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/hikki/ - NEET / Advice


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I've been lurking here for a real long time but I finally decided to post because I think people here might understand my feelings. I want to make friends, but everyone online (and offline in the past) is so well adjusted and on track and sociable!! it makes me feel isolated and lonely !! if anyone sees this please tell me about your day or just say anything cool you know (this isn't me saying filler words I mean it)
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>everyone seems lost, confused, sad, going through a mental meatgrinder.

Thinking about how this is gonna evolve in at least 5 or 6 years frighten me.


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Hmm I don't think Shingakkou is that normie at all, I've just heard of it for the first time now. Seeing the full title reminded me of a brilliant french film from 1971, also subtitled "noli me tangere", I wanna check it out now
How do you think it could evolve? I worry it's just going to quiet down and fade out, with no answers and everyone none the wiser


If the pharmaceutical supply line ever shut down there would be pandemonium from all the potentially completely unhinged people repressed by medication suddenly turned loose


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I was feeling lonely. But then I find my love for games that I buy months ago and never touched (Steam syndrome) until now that I finally playing them. Balatro is my doom.


lately i've been feeling everything and nothing. i found energy but do some things, but i know very well i cannot keep this up and i don't know what to do about it.

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hey uboachan net ^^ sorry if like… the newgen is just oozing off of me. its been… so hard to find NEET spaces with people who like… have the same rancid brain chemistry as me, but is also still trying to recover + maintain the same hobbies, just have a healthier relationship with it.

i've never used a board-formatted site before but the uboa rules made me wanna take the leap!! (^ ^) hope everyone's having a better day today. i didn't do anything besides windowshop on aliexpress for figures and gba repos uwohhhhh … i always wanted to have a more avid collection of figures, standees, and games. seeing my purchase history made me realize that i do kind of have that a bit now, but it still doesn't bring me peace yet because everything else doesn't feel balanced in my life rn.

came a little more to my senses and trying to set goals + bloat out things i wanna get done in the day with habitica. hopefully with some more structure. baby steps until furthering education ig


>i always wanted to have a more avid collection of figures, standees, and games.

This reminds a short but decent collection of games and some figures I had years ago that one day dissapear cuz family doens't give a nasu… Still mad about it. Hopefully you can get a good collection

and welcome anon

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So I made a cringe video as a joke years ago and it got viral, I get tons of hate because of it. I was never a good social person, I always had trouble getting along with people my age since elementary school. I don't know if I should let the hype for the video die (it's been like 3 years but people repost it) or make a youtube channel to come back at them and make the new video go viral so they forget the older one, I really hate the video it cringes me and I feel uncapable… like I feel the video being viral empowers the people that bullied me. Right now I am a NEET again as I finished doing something, I am unsure if I should get a job now or get a month of vacations… I think being a NEET worses my mental health since I don't get interaction with many people and I spend all the time online.
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>when did Ubuu start doing that? I never had that issue
Just now actually, yesterday or the day earlier


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Had to deal with "automatic-looking" request error for a while now, but the issue has become more severe after software upgrade. And apparently I'm not the only one having it.
> they keep re-sharing the video
Soon they'll find something else and eventually forget about whatever you made. Just give it some time.


>Had to deal with "automatic-looking" request error for a while now, but the issue has become more severe after software upgrade. And apparently I'm not the only one having it.
Are you still getting that error? I was the anon who initially complained about this issue on /test/ but the pop-up messages stopped appearing for me now. Maybe Seisatsu silently fixed it


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Still do, but a lot less frequently, and it usually being fixed by disabling my funny userscript before posting.

Maybe Uboachan doesn't like thread auto-update thing the userscript has.


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thank you for your optimism you sound very wholesome have a nice day fren, would also like to thank the other anons that gave advice.

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Does anyone else here have Avoidant Personality Disorder (AvPD)? I was recently diagnosed but I know I've had it for a long time (I've been a hikki/NEET for most of my life, unfortunately.)

idk just screaming into the void for solidarity im tired
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>oysaumi punpun
By the way, it's oyasumi punpun not oysaumi. Typo s are not good please respect


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Test. Nevermind.


Я индеец (бом-бом)


Idk what AvPD is exactly but I'm a diagnosed sperg and I just avoid all human contact. Anything that requires interaction with a person like emails or whatever. People stress me out.


how do you keep a job or anything? i cant even keep a bank account they always call me to bring my ID every 2 years and i hate going outside so they just block it lol. fuck i just want to die

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uuuuuhhhuuuh. Anyone here love fried by fluoride?..follow my tiwddar acc ghosthikki1164


Fuck off


sorry what i said was mean and i regret it


fuck "core"s
I loved animu"core" before it was even a thing. Like the types of anime the animeglitterwebcore scene jocks now were only appreciated by like ten people on this very website, before a few guys from imageboards hopped on twitter and made that alien nine meets selain style/aesthetic popular (i'll never forgive pantsuripper. and fuck u too kev)
if you exclusively use ms paint/oekaki to draw anime girls with oval eyes + spiky long hair smoking weed and sipping monster energy whilst staring at their computer monitors, you're a waste of life

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do any of you fantasize about the end of the world? even when I lose interest in all my other hobbies prepping and homesteading remain really alluring, something about imagining a scenario where I have control over my life.
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i dont really know what kind of world i'd rather live in, just as long as its cold and quiet, and only filled with memories of people


My hope is that when the end comes mankind will have established life outside this planet by then

It's unlikely to happen of course but it would beat not having any living memory of our species aside from a gold plated record that other species, assuming they even exist, might not even realize what it is


I do, and although most people talk of trying to repopulate the earth if they and some other person were the only one left on the planet, I think I'd honestly just accept that humanity's time is up and try to explore what's left of the world with them.


