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/hikki/ - NEET / Advice


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is compassion contrasted by strength?
I'm too soft and that makes me feel weak


I wouldn't say contrasted. Strong people can afford to be compassionate and forgiving, while weak people need to viciously scrabble around in the dirt for whatever leverage they can find.


Compassion, empathy, is relative to how much you sympathize with someone (or some thing). If you cannot relate to them then you can't have compassion. It's relative to what part of a group you are in. It's meant to keep people or things working together so it adds strength to the group and is not in it's opposite direction at all. An individual is weaker than a large group of sissies. It's why the neanderthals died. They used to eat each other and didn't communicate as well. But were stronger. It didn't save them. They couldn't get along.

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how can I not feel paranoid around others? I know very well how humans behave in a group. I know they hate virgins, failures, social inept people like me. I know they despise them, they are disgusted by them, they see them as useless and misfits, like dogs to kick or clowns to laugh at

I am not interested in learning trades or doing manual things. they are 100 times more digestible than doing office work but I am not passionate about em. I just want to learn them because they're not entirely boring and they make me feel useful.

I like art. acting, fooling around. music, maybe. not so much. singing serms better than learning an instrument, and dancing is rad

I'm no longer interested in fitness. martial arts are entertaining but I am too old to compete. they are a means to channel my frustration and my anger. fitness and combat sports give me a feeling of confidence and security. it doesn't matter that I lack character, that I feel vulnerable or useless, I rely on the excuse that I least I can fight. they don't make me strong, actually strong. I don't care about gaining strength or being a better fighter anymore. they don't work the way I want them to and change nothing. total waste of time

I resent everything and everyone. I hate that they know how to socialize better than me. I hate their confidence. I hate that they can belong so easily. I hate that they have more guts than me. I hate being a coward, a weakling, a fag. I hate being hated. I hate feeling threatened

hate and fear make me feel lonely, very lonely. I don't have to talk to others: they are wolves in sheepskin that at the first opportunity they have they are going to use my weaknesses against me and belittle me
It's not that I don't think they understand me, I'm not that hard to understand. I just don't think they're going to empathize at all

I wonder how I look from others' perspective
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OP, I feel the same way as you do, the constant feeling people want to do something bad to me is the chief reason that drove into neethood, sometimes I feel like they want to kill me and it makes me feel depression, fright and rage, it sucks to have nothing in common with people from your area, it makes them want to fuck up your life just for the hell of it.


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I hope my oekaki makes you feel a little better, friend.


just wanted to let you know that this post seriously helped me and to give you my appreciation. thank you so much.


>how can I not feel paranoid around others?
I don't think that's possible. The only advice I have is to engage with people as long as it benefits you, but nothing more. If they bother or belittle you? Avoid them and be paranoid all you want because it's never without a reason.
I experience something similar. My mother says she loves me but judging by her behaviour, I think she actually wants me to fail and is working actively towards it.


I feel the same way. I get social anxiety and paranoid thoughts all the time. Go to a therapist and get some anti-depressants.

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so I got promoted at my job and now I'm a phone salesman. today I got the calls' script and I was told to listen to my coworkers so I can pick up their conversation lines. that's no problem, but the thing is, I got scared, and it showed. I became very quiet through the work day and sat all hunched over
dealing with people is not my strong suit, but I've been asking for an opportunity to harden up to the things I fear or don't like, and now it came, sadly I'm just out of the loop
all I can do right now is pray for strength and courage. any advice?




>On NEET board
Get out normie REEEEEE



This fuck off OP.


Try the new >>>/rec/ board instead.


Moved to >>>/rec/2.

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I have been hikki for about 5 months now and I am wondering what I can do to support my Hikki lifestyle. I just want to do something where I can live a basic life (internet, food/water, small living space). My only thing I require out of it is no human interaction in it besides online.
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What an asshole


You sound like an autist who takes everything literally.


>What an asshole

So i am an asshole because i state the truth?


>You sound like an autist who takes everything literally.

At least i do research hikikomori dont have jobs.


At the time of the post OP didn’t have a job. The only criterion he didn’t fill was being in his state for six months. Furthermore, welfare isn’t always enough in some countries to support people.

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So I am a 19 year old neet. I have been thinking about what to do with my life and honestly after thinking it for a long time I thought that helping people with mental problems or anxieties like mine is what I want to do so I am going to start studying psychology. My problem is that every time I try to start something in my mind tells me I would fail so I just resort to helping people like this online like in other anonymous boards and stuff writing supportive messages for them and spending time with them to help them feel better. What tips can you guys give me to motivate myself to get out my house or even just leave this lifestyle?

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Do you guys ever go back to /n/ to reminisce?
I just did and found some posts I made back in 2012-4.

Give it a try and tell me what became of your past troubles and situations, please.


I'm too embarrassed to read my old posts. I'd delete them if I could.

But I can say nothing has gotten better, only worse. I think I'm in my 12th year of being a neet? It's been half a decade since I've visited this place as well.

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Im a hikki in korea and my uighur neighbors dad wants to kill his daughter because I had sex with her.
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>I've been wondering the same thing for years. The verb 引く has only one k, yet people constantly spell it with two.

Exactly it makes them look like a fucking idiot who doesn't know how to spell.


As far as the board title is concerned, I think it was named this way as an abbreviation, because Hikikomori has two Ks and ends in an I. HIKiKomorI. In Japanese the double K also renders as a pronunciation jump, alluding to the word being crunched down. You could also see it as the last two letters in the first five letters being flipped around for funsies.

It might have also been that someone (possibly me, don't remember) couldn't spell.


