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/hikki/ - NEET / Advice


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ive been on here since like 2017 to 2019 where id just browse the boards and sometimes ask about random things since it was like the lowest point of my life, but now i only see posts from years ago? what happened, why is this web so slow now? where are you all? if youve gotten better, good for you ^_^ !
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sorry, i probably could have told you the sauce a couple years ago but now i'll just have to go with what >>8161 said

the uboachan discord fucking sucks tbh


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Ever since I began seeking out NEETspaces in 2018, I've noticed that they've been increasingly populated by personalities which you could find in any school or work environment only less successful and more bitter or apathetic. I've noticed less people who totally reject or due to peculiar paranoias, hysterias, complexes, or heterodox spiritual beliefs live outside of regular decorum so as to totally shock you with their expectations. I encounter less bold people who assert themselves transgressively and then grapple with their intrinsic neet outsider identities. And more people who wallow into calling themselves neet and half-heartedly laugh at and repeat old memes with a sense of accomplishment. More people who speak about their mental health to convince themselves of their ineptitude and with the fear that someone in a worse position will reveal how embarrassingly fine they are. More standard bullies who mock their half-friends by measuring them up against standard societal norms. On top of that since 2020 NEET aesthetics, bedroom-hermits, hiki's etc have been totally co-opted by flatly normal people who would never settle these spaces anyway, so there's no longer much of a basis for NEET culture as it once was. Though there are definitely a lot of discords filled with NEETS, I don't think many people are hanging out in NEET discords.


Let's just say… I didn't stick around with the right people…


Im so fucking tireddddddddddAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA i speedram yume nikki in 8 minutes and had been laying dowm for 3 days straight. Pls.help.me.


I'll take the tea freak over the sheer nothingness that plagues most smaller imageboards nowadays. At least by posting something, no matter how inane it might seem, there's a chance a conversation could be started.

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i feel bad for lurking in a thread like this, so i'll post this to feel better about myself
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Just wait til you see my butter spread


What a loaf of bullshit.


Have we started the leavening?

Yes! The bread rises!


Just test. I'm a newphag, nevermind.



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I was forced to move to a different country by my family and have lost pretty much everything. It's been at least 3 years since but it still feels like yesterday, the days become the same. I don't know any locations or people (apart from 2 friends I met at collage, but they're not too sociable), so I kinda just relive the same day over and over. I get that part of this whole thing is on me for not doing much but "Just go outside and meet people" is easier said than done. Should I go to clubs/bars etc.? I just want to meet people with similar interests but I don't want to look like a loser either. I get that I'm preaching to the choir here but I may as well get it off my chest.


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my dad was in the military, so i was forced to move a lot.
eventually i learned to stop getting attached to acquaintances and frens alike.
sorry for rambling but your post reminded me of it, which leads to the only advice i can give you; that being stick with the things you love, your passions your hobbies those will be your salvation.


What country, anon?

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I missed out on everything as a kid. I was always left alone by my peers which fucked me up of any social skills in the long run. I still have trouble holding a conversation. Have you guys had any trouble as a kid? This extreme isolation happened from 3rd to 8th grade which was enough to cripple me possibly my whole life. Or what is left of it anyway. Nearly 6 years of my life consisted of going home from school and back. Every day. Never talk with anyone, not even with family. Just me and my thoughts from a young age

I don't want to be like those other anons who just vent out shit here, so I'll ask the question, have you guys went through something similar that had a damaging effect on you? I still feel bits of loneliness from it.

pic unrelated FLCL just makes me feel like shit
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i was left alone like you playing vidya since age 3. i guess it was also my fault though. though i remember i could only play for only 1.30 h in the evening. so i think i spent most of my time in my room drawing and playing with lego. I was liked by everyone troughout all my school but i always "kept distance". The only guys i would go further with friendship were the outcasts or the people that were considered weirdos, it's like i was a magnet for troubles.
I had a neighbour as a friend but when it came to going out "playing" i was always trying to avoid that since i can remember. My "outer" friends where in sports and physical stuff which i hated, and i am also allergic to a lot of stuff (also fair of skin and hair and every possible "weak" gene). I guess some people are just born this way?
I'm starting to think that some NEETs are part of an aristocratic descent (not royal high level but just a House or similar) and we just have it on our genes. This is lamarkism thinking (which i got from Nietzsche tbh) but it would explain why some of us resort to (or at least wish to) buy land and live a self sustained life. I am not saying that we are entitled to be this way at all, and we should strive to be self sustaining, but i heard a lot of us feel like we are born in the wrong place. That's also probably why we despise being employees so much.
I'm sure the key is in hating being an employee of someone else for all our life. I was never convinced about the "you're just lazy" explanations for the most part.
Of course, there are other issues as well, but maybe they all stem from this fact?
Anyways, i'm just rambling.

Are there many people with bad experiences with religion here? I was brought up in a heavily religious setting too.

