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/hikki/ - NEET / Advice


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bruh it all sucks ass i had a nervous breakdown because i couldnt find the fucking port for the fan controller on my new computer. im so fucking stressed all the time for no reason, my folks are really nice and all and im fine physically but i just for the life of me cannot be contented. every time i

get something cool or new or if i bake something or stuf like goddamnit i just cant help but worry that im going to break it or do it wrong or make it grimy or idk. like im a privileged mid class white kid but its genuinely crazy how anxious im getting like to the point of tears over shit that most people dont even have the privilege of owning jesus fuck help
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>im genuinely just not a very pleasant person
Yeah, I can see that.


in my experience, spending MORE time by myself once highschool was over actually did wonders for anything I had going on somehow. I finally had the time to actually do what I wanted without having to be as drained and depressed all the time from being forced to do well in something I didn't personally see any benefit from. you just have to keep going, honestly. I actually talk to my own family now, I was extremely anti-social before due to the same sort of anxiety and mental anguish. It's still there but after some years I can somehow just do more things I couldn't now, more often, just more chilled out overall. I hope things get better for you naturally over time too, anon. try to just enjoy the ride


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Can vouch. Getting out of mandatory schooling was probably the best thing to happen to me. As soon as you're allowed to take things at your own pace, things get a lot easier to process (at least in my experience). I admit it helps if you have some quality of life backup like family able to support you, but the matter is just making it through is probably one of the most important things. I hope things improve, Op. You're doing great.


shut the fuck up frogfag, your kind has no power here.


I bet you can't even bench your bodyweight, limpwrist

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Even knowing there's people in the same building as me makes it impossible to fully relax and be myself, and it kills any productivity. It feels so restricting.

How do you achieve complete isolation from humans?
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I'm in the same boat. I live in an apartment with three other people since I'm a college student, and sometimes I would rather piss in a cup and dump it later than risk bumping into anyone on the way to the shared bathroom.

When I go to supermarkets, the thought of how many people were required to make all the flooring/ceiling/racks/commodities makes me freak out. I feel like there's a million hands all reaching out at me. It doesn't help that I'm a Muricafag, so of course I feel scummy because the migrant people working the commercial bakeries and packaging machines and whatever are having an infinitesimally more difficult life just for me to be here pissing my pants at the thought of never being able to achieve real isolation.


I can relate. I've had to live with family in a cramped flat for the past 4+ years and it is actually so suffocating to the point that the only time I truly feel like I'm alone is during the middle of the night when everyone else is asleep.


They're filming with smartphones.


lmao just tell them to stop



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I've been unemployed for about 3 months now because of my worsening chronic illness. Even though it wasn't really my choice, I still feel like a loser and a drain on the world. I'm still studying a bit and working on my programming skills, but I feel so lonely and isolated no matter what I do.
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This is totally me, I feel so uninterested in just about everything, japanese porn is alright tho LOL


>took 30 minutes to write this reply. anyone else do the same thing?
Over the years it's increasingly taken me hours or days to make a single post because I'm afraid of there being something stupid in it that'd aggro angry replies towards me, or that I find it to be lacking substance or sincerity through poor vocabulary and therefore making me look stupid or shallow. With those two factors compounded by depression it locks me up, and for over a year now I can hardly speak to anyone without sounding like I'm mentally challenged or not even finish a single sentence and suffocate on my tongue.



Same here. I think it's because socializing is a skill that needs to be worked on and covid/social media fucked my entire ability to form relationships with people. I always feel like someone is going to fuck me over as soon as I trust them. Better to just be fake and don't tell anyone anything. I also feel that most conversations are filled with meaningless stupid shit just to fill the void. >>8008


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Something very similar to this just happen to me hours ago in a call with friends that ended up boring. Not trying to sound like the last cocacola of the desert, but trying to find someone interesting that don't talk about "normies" (ᵈᵒⁿᵗˡᶦᵏᵉᵗʰᵃᵗᵗᵉʳᵐ) topics or similar feels impossible, to the point that the conversation just die in minutes, with the feeling that you just fool yourself.

>even online. just cant hold a conversation for more than 10 messages. took 30 minutes to write this reply. anyone else do the same thing?

Same thing to me. At least it seem is more frecuent that i think.


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to be honest the best strategy I found for getting out of this kind of rut everyone’s talking about is getting horrifically obsessed with something. Chances are, you’ll find a community for that thing and be able to go from there without ‘normie’ topics interfering. I’ve got a friend who, if the conversation dies, will IMMEDIATELY start talking about VTubers and it’s honestly a relief because i get to hear about whatever mad shit they’re up to + no one’s asking about the weather or anything. Small talk like that is saved for being stuck in an elevator or a bus being late.

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I'm a good kid, I'm a real good kid, but this one bad break fucking RUINED ME. Now I can't do shit, everything's shit, I AM SHIT. I can't write a paper to save my life. But I want to! I want to prove that I can! Let me do anything else please!

