Hi Neets. I just found this website whilst browsing the internet in my empty day to day life.
I just thought I'd share my experience of being a neet, well since I have nothing better to do.
I am a twin, my twin has a degree, is working on their master's degree and also works 2 jobs, one as a legal aid and another at a barrister's chambers.
I on the other hand dropped out of university, and I have been getting fat and wasting my days for the last 6 months.
When I look back at my life so far, I realise I was destined to be a neet due to my laziness with regards to exams (no pressure no attempts made) and my unwillingness to work.
As a result I find myself where I am now, sitting at home for half a year (some what a hikkikomori as you would say..) playing games, watching documentaries and general procrastination until it's time for my 12 hour sleep.
It never used to be like this, I had a girl friend, I did over 3000 press ups a week, boxed 3 nights a week and ran 3 miles every morning apart from sunday. I was social with close friends and I had several girls who I could meet up with on my phone.
I have but one friend now who I see around once a fort night, my twin is always busy with work and study and my parents are out of the country in employment (I live at their house although I contribute some rent…)
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