"ヒッキー" exists as internet slang for hikikomori, though?



you should let him

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hey guise
what's the longest period you've been without a bath?
I haven't showered in 5 days, my record is 2 weeks
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used to go 2 weeks at a time in high school. Because of that though I now cannot stand the smell and have to take one once a day or at least every other day. If I don't, I'll get extremely uncomfortable and irritable.


And you would go to school dirty??


was suicidal at the time and couldn't bother to do it as I thought it was pointless. changed over the summer as i thought maybe i could make things different in collgere. instead just started to really enjoy the feeling of not feeling greasy and oily all the time. also played a part in the fact it helped a lot with getting rid of acne.


I shower everyday but rarely shave


Maybe like 3 days out camping or something

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i hope this is ok, to rant here. i rarely make threads but i don't know. it's hard right now, so i am sorry. but damn.

i want a friend.

i want to know what it's like to be with someone that doesn't pity you; hasn't been stuck with you by order of a higher power; that's not in your family, and obligated by blood to make a weekly phone call; someone that genuinely wants to be around you. going out to eat, going to the movies, playing video games together, talking about your feelings, rabb.iting (?), sharing your writing, roleplaying, playing d&d. tagging each other in memes over twitter. i want someone to be with.

but i know i don't deserve it. i'm lazy. i'm rude to people on the internet just to make myself feel better. my breath stinks all the time, even though i brush and floss. i'm weak and ugly and stupid. i have disgusting fetishes. i'm boring, i know, i've never been able to hold a conversation. didn't even get bullied in high-school by the bullies because they know i wasn't meant for much but the part of shadow.

i'm sick of myself; i've been sick of myself since middle school. but i'm too cowardly to suicide, and i keep thinking things will get better.

and perhaps they will.

but i can't see myself making a friend the way i am. and no, this isn't me scouting for friends. this is just me unloading all my bullshit on a bunch of anonymous people that're probably going through the same thing, or worse.

i don't know. i want a friend to hold me and tell it's ok. but i'd be disgusted by anyone that wanted to get close to me.
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Keeping friendships is hard even for normalfags. Transient NEET here trying to stop NEETing but failing for 3 years.

> What an asshole, if you don't want to be friends with someone just fucking say it, you coward.

I did this to someone and it went badly. He cried in front of me and I felt like complete shit. I understand why people don't. Relationships both platonic and romantic need to be mutual, if one party isn't getting anything after a fair amount of time (year(s)) that's time to cut to the cord.
The ritual for normalfags is to gradually fade away. I've learned this from multiple groups now. It sucks being on the other end of it and I agree it's not intuitive. The other problem is that literally everyone I've ever met is insecure, even the good people out there as rare as they are. So saying "I don't want to be friends" = directly attacking their egos and making them feel vulnerable to them even if that's not what it means. People can't take the idea that it's natural to grow apart sometimes and they go apeshit over it. When people grow apart well adjusted people find new people that fit them better. (Like climbing a mountain for people like us.)


Looking back at my post, i got super depressed and overly dramatic by the end, i sounded like a teenager haha.
While a lack of experience is part of the problem, i think it goes deeper than that. I've tried to be social throughout my life, i've been in many social situations, I got "experience" socializing, but mostly experiences of failure, of feeling isolated and laughed at. They say that we learn from our failures and get better thanks to them, but when it comes to interacting with others it only drives you deeper into solitude.
And all the good experiences i gained being friends with that guy for so many years have not helped my social skills at all.
I think it's mostly a personality thing.
I've always suspected that it might be pathological, perhaps im somewhere in the autism spectrum, but i doubt knowing that for sure would help me at all in overcoming this fundamental flaw.
I understand. I got resentful when i wrote that.
I wouldn't be able to just tell someone to stop being friends with me either.
Maybe this is the best way to part ways. The silence and ambiguity is anxious and annoying at first, but when it goes on long enough the message that the friendship is over is clear, without awkward loud fight, just calmly fading away.
Friends come and go like that, its just so much worse for someone with only one.


don't want to make a new thread and i'm a lazy fuck that is too lazy to search the catalog for a general vent/life complaint thread but fuck i hate being stupid

like that's another that gets me, i can pinpoint why i love something but i have no way to verbalize it that makes sense, i know i'll just come across as a dumbass to people. e.g. these two games explore the relationship between a consumer and the creator of the media they enjoy; there has to be a degree of trust between the two to ensure the story gets told but man that sounds so retarded

and it's not just that, i'm bad at almost everything. i rarely if ever notice plot holes. i find it hard to verbalize why i love a certain character past their design/some vague personality traits and i have this awful habit of agreeing with anyone's opinion if it's written well

i hate myself. i wish there were a pill to make me smarter


I can relate to that so hard, I never understood how people work.


I went through a similar phase, but it got to where I couldn't keep up with everyone and/or they weren't worth keeping up with. I found the optimal number of friends for me is about 5. It helps if you have your own little group and are interconnected.
As for the stupid thing, I relate to that hard too. Feels like there are holes in my brain. I think it has something to do with my laziness, and how I never felt to improve myself. I'm sure there are ways to train yourself to think better, you just have to find them.

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There are times you really can't stand the society you live in, you can't help but think most of the people close to you are lazy, evil, backwards, or simply plain retarded while you are the only one still sane.

There is nothing wrong about avoiding the people from your area when you can't stand them, being alone may be the only option when you are surrounded by primitive savages, remember the problem is not with you, it's just that you happen to live in the wrong place.
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It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.


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If you're able to move to another city, state or country, your mental health can improve if the people in this new area are better, you can go from feeling 100% awful all the time to feeling 70% awful all the time, for a hikki that's a huge improvement


Even if they move they would say everyone is the same as the people in the old place.


Then said neet has a problem in their head


That's obvious.

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