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/n/ - NEET

Advice / Social / Basement

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What do you do in order to make your NEET life more comfortable ?

Since I've become a shut-in and don't go to college anymore, I spend my days doing more or less things over and over… Thus boredom tends to govern my life (and makes be binge eat, DAMN).
So what kind of Hobby do you have ?
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I don't get it either, but to be honest I've had that response with more games in the past I actually ended up liking after giving it an unbiased shot. Like with Cities Skylines right now. Though when it comes to LoL, there's also the fact that I simply don't like competitive gaming much.


I don't mind competitive games but I prefer ones where I feel like the hours I put into the game are worth something
Like in MMO's I'll work hard to level up and get gear for taking down bosses and even for platformers I feel like there's progress
For League I don't keep my levels and I could care less about my rank because playing the same map over and over is just incredibly boring and not worth it for me


get some exercise equipment and use it instead of eating. consider humans as perpetually at play. you could play by shoving things in your mouth or you could hang up a set of gym rings and have a playground in your room.

>collect 50 dragon scales
>8 hour grind later
>ok good, here is a health potion that is well below your rank
>now I just need you to collect 10 lizard boners and 19 chicken farts
>8 hours later
>grind grind grind
the terrible thing about MMOs is that they hook you without any benefit. at least if you were a drug addict you would feel good while you were doing it. with MMOs, like any addiction, its all about time investment and habit. your guild goes on at a certain time and its time to play sock poopenning 4 for a few hours. then if you give it up, you come back a month later to find your 1000gold now buys you a single health potion. so you need to keep playing keep playing keep playing.

but oh well. I'm no better. I smoke and play C&C generals over and over on the same map to pass time. I get enough money from autismbux to work on some projects like an e-bike I bought and now a car I bought. but parts and stuff are expensive as hell. I've finished my e-bike so I like to ride around the nature parks around here. my cylinder head is at the shop right now so I just need to time travel to a month from now to when I have money by chain smoking and procrastinating until I have money again.


Tera will die incredibly soon with the rise of BnS NA. My friends and I along with a mass amount of other Tera players are quitting because it's become a shit game with major issues that they will never fix. Rest in peace MCHM, the one good dungeon.


watch big titty anime, blog, sleep, masterbate occacionally and i tend to get drunk a lot on hardcore gin but thats just me

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Anyone here with this fucking tinnitus? I developed mine listening to loud music. The worst thing about this is that I ruined myself with my own hands, I can't even blame the destiny. It's almost a year I suffer from it.


I've had mine ever since I was 10years old. It's annoying at first but I got used to it, though I can't remember what true silence is like.


Lately I've been thinking about how loud I listened to music while being on a computer, and realized I spent great periods of time doing so.
I lowered the volume of all my players, so even if I were to raise the volume in my headphones it wouldn't pass the limit.

Thinking about damaging my hearing is terrifying.
My condolences to you, anons, for having this problem.


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When I was a kid, my brothers would blast their music as loud as it went while I was standing in front of the stereos to make me leave. But if I toughed it out long enough, they'd let me stay and watch them play videogames.

I haven't been able to sleep without a fan on since I was like 7 because of all the ringing in my ears


Yeah, now I have to always listen to something if I don't want any ringing, It was listening to loud music,and to add insult to injury that when I listen to today, I hate.

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I'm 26 and I've basically been NEET since I was ~17 and dropped out of school, is it worth bothering going to college at this point? I feel like the stigma against someone starting school so late makes it a waste of time no matter what my achievements there might end up being.

I suppose it's probably a stupid idea to ask about this here of all places though, but any thoughts would be appreciated.


No, there are people in my classes that old and they seem to be doing fine. How you will do mostly depends on you, not your age.


Except that no means yes in this case.


There are two students in their early 30s in my class. It's not that unusual to go back to studying at any time before your 50s. Things happen, life is hard, but time comes when you can and should move on. So go right ahead.

There is a cheesy saying: the best time to do it was a year ago, but the second best time is now.


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I study electronic engineering, and the oldest guy I saw was around 46, doing quite fine in Algebra and Analytic Geometry.
Right now there are 2 guys in their mid-30's in the Chimestry class and in a side-course of text analysis. And that's just in hard science, I heard from my brother there are even older people in humanities.
Good luck.

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This has likely been asked before, but does anyone here have physical disabilities that prevent them from having a social life/leaving the house/etc.?