I have been cleaning my house, I've done the dishes everyday, done my laundry, done all this goody good nice stuff that I would usually ignore, plodding around looking for ANYTHING to do. Anything but that god-forsaken paper, cause I just can't do it. I feel like it's impossible, and each moment I'm just inching towards failing. I feel like this is unfair? How could this happen to me? IM A GOOD KID IM TELLING YOU. Stupid Friday, stupid weekend, stupid paper, I've tried to stay up on Sunday and Monday to do this, and I just gave up around 5 AM both times. I woke up today on Tuesday at 1 PM, And I still haven't done that paper. I know I'm turning back to how I was before, and I can't fight it, I'm too scared to go back, I wanna stay where it's safe, even though it hurts me in a way I don't understand. I can't be strong anymore.

I really messed up real bad this time. So someone just fucking AAIHUUGGHHH tell me the magic words, how can I fix myself before I turn back into something I don't like. I'm sorry.


It's all gone. I didn't save it. And now it's gone. It doesn't even feel that unfair, I just don't want to go back.


You accept that you have fucked up and think about what needs to change for you not to fuck up but prosper instead. There is not a single silver bullet other than "Get supportive friends."


It's Valentine's Day and I'm worried out of my mind, I don't know how bad the repercussions are gonna be. But honestly last night, I just accepted it, and I slept like a baby. It's nice having a somewhat clear mind and being on somewhat solid ground. I've been running around trying to get all these things done, and it just hurting me.

I know it's selfish but I gotta put myself first. Whatever happens happens, Happy Valentine's mates <3


take it a step at a time and stop being gay, one paper isn't gonna be the end of it

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i was wondering what kind of things have being a neet change in your life. What things did you learn? whats your list of things you wanna try? what did you try? has anything made you change an opinion you once strongly had? future plans changed? what do you mainly do with your time? Anything of that sorta thing.
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it's like people can see right through me. as soon as i open my mouth, they know they're dealing with a loser. some have the decency not to make snide remarks, but it's depressingly obvious how differently i'm treated. like a pest, a disgusting bug that needs to be dealt with. The Metamorphosis by Kafka hits too close to home.


do these people know you're a neet? or are they random strangers?


i had random strangers in mind when writing that post. situations like being treated differently from other shoppers at the checkout, stuff like that


I know exactly what you mean. I get extra scared to go outside anywhere like grocery stores during typical working hours because then it's even more obvious that I'm a NEET. But I don't want to go out in the evenings when there's more people everywhere either.

I actually really like any sort of physical activity but it's hard to do much in a small apartment


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>I get extra scared to go outside anywhere like grocery stores during typical working hours because then it's even more obvious that I'm a NEET. But I don't want to go out in the evenings when there's more people everywhere either.
I usually go when the shop opens. It's always just full of elderly people. The only thing I'm worried about is how I shop at the same place, and buy the same food every single time. So even if they don't remember my face, when they see the same things lined in order I always think that they remember me. That's why I recently started to buy different things at the store, even if I don't really need them, to sort of confuse the clerks because it feels so pathetic otherwise.

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Anybody else here who used to frequent hikkichan?
It's closed now and I feel like I lost my home.
This is the only other place where I can maybe belong..
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Fuck my life


E-laborate, anon


I feel like Hikkichan came back for a hot minute last year.


Really? Where?


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it came back under this URL (https://web.archive.org/web/20240000000000*/https://hikkichan.net ) i dont think its associated with the original, and i think they shilled it here on the >>>/ot/ board.

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Could be a floorplan, 1st person, or anything
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Maybe if you pass him your computer he'll go away


Please say hi to the guy outside your window for me.


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prolly be good for a fangame tbh


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here's mine

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is anyone here a migratory NEET?
I find that my restlessness stops me from being able to stay in one place; even though chronic illness and money are always concerns that can limit whether or not moving is a good idea, i really can't stand staying in the same place for more then a few months. i did some thinking last night and realized i have lived in 15 different houses or apartments all over the country since 2019.. I just moved again last week and i'm already feeling very very restless. sometimes I go back to stay with my family, which can be peaceful, but eventually the usual home-life problems drive me away again.

how do you settle down? regardless of if i'm with someone else, a girl or a boy, friend or someone who likes me, wants to fuck me, whatever, i can't stand being around anyone, i always leave again trying to find something that feels right; i'm only happy when i'm in nature by myself.. so whenever i end up in a city again i guess that's when i get the craziest like this.

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just checked twt and saw that theres atleast 5 genocides going on,and ai art is rising,how is it people still have hopes for the future of humanaty and havent alredy turned to neets???


Ignorance, already wealthy, ai hasn't fucked their job yet ( my dream job was fucked By ai as soon as i turned 18 lol). I imagine soon things are going to get weird though with the ai and in the U.S. the political polarization, inflation, late stage capitalism and all that fun stuff.


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I don't see the correlation between there being some whatever international politics out there I don't even care about or some robot drawing anime and me quitting my job.

>just checked twt

Problem identified

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Should I go back to the psychiatrist and get my medication?


if you are dealing with issues that severe, yes.

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