked out because i wasn't showing up and i just never tried to go back.
>what do you do all day?
I basically waste my life away playing games, I do read once in a while but most things are quite boring or unfun.
>what form of social interaction do you have, online and offline?
Not much i don't have any friends anymore both real life and offline, i mostly just talk to my sibling once in a while. It isn't enough though so i mostly just suffer and endure with playing games.
>how often do you get outside, if at all?
I used to go outside a lot but now it is once in a while when i have a bit of money saved.
>do you live independently or with parents?
With family sadly, holy shit i wrote my life story.


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i hope the best for you and that your life can get back on track, especially with the 3d blender art. the world is a cruel place.

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