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/hikki/ - NEET / Advice


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 No.8376[View All]

Trans Mega Thread!

So, let's try something here.

Frequently a trans-related topic comes up in a thread here in /hikki/, and the thread will quickly get derailed by malicious comments or by the diversion in topic just taking over. There is clearly a lot of interest in discussing trans topics, as well as a lot of unwelcome interest in shutting them down. But they do tend to take over threads either way. So, while we figure out how to handle this from a moderation standpoint, I am going to make a trans discussion mega thread here to contain such conversations. This might end up being permanent. If you find that a thread makes you want to discuss a trans-related topic, make a post here instead.

Rules 6 and 7 are strictly enforced in this thread, and violations will result in longer bans. However, uncomfortable questions are also allowed within reason.

Also if a trans topic starts to derail a thread from now on we may delete those posts.

Also Sei is trans. So I might make some posts in here as well.

Update 11/04/2024: When the conversation in the trans thread veers into whether transness is even a thing that exists, that will be considered an attempt at derailment. This thread isn't for you. It is specifically a containment thread for people who want to talk about transness from the starting assumption that the topic itself and the kind of identity it discusses is valid. Please keep that in mind.
182 posts and 69 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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is it trolling if it's just calling a group of people untermensch? i dont mean to sound pretentious but i feel like i remember when trolling meant "actually baiting somebody into doing something silly" and not literally just being a dick for shits and giggles


it'd likely be viewed as an insult and thus an attempt to derail, which might result in a ban.


eh true enough, i;m so tiredf


My old issue with this site was that the "hikki" board was against pro-neet discussion in the sticky.

Now the top sticky is like the admins safespace because he decided to tr*on out and has a community he has power in.

This was a site for a Japanese indie game. Hikikomori-ism was tangentially related because of the content of the game, but really could have been limited to a few threads or general in an off-topic board.

Tr*nnies have NOTHING to do with YN. Not every site necessitates a space to discuss this shit.

All that happens is that a bunch of users will hate it, then tr*ons will have them banned,
and the site becomes more catered toward tr*ons, while driving away everyone else.

This isn't supposed to be a site for lgbt content in the first place, everyone here came together for the game.
But no one is going to care, because even the admin himself has apparently tr*oned out, and it's his site after all.

This literally happens to all good communities because certain f*ggot freaks need to make everything all about themselves no matter what.

Sorry I've been gone for years, maybe this site has devolved into nothing more than some f*ggot discord clique's general chat.

Feel free to perm me and sweep this, I'd just like the admin to read my post, from someone who enjoyed and contributed a bit here over 10y ago.

t. fellow troon

peace(K. You are using a fresh IP like everybody else who gets banned in this thread anyways.)


why are you censoring your words is this supposed to be wholesome chungus reddit 100?


Yes, it is if you haven't noticed.


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everyone play Oneshot


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Niko is cute


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For all my life i have been fine being a man, the idea of being a girl is something that time to time would pop up but i would always dismiss it as just a little dumb idea. But a couple months ago i was shaving my face and then it happened, and that was the point i started obsessing over the stupid idea of being a girl. Right now i'm at a point where im genuinely distressed about being a guy, a part of me really wants to be more feminine and it's really hard to just repress it. What if im just a crossdresser? or is it a really, really twisted and deep fetish? to clarify, being a girl is not an idea that gives me sexual arousal, i just feel really envious of my sister and other women because they can use cute clothes. When do you know it is just a phase? i was fine with my body image but now everytime i look at myself in the mirror i hate myself more and more. I really want to know if it's just a stupid phase because im bored or that is it really over for me, i know i may as well be screaming at the void on this place but i atleast can be fully honest with myself.


I would be really happy to be a woman if I could revert back to being a man easily.


do it retard. every day that goes by things get worse and worse. now's your chance.

t. repper


Everytime i hear that repressing just makes things worse, and i'm terrified of living as someone im not. I'm going to stop being a bitch and try crossdressing to settle this shit.

Also, may i ask for how many years you have been reppresing?



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It usually is a fetish, I wouldn't get too worked up over it and start HRT or anything. Pic unrel

t. Occasional AGP, but still normal white male (relatively)


i feel for you, is there any particular reason you haven't transitioned yet?

The thing is, the idea of being a woman itself is not sexually arousing to me, its not like i imagine myself being fucked as a girl or being humilliated in girl clothes, i just like being recognized as a she, dressing up as one, doing make up, etc. However, i like futanari porn, and always self insert as one, so maybe this messed up my brain or something. I should try crossdressing to see if it's just a fetish or if it's something else.


Scared of telling family. Also even though I've felt different since I was like seven I'm deathly afraid of making a mistake, no matter how retarded that may be. Also, this sounds dumb as fuck, but I, for whatever reason, despite not being asexual in any way, just don't really enjoy fapping, so fertility preservation might be tricky.


This is retarded honestly. If you wouldn't mind being a woman in day-to-day life, and it pleases you sexually, what are you afraid of? It's always really strange when people talk about sexuality like it isn't an intrinsic part of the human condition. If you would be happier sexually, go for it; it's another aspect of life, and transitioning for it is just as valid as trooning out for social reasons. But I agree; if you have a lot to lose, try cross-dressing first, and then see where you go from there. But, don't let that be the end of things if you feel the need to go further.

Hope this helps :3


Everytime i tell my family something they always dismiss it, you see, they are the type that prefer until something happens rather than check on the doctor early.

Honestly i get your point about sexuality, but my mind subconciously tries to make it so that im just a degenerate and this is all just some sick joke because i yet can't grasp why these ideas started popping up. I already tried crossdressing, it moslty was just going to my sisters room and trying a fucking dress, i felt suck a big shame when i looked at the mirror and yet i feel curious to try again later just not rushing it. I feel deeply ashamed of my body and yet i don't know if these feelings are because im just bored or there is something way more deep. Thank you for your words, hope you can come out and be happy one day.