I've had Crohn's disease for about a decade but only recently has it advanced to the point where I can't do much at all with myself physically. I'm very sick and live at home, I've run the course with every available medication and can't effectively treat the disease with much else beyond surgery - I lost count after my tenth surgery or so last year. Over the past two years, I've become a full blown NEET. The most time I've spent outside of my bedroom has been in the hospital, where I spent the majority of last year, and even then I felt very alone.

Even if you just have to vent about it, it'd be interesting to see if anyone has had this situation thrust upon them for similar reasons.
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Would you think bullying anorexic people is comparable to bullying obesity? They are both disabilities.

Anyway, in society nowadays it's strictly forbidden being fat and nobody takes "body positivity" movements seriously for obvious reasons. There is a huge social pressure going on and it's implied your value as a human being is highly decreased if you have fat on your body. In social circles, everyone will know you as the fatfuck even if you have many other features. At school, people will bully you because you are different. They won't bully the kid on the wheelchair because it's taught it's wrong because the kid can't help it, but can you really judge someone fat can help himself when the given conditions are always on? At home, you'll hear from your parents that you are universally useless because you won't look good to their peers because you are fat, no matter what you do. When you grow up as a overweight kid you can surely expect to everyone, kids and adults, say bad things to you and you can't even defend yourself. You grow up bitter, with no motivation to do anything, no trust in people and no self-esteem.
While there is a sense of solidarity with truly disabled people, people who are overweight are eternally guilty for their own sadness. We have to either grow up and sulk it and become one of them or eat ourselves to death, if we allow ourselves to feel sad. It's like a drug addiction, but it's not treated as such, people who have drug addictions are praised when they stop using the said drug, but if you are overweight and stop eating, you are praised as well. Which makes no fucking sense. If you research about those people who joined "The Biggest Loser" in the past, you will find out that they suffer with many diseases or died simply because they stopped eating. And that is praised highly and they earned money to become sick but look exactly how the norm demands, for the society's amusement. Won't provide links but if you type "The Biggest Loser illness" you'll find many articles and interviews about that. And you know why that all happens? Because there is a wheel of fortune spinning behind all of this. Someone earns cash when people overeat, someone earns cash when a norm of how you are supposed to look is stablished, someone earns cash when you want to lose weight, someone earns cash when psychologist or therapeuts are needed just because Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


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>At school, people will bully you because you are different. They won't bully the kid on the wheelchair because it's taught it's wrong because the kid can't help it
Actually a couple of "friends" of mine and I bullied a kid in high school just because he was mentally retarded. I don't mean mentally retarded as in autistic and socially inept I mean legitimately retarded, he was unable to walk straight and he couldn't speak properly (from what I've heard he's got 1 year to live). I have no regrets for doing what I've done, some people are just dicks and do things for the lulz.


whoops meant for >>15908


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>Would you think bullying anorexic people is comparable to bullying obesity?
Bullying anyone is wrong and that's all.

>in society nowadays it's strictly forbidden being fat and nobody takes "body positivity" movements seriously

Being somewhat fat is not wrong and being tolerant about it is alright, however obesity is a different case, it's a disability, it's unhealtly and being possitive about that is being dangerously childish.

>They won't bully the kid on the wheelchair

You're so innocent…



Sorry if your school were that bad and adults didn't give a shit. At least at my school people treated the deficient girl properly. One kid was expelled for bullying her once and nobody ever tried it again. I got told by the school psychologist I should lose weight to be accepted. While she was right, this is not something to tell a 9yo, because all I could understand from those words are "They won't stop treating you like shit unless you change yourself for them".

People who bully other people should be punished harshly. This is not something to take lightly.

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Oh no. I've just realized I'm an internet addict.
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In this day and age, using the internet no longer needs to be an active activity. Saying that you're addicted to the internet is like saying that you're addicted to your house.

Still, some people stay inside their houses for years, and that's certainly unhealthy.

If you want to draw a comparison to drugs, it's like saying you're addicted to needles and not heroin.

I've noticed though, there are some people who think that enjoyment causes addiction, and that addiction destroys enjoyment. Don't believe these people. There's nothing more important than being happy.


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We all have beautiful memories from the internet and real life.


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Internet is my life!


