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/hikki/ - NEET / Advice


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post itt if you are sickly as well as NEET

i got CFS/ME/SEID/whatever docs wanna call it, but basically im too tired to leave the house or even bed most of the time, and its not depression or anything mental

also get mad headaches, nausea, and dizziness from just standing up

also relevant is itt NO BULLYING ALLOWED!!
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Your Cat is nice, otherwise wrong board jackass. You're not a hikki, you're not even a NEET. And I don't want to see your face either.


I was for 7 years and this is my thread fuck off


I ran out of my vitamin D supplements not long ago and I'm beginning to face the effects without it. Being a hikki especially one who's been inside for 6 months now I know it won't go well without it - going to reup soon.


so much to update in the last year jesus christ

long story short im very much NEET again, i pick up my first dole/unemployment payment in ireland tomorrow

meanwhile cafe went to shit and i lost everything, but its pushed me to accept im going to have to back to school which ill most likely be doing from this september

i moved back to america for a month but nope'd the fuck out, im 32 in a month and without a degree the job prospects were shit but its really the same in most first world countries so may as well be somewhere im happy and has a better welfare state

in ireland im going to be able to get paid to go to school, potentially get a medical card for free healthcare, all that jazz which is great


you look like stampylonghead if he just went cold turkey on a heroin addiction <3


Anyone here do it? I used to cut myself open, just for the sake of it really, but I regret it a lot because the scars never faded and I'm covered in ugly lines that anyone would be able to tell are from self harming.

You may also post QTs cutting themselves up.
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I was here long before I was 18 and I always got the impression that other people were too. Also your "we are not the same" shit is stupid. They weren't claiming to be le tortured soul, self harm just means harming yourself.


1. literally the first rule on the rules page is that you have to be an adult
2. this is a forum for NEETs/hikikomori. Not only has the user we are discussing admitted to not being that >>7863 but last I checked in most countries it's illegal to be a NEET when under eighteen.
This is a place for NEETs and hikikomori. It should be common sense that anyone who does not fit this criteria should leave.
Even if you think rules are retarded, people who aren't NEETs should be allowed in a community specifically dedicated to NEETs etc. do you think a minor SHOULD be here? I sure as hell don't want anyone to grow up to be like me. I get the feeling that this minor romanticises this sort of lifestyle and joining in with communities dedicated to it will likely do more harm than good.
Also I'm not even just talking about their one post here, I'm talking about their participation in this community as a whole.


I honestly don't agree with most of what your saying, legality doesn't really have bearing on whether a person can be a hikki or not, my school just lied about attendance to keep their stats up when I was that age. But this user obviously isn't a neet or hikki and should hang out on any other board on this site instead of this one.


I forgot to mention that the scars lasted for 3 or 4 years.


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Replying to myself just to randomly vent / blog I guess, there's a weird comfort in just saying my thoughts on this board every once in a while. It feels like a lot has changed while nothing has changed in two years. I still go to gym, and I work at that job still and got a small promotion, so I've been able to save up money and visited another country for the first time ever.

I wasn't self harming since this post, until a friend commit suicide in 2023, so I started again. Part of me thought I grew out of it, but I feel like at this point my way of dealing with my emotions has been so unhealthy for so long that I'll never stop doing it, I feel like my emotions are much stronger and linger longer than normal peoples' do, but maybe they don't, and I'm just making excuses. It doesn't help that I think a part of me really likes my scars, like they're a significant part of my history like tattoos or something.

I also recently got very close with a girl, but my insecurities started showing, and I think this made her lose interest in me, so I started cutting again while at work today. I couldn't find anything sharp, so I snapped my plastic ID badge in half and used that, if there's a will there's a way I guess. I need to go to therapy or go on antidepressants or something, but I'm so emotionally closed off from most people that it feels scary to ever be open.

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I've been lurking here for a real long time but I finally decided to post because I think people here might understand my feelings. I want to make friends, but everyone online (and offline in the past) is so well adjusted and on track and sociable!! it makes me feel isolated and lonely !! if anyone sees this please tell me about your day or just say anything cool you know (this isn't me saying filler words I mean it)
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Together with you or together with each other?


What’s the image in your post from uboanon?


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I used to think that I was unwell for being a loner that did not want to integrate into a larger society. Everyone else is thinking about capital, marriage and retirement, don't they? What kind of man does not strive for wealth and children? I will tell you what kind of man: the same kind that can see the illusions of this world for what they are.

