upper middle class, at least I think so. Our household income puts us in top %25 for USA. And I have no siblings.
My parents still instill me the fear of work, even though they made real estate investments they always say the rentbuks will not be enough when they die.
I've pretty much just teetered on the lower end of middle class since I was born. I've been pretty much broke for the better part of a year and living with friends, so I'm returning to college after a hiatus of four years.
Middle class > lower class > food stamps > poor > single mother
The Self Sacrifice runs strong.
Upper-lower class. Hasn't really changed. I was raised by my mother who was and still is on disability pension in my country.
Lower class honestly, my parents were overly angry and rather uneducated, single mother, poor dad relationship, I don't see myself rising out of the dust and climbing some monetary financial ladder they both missed, instead I want to work on character and be more respectful than they were to other people sometimes. I do not ask for much, only wanting food, drink, internet, a couple of subscription services, roof over my head and somewhere to rest myself at night, I have no desires for mansions women fame wealth, I am content with my love delusions and what I get paid for having various mental and chronic mental disorder.