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/hikki/ - NEET / Advice


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 No.8376[Last 50 Posts]

Trans Mega Thread!

So, let's try something here.

Frequently a trans-related topic comes up in a thread here in /hikki/, and the thread will quickly get derailed by malicious comments or by the diversion in topic just taking over. There is clearly a lot of interest in discussing trans topics, as well as a lot of unwelcome interest in shutting them down. But they do tend to take over threads either way. So, while we figure out how to handle this from a moderation standpoint, I am going to make a trans discussion mega thread here to contain such conversations. This might end up being permanent. If you find that a thread makes you want to discuss a trans-related topic, make a post here instead.

Rules 6 and 7 are strictly enforced in this thread, and violations will result in longer bans. However, uncomfortable questions are also allowed within reason.

Also if a trans topic starts to derail a thread from now on we may delete those posts.

Also Sei is trans. So I might make some posts in here as well.


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Good to see a trans thread on a smaller site. Feels nice.


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Now let's see how quickly it will catch a fire. I'm sure it won't take very long.


I love this gif


Man this imageboard used to be fucking cool.

This type of shit has only caused harm to the chan culture if you haven't figured already. Instead of giving us the right to say whatever the fuck we want, you'd always double down on every little thing we've complained about, and pussy out by banning the posts which contradict your brainwashed perspective.
Last thing I've ever wanted on imageboards was the alphabets taking over. These entitled, hypersensitive, silver-spooned terminally online mobs will do anything in their power to take down the meanies. And now it seems that nobody has the chance of stopping them, be it imageboards or elsewhere.

Gone are the days of people having the right to be repulsed by fags, telling them to fuck off back to the Pulp Fiction basement. Feels absurd to live in a world where anything said against the alphabet is considered a horrible, horrible thing now.

In fact, anything said about trannies in a remotely negative light in the present day is enough to make you enemy of the entire world. Anything anti-tranny is somehow "morally wrong" and "literally the devil". Well guess what, recommending your impressionable friends and kids to mutilate their fucking bodies in order to "achieve euphoria uwu" (or whatever other bullshit excuses you have) sure as fuck isn't the morally superior thing.
It makes me vomit. It physically makes me uncomfortable to think this is getting more accepted by the day, and you're contributing to this moral decline no less. Each and every fucking one of you mongrels.

If freaks of nature let freaks of nature openly discuss their fetishes, then only the most disgusting, rancid-smelling, grotesque herd of posters will soon be the only ones left here.
Not long until we see Uboachan become a minor-friendly hugbox using the most limited vocabulary possible, with anons sharing support left and right in the spirit of "YOU'RE ALL SO VALID AND EVERYONE LOVES YOU UWU :333"

Instead of taking care of the years-long pizza spam, we get shit like this. If you plan on turning this place into anonymous Reddit, then go ahead and make a fucking subforum on that shortbus site. You'll have millions of cumbrains agree with you without any compromise.
Either stop with this retardation or find someone sane enough to run this place instead. You're a 30+ year old man putting on skirts in public. Grow a fucking brain already(Yep gone are the days and all that, don't let the door hit your fragile butt on the way out.)


the left can't meme


You are wasting your breath, I won't be swayed. But I am leaving this for now because I feel like there are things I ought to say but I don't have the time or energy at the moment. It is true that things used to be like that here, and maybe it bears making a statement about why I decided to change the formula. Because it wasn't an easy decision for me.


i bless that you find some state of mind that doesnt involve you having to tear down others for your own self appeasement


>moral decline

Interesting language there buddy.
Nice essay, all because you're butthurt about some tranny or other living their life. And you call them the pussies. Grow up, cunt.


>Prior to the Nazi ascension to power, Hitler often blamed moral degradation on Rassenschande ("racial defilement")


does e sterilise you permanently? been considering feminising somewhat, for personal aesthetics and preferences.


no, it doesn't. as long as you don't have any kind of permenant surgery, fertility effects of HRT are almost entirely reversable if you stop the medication. the only non-reversable effects are changes to bone structure/densisty and breast growth, but i believe there are procedures and surgeries that can help revert those to what they were pre-HRT.


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ah nice, thanks anon. will look into it more then. not like i want kids, but peace of mind is good


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Ready to make some smores

Wanted to start the fire but I was too late, have my crappy opinion anyways.

Unless I wish to date or sex you I do not give a damn about which gender you want to present yourself as, how you look or even who you want to do lewd things with. Be yourself. That's the one thing that matters. Yet I would actually be happier if gender and sex wasn't the first thing certain people threw at me when I met them. For some reason it instantly raises a red flag for me. I have met too many people IRL with such traits that ended up being absurdly obnoxious. Even then, the majority of them is still cute and deserving of a hug.

>Not long until we see Uboachan become a minor-friendly hugbox using the most limited vocabulary possible
Fuck off. Unless I get fired for this post that won't happen. This isn't a Redditor-owned Discord server for a spinoff of a niche RPG game released on the MSX in '91 that has somehow crossed the sea and sparked a whole franchise with the server having an actual artist blocklist posting the art of will get you banned and witch trials on anyone with opinions they don't like. Here you got banned for poking the wasp nest.

>Instead of taking care of the years-long pizza spam, we get shit like this.

There are still minor things to finalize but otherwise the spam is mostly gone. If you are such a smart butt, maybe you should have applied for the position to help implement the spam filters.

Now this applies to me as well and I surely hope so as well.



i think i get what you're saying. character defines you, but i don't think you mean that in a way that eclipses other traits or personal struggles.


Good luck… hopefully this will go better than the previous attempts


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Trying to decide if I want to go do HRT at the moment. Some of the effects are stuff I’d kill to have, but others I really don’t want. And I’m definitely not getting surgery for years because of where I live.

Blegh. Decisions


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Could we talk it through anon?


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who showed you uboachan dr maruki


>don't let the door hit your fragile butt on the way out
Says the man who's shamelessly talked about getting fucked in the ass "more times than he'd like to admit". The prisoner ass syndrome dude projecting like mad here.
>maybe it bears making a statement about why I decided to change the formula
I just wanna fucking be my true self on this site again, without causing you trannies to seethe and dilate.
Being calm about this bullshit has never worked. You mongrels never stop yourself from doubling down on the bratty shit you've done. There's ultimately a limit to stopping people from breeding, so I bet this only makes you rush to that point.
>Here you got banned for poking the wasp nest
That's funny. I'm betting that's a metaphor for poking your victims with estrogen-filled syringes.
>If you are such a smart butt, maybe you should have applied for the position to help implement the spam filters
Well too bad I'd rather not wanna associate with pinkpilled jannies, or become one of them god forbid.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)


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get a load of this guy


I lol'd at "poking your victims with estrogen-filled syringes", I hope you stay with us anon, just chill out.
>I just wanna fucking be my true self on this site again
Is this really such a big part of your-self that you're so fiery about this whole thing?



> Says the man who's shamelessly talked about getting fucked in the ass "more times than he'd like to admit".

You are mistaken. It's not more than I'd like to admit, it's more than I can remember lmao. It's awesome you should try it. :3

> I just wanna fucking be my true self on this site again, without causing you trannies to seethe and dilate.

What a coincidence, I also want to be my true self on this site without making you nazi terrorists froth at the mouth and scream about wanting me to kill myself and shit. It used to be jokes, you know, back in the beginning. You could see the humor in the rude comments. They sometimes sounded like malice at a glance but often it was really all in good fun, or at least it seemed that way at the time. What's changed since then is the hate and vitriol is very real. The world has changed. Or, maybe it was always real and we just stopped pretending.

> Being calm about this bullshit has never worked. You mongrels never stop yourself from doubling down on the bratty shit you've done.


> There's ultimately a limit to stopping people from breeding, so I bet this only makes you rush to that point.

idk I get bred all the time lol

> That's funny. I'm betting that's a metaphor for poking your victims with estrogen-filled syringes.

ngl that's kinda funny I don't have a comeback for that one

> Well too bad I'd rather not wanna associate with pinkpilled jannies, or become one of them god forbid.

