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/n/ - NEET

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Maybe people havent heard but a textoard neet.nu has closed and now redirects to this board.
I dont know if most people were aware of the existence of both boards, i wanst aware of this board.

So i thought il make a thread to see how many of my old brethren made it here and if you gonna stay here and how you guys feel about this whole situation.

I really liked the old board its a shame it went down, i will miss it certainly.
Well il share my impression of this board.
I read 10 of this board and lots of topics of personal interest, it seems quite extensive, but all in all it didnt seem to be very deep or fairly interesting to me.
This board doesnt have such a good vibe as i had on the old textboard and im not fond of the idea of imageboards since i left 4chan, but i wont judge it because of that.

Im not so sure if il be staying here, but i could use a place with other neets that share my way of life, atleast in most aspects.
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Sorry, didn't mean to fuck up Uboachan. I also didn't mean to imply that Uboachan is bad, by 'a better replacement' I mean something more like neet.nu (i.e. another textboard, as a lot of neet.nu's users dislike imageboards). I like /n/ and the rest of the site is pretty cool. I should try Yume Nikki one day.

Also, apologies for the lack of a heads-up. I couldn't find the IRC information and I was in a hurry so I quickly switched. If you want me to remove the redirect, please let me know.


I used to go on both until I became a wage slave. Just tried to go on nu and was sad that it's really gone, but /n/ isn't bad. I don't think I can handle any more textboards being shut down though.


How can I reach you? I would very much like to archive the neet text boards


You're replying to a thread that hasn't been posted in for over a year. I don't think he's here anymore.


Can you post the archive somewhere? Just for the sake of nostalgia.

Too bad it went down the drain, shame nobody helped you, but i know its much work and i cant blame you for it.
I really appreciated the work you did.
Atleast i found this place that way.

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Food thread.

What are you guys eating to stay alive?
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I eat what parents make, if it were not for that i would die of malnutrition.


i ate nothing but off brand cocoa bites for like 3 weeks that was cool


Are you still here? I hope you figured out your stomach problems.


His problem was probably related to gastritis. It could heal by itself with time if he took something like the BRAT diet for half a year
The sandwiches might be fine, but frozen dinners generally have conservatives that really hurt the stomach.
It also can increase a lot with anxiety and it's increase makes you more anxious, creating a vicious cycle. He seemed to be very anxious about it.
I too am worried. I hope he is ok.


I usually buy those "fix" packets (dunno if they're in the US), and required ingredients like meat and veggies and make a big tupperware container worth of it so it lasts me a few days. Then I buy another one and repeat. I also buy pasta salads, buns, cheese and various types of ham for breakfast, quick lunch or supper.

I'm a wageslave unfortunately but at least I can afford to eat something other than ramen everyday.

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greetings /n/, i am a 22 year old mtf with no hope of transition and am pretty much a NEET who despises themselves for their uselessness, failures, and body. and am wondering how many trransgendered NEETS are there? since for me the unbearable dysphoria cotributes greatly to myfear and hatred of being out in social situations and my inability to handle coursework or work in general. With the ammount of internal pain ad distress this terrible dysphoria can bring surely i am not alone in this situation?
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You know, that scene in Matrix, where Cypher goes around the ship unplugging the Matrix crew and killing them one by one?

It's like that


You're right, but for the sake of debate i'm going to say that labels are born because people agree with them, same reason stereotypes are born because there is a reason for it.
If we completely get rid of labels that means we're not even human anymore. Science must explain and give everything labels for it to make sense and complie properly and logical in ur mind.

And anyways,
i do kind of want to be a woman, i did since very early age like 6-7 or something, i feel more of like a woman who is forced to act like a man and it's mentally painful to not be able to express myself, to not feel feminine, like if you're a dude who is forced to have his dick in a chastity all the time.

Is 17 too late to change? is 18?


i don't get it


>If we completely get rid of labels that means we're not even human anymore. Science must explain and give everything labels for it to make sense and complie properly and logical in ur mind.
There's a lot more to your mind and being human than just the logical. Beneath and besides words there is meaning, but anyway, that's by the by, nobody is saying we should get rid of labels, they're really useful.

>i do kind of want to be a woman

Whoops, I misjudged. My bad.

>it's mentally painful to not be able to express myself, to not feel feminine

Express yourself!

Depending on your situation this could be more or less of a problem. There are parts of the world where this is well accepted and there are others where you could meet more resistance. Whatever your case fuck the haters and do what you need to do to make yourself happy. If that means you have to hide this part of yourself away from those around you then there's no shame in that. If that means you need to move to somewhere where you won't have to hide, then go and look back as you please.

