>>15326>If we completely get rid of labels that means we're not even human anymore. Science must explain and give everything labels for it to make sense and complie properly and logical in ur mind.There's a lot more to your mind and being human than just the logical. Beneath and besides words there is meaning, but anyway, that's by the by, nobody is saying we should get rid of labels, they're really useful.
>i do kind of want to be a womanWhoops, I misjudged. My bad.
>it's mentally painful to not be able to express myself, to not feel feminineExpress yourself!
Depending on your situation this could be more or less of a problem. There are parts of the world where this is well accepted and there are others where you could meet more resistance. Whatever your case fuck the haters and do what you need to do to make yourself happy. If that means you have to hide this part of yourself away from those around you then there's no shame in that. If that means you need to move to somewhere where you won't have to hide, then go and look back as you please.
But, like I say, for now, don't worry too much about what you are and what that means. You are you, nothing more, nothing less and what that means is your decision. Big decisions like "coming out" or moving locations are better not rushed. You have your whole life ahead of you to explore this and that exploration can be the most wonderfully enjoyable thing in the world. Don't forget to stop and smell the roses. They are beautiful as I'm sure are you.
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