Why do you people live for? Do you live for the sake of living, or do you seek something beyond our rotten world? Because those who live in order to live will perish, while those who want to reach for the stars will reach them! Everyone will see the suffering of the Earth at some point in their journey, and when they do they will either accept the world and seek its comfort or rebel against the world because it is wicked. You can see how all wars are unjust, all states are illegitimate and all rulers are robbers. Then why do you wish to live for the king and his kingdom when you can live for your own salvation? Leave the master alone to rule over his slaves, and seek comfort elsewhere.

They will call me mad for rejecting the world, but they cannot see that they are mad themselves. We are all broken by the world around us, nobody is left unscarred. Some will realize this, others will not. We live to be understood by our peers, but they can never understand us. There are no words that can fully convey what bothers the soul, and no one can peer into our minds to see our thoughts naked. That is why you are condemned to live and die on this Earth alone.

What am I going to do now? What are you going to do? I don't know, but we must seek our salvation independently. No two lives can be the same, as such no solutions can be either.

(also sorry for the schizopost lolo)


Looks like that Sims game made for a younger audience, MySims I think it was called. Played the shit out of it back in the day


nieztche is that you?

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As an incel I will soon be 30 years old, I am tired of waiting and struggling, no woman will come into my life, and deep down I know it. It would be better to focus on me, my health, my hobbies and my personal growth. Sometimes life is like that, you have to be strong and conscious, but you are still alive and you can still enjoy things.
A cybernetic hug.

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its not pretty, but apparently thats how it must be


Man, if you not find the girl for love you, have focus in the things you like, is best thing for do now.


To be honest, I stopped caring about people and relationships or women since I locked myself away from the world. It's very lonely, but sometimes it's peaceful, dealing with people is always a lot of work, you fight for them, you do everything for someone, and in the end it ends like all things, and you still end up hurt and all the memories they become painful and all the work you did for them was in vain.

Thinking like this is extremely pessimistic and lonely, but it is a way for you to never get hurt again and perhaps, with great luck, be "happy".


Understandable and respectable, fratello.


He's going to get called that whether he likes it or not so might as well own it.

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I just found this board and couldn't feel more comfy navigating it. I'm honestly glad I found a semi-active /hikki/ board to scroll through too.

Most NEET boards I find are rlly slow or have gone defunct.

How's your day going anon?
When was the last time you went outside?
>I went outside for the first time in maybe like 5 weeks for the sole reason to get parts to fix my shitty laptop.
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>How's your day going anon?
I recently unlocked my Playstation 3 with HEN. And I'm very depressed, it's totally unstable, the applications won't open forcing me to restart by unplugging it. And while I'm downloading games, XMD simply freezes, forcing me to do the same process as mentioned. It's horrible, I should have used CFW, they say it's better. Anyway, I feel like my PS3 is going to die a few weeks ago seeing its condition.

Sometimes it happens that HEN doesn't enable it either.

>When was the last time you went outside?

It's been 4 months. I just went out for a job interview.


Which PS3 model do you have? The newer ones aren't capable of CFW unfortunately


It's a PS3 Slim, I don't remember the date when I bought it, but it was over 10 years ago, it was around the time the Playstation 3 was released. It's horrible, it's very unstable, I think I should have formatted it before modifying it. it. It runs games normally, but it happens that it seems like it's going to break at any moment. I think it's because he's extremely old.

I chose HEN because they said it was the easiest way to unlock.


You can check the model name on the back of your system. There's a little barcode with CECH right below it, numbers/letters after CECH specify your model name. There's a guide on YT that shows the models compatible with CFW
> It's horrible, it's very unstable, I think I should have formatted it before modifying it.
Cleaning up your console of stuff like PSN accounts and disabling certain online settings is a must for avoiding problems. It's recommended to follow a guide verbatim to avoid headaches later on
>I chose HEN because they said it was the easiest way to unlock.
Easy doesn't always mean good, especially in homebrew communities. PS3 jailbreaking is often very convoluted


It's nearly 2025, and there isn't a good active NEET board. Sad.
I'm there with you. Each board has its own unique feel to it. Can't really main any of them though because they're not active enough. I only care about /so/ on Tohno.

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Am I allowed to shamelessly plug my NEET life blog here?
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are you the neet life magazine guy?


nah, just a guy who used to post here. decided to revive my old blog from years ago as just something to do.


oh ok, good that guy was annoying.


Bumping to shill my blog again



You reminded me of my favorite NEET blog. I wish it was still updating.

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I have a question: would anyone here be interested in making a small group chat or group somewhere (could be discord, Skype, etc) with other similar people to vent and talk about interests away from all the incel/woman talk? I'm sick of talking to people online who just want to talk about women, it gets boring and gay. I was a bit confused about the rules on here around discord stuff, but my discord is dukkhafriend123. I'm a neet from Brisbane, Aus. I also play guitar and would be interested in making stuff maybe with people.


if you want to shill your server once its made there's a designated shilling thread on >>>/ot/


I'd potentially be interested. It'd be nice to talk to people about common interests and other things besides the incel stuff. I hope you don't mind but I sent you a discord friend request just in case you decide to make one so I can keep informed.


