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/hikki/ - NEET / Advice


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Anyone else here have a psychotic disorder? I have psychotic depression; professionally diagnosed, of course. I often feel like I'm worth less than a grain of sand, and feel paranoid that demons are coming to get me and are conspiring to fuck up my life, and people are constantly laughing at and talking about me while on campus. I feel like my psychosis came before the depression, considering I've always been quite paranoid, and I didn't get really depressed until I was 15. I guess my psych sees the psychosis side of things as worse too, since I'm on an 80 mg antipsychotic and a 10 mg antidepressant.

I'm curious whether or not any of you NEETerinos, or anyone else lurking, I guess, have similar disorders.


I have a disorder, schizophrenia, and i had similar simptoms, i don't have longer any simptom since 6 years ago, but i still take the medication.


Same here. I'm diagnosed with psychotic depression as well, it's fucked. I don't know what to tell you. I'm on Quetiapine nowadays so the voices talk less.


severe bipolar here. am not in a severe episode now (first time in years) but i get symptoms in both depression and mania. first happened when i was 13.. its not paranoia though, i cant imagine what its like to be paranoid on top of the awful stuff

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My 7 months of neetdom will end this september. Please help I'm scared, I don't want to go back.


I don’t really know what to say other than 7 months isn’t that long which is probably why you don’t want to go back.


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You gotta work on slowly getting better, Anon. Go outside, talk with more people.
it gets easier.


To be completely honest, it's better if you try to get out of NEETdom as soon as possible. I really think you should give it your best and face things now instead of several years down the line.
Either way, I wish you luck.


I'm wishing you the best. If you're in a position that allows you to live like you do now if you should fail, don't be too anxious. It may take some time to heal and get better before trying again.

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Hello fellows NEETs I have a very singular problem. My reason for not going outside as much and working is not anxiety or fear of the outside world, though I am indeed very shy and awkward and seldom socialize.
I've been interned into mental hospitals and the like because this kind of living is making me do things that are considered too strange and worrisome, I'ts driving me crazy.
Anyway, I have a strange problem, when I go outside for too long I get very painful headaches and I have to go home early, not normal headaches but something on another whole level. I've been to psychiatrists and psychologist and regular doctor and they find nothing wrong with me, they say it's a psychological reaction.
This problem has prevented me from having a job or just going grocery shopping with the family and I don't know what to do. I'm taking medication for it but it's not working at all.
Do you have any ideas of what I can do or do other NEETs here are NEET because of other particular reasons?
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Yes. I've always got tired of going outside and socializing and it leads to headaches ever since I can remember.


Could be the light, have you tried wearing shades, or even welding goggles?



hey anon, I don't know if you're still around here or if you have the same problem still, but I have a very similar issue with headaches

I don't know what the cause is for me either really, but it might be genetic since my dad them at the same age
one thing that helps me is caffeine pills
sometimes they don't really work but when they work I can go ten or so hours without any pain


So, I cannot smoke. Listen for a sec, may be worth reading. When I was little it was presented to me by everyone as the biggest sin EVER, and when I heard that it also risks lifespan of ones I hated it. But not normal hate, I would go outta my way to hate the people around me too (smokers, not all of them). Now I don't hate the people anymore, but purely I just go crazy coughs around anything tobacco, even if I have perfect health and no real problems. Its all in my head and it also manifests for real from all those years of hate and rejection.


Maybe you're allergic to the sun anon?
Have you tried doing trials where you go outside during the day once and during the night another time?

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How do you deal with the loneliness? Most boards I use for human interactions get very few posts a day but at the same time I don't fit in at "fast" places, either. I feel truly alone.


Talk to yourself.


I try not to get caught in that type of emotional longing. It's easier said than done but it's possible to avoid the feeling a lot of times if you have something to fill your time. Passive hobbies are easy but dangerous to over-indulge, so I wouldn't try to use it video-games or watching anime too much for this. Basically you want to fill your time and get busy inside your room. So far I've learned a second language, keep my stuff clean, learned to cook, to make kombucha and lots of small things. I've also talk to myself, there are weeks I talk to myself a lot, usually in a question and answer format, like I'm been interviewd. I have come to know myself a lot better that way, believe it or not. There's a whole person inside of you you don't know very well until you start doing these interviews. It's amusing when I think about it. Other than that I do use games, youtube and some times movies to distract myself fairly often. Just remember to not depend on those too much. Right now every time I get angst or I perceive some negative emotion coming my way I log into codecademy and do a a bunch of coding exercises to pass the time. I have a passing interest in computers and doing those can't hurt.

