Hello, /hikki/.
For 2 years now, I've only went out the house for school, and even with school I don't hang out with people.
You see, I moved far away from my best friend. We were closer than peas in a pod, practically glued to each other.
We'd explore the city, have trips to the mall and explore abandoned areas in our school district.
Unfortunately, we had a falling out since I was an immature freshman, and took her for granted. I belittled her art skills and made fun of her obsession with a show. We made up, but I always felt guilty, she assured me I was alright, but due to circumstances that I can't share, I had to skip our exams, leave and move upstate, and never see her again.
Now, I've moved from Louisiana to New York, and 3rd-year high school bore no friendships for me, since I had so much regrets with how I treated her.
I couldn't be close to someone else after her, and I'd like some advice from you.
Please leave advice, Ubuu. I desperately need it.
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>>3205holy shit im jealous.
You literally had the best type of friend out there. Someone that actually cares enough to do stuff alone with you. Thats extremely rare so you probably won't find it in your current situation.
Try getting in contact with your friend and tell her that you are genuinely sorry. You guys will probably not hang out as much because of the distance, but at least you wont be feeling bad anymore.
try to talk every few days at least. that's what i do. i'm in a similar situation. i'm moving in a few months, at which point my girlfriend and i have decided to break up. I've already lost contact with all but two of my friends whom i rarely see and i know i won't make new ones