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/n/ - NEET

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Hi Neets. I just found this website whilst browsing the internet in my empty day to day life.

I just thought I'd share my experience of being a neet, well since I have nothing better to do.

I am a twin, my twin has a degree, is working on their master's degree and also works 2 jobs, one as a legal aid and another at a barrister's chambers.

I on the other hand dropped out of university, and I have been getting fat and wasting my days for the last 6 months.

When I look back at my life so far, I realise I was destined to be a neet due to my laziness with regards to exams (no pressure no attempts made) and my unwillingness to work.

As a result I find myself where I am now, sitting at home for half a year (some what a hikkikomori as you would say..) playing games, watching documentaries and general procrastination until it's time for my 12 hour sleep.

It never used to be like this, I had a girl friend, I did over 3000 press ups a week, boxed 3 nights a week and ran 3 miles every morning apart from sunday. I was social with close friends and I had several girls who I could meet up with on my phone.

I have but one friend now who I see around once a fort night, my twin is always busy with work and study and my parents are out of the country in employment (I live at their house although I contribute some rent…)

Once in a while I tell myself it's time to stop beating myself up and do something, but the feeling disappates as soon as I reach my desk. Today I will try to make a change, but as you can see I am here, a site I have never been on and I'm writing this letting my coffee get cold.

Do not let yourself drift onto a path similar to mine, fulfill your potential and do something. It's hard, a term we all use to justify our position but we know deep down that isn't the truth. The truth is that we're lazy, but human's can overcome anything. You have to believe you can.

I will come back tonight, it's currently 11:16am (GMT). I hope to return tonight with news of my getting on with life, but I realise that hope is not an option, and I must try.

All the best to you all.


Welcome aboard then.

Good of you to share, tough i think we have, or should have dedicated a thread to it.


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Hi, and welcome abroad.

Being NEET by choice seems…cozy, though still sad, in a way. You have a much better chance of getting out of it if you put your mind to it than I do.


I should add that while it seems like a lot because you're not entirely used to this lifestyle, half a year is nothing. You are not too far gone yet.


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Well today was some what a success (bearing in mind the position that we start…)

I managed to spend several hours collecting the names and e-mails of around 30 recruitment firms and I got to writing a generic cover letter that I will tailor specific to each firm..

I'm not overly confident, but I realised that I must do something or I will be perpetually be doing nothing, and that's a sorry state of affairs whether I ignore it or not.

I also pushed myself to do a work out at home, it was only 300 press ups, 80 pull ups and 200 dips but I got a decent pump and I felt better about myself.

Tasks for tomorrow;

Get a hair cut,
Write and send some CV's & Cover letters out to firms/recruiters,
Go for a run at my local park.

It didn't feel so bad, but I'm still where I left off and haven't moved on much forward.. But it's only been 12 or so hours. The fight will go on.

>>13284 6 months is a long time, although to be quite honest I've wasted 2 years at university so if we add that time too I'm looking at 30 months in total. How far down the road are you?


>How far down the road are you?
Almost 5 years.


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What's kept you on for so long if you don't mind me asking?


Yo dude, doing things is great, and you're on the right track. For me, though, I find that if I do too much, I exhaust myself back into procrastinatory complacency. I get up one day dreading having to do so much. It's much easier for me to expect to finish only one or two tasks. Do things every day, yeah, but don't tire yourself out.

How old are you, TC? 20 years? If it were myself, I would coast at my parents' as long as possible. 6 months of "wasted days" is not a waste, but a vacation and an opportunity. It's all about attitude. I'm most content when I have no job and few responsibilities.


>300 press ups,
>80 pull ups and
>200 dips
>"It was only"
Really now, there's no need to lie in a place like this.



I'm 22 atm, I see where you're coming from. I was in the same mind frame, I really was content to sit at home every day, watching endless documentaries/series' and playing online games until I slept, but yesterday I looked at myself in the mirror and I looked… Different. I didn't look like my usual self, there was a something different in my eye and it didn't look happy.

Time to go for a run… Sometimes ao get changed but never make it out the door.