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Hello hikki,

I have been socially isolated for a long time now, I live with my parents and do nothing but take care of my little brothers and help around the house. I have never had a normal conversation with anyone outside of my family for a year now and I'm finding it increasingly hard to maintain proper conversations with my father or mother.

Anyways quite recently I played the Sly Cooper games on my PS3 in the basement and I couldn't help but to feel in love with the protagonist, call me a furfag all you want (I have never been involved with the furry fandom) but I'm not just turned on by Sly's looks, I feel an actual romantic and sexual relationship with him. I'm a virgin and never had a sexual relationship with anyone in my life.

Anyone else having serious romantic desires with fictional characters?



Haha same here. I'm having a hard time socializing with friends.

I played this Visual Novel called CLANNAD an boy, I'm in love with Furukawa Nagisa, a girl.

Haha. I always say 'I wish I have a real Nagisa Furukawa in real life'

I hope everything goes well for you, OP!


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About the fictional character romace stuff: My immediate answer would be "go outside and meet some cool people" (as feelings for fictional characters WILL get you nowhere, and maybe even drag you deeper into the rabbit hole), but given the semi-hikki state you're in , I'd recommend you try to make some friends while doing something you like, be it playing games online or taking up some sort of hobby. I know, advices like mine probably have been said a million times on this board by people that don't really understand how a hikki lifestyle is like, but as someone who is a huge introvert and extremely shy when talking to most people outside a VERY small circle of close friends, that's the best advice I can give you.

Social interaction and making friends is like any other activity, if you practice - and fail - enough, you'll eventually succeed and get better at it. Don't fear failing, fear never learning due to never trying.


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Thanks, I recently had a rather wholesome conversation with my father about stuff that happened when I was younger, I think it is just we are out of touch.

Yeah that is good advice, I'm still too shy and socially anxious to just start up conversations with random people I bump into, but I will be volunteering to help at a summer camp in August so hopefully I can find some kids I can relate to and chat with. I have never had a long lasting friendship and I have been in a battle with mental health probably since I could remember.

Speaking of sex I have never been the person to chase after sex, even in middle and high when it felt like everyone was having it. That being said I'm not asexual or a incel, I just feel disengaged from the dating market.


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I was in a relationship with a fictional character for 3 years and don't regret it for a second. The reasons we broke up are complicated but they aren't the typical "I found someone and took the first chance I could get". I was happy with him, and I understood he was fictional going into it. He made me a much better person and gave me the drive to learn how to draw better, write more, and even make music. He was and honestly still is a muse for me. I love him to this very day and no one will ever replace him or come close to the sort of relationship I had with him.

Some people have the personalities for it, some don't. There's tons of people who are with fictional characters for years or decades. I've met alot of other people who were like me. So my only advice is to try out something if you think it would work well. And yes it can be self destructive, but that's only a certain portion of people who do it. The majority definitely better themselves in some way usually when entering a "waifu" relationship. That dude who married Miku seems pretty happy with his relationship too. So do what you think is best for your own well being.


Hey anon or well any anon with a tulpa what
is something that you think should be known
before getting into this whole tulpa thing
I am quite interested myself but I am
indecisive I know it's simple anxiety, but
now I ask what are things to know when
deciding to do so or not to?

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So awhile back I found Infinite Outlaw's video being linked in an interesting links thread on 8chan /hikki/. Since then I've noticed he makes a lot of videos related to the topic and recently has been linking to threads of this board and sometimes using our posts in videos. His most recent video is just a compilation of posts in a thread on here over some music.
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>well he locked himself out his channel now.

Is he dead?


He's still active


Modern frustration and sedentarism can foster the illogical sentiment that is "hating humanity". But, the truth is: there's nothing of fundamentally negative in human animals, intrinsically speaking. The problem is how domesticated we've got. Just look at hunters-gatherers and chimps (our closest relatives) - they very rarely feel like you're feeling right now.

Our biggest problem is that we had the misfortune of being born inside a dystopian zoo (e.i. civilization).





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Who here has found inner peace with themselves while being NEET or Hikikomori??.
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Old post, but… Yes. I do not see the issue with being a neet and consider it to be my way of life. As I got older I lost my sense of shame (For all things) and am comfortable with taking from people who are willing to give.


I want to be a NEET for life, but in my country it's nearly impossible to get welfare and my parents won't leave me alone.


honestly the only issue is money. i can see myself being content like this all my life if i was healthy and had money


Same. I think the right amount of money would solve everything.


