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Has anyone else experienced a loss in cognitive ability after being a shut in for extended periods of time (~1 year+?)

I've been playing video games, listening to instrumental music, and lounging in my room for the past few months and I've noticed that when I do go out and communicate with other people, I tend to misunderstand even the most basic information that's relayed to me. Not only that,whenever someone implies something indirectly to me, I'll miss the implied information and feel like a dunce afterwards, which can only be alleviated by further isolating myself. I feel like an old man with alzheimers and i'm not even in my 20s yet…at this rate I may as well condemn myself to a reclusive life, get some pets, and avoid face to face/verbal communication with others altogether.


>at this rate I may as well condemn myself to a reclusive life, get some pets, and avoid face to face/verbal communication with others altogether.

I think that's even better than talking with fake people you don't want to be with about useless stuff which nobody actually cares about only to maintain some sort of pseudo status in society or because you have no other choice (AKA no money, no life).
It's hell.


Yeah. Don't discount the possibility of it being diet related though. I live by myself and only eat once every day or two – normally nothing very nutritious (pizza, ramen, etc.). When I go home to visit my parents nothing changes except my diet. I still lie on my bed all day, just a different bed. But I find I think a lot more clearly when I'm there eating good food.


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I used to feel like I was somewhat above average when it came to brain power, but nowadays I feel like my mind is cloudy. I also have a hard time understanding what people say at points. It makes me upset to be quite honest. My thoughts are slower than I'd like, and solving problems in my head is a task that I find difficult now.


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Anon on >>13571 is right, it can be due to diet. People aren’t aware of how much their diet and eating habits can change them. Most believe it only changes the body, but the brain and all involved with it are affected too.
But I think it may only be a case of disuse. Since you’ve become a shut in you probably don’t involve yourself in communicating with other people as much like before. You stopped using (or don’t use as much) the capacities associated with that activity and as much longer you keep yourself from doing it, it gets worst. It’s common to start feeling alienated or unfitting for conversations because your capacity on that as degenerated and your brain can no longer keep up so well for them. If you want to retrieve certain faculties, you have to train them, just like someone wanting to get muscles on their flat arms would have to exercise its arms. The brain is a very adaptive thing and just like it will gain capacities to adapt, it will also lose them if it sees it doesn’t need those capacities anymore. It’s your choice which faculties you want and which ones you don’t by forcing or blocking certain stimuli to your brain and causing development or degeneration of your capacities. It’s a very interesting subject, you can actually cause yourself to go blind by just blocking the stimuli associated with it even if your eyes are perfectly healthy.
Something similar to your situation happened to me and I too started to have problems in understanding people well, but after making efforts to talk to other people and at memorizing information, and study a bit on communication techniques, I got better than I was before. It’s funny that you say it makes you feel like an old man as disuse of physical and mental abilities is extremely common on elderly people. I hope you too manage to get better (^u^)

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