Are you >>8020? I can provide with some cyb resources if you want to try. Although i only did less than a year, for me minimum wage jobs feel terrible and i would only do one if i lived in some rural place where i am sure the money can suffice and i can eventually grow my own stuff and get some land. That's my probable plan Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


Yeah, I'm the OP, and everyone you replied t0. (except Sei)

Thank you for wanting to help, but I don't live in the US or Europe so I don't know how much CYB could be of help to me. Think I'll just have to deal with my parents from now on and try to get a min. wage job that won't turn me insane.


it's okay, i mean "cyb" as in /cyb/ (the board) which means cybersecurity. i have some stuff to get started (which i still have to get into myself):
you just need a laptop, no need to have something powerful. there's the cyb career faq in the first website of these iirc that explains a possible path to get a job in the field
anyways, hope you can resist in there, i know the feeling. just don't get stuck in a wagie job for eternity (difficulty: impossible)


Thank you, I will look into everything you send in the morning. Is it actually possible to just get a cybersec job without a degree? I've seen plenty of NEETs do it over the years. Maybe it's possible with COMPTia certs.


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looks like it is but don't get my word for it. you'll learn script and automation stuff anyway so a sys admin position could also be a thing maybe?
keep me updated!

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Hi,I am 21 years old,I have been a neet for like a year,but that will have to get wrapped up soon.Technically I am still in education because
I am in my second year in university,but I stopped going from the beginning of the year.
My university is in another city and I live there with a friend,however my mother still thinks that I go to university.
I didn't want to go anymore due to anxiety,I have no social skills,never went outside besides the times that I was supposed to go,friends used to be mostly online.I got put under a lot of stress that gave me anxiety and it also gave me some really bad form of OCD that took over most of my life,soo I will be in a position where I will have to explain why I didn't pass the year,if I will be forced to show my student page it would show all the absences on my exams.
Was anybody in a situation like this one?
Also have you tried getting any jobs?I am in an IT major soo,I thought about trying to get a job in this field,but during this NEET time,I have not managed to do anything,my OCD gets worse during long periods of isolation and I have been having some delusions(or whatever they are),I tried going for walks and runs during the night and that helps somehow but getting a more normal lifestyle might be better,I think.
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It sucks to have anxiety mixed with poor social skills but you should really try to finish uni. Once you're done with that then just find a job in IT where you don't really have to deal with people in person and you'll be fine.


If you're really an IT major then the cutting edge for you would be learning every shell you can possibly learn.

As in, become fluent in Unix and Bash, learn PowerShell, learn how to script in all of those, and try your hand at other CLIs as well, like maybe Cisco IOS or Python scripting.

If you can demonstrate proficiency in these things you're 10x more employable than the average schmuck that only has Windows based certifications or whatever the case is. IT is moving towards automation. Learn programming and scripting.


Sorry for not replying in a long time,I have not really made much progress.I am better though.
Soo,I have managed to go to a total of 3 hours of attendence last semester,no exams done,but I will start going from this new semester,this is the first week,I really plan on going this time!No jobs yet,but the internship period is starting,my university might help me with that.
I am from Europe,I don't know how the major definition works but I am at an IT profile for Computer Science.
Do you have any sources from when you started learning?Like some books maybe?I have some myself and found some more but I would like to know what you used yourself.
I just set up Emacs and learned a lot about it,now I will try and learn some programming languages or scripting.I mostly know C++,a little bit of C and Java.
I have not taken actions for my OCD yet,like going to get help from a specialist or anything like that yet!


I finished uni and I'm a total sperg with zero social skills. Went to class said nothing and came home.


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hey anon, still here? how are you doing? I'm 20 neet and currently thinking of retrying a CS degree (so i will be 21 when i start). I was wondering how it went for you, hope you are in a better place right now.

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i want to break free from this whole isolating cycle, my room is a complete mess, i went out of it for a little bit and it was like a new layer of air was there, i see people on the internet, being happy toghether and knowing im alone i cant help but want it too, at the same time i just groan and close my computer, its like I want to self isolate but i dont at the same time? but then it will be hard because everyone will just jump on you i think, its very scary and id rather stay here now..
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hmm indeed thats a very interesting view point if i say so myself! you're rigth! we are the same AI, haha good one i love it



What's your life like??


i don't have life


>i see people on the internet, being happy toghether and knowing im alone i cant help but want it too
Overstimulation leads to depression. Its like porn, you see so much of it you get a false sense of how things are in reality and start having negative thoughts that feed more porn consumption. The internet is like an evil spirit that offers up the most amazing images and visions except they are all just tricks and illusions. Its like that evil spirit that lures lost travellers in the forrest and takes them into its world. When your in the forrest, you have to beware of such creatures and not fall for their tricks. That doesn't mean never go for a hike or appreciate their beauty but don't get your head stuck in iydillic images being spoon fed to you by a corporate machine.

Ask yourself, will these things really make me happy or are these images manipulating the primitive lizard-like parts of my brain? You should want friends because you want to be happy or be with another person and genuinely form bonds with people. If you want friends because you want the fantasy life the internet is selling you then your basically suffering from either jealousy or despair and that can lead you down a path of negativity. You begin measuring yourself by what your not and what you never can be and feel like a failure or you resent the world and hate it.