It's fucking hilarious to imagine hujle being pinkpilled lol. I'm not actually sure if any of the jannies are trans, I just took everyone who applied and told them what to do. They mostly handled the CP spam but I killed 90% of that with a custom vichan mod the other week.

Anyway it kinda seems like you don't wanna be here anymore, and I'm afraid you have embarked on a quixotic quest to return the site to some perceived better days. But those days are gone. Shit's just not funny anymore, not when y'all are actually backing real plans in real life to make me and my kind disappear from this world. People like you make us actually terrified to be here because we know what you actually stand for. But I haven't asked for much, just for the users here to not be complete asswipes to each other, and for trans conversation to literally be confined to a single thread. Shouldn't you be happy about that?

If being who you really are means going out of your way to make other people feel bad, maybe you should be looking inward at that instead of distracting yourself from your own self-growth by projecting your despair and self-hatred outward onto other people who just want to have a good time.


This is not a free speech extremism website, go to bird site for that. This is a walking simulator forum.

There is hopefully not a single trans metaphor in my statements. You fucked around and found out.

I would not stop anybody from legally breeding or even suggest that they should hurt themselves in any way. Thus I am not to prescribe others medical treatments or not. I am not a doctor and neither are you. That's their whole job. In addition, are you blind to the fact that much of the movement is purely social and doesn't involve the medicinal fields at all?


At some point these tards should just have their replies wiped, it's shitting up the thread, and /hikki/ as a whole. If that causes "controversy", fuck it, they will bitch and moan either way. The beatings will continue until morale improves.

Now onto the real shit…

How can so many people (at least, people I went to HS with) come out to their parents after like a week of knowing? Most of the time it goes well, but you can never be too sure. With me it's 50/50 chance of acceptance/disownment, and I do not like to take chances, especially knowing that something like this could absolutely fuck up your life if you don't have a safety net to fall back on.
Personally, I'll try and hold out until I can actually hold down a place to live, or at least perma-crash at someone else's. Unfortuntately a job is almost certainly required. Fuuuggg. It's tough but… what can ya do.



> At some point these tards should just have their replies wiped, it's shitting up the thread, and /hikki/ as a whole.

I agree. It felt cathartic to argue with that guy for a bit, but ultimately it was a distraction from what I want the thread to be. We'll start deleting posts like that in this thread going forward.

> How can so many people (at least, people I went to HS with) come out to their parents after like a week of knowing? Most of the time it goes well, but you can never be too sure. With me it's 50/50 chance of acceptance/disownment, and I do not like to take chances, especially knowing that something like this could absolutely fuck up your life if you don't have a safety net to fall back on.

> Personally, I'll try and hold out until I can actually hold down a place to live, or at least perma-crash at someone else's. Unfortuntately a job is almost certainly required. Fuuuggg. It's tough but… what can ya do.
There's a bit to unpack here. Firstly, trans people often know for a long time before they tell anyone. So it might seem like it happened suddenly and then they are telling their parents right away, but more likely they had been mulling over it for a long time, and finally found the power inside themselves to live it outwardly.

I think that sometimes when someone has not been living as their true self for a long time, when they finally embrace it, becoming themselves is more important to them than even feeling safe in their own home or having a clear future. It depends on the person, and how much they have been suffering by holding it in or denying it to themselves all this time.

For me personally, I had been living on my own for some years before I figured it out, and even then I was terrified to tell my parents. I told my mom first, I thought she would take it well and she really did. My dad didn't react badly but he seems like he tries not to think about it too much. (He lives far away so I haven't seen him in years though.)

I was lucky to be surrounded by supportive people as I figured myself out; coming out to my own social circles was easy. I definitely waited a while to start dropping hints on my imageboards though because I knew it could be a mess. It's harder for me to speculate about the people who had to come out in hostile environments, but many of my friends were that way.


i don't know about you, but for me being true to myself was far more importnat to me than anything else. i didn't have anything to live for at the time anyway so i figured if they kicked me out i'd just kill myself and that'd be the end of it.

that being said, it's not like i came out right after realizing it either. i first knew when i was 10 or 11 and i didn't come out to my parents til i was 15.

it's not like they reacted particularly well or poorly though, they didn't believe me at all. i wasn't able to start transitioning til i was an adult.

my biggest regret, honestly, is not telling them earlier. i don't think it would have changed anything at the time, but maybe they'd believe me now.


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yo thanks for this thread sei

whatever the hell's been happening here is dumb and fucking cringeworthy, uboa was never 4chan anyway
not that we couldn't have seen it coming, but looks like everything's alright now, people can be real irrational nowadays
better keep this thread going i guess, i hope this thread stays normal from now on

all we need is a place to talk peacefully without any danger of idiots invading
why's that so difficult?


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if anyone tries to derail or flame ITT and the offending posts havent been dealt with, hit that report button!


he was probably an edgy neet ben shapiro fan as a youth, so i reckon he browsed a lot of chans


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I cannot argue with that, which is a shame because he’s one of my favourite p5 characters.

Onto my original point, I’m actually FTM, and I’ve been thinking of going on T for a while. However, some of the effects are things I really don’t want, but I want the other effects so bad it makes it a tough decision. Doesn’t help that my entire countries going up against trans hormones at the moment so my opportunity is slipping away quickly.

So, as I said, blegh. Decisions.


what effects are you for/against anon? let me see if i can reddit armchair therapist a little


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>It's awesome you should try it. :3
Good call sei. Vigorous, yet tender, anal sex would most likely contribute greatly to an increase in this troubled young person's wellbeing.


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I mainly don’t want bottom growth, which I know is one of the first things to happen when you get on T. I’ve mentally checked myself and I’ve confirmed it’s not for any weird psychological reasons, I’m just content with everything there and things changing would probably just make me dysphoric in a different way.

However, I really want more facial hair and a deeper voice. I say ‘more’ because I actually already have an inflated level of T due to a hormonal condition, so I’ve actually grown a bit of facial hair naturally. However, because of my body, I kind of just look like shaggy in that one scene in the live action scooby doo movie where he says ‘I’ve got a chicks body!!’. Same facial hair and all.

I also want top surgery, obviously, but again I doubt that’s a possibility for me right now.

It’s just…agh, rough. I’ve never been good with decisions like this.


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I'm a different anon but I must say this…
You should do it anyway if you know that it will give you more things that you want than things you don't. The wanted changes may have a bigger effect on you than the unwanted ones and you're wasting your time wondering if it's worth it or not. Minoxidil could be a temporary solution for facial hair but there's no other way around when it comes to a deeper voice.
This goes for anyone else on the fence about it. Whether it's feminization or masculinization that you're seeking, if you have the access to hormones and you're certain that the effects of HRT are going to improve your life, quit wondering if it's worth it and just do it.

Otherwise dysphoria will only eat you away slowly until you're completely destroyed as a person, assuming that there's still anything inside of you at all. It's too late for me and literally inaccessible, but it may not be too late for many other trans anons. The people who hate us are never going to understand the feeling of watching yourself grow into something you never thought you would become or never wanted to be, and many of us don't understand the cause of the feeling until it's too late or we understand it but didn't get the support we needed.
They call us delusional when we tend to know more about human anatomy than them, they're trapped in the cage that is bioessentialism with no true understanding of their own hormones or reproductive anatomy, yet they believe we don't know the obvious — or else how would gender dysphoria manifestate? They know that many of their beliefs contradict each other but they do not care as long as they get to hate on people who are seen as less than humans.
Those are things we all know.

It's why you must stop hesitating, if you know something is going to help you feel better and closer to what makes you an individual, stop wondering and start injecting.


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I know this is really hypocritical of me to say anon, but….
>It's too late for me
I don’t think it is. If you’re able to give this advice to me and say it with such heart, I think you need to hear it as well. Even if HRT is inaccessible to you (diy is always an option but I don’t know how easy it is for you), you can still live socially or even privately as who you are. It’s never too late until you quite literally stop existing. Again, super hypocritical as the guy who can’t decide if they want to start T or not, but, sometimes the best advice is the stuff you give others but not yourself.