Thanks friend, maybe I'll check out the discords on there and see if I can find any people to talk to.


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no problem.


hey i play magic on monday nights at vault games in cbd if you send me a photo of the tshirt you'll be wearing on the day i'll be able to spot you and we can play commander

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Could be a floorplan, 1st person, or anything
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Please say hi to the guy outside your window for me.


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prolly be good for a fangame tbh


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here's mine


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I am a very lucky girl

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oh my god i start getting my GED tmrw and i think i have to go in person… oh my god i was not prepared for that plot twist fuck oh my god !!! i haven't left my house in literally two years. exposure therapy i guess maybe so this is a good thing but i am stressed out at this and i'm breaking out in acne and now i look absolutely repulsive and a monster but i do not care about that !!! i need help on how to maintain composure and not go into a panic attack in public any tips anything just a single word like nice something please pls plsp ls


try listening to music, and focus on that.


I hope it went okay if you've already gone. Calming ost from a favourite game/movue/show/whatever helps me when I go outside. Or a podcast or something, can help to have something else to focus on.
Take things slow and be kind to yourself as best you can


How'd it go OP? Hope you're doing well.


heart emojis for all of u !
i didn't go because the teacher wasn't going to be in class for the rest of the week. i go in tomorrow on monday. i've had more time to think about it than i would've like to have. maybe i'm making this a bigger deal than what it is. a new kind of stress i'm experiencing maybe. the stress of responsibility that everyone feels. or maybe i'm not making a bigger deal than what this is because it is that big of a deal… i mean this is a pivotal moment that'll help me become a true person rather than the myth i am. i'm engulfed in this nervousness but maybe that will disappear when i'm there. some advice i've got was to pretend that it's a dream or to pretend that i'm invisible. i thought that would be a feeling to fight than to embrace. perhaps i'll try that.
sorry for the yap idk i'm like soooooo anxious but thank u three for the replies


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don't worry about the acne OP. that's entirely going to go away in a few weeks, what won't go away is the payoff from the efforts you're putting in right now to better yourself. do your best!! if you're still freaking out while outside tomorrow just remember to ground yourself and be as in the moment as you can. try just listening and observing whatever sounds are around you in the world outside to keep the thoughts at bay, and remember to keep yourself hydrated and as physically comfortable as you can be because you'll undoubtedly have a lot of mental stuff to deal with already. physical is more than half the battle ok!! I've been there, you get better at this stuff the more often you do it and you'll feel so proud that you did. if you don't, there's always the next time but don't think like that yet! you can do this!
also if you have trouble sleeping tonight just remember that it's better to at least lay around in bed to let your body rest even if you don't manage to get a lot of sleep. try to think positively and how cool it'll be to get the GED in the future! sincerely rooting for you anon

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To be hikkikomori is one of the highest forms of hedonism and selfishness. Especially if you rely on parents or flatmates for financial aid.

Some might contest that being a shut-in need isn't a conscious choice, that it's a result of environmental circumstances and mental illness, yet I still see people here who romanticise the lifestyle.

For a good few years, I have followed the culture of this board and others like it. I have seen the various IRC channels, discords and skype groups that have originated from this place, and I have come to the conclusion that this board ultimately promotes an anti-social attitude instead of discouraging and helping people abstain from it.

Most of you are lazy and are attempting to rationalise a piggish lifestyle.

Whaddaya think?
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7 months lol, fuck off


Hope you get kicked off ssi you lazy degen(HIKINEET SITE (USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST))


I like you anon, you seem wise. Newfag here, but was there ever a time before this board became overrun by holier-than-thou types and nahtzees? When it was just people who had become neet one way or another and were trying to get along?


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if you say that i think you've just wasted your time judging boards through your bias when you could actually study psychiatry, psychology and sociology.

now, don't get me wrong. i agree that it is unhealthy and undeniably selfish to make others pay for your self destruction.

but mental disorders are EXACTLY that. having an undesired condition - often because you were raised by the wrong environmen - that makes you do bad things to yourself and others even if you don't want to.

it's like you're telling someone with pneumonia to breathe well just because YOU are perfectly healthy. of course, pneumonia is treatable and curable, hikkikomori is as well. but both take time, money, energy. it is not gonna happen instantly, no matter how much you yell at the sick to get better already. you're just verbally abusing them for something they literally can't do. in other words, you're being petty and irrational.


well said

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