But, like I say, for now, don't worry too much about what you are and what that means. You are you, nothing more, nothing less and what that means is your decision. Big decisions like "coming out" or moving locations are better not rushed. You have your whole life ahead of you to explore this and that exploration can be the most wonderfully enjoyable thing in the world. Don't forget to stop and smell the roses. They are beautiful as I'm sure are you.

>Is 17 too late to change? is 18?

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


I know a lot of trannies and some of them started mid 20s and turned out just fine.

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Has anyone else here had a sudden realisation about the permanent damage NEETdom has done to your life? I suppose I was always somewhat aware that I was pissing my life away, but only recently did it hit me that it's permanently FUBAR.
I spent the most important years of my life on godforsaken imageboards and developed no marketable skills whatsoever. I'm closer to 30 than 20. I couldn't talk to anyone normally any more even if I wanted to because the isolation has destroyed my social skills. I'm completely unemployable, pretty much incapable of doing anything productive whatsoever and my parents will die one day.
I can't escape the looping negative thoughts and regrets now. It makes me almost nauseous. My predicament is the culmination of every shitty, lazy, avoidant decision I have ever made and there is no escape.
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stop taking your meds and live


Some people can't do that anon.


Closer to 30 than 40 but that's changing everyday. I've learned, I've loved, I've lived… and none of it felt good for more than a moment. It always led me back to isolation and NEETdom. Being a NEET isn't without its problems but it feels comfortable. Pain and turmoil can become so intimately intertwined with identity but it never becomes easier. Coming from a large family I have a lot of comparisons made.

I'll ride this out until I find the perfect combination of courage and disgust to once again try to end my life.


I feel something similar, was just about to write something like you just did. Even though I can't say I really "lived" or "learned", or did anything, I think I know what you mean. It's as if we're bound to be the same no matter what we do, or how far we run away.

Feels like you're going in big circles, always returning to the same point eventually. Or the same place, but on slightly different circle.


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i never wanted to be anything close to this shit. ever. i used to make fun of you people. then some shit happened and i get panic attacks literally at the drop of a dime. then ulcers. lots. been to doctors, useless. it's all cool man. humanity is fucking retarded anyway. leave 'em be.

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Alright, which one of you fuckers did this?


Moved to >>>/ot/13596.

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What sort of political affiliations would you describe yourself as having affinity with? I'm into green & individualist anarchism myself.
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Did not end in 0. -sad airhorns-


A big mess of cognitive dissonance.


Apathy party. I don't know nor do I really care what goes on in the government. As long as I can still shitpost on the internet and still be able to get drugs without any real risk of getting caught I'm happy.


I'm on the side of the party who give the more NEETbux.

Otherwise, for some strange reason I'm Luddite, with no particular political ideal, just the complete destruction of the technology and industry, the more primitive the better.


I'm on the side against the NEETbux, so hah!

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Why do people try to force one to be part of their society? Just because I was born here I gotta be with them? I didn't decide to be born so why should it be my dedication in life to work for you? I just don't get it…
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You have a point, most of the people like the people in this thread are complaining without doing a thing to solve the problem. They blame society for their problems but solving societies problems will solve your problems too for having to associate with them.

Also, I think it's more like because of how prideful people are, the older generation doesn't try to help us but tries to cover up the shame of their mistakes. They were taught not to really respect the younger generation until they understand the pain they went through (or at least thats what some older people in my family I get along with say, after much bickering). So what they do is try to make sure we feel shame for feeling the same way did while denying they ever felt that way. They cover up the bad parts of their past which is why they say you should be able to succeed the same way they did while they don't admit that we can't. Maybe they can't even tell, they're too delusional.


You mean like, no-internet innawoods? There's tons of places you can go.
Establishing a life there will be the tricky part. Clean water, supplies, growing your own food (preferably). Digging a well will eventually come to mind.

If you want infrastructure (internet), you want to be part of society. If you want medicine, you want to be part of society. How do plan to live without those?


OP, if you'd like to live on literal fringes of society without actually becoming marginalized and ostracized, then did you try living in the woods?

Henry Thoreau lived like that in the 19th century for two years, enjoying plenty of solitude. Maybe it's still possible today. He wrote a book describing in good detail how he managed that, called "Walden". His ideals sounded close to ones you espouse: to maximize his leisure time. (And also to "strip life to its barest basics", i.e. to make it as simple as possible.) I think you could find his observations helpful in your endeavours.


Wasn't Walden more about refusing to participate in a system which he viewed as based on exploitation, more than anything else?


Umm… maybe? I don't think so. I honestly can't remember, but I didn't originally interpret it this way.