>Minoxidil could be a temporary solution for facial hair

Way ahead of you, I’ve actually been using it for a few weeks now. Not really any results yet, but, this stuff apparently needs like three months so I’m not complaining. I’ve noticed tiny changes so I’m happy.

You might’ve helped me become more firm in my choice anon. I’m still undecided, and my country reeeaallly doesn’t like hrt at the moment (waiting lists are god knows how long and i definitely can’t afford private). But I’ll at the very least start considering it more. It’s not too late for me, nor is it for any of you. As long as we exist, it’s not too late.


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So something about this, my best friend is trans, I've been on hrt before myself for almost a year, not anymore, more non-binary than trans-fem but that's neither here nor there. Point is, yes, it can effect your fertility permanently if you're taking estrogen. Less than a year and you're likely fine, I've had fertility tests since and don't have any issues. Many years on estrogen and fertility can take a long time to come back or may not come back.

My best friend started when she was 16 and has been trying to become fertile again for nearly a year now. She's taking clomid to help regain fertility after just letting T work on its own for a while. She probably will be okay, her metrics are looking better than they were some months ago, but she's outright despondent over the whole process with dysphoria.

I'm saying all this because you absolutely should sperm bank before starting HRT if you are able to. If this is prohibitive for you it's safe to start for a few months just to see how you emotionally feel but keep in mind if you really like how estrogen feels you might hate having to go off to sperm bank in the future.

I personally feel kind of cursed myself, I would rather be on e and feel way better on e but I value my fertility too much unfortunately. It's either I feel depressed about one thing or I feel depressed about another.

Also to anyone here taking HRT please try estrogen monotherapy first! You might not need and androgen blocker and if you do you probably don't need such a high dosage. Everyone needs some testosterone in their bodies and when dumb endocrinologists nuke your T levels to zero with a high dose of spironolactone or something it can make you feel very weird, depressive, dissociative, etc.

I took spiro + e for a few months and felt like utter shit the entire time and had blunted emotional affect. When I switched to estrogen monotherapy I felt amazing and more like myself than ever really, and became very in touch with my emotions. Estrogen alone in high enough levels will regulate your T without destroying it completely. Ideally you want your T levels to be what a cis-women's healthy levels would be to get good results, not just physically, but also emotionally, in my experience

Some people do well with high-dose androgen blockers and it's not impossible that a small dose might be beneficial. But I've met more people that don't do well with them and some doctors can be really clueless about slowly ramping up dosage or trying monotherapy alone first.


to add to what you said about monotherapy and testosterone!

low t levels can actually be extremely dangerous! the average cisgender woman has between 20 and 40 ng/dl of testosterone naturally in their body. this is a necessary baseline to function properly, as testosterone isn't just a sex hormone, it's an intermediary hormone that helps regulate many of your body's normal functions. having a t level that's too low can actually be physically dangerous for you! anecdotally, my hormone provider had me on a fairly high blocker dose (100mg spiro/day), and when i went to go start prog they didn't cut my blocker dose at all. as a result, my t dipped to extremely low levels and i became severely anemic, causing me to nearly have a heart attack. generally speaking, the lower limit for what is safe in regards to t levels is 10 ng/dl. mine was around 4.

i'm currently still not on prog, but my spiro dose has been lowered to 25mg/day. while there are some negative side effects, such as a dramatic increase to my body/facial hair growth and much worse acne outbreaks, on the whole i feel much better and my anemia is completely gone. in a couple weeks, i'm going to try to get back on the progesterone.


ah got it, so it can permanently sterilise you in… some cases? are there any specific studies?


I'm >>8439
It's a medical unknown right now I think. Some people have HRT for over a decade and regain fertility or even remain fertile while on HRT while others have lost their fertility seemingly permanently after only a few years. Researchers haven't effectively studied this enough to clear answers yet.

Part of the paperwork I signed to get HRT was acknowledging potential permanent fertility effects but it generally takes over a year for that risk to be present. The wording was, "There is a risk you may lose fertility permanently undergoing HRT treatment."

You can read about the effects of various treatments here, including more experimental stuff.

>Estrogens, progestogens, and androgens also have antigonadotropic effects. That is, they inhibit the gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)-induced secretion of the gonadotropins, luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), from the pituitary gland in the brain. The gonadotropins signal the gonads to make sex hormones and to supply the sperm and egg cells necessary for fertility. Hence, lower levels of the gonadotropins will result in reduced gonadal sex hormone production and diminished fertility. If gonadotropin levels are sufficiently suppressed, the gonads will no longer make sex hormones at all and fertility will cease. The vast majorities of the quantities of estradiol, testosterone, and progesterone in the body are produced by the gonads. Most of the small remaining amounts of these hormones are produced via the adrenal glands of the kidneys.


ah got it. not like im going to be some nordic patriarch, sleeping around with my 12 stolen wives and 30 children, so fertility banking is fine. just curious. Thanks for the study


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Hey anon, not sure if you still lurk here or have even revisited this thread - but I just wanted to let you know that I think you're based. Godspeed.


based department? what discord server's reeking uterus birthed you faggot


My last resort got v&, so I'm still trying to figure out a way


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Posting from VPNs works on this website - not sure if that helps you.


Eternal September frogposters go back. This really shows me the people complaining about this thread weren’t even on this site a decade ago.


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You can ban evade all you want, but let's not derail the thread. Here we talk about penis shrinking technologies, not the IT.

In fact, I would like you guys to expand the topic from VPNs and stuff to IT in general and move it to /ot/.


Why not make a new board or something? I really don't understand what this topic has to do with this board.



They're really presuming trans folks to be unemployed, huh


probs cause there were a few off topic posts about trans stuff that got derailed, specifically in hikki. they also tried an lgbt board a few years ago in 2021, but it went as well as you would expect


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I mean, to be fair… but since we're on /hikki/, please continue as usual


A board might eventually make more sense. Last time I tried that the backlash was so swift and impressive that I rolled it back the same day. But, maybe I should have stood my ground at that time. I didn't have the same resolve about a lot of things back then that I do now, so I was pushed over easily.

Right now I am seeing if the mod staff can handle keeping a single thread alive for an extended period, before I consider a huge undertaking like that. We might even need additional staff in order to maintain an entire controversial (ugh) board against raiders and shitposters. It's placed here because /hikki/ is where trans topics were coming up most often.

So yeah it will be a while before I think about it.


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> Right now I am seeing if the mod staff can handle keeping a single thread alive
I'll keep an eye on the thread, but I will not take the pink pill.


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Would the blue and white one interest you instead?


I moved into a new apartment and one of the people I have to share with is trans. I'm a mentally ill hikineet with no social skills and I'm scared of trans people even though I've never really known one. She bumped into me by accident in the kitchen 3 days ago and I freaked out. I don't like people physically touching me but she probably took it as an anti-trans thing. I said some hurtful things. I've noticed her presence has been stressing me out and I've been behaving more erratically. Like how cats act out when they are feeling anxious. I feel really guilty about it. Like I'm making her life worse. Its impolite and it must suck dealing with hostilty out there. I don't mean to attack her or anything and I want us to be nice to each other and get along so she feels comfy. Should I apologize or minimize the damage by just avoiding her? What's the best way to apologize without accidentally offending her? I'm worried I'll say something stupid. Is it possible I'm actually attracted to her? Do you think she can tell?

Also if I'm a traditionalist who's generally anti-LGBT is this violation of site rules? Am I okay to post unrelated stuff here? Do you consider not liking trans people to be transphobia? As in "I don't personally agree with these people but I don't hate them or anything." Just curious. I've zero interest in political discussions or attacking trans people for no reason.


if you're pragmatic and just apologise in a direct way she should be alright.


Eh, you should be fine. Most people don't like trans-folk generally. Just do what everyone else is doing, be passive and wait for the reckoning.