I used to love books and movies with post apocalyptic themes, where all of humanity was gone and there was only one sole survivor, and I'd fantasize that one day I'd wake up and everyone had just vanished for some reason. Later I decided these desires were part of my schizoid personality disorder.


Oh, definitely. I just want to not have any responsibilities. I think the idea of the modern human life being reduced to bare survival relaxes my caveman brain. Modern civilization is too confusing and too overwhelming.

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Does anyone feel fundamentally different from other people?

Like there's an insurmountable wall separating you from everyone else that you won't ever be able to overcome. Even with all the riches and a perfect life on the surface there would still be distance.

Ever since I was a kid I was the "weird kid." At home I was an unwanted child. It really just feels like I'm not supposed to exist, but do anyway, as some glitch in the matrix. And all the forces in the universe are desperately trying to bug fix my existence.

I feel very little loyalty towards the world, humanity, or society.
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My father is the weirdest person I've ever met, and one of the strangest people I've ever seen both online or off. So it only makes sense I'd turn out weird too.

But how is he weird? Well… whenever he speaks, it's like there's 3 or 4 different possible ways to interpret it. You never understood what he was really feeling, and he floated through life as if it were a game or a joke. Every time he did something, you had the impression that he would be perfectly content never doing it again.

Actually, I was deeply close with my father from birth until age 10, and this has permanently shaped how I see the world. In school I would try to befriend the quiet kids, but as soon as they warmed up to me I lost interest because I felt I understood them. Only those who I could not understand could hold my attention. Perhaps my baseline was permanently ruined by the influence of my father, or perhaps it's genetics.

Either way, as an adult I moved onto studying more complex figures like Arthur Schopenhauer or Yukio Mishima. Unfortunately, here too I was at a loss. Whatever intrigue which exists in these figures is rapidly diminished by close pattern observation. They don't follow the same rules as other humans, but once you watch them closely, you'll figure out their patterns in no time. And once I understand them, I can no longer take them seriously. My whole book collection could go up in smoke at this point, it wouldn't matter. I turned to philosophy, to mysticism, to numerology, to science. None of them contained what I was looking for. They didn't come close.

Nothing in the world can satisfy my desire, so I'm forced to create it. Whether I succeed or not remains to be seen. But I'll try.


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I don't know who I am, I only feel confusion and uncertainty
And I can't communicate or connect with anyone because I can't even connect with myself


I think once you understand your father, the spell will be broken


anon..,,i relate to you anon. This iswhy in the first place i have decided self isolation is the next best thing after a few attempts. I cant say i fully hate my life though, id just prefer not to exist, sorry for getting off topic n all.


Can't quite put my finger on it but yes. I've always blamed it on being an immigrant even though I speak the native language without an accent and all my friends were natives growing up. I'm not able to articulate myself how I would want to. Writing is the closest thing I have.

In the end, although I'm not the dumbest in the world, I'm not smart enough to figure out what the underlying mechanism to this great problem with belonging is.

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ive been on here since like 2017 to 2019 where id just browse the boards and sometimes ask about random things since it was like the lowest point of my life, but now i only see posts from years ago? what happened, why is this web so slow now? where are you all? if youve gotten better, good for you ^_^ !
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sorry, i probably could have told you the sauce a couple years ago but now i'll just have to go with what >>8161 said

the uboachan discord fucking sucks tbh


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Ever since I began seeking out NEETspaces in 2018, I've noticed that they've been increasingly populated by personalities which you could find in any school or work environment only less successful and more bitter or apathetic. I've noticed less people who totally reject or due to peculiar paranoias, hysterias, complexes, or heterodox spiritual beliefs live outside of regular decorum so as to totally shock you with their expectations. I encounter less bold people who assert themselves transgressively and then grapple with their intrinsic neet outsider identities. And more people who wallow into calling themselves neet and half-heartedly laugh at and repeat old memes with a sense of accomplishment. More people who speak about their mental health to convince themselves of their ineptitude and with the fear that someone in a worse position will reveal how embarrassingly fine they are. More standard bullies who mock their half-friends by measuring them up against standard societal norms. On top of that since 2020 NEET aesthetics, bedroom-hermits, hiki's etc have been totally co-opted by flatly normal people who would never settle these spaces anyway, so there's no longer much of a basis for NEET culture as it once was. Though there are definitely a lot of discords filled with NEETS, I don't think many people are hanging out in NEET discords.


Let's just say… I didn't stick around with the right people…


Im so fucking tireddddddddddAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA i speedram yume nikki in 8 minutes and had been laying dowm for 3 days straight. Pls.help.me.


I'll take the tea freak over the sheer nothingness that plagues most smaller imageboards nowadays. At least by posting something, no matter how inane it might seem, there's a chance a conversation could be started.

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i feel bad for lurking in a thread like this, so i'll post this to feel better about myself
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Just wait til you see my butter spread


What a loaf of bullshit.


Have we started the leavening?

Yes! The bread rises!


Just test. I'm a newphag, nevermind.



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I was forced to move to a different country by my family and have lost pretty much everything. It's been at least 3 years since but it still feels like yesterday, the days become the same. I don't know any locations or people (apart from 2 friends I met at collage, but they're not too sociable), so I kinda just relive the same day over and over. I get that part of this whole thing is on me for not doing much but "Just go outside and meet people" is easier said than done. Should I go to clubs/bars etc.? I just want to meet people with similar interests but I don't want to look like a loser either. I get that I'm preaching to the choir here but I may as well get it off my chest.


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my dad was in the military, so i was forced to move a lot.
eventually i learned to stop getting attached to acquaintances and frens alike.
sorry for rambling but your post reminded me of it, which leads to the only advice i can give you; that being stick with the things you love, your passions your hobbies those will be your salvation.


What country, anon?

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