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This is just a phase, give it some time and you'll get through it. Distraction is a key: every time you catch yourself thinking about being a girl - wave it off and get busy with something else.

And quit porn for at least several weeks.


HOLY FUCKING SHIT i really hope you're right, i have trouble leaving porn but ill try my best


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Occupy yourself with as much activities as possible to have literally no time neither for jerking off or thinking about yourself as a girl. Do the housework, physical training, or even pick up a part-time job. A walk outside would do as well.


I want to try more crossdressing, so ill do that first before i give it a stop to test if it's really a phase. Also can i ask if you're talking from experience? has this happened to someone you know?


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Talking from experience? Maybe, probably. I just had the thoughts similar to yours 10+ years ago, and I'm glad they were just thoughts that later left in the dust, because I had more important things in mind such as work or hobbies.


It's certainly not to be taken lightly, but how is it financially irresponsible? A years worth of hrt is like, $100


sine according to government policy i was female at conception then i am female now so this makes me trans. I need help and guidnace now. Should I crossdress or what? how do i even explore my gender?


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Surgery + subsequent visits/antibiotics to keep the axe wound from closing or getting infected, HRT, new clothes, new licenses/cards, name change, plus the rope.

Also giving money to the Pritzker family isn't responsible either (since they heavily profit from reassignment surgery). Just isn't worth it.


i'm trans and i've never watched porn in my life


If it's just your face bothering you, there's a specific cream you can get that you can put on your face to estrogenize it, nothing else will become feminine (no tits or whatever). I think it's either an E1 or E3 cream. It makes you look younger and less masculine plus you don't have to trans urself


Everything is superficial in the 21st century. You also don't have to identify or present as a woman to take hrt lmao

And why not? Some people would rather have a different appearance and we have cheap, accessible means to do that. I mean yeah, people should probably be educated on the skullpill before trooning out so they can make an educated choice.

I agree that it's kinda fucked up that people are motivated to change their appearance to be liked, but the conversation is never about that! It's never about how sad misandry is, it's never about how patriarchal norms hurt men and women and drive them to look or act in certain ways to be accepted. It's always just "ewwww! icky tranny with axe wound!! gross!!! except if you look like my idealized nerd gf, hit me up so i can fantasize about putting my micropenis inside you ;)))"

You guys are so transparent and act on pure disgust and repulsion


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Honestly can't argue against this, not because you're right but because per site rules: discussion is forbidden in this thread. I'm pretty sure Reddit has looser moderation than this thread.


I'm not trans but as I age I've started losing my boyish androgynous features. But I've noticed that people taking HRT and transition stuff keep many of the soft features I like. Is it possible to use these meds and techniques to combat aging? What do you recommend?


Most of all I recommend not taking any of the supportive posts for granted


>axe wound
you don't have to get bottom surgery
>new clothes
thrift + you can sell your old clothes
>new licenses/cards, name change


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5 years
5 years of castrating myself for nothing. i really believed that it would work. that i would come out on the other side living the life i want under my own terms. i really believed that there would be an other side and not just a perpetuity of tedium just to not lose ``progress''. as if i've seen any progress. literally in the span of those 5 years i've seen ZERO changes apart from some low-t induced male gyno, and ofc getting old and fat compared to when i was younger. i really believed that there would be some form of change; i can't believe i was so naive. now i've ruined my life and it's over. trooned too late to pass, trooned to early to have my shit figured out and a proper career before i made myself unemployable. if i could go back i would just ack and put myself out of my misery instead of postponing the inevitable. it would have saved me so much time, effort, and money. i tried to spit in the face of god and became a genetic abomination. for what? what have i gotten out of this? i'm still unsure that i have gotten ANYTHING out of this. instead i've lost count of the things and people i have lost. for what? it seems like for nothing. now it's too late. i'm in too deep. it's not even a matter of swallowing my pride an admitting that i fucked up. my documents are changed and i wouldn't be able to change them back even if i tried. others have tried and it's not possible anymore. everyone knows me as this abomination now and it'd feel like a complete betrayal if i took it all back now. at this point all i can do is distract myself daily until i eventually grow the resolve to finally end this farce of a life.
i've lost 5 years, my slenderness, my youth, my job prospects, etc.
there's nothing left
picrel it's what i have to show for after 5 years of transitioning (fuckall)


Don't give this anon replies. She has spent years farming pity this way on 4/lgbt/. When you tell her she passes she will double down endlessly. It's either highly vampiric behaviour or a cruel demoralization campaign.


i don't pass and i don't want pity
what good would pity do?
it wouldn't make me pass, it wouldn't make me happy, it wouldn't fix my life, etc.
i don't understand why i get hugboxed so much


Oh dear god they're coming


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if it's any consolation i didn't come here via 4ch


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Would it be too offtopic to ask how you found this imageboard?


a single trans thread???? this is 9/11 for losers!11!!


psyop desu


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via a textboard's irc
i'm real
what about me makes you think i'm not??


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Surprisingly cool answer for a 4chan user, you can stay.


it's an old reference. here, let me get the sauce…


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that's pretty low tbh
my stylist charges $80 before tips but it's well worth it
it includes a wash and styling at the end too although the latter is complimentary likely only due to my rapport with her
been seeing her for 8 years almost
she offers free bang trims too
i'm not that cool


"before tips" is wild


Wait I recognize you
You've been posting on /fa/, haven't you?


i haven't posted there in years
are you seeing my pics there??


Yea, just recently I think


do you remember which threads??

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