Maybe apologizing and then telling a half-truth could work. Something around the lines of saying you are stressed because you aren't used to socializing with a roommate yet and that you freaked out the other day because you greatly dislike physical contact in general.


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Since you two would have to live together for prolonged period of time, I think it's the best to explain and apologize. I'm sure that trans folk of yours is as mentally ill as you are and you two might be able to find a common language.
> Also if I'm a traditionalist who's generally anti-LGBT is this violation of site rules?
Only if you're gonna display it in an aggressive manner. Believe it or not, I'm not too fond on gay people myself, but as long as they're not trying to lecture me with their $30 haircut - I'm cool with them.


What do you mean you "said some hurtful things"?


im not trans, but my gf is. so i consider myself an ally.


I never understood the '30$ haircut' thing, is 30 dollars for a haircut considered comically little in America?


>be passive and wait for the reckoning.
WHAAA what are you people planning?! The revolution is gonna come from Uboa?

>What do you mean you "said some hurtful things"?
I don't remember exactly. Schizo babble. I ramble incoherent thoughts when I'm upset. I screamed some random shit at her. I do remember saying "I won't let you people fuck mw." Stuff like that.

Your site Sei but I don't get why this thread is pinned.


>The revolution is gonna come from Uboa?
Yes. We are coming for you and your grandmother's dinner.

>why this thread is pinned.

People kept derailing other threads. The pin is here to prevent further chaos. Which is weird considering sei's obsessions with the chaotic and mysterious.


try comically high


>I won't let you people fuck me
Yeah, sounds like sexual repression, maybe Sei can help you deal with it? ;)


My friend the “I won’t let you people fuck me” comment is some kind of repressed thing for sure, and you saying, “is it possible I’m actually attracted to her?” People who aren’t attracted to trans people don’t say stuff like that. That said I don’t think you should try to bone your roommate. But you should totally take this as an opportunity to get better social skills and maybe make a friend. A lot of trans folk are super autistic and super online you might have more in common than you think.

Go apologize, not in a schizo way just a simple, “i’m sorry for freaking out I really don’t like being touched but i’ll try not scream again.” If you can’t do that in person leave a letter at her door. Maybe a few days or weeks later strike up a conversation.

I promise you trans folk are people like any other people. Whatever internet demons your afraid of try to let them go at least with people actually living with you.


Sex with Sei!


I slipped a note under her door apologizing. Its probably not as polite but a safer way of doing things and way less stressful. I kept it short and simple "I'm sorry for what I said and I want to apologize for hurting your feelings" etc I hope that's acceptable to humans.

>My friend the “I won’t let you people fuck me” comment is some kind of repressed thing for sure, and you saying, “is it possible I’m actually attracted to her?” People who aren’t attracted to trans people don’t say stuff like that.
I say that kind of stuff a lot though. The rest of it was drooling incoherent schizobabble. And "am I attracted to this person" is a recurring anxious obsession of mine. I'm so paranoid I'm paranoid about myself. Probably not attracted since I hate sex. But sometimes when I'm interested in a person I tend to want to say a lot of stuff to them and I get stressed out and just ramble schizo shit to them. By interest I mean like when your landlord installs a new vent in the hallway and you spend hours inspecting it, leaving, goimg back to inspect it, worrying about what it means or why its there or why its shaped that way or if its hiding something. Like there's some hidden truth I just need to discover when its just new fucking vent cover. That kind of schizo interest/fear/curiousity/OMG I'm gonna fucking die if I don't keep looking at this terror. Like a braindamaged puppy that can't think straight. I guess I could be interested in her in that kind of way. Idk what I'm saying anymore. I need help.

I guess I'll just avoid them for a while and learn to calm down. Just learn to get used to them.


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Anon, the last thing I want to do on an imageboard is armchair diagnose, but…have you looked at OCD? Like, once?


Have you tried recreational drug usage? Even if it's just placebo, I've found that the idea of "If I take this drug, it makes me normal for a bit" works well.


Let's just not recommend using drugs here.


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Good girls don't do drugs


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Because of where I live, the waiting times are insane, so I just live as I am. It's getting pretty tough to do things like take a shower, and because I'm hikki, I have no support… I'm not very social, so imageboards are ideal. It's nice having a place to discuss these issues that isn't full of derailing.
Anonymous, I have a similar problem to you, with the hormonal issue. For that reason I'm worried about facial hair growth on testosterone. I think we will both cross the bridge when we get close to it.


Wait, isn't that normal behavior for when you are in a stressful situation?


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Do we have the same hormonal issue by any chance? I have Hyperandrogenism due to PCOS, which causes hirsutism. My inflated level of T actually makes me question what’ll happen if I do go on T, since that’s just even more on top of what I already have. If it’ll have any negative affect on me, what all the extra T will do, etc.

(Just gonna keep using Aoi to identify myself. she’s cute)


I'm schizophrenic.

Bad idea for schizos.


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I was never told what it is but I'm fairly sure something is up because of irregular bleeding. It seems there is truly no way to tell how T will go. I hope when I get off this infernal waiting list some doctor may be well informed enough to try answer. I'm glad you're enjoying the effects of minoxidil. I think if you aren't on a waiting list, getting on one may be worth it although I don't know the situation there. You'll have plenty of time to think it over. I know I do. Apologies if that sounded a little edgy kek


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Wish I had more money for HRT
Sadly I need to travel to another region to find a trans-friendly doctor
3 years I'm trying to have pills, everytime I start taking the meds something wrong happen and prevent me to pursue (meds not working, not enough quantity, method not convenient enough, public health insurance not letting me buy the pills during months) then I have to start all over again
Sorry for being an ESL


It's never too late to stop taking that stuff and return to your old life


Can you read? They said they didn't have access currently


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Have you tried "Otokonoko Pharmaceuticals", surely there's no drawbacks…


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i'm closeted non-binary, i feel like a mix of both genders. amab, but always dressed girlish and non-descript. the problem is now im growing body hair and facial hair at rapid rates, and its making me extremely uncomfortable in my own skin. i am also not at the weight i want to be (not skinny, not necessarily fat but noticable), and i am tall. is there anything i can do to mitigate the problems with body hair? it really bothers me even if my boyfriend is okay with it. i've tried epilators before but they hurt too much. hrt is also not an option for me, for various personal reasons.


I know >>8522 is not really trying to help but if anyone seriously needs to diy, htrgen on 4/lgbt/ has good resources. Don't stay on that board any longer than you have to though.


>closeted non-binary i feel like a mix of both genders
Don't mean to be rude, but what does this even mean?

Not trans but I am mentally ill and have paranoid obsessions about my own body. I go on that board because its the only place I can vent without being called a schizo. The trannies think I'm one of them. I know I shouldn't use it or camp out on boards for other groups, but where else am I supposed to go?

Maybe it would be better to copy those links and sticky them here so nobody has to brave the AIDS infested waters of 4chuds?


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i'm a first time poster and felt happy seeing a trans thread here during my idle browsing today. i identify as transmasculine and am commencing HRT next month on my birthday. i'm in my late 20s and have experienced a form of dysphoria since my teens, though am admittedly pretty nervous about finally starting something i've wanted so long. but also overwhelmingly happy! i often leave the clinic grinning so hard i can't stop.
my relationship with my mother has been strained following coming out and discussing HRT as i find she is very misinformed and prejudiced about people like me. my older brother has been very accepting however. if any readers can offer any advice regarding family or maybe exercise techniques/any other tips i would be very grateful!


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>>8400 and all of the other Aoi posts anon here.

Nice to see another transmasc! I’m really happy for you!! I’m still thinking of hrt, but I hope to be as happy as you are when I make my decision.

Rough to hear about your family though. If I can spare a shared sentiment rather than advice, I have a somewhat distant family who was all kinds of…interesting about trans people. So when I transitioned, I stayed away from her as much as I could. However, I think word got back to her on my transition because she sent me a birthday card with my current name on it, and even complimented it in the card. So, if it’s any comfort, there could still be room to change!

I wish you good luck in your transition!!!