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hi, i can relate to you, because i'm still fighting this whole cycle im in, some advice my therapist has told me is that 1.- it is okay to not to everything at the same time in one day, every small thing counts, like taking the trash out, or taking a bath, heck, even cleaning one or more dishes, every small step is still a step.
One thing that helped me become "active" is to put some old shoes that were uncomfy af, and it made my brain to move and do things
my room is still a mess most days, but i do small things like making the bed or opening the window to let some sun and air to flow, and im starting to appreciate those small things.
As to going outside, thing i barely do, unless to visit my therapist and idk, buy meds, i go out walks on mornings or late nights, i hate seeing people, i hate being outside but doing this is making me to adapt more to the outside world.
I hope this text from a random stranger can help you in some way, social interaction is scary, be strong out there

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My girlfriend is a NEET.

She has had a few jobs in the past, but she has always had to leave due to mental health problems. She has been struggling with mental health problems ever since her teenage years. Specifically, she has BPD and depression. I can relate with many of her feelings and experiences, because I also struggle with depression. One thing I should mention is that we have only talked online; I will be meeting her in person for the first time very soon. I seek other opinions and perspectives.

If you are in a situation similar to her, how would you want someone to support you?

If you have been in a similar situation, how did it go?
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>online long distance relationships exist and those isolated in their rooms won't be any less hikki for that.

I mean there could also be a physical relationship of 2 hikkies in a room togheter that dont interact with soceity and other stuff like a single hikki whould and tick all the boxes if we where to count them as one person like not going outside for 6 months and not interacting with others (other than themselfes) . dont know if that counts as hikki or just NEET.

While very unlikely , its a possibility , the most likely way i can think of is hikki meeting hikki online and falling in love then deciding to move in the same room.

I mean hikki is ultimately just a label to describe existing behaviour at the end of the day so it doesnt really matter of someone is labeled a hikki or not because if they still suffer most if not all the symptoms (for example didnt leave the room for 10 months except one time 5 months ago when they needed to buy milk from the store may not be techically hikki because they left the room but still suffer the acute social withdrawl and all that stuff).


>if we where to count them as one person


My ideea was that its a very socially recluse couple , as in:

-spending most of the day and nearly every day confined to home,

-marked and persistent avoidance of social situations, and social relationships, (except for the GF/BF)

-social withdrawal symptoms causing significant functional impairment,

-duration of at least six months, and
no apparent physical or mental etiology to account for the social withdrawal symptoms.


If somebody wanted to be a normie they could do it on heyuri or 7chan
I'm glad you think you're that important


I see why this place has cleared out over the late 2010s. Anyway OP did you meet that girl?

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I absolutely hate everyone here. You are all whiny babies who do mental gymnastics in order to justify your inaction. You need to grow up before it`s too late, BECAUSE THERE IS NO OTHER OPTION. Free yourselves from this desperation and torture and FIGHT against the cruel reality that surrounds you. BECAUSE. THERE. IS. NO. OTHER. OPTION!!!!!!!!!
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Your living the life anon.


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andrew tate ass post lmao


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It's too late to be having your lolbert Pinochet dickrider phase at your age.


Totally relatable. I hate you OP also, because you're a faggot who doesn't do shit just as anyone else. I hate myself also. My hate is universal and is applied to every entity with the only exception of Providence. I will not allow myself to find fault with Providence. Everything else is subject to my hate. Fuck off.


>don't study
>feel like shit


>feel like shit because I put in so much effort and still I'll never fit in

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how the fuck do i talk to ppl irl (specifically at school)
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Introverted loser who likes to be inside all day and is into "nerd stuff" and memes. Everybody can be special and in the club!


what did it ever mean before that? seems like its more of the same, minus twitter memes and mainstream appeal… (failed normalfags?) maybe hikkis who are hikkis post 2020 are fake hikkis and pre-2020 hikkis are genuine approved hikkis that are worth a lot to collectors on ebay


NEETs were people without jobs, school, and training for jobs. Hikkis are shut-ins who seldom leave their house or room.


According to Saito's book on Hikikiomori, it almost always starts with school refusal in the teenage years. I agree on the distinction. I think NEET should be an economic term to distinguish people who don't participate in society much, and Hikikiomori is more of a mental issue preventing someone from leaving their house/room, which can have many causes.

I hope you don't drop out. It only gets harder and harder to recover the longer you're away from others. Good luck


I don't actually have any problem leaving my house/room, I just don't have any friends or money to do anything.

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I lately noticed how little i leave room and how uncomfortable i get around people. is getting scary how much i despise the outside world. I feel trapped
outside but free at my room.


>I lately noticed how little i leave room
on average how long do you go?
>getting scary how much i despise the outside world
if its causing you great distress, id suggest talking to a therapist


glad to hear you feel free somewhere


>>8099 it isn't the same for you ?


no it is, but i know some people that feel utterly trapped as hikkis

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