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are there any INTP types on here? i hear a lot of INTP become NEET or hermits.
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If you ate the poison, you may as well eat the dish.


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D-do you mean I should have replied to myself or what?..


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ISTJ here, apparently i'm stubborn, insensitive, and judgmental. Lovely

Also S and T only overpowers N and F by like 5 or 6 percent or something.



Ehhh my personality changes too often for this shit, last time I took the test I was ENFP (the exact opposite of what I am now)

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Do you cut yourself? If so, with what? How deep? Why do you do it?

I recently started because my life has nowhere to go but down and I found a box cutter in my cupboard that is working nicely. It makes me feel good to take out my sadness on myself instead of going out to take it out on other people I know. I don't like having to talk to them anyway.
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Box cutter razor. Not very deep. It takes your mind off most things, or at least numbs you to them.


When I was younger I used to cut. It started from wanting to inflict pain upon myself but became a commonplace 'boredom-killer'. Boredom used to drive me to literal tears. I haven't cut in at least a year now though I've tried to 'get back into it' so-to-speak, I suppose I've just outgrown any perceived benefits it used to give


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guys if you wanna feel good why don't you, I don't know, masturbate or something that actually feels good


Because masturbating is hard after a while and it doesnt feel good at all.


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But fapping doesn't make me cool.

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I grew up the happiest child, I was always smiling and I loved life. Throughout my early school life I was always popular. I was funny: people would gather around me and I was friends with every single person I came across. I always knew that my parent's relationship was not the best, but at some point in time they just finally couldn't tolerate each other anymore, and I sat there for hours in our small 2 bed room apartment with nowhere to hide, listening to them yell at each-other at max volume for hours at a time. This was every single day; they would not give me a reason when I asked why they would not get a divorce. A lot of the yelling and abuse spilled over and my mother would take her frustration/rage out on me.

Even throughout this I thought that I was alright; "I am still good looking and have a charming personality". This was the one thing that kept me going, but eventually after it was too late I had come to realize that I'd developed major trust issues. I withdrew from all of my relationships and I am scared to develop new ones. On-top of this I got major acne problems and lost all of my self-confidence. I started to look at myself differently, I thought that I was a pretty boy but now I just seem ugly. I am so disgusted by who I am now, and what I look like. When I look at my face I see all these flaws that I have never seen before. Sometimes I think I am just being overly harsh, but I think maybe I'm just in denial. I don't know what to do with myself anymore. I have no passions, I envy those who do. Looking back I don't think I have ever been passionate about a single thing, besides video games/anime/looking good. When I look at myself I want to get plastic surgery or something, but I have no money and no job. I want to erase myself and start fresh but I know that's not possible. I just want to be happy again.

Sorry for the wall of text. I feel like garbage and just wanted to tell my story. Thanks for your time.
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Thank you.

I may be strange, but I am also a stranger here and to internet culture in general. As such, if there's any subtext here it's lost on me (Who's Mai? The girl in the picture? I haven't seen much anime sadly). Regardless, thank you for your kindness.

Still, I'm nobody special, just another anon.

Remember how you felt the moment you read it. That moment and that feeling is yours to take with you wherever you go. I like to use short phrases (e.g. here "passion is a fire" might be appropriate, whatever spoke to you), but that's just something to aid my memory.


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Yes, she's Mai from Kanon. It's a long, long story that started more than 10 years ago. She could be considered my waifu by i prefer to address her as a very close friend, that's for more accurate.

Don't worry, this world needs more strange people, it's far saturated with "normal" and "perfect" people.
You're the kind of people the future desperately needs.
You're just one in more than 7 billion.
That's a lot to me.

I've uploaded some hard to come by music to >>>/media/ if you like japanese/otaku music.


>Trust issues can be a real problem and in many ways they're your only problem. You cannot trust anyone else because you do not trust yourself.

How can I come to trust myself? What is it like? Trusting the decisions that I make?

I feel like I trust myself in that I trust that I do not need others to make me happy, and through experience I have come to find that others seem to just make me un-happy if anything.

I appreciate your response, I find it to be pretty accurate


>Trust issues can be a real problem and in many ways they're your only problem. You cannot trust anyone else because you do not trust yourself.

How can I come to trust myself? What is it like? Trusting the decisions that I make?

I feel like I trust myself in that I trust that I do not need others to make me happy, and through experience I have come to find that others seem to just make me un-happy if anything.

I appreciate your response, I find it to be pretty accurate


>Trusting the decisions that I make?
Yes and more besides. I trust that your looks and personality are enough that you can have friends and relationships. I trust that your wisdom is enough to know what you what and that your strength is enough to get it.

Do you?

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