> my relationship with my mother has been strained following coming out and discussing HRT
Imagine you had a child. Imagine the pain of childbirth, the difficulty of raising this life, bringing up the daughter you’ve always wanted, only for your child to turn around and tell you that they don’t want to be your daughter. That’s devastating. I know people these days are suckers for “autonomy” and “individuality” and doing their own thing, but remember a mother gets her sense of self, the meaning of her life, from her child and now that child doesn’t want to be the thing she raised. It’s an existential injury. You might not mean it that way but that’s how she could be interpreting it. “My daughter doesn’t want to be my daughter anymore. I’m a bad mother.” That cuts deep. With time she may heal, but there’s a chance she never will even if she comes to accept you which I hope she does.

>i find she is very misinformed and prejudiced about people like me

Don’t think prejudice stems from misinformation. Familiarity can breed hate. America is a country that is extremely nationalist, genocidal, and intolerant of diversity, yet this very country has dedicated whole academic departments to every known human culture and pumps out DEI training. You could inform her, but there’s a chance she won’t like what she finds and will hate you more. In some ways, not knowing the details is better. You know, once upon a time, individuals like yourself were more likely to be accepted in conservative communities. Why? Because such societies had a “if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck it’s a duck” attitude and didn’t care about particulars or knowing the details. “Trans? Don’t know, don’t care, not my business.” Sometimes ignorance is bliss and there’s a chance trying to correct her views or inform her will only backfire, especially if she’s still emotionally torn up about it.


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really pleased to connect with you here!
it seems distance is the best option for us at the moment… i moved away a little bit before covid to live with my partner on the other side of the country and our connection has been pretty strenuous since, even before i decided to be honest with her about myself.
i'm really pleased she sent you that card though and i can only hope i experience something similar when she realises i'm becoming who i've always wanted to be! wishing you all the best as well, and whether or not you pursue HRT i hope you'll never stop proudly being yourself.
totono has been on my vn backlog for a long time and you've really put my mind back on it!

i acknowledge that this is difficult for her as a parent and i've been nothing but considerate of her sensitivities and feelings when discussing my identity with her, but to interpret your child making their own choices as they near 30 years old as a personal attack on you and regarding them still as a mere extension of your womb is, to put it harshly, self-centred. you can't control how others feel, i can't stop her from feeling like she "failed" as a parent, and she has decided to make her politically charged aggression informed by youtube shorts my responsibility, which i find unfair when i never wanted her understanding or acceptance, just for her to be aware; my feeling hurt has just been an unexpected sideeffect i'm pretty mad at myself for!
it doesn't help that her rebuff of sharing what's happening in my life comes after an argument earlier this year in which she implored me to share anything and everything with her, which i foolishly took her up on. as a result i've become more closed off than ever from her, because she's shown me i cannot be myself like she desperately wants. our conversations stick to work or hobby matters now, if at all.
i also disagree with your idea that motherhood becomes a person's sole sense of self/meaning of life and find it derogatory towards mothers. they can and do find happiness outside of their children, and my mother is capable of that too. i saw it happen in my teens!

finally, i'm australian. i'm unfamiliar with and don't understand the amerisphere and am socially informed by a different society to yours.


It's very funny that someone on the NEET board should be insinuating someone has made their parents feel like a failure


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FtM dude here. The bottom growth happens, yes, but it is not really THAT notorious, unless you use some tools to make it grow more big, if you go on T, you may notice it is a little bigger than it used to be, but In my own experience, it doesn´t grow bigger and it is not really that noticeable unless you really look closely.
It may be your own body funky shit on how it reacts to T, but i could promise that you wouldn't sound like Shaggy, being on T is like being back into puberty, but hey, it feels nice to feel comfortable in my own body. My friends have told me my voice has changed and i sound just like a normal guy.

Wishing you the best, bro.


You're a NEET who is trying to punch down on other people. I'm not even trans, but to be honest, when you're neet/hikki you have the lowest status in society, so you can't afford to judge other people to this extent. The least you can do is act like a decent person.


Just to be clear, I'm not attacking or blaming you. Just trying to point out how someone else might be interpreting/misinterpreting your actions.

Human beings are not atoms as Westerners like to think. We are our relationships. We are defined by our relationship to other people and we naturally want to perfect them. Usually, a husband wants to be a good husband, a mother wants to be a good mother etc. in each case, that's measured by the happiness and fufillment of the person on the other end of the relationship. A mother who has a daughter wants to raise a good daughter, takes pride in having a daughter, and derives meaning from that mother-daughter relationship among other things. If the daughter then comes out as trans, that psychologically throws off the parent. "Like what, I'm not a good mom? She doesn't want to be my daughter now? What happened to my little girl? I fucked up. I raised her wrong" etc. I know Westerners have this attitude of "well I'm an individual so mind your own business" which explains why their society is so fucked up and degenerate but we aren't individuals. We're extremely co-dependent and even things that are well meaning or totally justified can be hurtful to others.

You trying to share could come off as gloating or rejection to her. Other people may not understand your well meaning actions. Demanding acceptance from her is hurting her. It must be a lot to take in for her. Give her time. Think about how complicated it was for you to come to terms with yourself. Right now she might be going through something simmilar.

In a situtation like this, you have to give your mother time to come to terms with it and let her know you'll always be hers. Reassure her that you love her, that she didn't fuck up and be careful about how she might misread your behavior. Don't push her away or ignore her feelings, even if they are hurtful. Its best if you reconcile with her but that's going to take time and care and its not going to be easy.

Anayway most of this is just dumb speculation so feel free to reject it but there are my two cents.


Intentionally repressing something so vital about yourself to make your mother happy doesn't sound very cohesive to bonding (i.e., avoiding atomization).

Also your theoretical Mom sounds so fucking sensitive, holy shit. In a slightly different reality she'd be chimping out over her daughter choosing a job different from the one she envisioned her having.

This person is also not demanding acceptance… he literally said that he'd become more closed off from his Mom since their argument, implying he IS giving her space.


girls have you been…
>consistently on hormones
>keeping track of levels
>doing self care to minimize blemishes
>learning makeup
>voice training
>wearing new clothes in public
>passing to strangers
>keeping up with feminism
>dating men
>dating women
>dressing according to your age (or gracefully)
>saving up for surgery


never have never will


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>Don't mean to be rude, but what does this even mean?
basically i simultaneously have mental traits of both genders while conforming to nethier uniformly or entirely. hard to explain but i don't feel male or female represents me but aspects of both do. i'm not non-binary in the sense that nethier gender represents me as a whole, but non-binary in the sense that there are aspects of certain genders that represent me but i don't fit nicely into one if that makes sense. as a result i don't identify with male or female, but feel like a hodgepodge between the two. i also feel like it may be something genetic or biological too, since I was a fraternal twin with a female sister and share a lot of personality/traits while being entirely different too.


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It's a good idea to contain discussion in this thread, but it's a bad idea to pin it.
It sets the wrong tone and makes it look like this is the trans hideout when it's not. So if YOU, yes YOU don't want hikki to become another trans hugbox discord server, please unpin it


Agreed, anon. This isn't really a train board. Maybe the LGBT board would be a good idea? Then again, if it ended up being most of the traffic that'd change the culture pretty severely too.


An LGBT board is a bad idea. Those morons fight and argue and spam their foolish opinions and political garbage causing mental pain for all their neighbors. I could see a standalone trans board but why create a new board on such a slow site? This thread shouldn't be pinned and it should probably be on some other board anyway because its not like all trans are unproductive. Should probably have some resources in the OP too.

You know boards are boring. I want a hentai button and whenever you click on it then it randomly fucks up the site CSS into some disgusting hallucinogenic mess while playing the most depraved erotic sounds. How about that? Sadly Sei is the shogun of this site so I must protest the lack of a hentai button by committing Hara-kiri in protest.

Why can't trans have an interesting agenda? Take over and destroy the family? Pah! The gays and Christians already did that. Destroy civilization? We're already working on that stop stealing! You should try to blow up Mars or send a rocket to the Moon and paint the trans flag on it. When will we get the first trans cruise missile? What about a Moon base or some giant mech with a big fuck you cannon? Your lack of resolve disappoints me.