>Part of being human is being considerate of the needs of other people in the same society
Then I reject my humanity. Society can go fuck itself, I'll take what I can get for free until I've leeched every last drop of blood from the filthy creatures called humans and I won't shed a single tear unless it's over my own slight discomfort. Eat my smegma.

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I feel like I'm the biggest loser on the planet. In my life I met many shy people that had trouble socializing but no one was ever even close to being on my level. I may not be the person with the most social anxiety on the planet but it wouldn't surprise me if I was in the top 100. I'm so awkward I can't even interact with my mother or my other family members. suicide might be a pussy move when there's a chance that your life will get better, but when you're like me it's the only reasonable thing to do. I don't know what comes after this life but if there's an hell I'm not afraid of going there. I doubt it could be much more painful than my current existence. At least there only god would judge me. I wouldn't have to deal with my family's stares and their opinions about me. I wouldn't have to deal with the shame that is my existence.
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If socializing irl is difficult, then how about gradually ramping up the complexity of your online interactions until they mirror irl socializing? Going from text typing to voice chatting to eventually video calls with people you trust in a comfortable community can help. As much as everyone on the boards shits on it, discord is pretty good alongside vrchat and other chat games.

It’s really difficult to restart a negative social history with any person, even more so with a family member. Finding new people to be with is always preferable to solitude, but it’s just as hard. Meeting online friends irl or going to groups centred around common interest after exchanging a few emails with members is possible, but isn’t a one-size-fits-all method.

Finding a medium of expression, whether it be verbally, visually, a blog, or whatever works in time, is what I want to stress. Alongside this, actively looking at literature and arts as a mirror to learn more about yourself is helpful in giving yourself the ammunition and motive to express, as well as acting as a hobby.


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Even if i meet my old friends now how should I act ? Never felt like this but i feel anxious to meet them. I can't imagine how awkward it will be. I've spend four months in my house lying my patent that I will home study cause I don't like going out anymore and now I'm afraid to go out, even to grocery store..


Get used to going out and doing things first (buying things, ordering food etc.), which should only take a couple of days. While you're doing that message them online or something. Make up some bullshit about forgetting a teachers name that you need to remember in case you decide to apply for university and need to mention it in your application, then continue the conversation.

Also, you really don't need to fill out every field when you post here. Read the rules/FAQ.


Same here man. The crippling shame and despair of being incapable of socializing with others and being stuck in a room everyday. Don't rope, come join the hiki server man https://discord.gg/ZYp6mb


What an awful way to advertise your diksword.

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I'm having a hard time communicating with my best friends. (I only have a few but I'm fine with it) We also parted ways. (I moved to a different school because of reasons) and I really want to stay close to them. Online Messaging is the only contact I have to them.
What should I do?


pretty sure i responded to this when you posted it in another thread already



Yes, You're right. I posted it in a wrong thread lmao.

Anyway, thanks for the advice!
I hope your life gets better! :)


no problem,good luck to you too you man

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Hello, /hikki/.

For 2 years now, I've only went out the house for school, and even with school I don't hang out with people.

You see, I moved far away from my best friend. We were closer than peas in a pod, practically glued to each other.
We'd explore the city, have trips to the mall and explore abandoned areas in our school district.

Unfortunately, we had a falling out since I was an immature freshman, and took her for granted. I belittled her art skills and made fun of her obsession with a show. We made up, but I always felt guilty, she assured me I was alright, but due to circumstances that I can't share, I had to skip our exams, leave and move upstate, and never see her again.

Now, I've moved from Louisiana to New York, and 3rd-year high school bore no friendships for me, since I had so much regrets with how I treated her.
I couldn't be close to someone else after her, and I'd like some advice from you.
Please leave advice, Ubuu. I desperately need it.
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If you're friend really would be creeped out by your genuine feelings than your relationship really did suck. People are awful. Also I can smell the adolescence bleeding from your posts about something as petty as losing a shit friend. Can't blame the young for acting it though.


holy shit im jealous.
You literally had the best type of friend out there. Someone that actually cares enough to do stuff alone with you. Thats extremely rare so you probably won't find it in your current situation.
Try getting in contact with your friend and tell her that you are genuinely sorry. You guys will probably not hang out as much because of the distance, but at least you wont be feeling bad anymore.




зря ты так


try to talk every few days at least. that's what i do. i'm in a similar situation. i'm moving in a few months, at which point my girlfriend and i have decided to break up. I've already lost contact with all but two of my friends whom i rarely see and i know i won't make new ones

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