I like to write subjects that have meaning to my overall message: in this case, I see myself - stirring, a dark red cauldron filled to the top bubbling with a frothy substance not fit for tongue. Myself that stirs sees me, a spirit, watching himself that is me destroy myself that which is to be.
Hi all. Lately I've been suffering from depression.
jobless, halfway thru college not currently enrolled, NEET verification complete:
I smoke weed daily (roughly on average a little over close to 7-10 grams a week depending on who might be offended.
first time lurker/poster here, hoping to get some guidance as I've been to these points in my life many a few times, and its never easy to get back alone, especially when even if you may be surrounded by people in flesh, you're alone with your person, the self, in mind.
Lately i've been relatively uncertain about what my purpose is, though I do have goals, I find the methods of reaching them to be a viper against my being, a poison against my soul.
The systematic approach of forcing people into a slave-forced labor type society where inadequacy and unfairness are shrouded by a paycheck and fancy words.
Ufortunately, though I may conjure relatively enticing words, they do no justice to console me - as I am weak. I use pot to escape reality, to hide in my maladaptive daydreams - which I use a method of brainstorming my writing and developing my potential stories for future games and projects.
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