I'm gonna go stare at the sun right now goodbye.


So true.


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The reason this thread is on /hikki/ is because there were multiple standalone trans threads appearing here organically. It very much does belong here, being pinned? Eh I don't know if it makes a difference or not it's a very active thread and people are going to moan about it no matter what form it takes.


I didn't know where to post this, but is it strange that I'm generally hostile to LGBT stuff but not really that hostile to trans people? Gay guys really annoy me. I don't like being around them and hate them but I don't feel bothered being around trans people. They just seem ordinary to me like any regular person. What explains this behavior?


Yes to all of them except dating women and saving up for surgery (I've had the ones that I want to).
Do I get a trophy?


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Death to you for not hating both(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)


I don't see a reason why trans people should be actively discouraged from posting here.


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I'm not that anon but that's not what they said.

Everyone who identifies as a group identity, trans, christians, blacks, jews, commies, WILL be shit on if they post on the anonymous imageboard cyberspace.

Making a trans thread will only be read as "hey, this is that trans site, if you are a contrarian you will be banned".

On the other hand, balancing group identity discussion is next to impossible in IBs, going to any solutions risk you becoming a toxic hugbox or a toxic fightbox, there is no in between.

So my personal moderation option would be to just do nothing, because honestly I don't see much has changed in terms of anti-trans posters, they're still there occassionally, when they are not, they are doing something else, entertained shitting on trans on other site, or too bored to even bother, because bans on imageboards don't really do anything due to your identity not really tied to anything else, like, in facebook or reddit at least you have to burn an email to avoid bans.

tl;dr shit if you do, shit if you don't


>Making a trans thread will only be read as "hey, this is that trans site, if you are a contrarian you will be banned"

This. Being prohibited to say anything even remotely against certain groups is getting worse by the day.
Modern Galileo type of situation


This is just not true. You don't get dogpiled for saying you're autistic, or schizophrenic, we're on a damn NEET board for god's sake, you sure don't get dogpiled for being a NEET. This place doesn't have a race problem because people saying "kill all ninjas" get banned. Group identity itself has never been the problem, it has always been specific group identities.
I'm sad about how this thread turned out. If this were my site I would ban every 4channer and every redditor (or maybe 4channer pretending to be a redditor), delete all their posts, move any remaining meta discussion to a bump locked /sugg/ thread and add "No meta" to the op, but then again I'm not experienced in handling communities so I don't know exactly the repercussions my iron fist would have.


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You can say almost whatever you want involving these groups. For example, I can say that I am not a fan of people attempting to adjust existing sex-separated toilets to cater to them and failing miserably by making under-equipped "all-sex", blatantly creepy "sex-divergent" toilets or ones with almost no privacy. This forced pretend inclusiveness usually only makes the experience more awkward for everybody.

And there is a good chance I won't get banned.

The difference is that I am not trying to generalize a group based on a few rotten apples and my existing biases and thus apply collective responsibility, dear anon. I am criticizing particular people for their particular actions.

PS: On the topic of toiler humor, I consider sex-separated toilets a yet another English-lander invention literally everybody would have been happier without.


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Sei is trans. It only natural for him to protect a group of people he belongs to. Even if they're in a single digits from all the visitors. Just let him do what he desires. You are free to not agree with him, but I don't think any arguments will shake him enough to bring any changes to existing set of rules.

I do wish, however, for Sei to care more about Yume Nikki folks rather than trans ones. Even though the vast majority of Yume Nikki folks these days are from rainbow people's group.

Let this be an end of discussion. We must not derail any further.


>It only natural for him to protect a group of people he belongs to
I too, am part of a niche that revolves around a certain fetish. But that's where it ends. Most people would just jack off and call it a day. If there's any communities discussing the fetish, it's all casual "last thing you've fapped to" stuff. Nothing that makes us treat it like a part of our identity, nothing to convert others into liking it, nothing to seethe about when someone makes fun of it online, or cause a chaotic real life situation.
This shit's different. People nowadays think it's 100% part of their identity, are trying to convert confused people, throw tantrums when anyone says a remotely negative little thing, online or real life. But hey, Amazon says it's valid and good.


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Perhaps because becoming transgender involves making changes to a person's identity? I'm not a trans myself, so whatever I say is nothing but theory crafting, but if a male wants to become a female - they gotta identify themselves as a female, right? Act like a female, talk like a female, trying their best to look like a female, etc. Transitioning from one sex to another brings changes to a person's identity, therefore becomes a part of identity.

Having a fetish doesn't change the one's identity. You're still the same individual as you were before obtaining that fetish, you just jerk off to what makes you aroused the most.

But yeah, confused people must seek therapy instead of listening to retards from anonymous imageboards, and some trans folks must get some chill in their life, I agree with that.


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Aoi anon back with a vengeance lol

As a trans person I can make this call, and I say this sentiment is both pretty correct and doesn’t capture the whole story.

See, changing identity is a bit of a reductive summary. It’s more along the lines of ‘becoming what you always were’. A trans woman was always a woman, but she couldn’t come into that identity until she realized that’s who she was. Similar with me, I was raised a girl, but I was always non binary and when I started transitioning, i came more into that true identity. It just looked like a change of identity to people on the outside.

(Though, I will say, I can’t speak for all trans people. This is just what I’ve observed in both myself and who’s around me)

Fetishes, on the other hand, aren’t a part of identity. They can be if you’re more into the s&m scene (which is fair enough, I know some people in those circles), but they’re not as fundamental a part of you as your gender identity. I can say this because I have some odd fetishes myself, and they’re not a focal part of me like my transness is. It’s just a thing I have.

But again, you know, I can’t speak for everyone.


>Perhaps because becoming transgender involves making changes to a person's identity?
The whole idea of being a tranny stems from autogynephilia - a fetish in which men idolize feminine traits, and attempt to become feminine themselves. A man's attraction to femininity is a perfectly natural thing. Hell, I'd even say that casual thoughts of imagining oneself as a woman isn't inherently a bad thing. A lot of people I know, myself included, were kinda into that fantasy for a while in middle school. Nothing's wrong with just imagining something.
Trying to adopt feminine traits though, is not even worth ignoring the absurdity, no matter how woke today's culture has become.
>Transitioning from one sex to another
Did chromosome change become a thing? Humans aren't able to change what they were born with between their legs. Even the manufacturing issues, or "intersex" can be explained with ease, Klinefelter's syndrome for example.
Maybe you meant to say gender, but that's a term popularized by the crazy doctor doing unspeakable things to two boys.
>But yeah, confused people must seek therapy instead of listening to retards from anonymous imageboards
Double meaning there. If therapy was more socially accepted, this thread wouldn't exist. And if retards online weren't able to fool millions of impressionable people, this thread wouldn't exist either.


I'm aware that trying to change people's minds on highly politicized issues is pointless, but bullshit going uncontested is how it infects neutral minds, so I'll say my piece and leave.

Gender dysphoria is NOT fetishistic. It is pain. When a fetishist transitions that is what we call "a bad decision". Tragically, those treating their life of pain and those looking to get railed in heels are now known under the same name, but until gender dysphoric people started to become just accepted enough that fetishists could co-opt them, the former was what "transgender" meant. So if you want to use language that illucidates the truth rather than hides it, you can acknowledge these two categories and call the first one trans, rather than continue with this embarrasingly retarded notion that an action must always have the same motivation.
If you need an example, I have had gender dysphoria since I was a kid. My body's and persona's masculinity has always felt disgustingly wrong and caused me many nights of writhing pain and merciful dissociation. I have a much lower sex drive than most men and never got into porn because seeing naked bodies upsets me and the things they do with them are disgusting. It's not necessary to be this sexless in order to be trans, but it makes me a good counterexample to this falsehood.
As for the amazon thing, I don't know why neoliberalism or whatever you'd call it happens, but it's hardly our fault and a lot of us aren't very happy about it.