It's no lie, at my peak I was doing over 3000 press ups a week. It's all about building up to it. Start with a simple 10 to 10 pyramidal set, 10 press ups, walk up and down your room then 9 and so on until 1, and then back up to 10. That's 110. After a while you'll up it to 12.. 15… 18… 20… Etc.


Pretty severe mental health issues and consequently dropping out of education and losing all friends and contacts. I'm being treated right now but it's going to be a long time before I'm out of this.

From what you're posting here, you definitely can be in a better place, and it seems like you really want to. Don't drop that feeling, stick to it, crawl back up. It's hard but it's not impossible. It's an acheivment for me to get out of bed and here you are working out and going out. You're fine.


I can empathise with you friend and I wish you improve and find a better place. I didn't manage to go for my run this morning, looked outside and said maybe tomorrow.

I've been sat at my desk browsing the internet last few hours in my usual routine.. Going to make some lunch and see if I can get busy after there's some food in my stomach…

Random question, do you like nature?


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I do, but there isn't much nature where I am now to speak of. I am staying in a big city for at least 3 more months.

While going back home means I have access to a big park and a forest within walking distance, I will no longer be able to go to therapy.

The fact that I could go during the first 3 years didn't stop me from sitting in the house all day due to fear of people/anything unknown and lack of energy. When I did go out, I would have a horrible time, every time.


I asked because I find that walking amongst the natural world, the real world is rather soothing and is the most pleasant way to spend my time doing nothing….

I know the feeling, sometimes I just stare into the mirror for long periods of time.. Writing that out doesn't make me feel all too great and I'm sure I've been depressed at times during the last 30 months, but it's like a rollercoaster for me, sometimes i'm up sometimes i'm down.

Today I spent all day watching 12 episodes of a new series. Great work eh?

I hope you had a more productive, or passable, day. Going to drink beers until I crash..


Are you the left-handed twin or the right-handed twin?


Bypasser enrolled ITT,

Two or three years doing nothing productive. Common issues - it's impossible to rise money for buying a flat, and renting a flat is a lifetime slavery with no output 'coz half of a wage goes to nothing. Yesss, you can be slave even longer, how kind~

So, just have no way to move. (And not to mention I have no imouto) To be honest I have some ways: to jail, to hospital, to alco-province where's no jobs, and would I find one the issues will stay the same. Lesser rents to pay - lesser wages to earn.

By the way OP is way too normal. Look at me: I've been always afraid of people and women. I wasn't very worked up about it while I was a child, but now I am pretty worked up for I'm having nice kickback.

25lvl wizzcon from snowlands. If I wouldn't be this lazy I even provided you with some photos.


>Once in a while I tell myself it's time to stop beating myself up and do something, but the feeling disappates as soon as I reach my desk.
This is something I struggle with. The computer is both a powerful tool and a terrible time-waster, depending on how you use it.

>Do not let yourself drift onto a path similar to mine, fulfill your potential and do something.

Where do you think you are? Too late for that, lol. But hang in there OP, we can still pull ourselves up.

>The truth is that we're lazy, but human's can overcome anything. You have to believe you can.


>I realised that I must do something or I will be perpetually be doing nothing
>6 months is a long time
I really like you.
Honestly, even 8 hours is a very long time during which you can do a lot.

>I find that walking amongst the natural world, the real world is rather soothing and is the most pleasant way to spend my time doing nothing…
It's pretty great, yeah. I like gazing at the night sky while wandering outside. It is full Moon tonight. Yesterday the sky was clear, with almost no clouds, and somewhat starry despite the moonlight. I live in a small town in a rural area so thankfully there is little light pollution and the stars are pretty easy to see.

>I'm sure I've been depressed at times during the last 30 months, but it's like a rollercoaster for me, sometimes i'm up sometimes i'm down.

I find that I always feel best right after waking up and my mood gradually worsens until I go to sleep. The difference between the highs and lows is pretty enormous.

>Today I spent all day watching 12 episodes of a new series. Great work eh?

Well, I'm glad to see you apparently haven't returned for over 2 months now. With all respect to the colorful folks here, this is not the place you come to for anything else but to waste some time - and so I avoid it for as long as I can and only come back here once in a blue Moon, because I usually can't really identify with the people out there. Browsing Ubuu is like coming out for a few short breaths of fresh air before taking another long dive in reality.

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