Maybe you won't believe me because you have a crossdressing fetish and can't imagine any motivation to transition other than that. If that is the case, you must expand your willingness to understand humanity outside what you are capable of experiencing, otherwise you have no right to speak about other people. This might be scary because you will realise your theory of mind is incomplete and that you don't really know what is going on behind someone's eyes, but it is the only way if you're interested in the truth.


>trying to change people's minds on highly politicized issues
This ain't a political issue. No matter what the government says about pride, rights, lefts or whatever else they'll come up with next, dysphoria is purely psychological. It's an issue that modern doctors will refuse to solve the right way.
Identity crises can always be treated with no harm or ill intent to the patient, but I guess convincing oneself into being something completely different is woke and prog.
>So if you want to use language that illucidates the truth rather than hides it
If we're really going into semantics, then let's deconstruct the word "fetish". Ignoring its origins in spirituality and superstition, it's an "excessive fixation or devotion to particular thoughts and ideas".
Even if the word is associated with sexual interests nowadays, its general meaning doesn't have roots in sexuality at all. So one could say that it's accurate to consider dysphoria fetishistic, since it's a pretty clear example of the general definition.
>My body's and persona's masculinity has always felt disgustingly wrong
>I have a much lower sex drive than most men
>seeing naked bodies upsets me and the things they do with them are disgusting
Sounds a lot like a hormonal imbalance of sorts. The inability to be attracted to sex isn't what a healthy person could experience, so maybe you should try introducing more healthy habits into your life. Being unfaithful to one's intended role as a reproductive species means there's clearly something wrong with one's lifestyle.
>Maybe you won't believe me because you have a crossdressing fetish and can't imagine any motivation to transition other than that
I don't think my posts were supposed to imply that I have a thing for crossdressing. Fantasies from middle school and the current stuff I'm into aren't connected in any way, and even less so related to crossdressing and trannies.
>you must expand your willingness to understand humanity outside what you are capable of experiencing
Humanity has been completely ruined by the modern world. Our animalistic roots were ignored by a more comfortable, and resulted in a less fulfilling life full of imbalance and disease.
The modern way of living simply isn't what we were made for, and it's pretty much impossible to avoid unless you flee in the middle of Bumfuck, Nowhere.
>it is the only way if you're interested in the truth
Let's be real, the truth is definitely not taking some pills and think it'll make you feel better


I was going to make a genuine thread elsewhere on the site, but I came across this in recent and I have lost all motivation to contribute. Good job.


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>Identity crises can always be treated with no harm or ill intent to the patient
you have described the concept of transition, congratulations.
>If we're really going into semantics, then let's deconstruct the word "fetish". Ignoring its origins in spirituality and superstition, it's an "excessive fixation or devotion to particular thoughts and ideas".
Even if the word is associated with sexual interests nowadays, its general meaning doesn't have roots in sexuality at all. So one could say that it's accurate to consider dysphoria fetishistic, since it's a pretty clear example of the general definition.
let's not be disingenuous here. everyone knows exactly what people mean when they say "it's a fetish". in trying to be such a pedant, you've made a point that says nothing at all.
>Being unfaithful to one's intended role as a reproductive species means there's clearly something wrong with one's lifestyle.
this is a weird argument to attempt to make in most any context, imo. in your reply, it not only serves little than to highlight the trolling nature of your post (how many in /hikki/ can say they've had sex in the past year or more, nevermind having ever had sex to procreate; and how many can genuinely say they wish to procreate whilst being part of a demographic with so much pornography addiction and hentai viewers), it further makes your last point null: you can't claim transgender issues is inherently "fetishistic", no matter what silly definition you're going to try to push in your reply, and then try to argue that some people's lack of comfortableness with or drive towards sex is strange. unless you want your views to be called inherently fetishistic, too?
>Let's be real, the truth is definitely not taking some pills and think it'll make you feel better
and neither is the truth anywhere in your posts, but no one is telling you to stop

weird way to out yourself as a li'l snowflake, but okay


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Just for clarity >>8624 is not me, I am holding back counterarguments in the hope that this shit dies.

Sorry anon.


>you have described the concept of transition, congratulations.
Transition doesn't treat identity crisis. By propagating the idea of transition, the patient is only fooled into thinking that some pills can somehow change them into something their bodies were clearly never designated to be. No sane treatment of identity crisis will encourage a child's thinking that they really are a superhero or pirate. No sane treatment of identity crisis will encourage a man to become more feminine, because the said man claims he doesn't feel masculine and it makes him wanna die.
>you've made a point that says nothing at all
It's the act of obsessing over an insane concept. A concept that lives in one's head rent-free, it won't leave their heads until they end up the way they wanted to, which turns into bragging and desperately seeking validation.
Last few decades have been degrading for language anyway. Words are now being butchered and mangled in favor of a simple and shallow meaning.
>how many in /hikki/ can say they've had sex in the past year or more, nevermind having ever had sex to procreate
Being hikki means that we're at one of the bottom ends of society. Our natural instincts and impulses clash with people's natural need to interact with each other, without the rules that have been imposed to "control the chaos".
>and how many can genuinely say they wish to procreate whilst being part of a demographic with so much pornography addiction and hentai viewers
You might not accept it, but we all wanna fuck and make healthy kids. It's the bullshit of the modern world says "NO" and makes us think that way. The simple answer is buried under the midden of rules, classes, social hierarchy, and millions of other bullshit reasons. The ability to satisfy those urges by oneself is a curse, and is to blame for so many sex-related issues, down to simple fetishes.
>you can't claim transgender issues is inherently "fetishistic", no matter what silly definition you're going to try to push in your reply, and then try to argue that some people's lack of comfortableness with or drive towards sex is strange. unless you want your views to be called inherently fetishistic, too?
Then why the dude's obsession? Why would someone go through a process of doing irreversible damage to the body, just to live an unrealistic and regrettable fantasy? What purpose is there to fulfill, if there's nothing but a strong desire to live a fantasy? I can only think of one word
And what's there to be fetishistic about my views? There's a bunch of people more obsessed with their hatred. I'm not the type to put in the effort of documenting every single thing that some tranny has done, and upload it on Kiwi Farms or whatever. Those people are doing an amazing job of proving their points, despite the obsession. Might as well thank them for all the work.


>No sane treatment of identity crisis will encourage a child's thinking that they really are a superhero or pirate. No sane treatment of identity crisis will encourage a man to become more feminine, because the said man claims he doesn't feel masculine and it makes him wanna die.
equating a child's (completely natural btw) tendencies to experiment with identity and desire with what an adult is expressing as a factual and treatable medical issue is weird. indeed, the natural tendency of all humans to ruminate on their current self and any internalised ideal or more comfortable/preferable self isn't something to criticise, so i find your fixation on all transitioning people to be deluded men weird.
>just to live an unrealistic and regrettable fantasy
your subjective view is quite narrow to be making a broad generalisation, my man. what someone achieved by transitioning is for them to decide, and in nearly every actual, healthcare-professional-monitored instance the result is neither unrealistic nor regrettable. what you see lurking 'chans and Kiwi Farms is the smallest sliver of internet cringe, and not representative.
your posts are full of these kinds of strange fixations. you make the classic mistake of thinking all transpeople are like Chrischan, the born-again male-to-female weirdos at the fringes of transgender issues. you're making broad strokes to cover up the fact your genuine phobia towards transgender people is based upon nothing but your distorted internet-dweller lifestyle.
i shouldn't expect any less from /hikki/, i know, but…

i didn't mean to hijack your conversation and neither do i want to continue any shit-flinging you think is going on. but for lack of extra input, anon has managed to neckbeard his way into shitting up what should be a cool thread, and i think that's disappointing.


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Everyone's trying to stop us living free but we won't let em. Hope all my trans anons and ubuu brothers are having a beautiful day.


Smug indifference might fool other people but it won't fool me. I know of the hate that festers inside of you, eating away at your soul as each day passes by.
Its only a matter of time, really.


>desire with what an adult is expressing as a factual and treatable medical issue
If those thoughts have stayed to adulthood, or god forbid came after puberty, they cannot be called a natural tendency anymore. It's just a twisted thought at that point.
Also, most things in the medical world are manipulated by the government, worsened by them to make our society shittier, or used as marketing to squeeze out money for le science.
"Muh medicine better now cuz it new and say trans rights", but actual advancement doesn't even happen without heavy compromise anymore. Your shrink might support you and give some pills, but that's a result of the declining standards in medicine.
The only treatment is paying a private doctor independent of political and commercial bullshit, who can easily apply a healthy treatment. But I guess none of you would ever want that, because it clashes with your rose-tinted glasses.
>the natural tendency of all humans to ruminate on their current self and any internalised ideal or more comfortable/preferable self isn't something to criticise
The human mind is a dangerous thing. It's fairly easy to go off the deep end should you get lost in thought for too long.
It can cause a whole lot of wonderful things like, depersonalization and derealization, not to mention the questions about your own identity.
Of course hikki are affected by this, we've got so much free time to think about anything. The main problem is that people don't wanna set some clear boundaries, which wouldn't have caused you to go so far off the road.
>and in nearly every actual, healthcare-professional-monitored instance the result is neither unrealistic nor regrettable
Right. You wanna be reminded of a certain percentage?
>what you see lurking 'chans and Kiwi Farms is the smallest sliver of internet cringe, and not representative
Believe me, I tried to be open-minded before. It never worked, and was a horrible experience at all times.
>your genuine phobia towards transgender people is based upon nothing but your distorted internet-dweller lifestyle
Believe me buddy, I've talked to my parents and grandparents about this, who've been informed with the ever-changing views for decades.
They've all given a whole set of reasons I agree with, and my fellow internet-dwellers just so happen share the same opinions.
>i shouldn't expect any less from /hikki/, i know, but…
It's just sad to see this board warp and mangle over time. One of the last little corners on the web has had its soul drained out completely, and I can't be the only one mad at how much worse it can keep getting.


anti trans retards sound almost exactly like anti psychiatry retards

really makes you think…


I'm still discovering myself, but, at this point, I'm pretty sure I'm not cisgender. I'm from a very christian household and this makes everything even harder. The existence of this thread is pretty cool! I don't know if there is a lot of transphobes around here, tho.


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Did you know that the topic of discussion is a social movement, not strictly a particular medical procedure? This discussion isn't about cutting or sewing any funny looking balls. Yet.

>most things in the medical world are manipulated by the government

I thought that such beliefs are landlocked to America and it's PTSD of a medical system. Sad to see that isn't the case. In the majority of actually developed Europe the healthcare is actually kinda okay. Even if the mental healthcare is not awesome. But it's plausible that it's a tad worse in countries such as Serbia, Serbia or Russia.

In addition, it sounds like you want to resolve a proposed political intervention into the medical world with additional political interventions into the medical world that do not reverse the previous ones. The War on Drugs went excellently, didn't it?

>The main problem is that people don't wanna set some clear boundaries [for own thought]

Wouldn't you look at it, a proposal of literal thought crimes. That also always went great.

Don't go around doxing yourself and you should be okay. Welcome to the website for an ancient walking simulator video game and its impact on the wider culture.


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>muh political trend
just stop pretending to be here to do anything but waste your own time, lol. you're talking out of your arse, and you know it. shooting down accepted medical literature and - in many places that i suspect you'd otherwise call "civilised" - actual law with the excuse of "but it's all a political movement controlling the medicinemen" is laughable.
>le suicide percentage meme
maybe if transgender healthcare was given adequate funding, better proposals being ratified into medical practice and law, and easier access to support during and after transitional milestones, that percentage wouldn't exist.
then again, if transgender people didn't have to put up with people like you, that percentage would be a little lower, too.
>opinions of old irl people vs the internet
the internet is not a space solely composed of zoomies, even if they dictate much of the popular media's culture. much of the transphobia on-and-offline come from the same sources. for a multitude of reasons, younger people tend towards progressivism. what you've said is no great revelation, and only reinforces my point: you're stuck online, your opinions are influenced by what you see online, and you're letting the transgender boogeyman in your head fester online. whether the people around you offline also agree with your fear is moot.

i'm going to stop taking your b8 now. i hope any transanons from here on know that this nerd here isn't getting replied to because they're right, or because other anons fear their responses. they're just transphobic for transphobia's sake, and are not worth your time.


>Did you know that the topic of discussion is a social movement
Yes, a social movement you'd do anything for to "win". Even if you're "winning" now, your chromosomes will never change. Humans aren't clownfish to change their sex out of necessity (not like transitioning is even done out of necessity in the first place).
>Even if the mental healthcare is not awesome
There will never be a definitive solution to mental healthcare, as long as civilization exists. It's the only issue that keeps fucking us in the head. No wonder why the rise of mental illness coincides with the technological boom of mid-20th century.
>it's a tad worse in countries such as Serbia, Serbia or Russia
Because ex-communist Slavic countries are shitholes, with a terrible environment and a culture that could collapse at any moment (former Yugoslavia especially).
>it sounds like you want to resolve a proposed political intervention into the medical world with additional political interventions into the medical world that do not reverse the previous ones
Abolishing the new "woke and le cool le epic prog" rules in psychiatry with political intervention is impossible, troonon. What the opposing side thinks is irrelevant for the medical world, especially if a new idea is pushed that doesn't make sense on a biological level. Mixing up biology and politics only leads to mutilation.
>The War on Drugs went excellently, didn't it?
Tranny enabling is unfortunately legal, recreational drugs rarely are. While both will fuck up your body and the brain, at least the psychiatrists wouldn't encourage your delusions.
War on drugs was a campaign that made little to no sense in the long run. Opioids, coke and weed all exist in nature, and tracking down every poppy flower or dude weed lmao is virtually impossible. Of course the protests, or annoying ads before Street Fighter didn't do anything.
Hormone pills can only be made artificially, or (if you're a maddo saientisuto so kuuru) extracting them from a living person. While the end of tranny encouraging would significantly reduce the number of victims, some sketchy folks would still make artificial pills and send them to children illegally (many such cases happening as we speak).
In the end, those would still be selling illegal drugs. 40mg of Xanax inside if you're lucky.
>a proposal of literal thought crimes
It's funny how you wanna make me sound like an Orwellian dictator by excluding the rest of my point.
Being able to resist overthinking about insane shit, making yourself insane in the process, ain't Newspeak in the slightest sense.
Nietzsche was based, but went crazy for overthinking WAY over the boundaries of what is even remotely healthy. You think it's Newspeak if he had stopped before the point of no return?


>shooting down accepted medical literature
>actual law with the excuse of "but it's all a political movement controlling the medicinemen" is laughable
You take muh accepted medical literature for granted. Do you really believe that all they say is 100% truth? You're being controlled, and all the medical world prioritizes most is those sweet, sweet Shekels.
They don't care if you need to get a home equity loan to bogpill your wife to the max, or buy ten lifetime supplies of pinkpills. They can advertise in the most convincing way possible, but the upper echelon will only be in it for the money.
>maybe if [doctors got more woke], that percentage wouldn't exist
No amount of advancement could save you people from the eventually inevitable regret in the future. It would be 0% if no thoughts had ever been turned into actions
>if transgender people didn't have to put up with people like you, that percentage would be a little lower, too
If trannies didn't ruin everything they touched, Azumanga Daioh and Lain would still be niche shows with chill fans.
>the internet is not a space solely composed of zoomies, even if they dictate much of the popular media's culture
So? Niche corners of the Internet I used to like are getting infested by zoomzooms every day. The Internet may not solely be comprised of them, but they're a hurricane that no one can recover from. I might as well blame everything on them
>you're stuck online, your opinions are influenced by what you see online
>whether the people around you offline also agree with your fear is moot
Family and real life friends have still kept their opinion even after the media is propagating rainbow shit every day now, which they're either pissed off at or ignore entirely. And I'm sure as hell not expecting my parents or grandparents to come out.

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