Doesn't that imply that there is an addiction to interacting with/observing human beings "offline". An addiction that is recommended to people who desire a "productive life"? (I don't know how to rephrase this)


>I've noticed though, there are some people who think that enjoyment causes addiction, and that addiction destroys enjoyment. Don't believe these people. There's nothing more important than being happy.
I understand why someone would want to believe this idea is wrong, but all of my life experiences so far and a fair amount of empirical science supports it.

Please try to convince me that I am wrong.

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How do you deal with it? NEET can be a social being, some people give up on jobs and education because of fake friends and promises.
Have you ever been backstabbed by a bitch?

Pic related.
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I loaned a large sum of money to a friend's father last year to help him open a business, with an agreement that he'd give me regular payments. Every time he has trouble with the bills he stops taking my calls and I have to track him down in person, and then he gives me a payment along with some excuse and several more months with no payments follow until I do it all over again.


by just about everyone i've interacted with.

I let myself become a human doormat, and let people I thought were my friends use me.


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Human nature is selfish, even seemingly selfless actions are motivated to lessen personal pain felt by empathy. Loyalties are only as good as your usefulness.


Everyone I've loved, more or less.
Awhile ago I removed an anon from a fair distance away, fairly qt person who is autistic in just the way they'll ironically collect steam groups filled with degenerates, perverts and autists. The sort of person who on some level wishes they were actually raised by conservative Christians who beat them everyday, because as it is they ended up a stoner on hormones. Who, when they ha a Facebook account, would literally just post shota censored with images from Eva until the account was reported, then do it again. Also the only other person I've known into post-hardcore and unironically likes Steve Albini. A neat person, basically.

I removed them for largely paranoid and stupid reasons, as well as just wanting to move on in life, but I genuinely regret it. Still have their cell number but I'm not sure what I would say; "Yeah sorry for abandoning you with only a bit of explanation but you wanna text?" I would be pissed, personally, probably fuck with them. But of course the longer I do nothing, the more shame I'm going to feel if I actually address it in any way.


I feel like reaching out to people is worth the chance of being betrayed. In the end, it may come as a loss to me, but to have not tried to make the best out of my relationships with people would weigh to heavily on my conscience. In the end I'm still me, the nice guy, and the nice guy gets fucked with a lot, but I've still got my principles.

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I just need to vent before I end up hurting myself over this. TL;DR at bottom.

I've been a full-time NEET and something of a shut-in for about 5 years and counting. Despite ticking a lot of boxes for a social outcast (passive, solitary, introverted, anxious, practically live on and have all my meaningful human interactions on my pc), I'm not shy or lacking in social tact, and while going to college I had plenty of day-to-day 'normal' friends I enjoyed the company of, went to parties with etc.

Something that's come up once or twice IRL, and a lot online, is how my lack of shyness seems to push away people that seem the most relatable to me. The fact that I'm not socially avoidant seems to get me pigeonholed as just another insensitive, ignorant normie or something along those lines, often by people that seem to share and understand my interests, personal situation or characteristics the most.

Why does this upset me so much? It gets to the point where I start feeling some vague resentment or rejection toward the friends I do have, and intense feelings of loneliness. My friends accept me, do their best and wish me the best, but they don't understand my crippling depression and anxiety, my inability to integrate into society, the intense amount of energy I feel I exert just to get out of bed or feed myself. Every now and then I meet someone that seems to be in the same situation as I am, but every time in the same fashion they seem to just be scared off, and something as simple as a stranger I never talk to silently deleting me from a chat client can throw me into a really dark place when it's been someone I've wished I could find a way of talking to for months or even years.

Do I need to register for some official NEET shut-in badge with a list of my problems printed on it to wave in people's faces before they get the wrong idea? It's really confusing and worrying how a small handful of individuals dismissing me can make me feel so lonely when I have good, caring friends I could talk to any time. What's wrong with me?

TL;DR I am a typical dysfunctional NEET shut-in, but when I meet someone I feel I can relate to they seem to get instantly pushed away by the fact that I have arbitrary social skills and desire to make friends. The people I can make friends with don't relate with my situation at all. How do I deal with it?
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A large majority of the people I know online are from games, but I play a lot of multiplayer. I just add most people I have a good experience with.

I'm not a forum user but they are pretty much purpose built to make new friends.

Do you have Skype or Steam or something? Maybe we can be friends. :)


It's a bit harder for asocial people than it used to be. Technology has moved away from text based chats to VOIPS. IRC is the only good one left but it's not user friendly for new people.

Steam is another good one, but not everyone is into video games, and lots of people expect you to play with them. I use both primarily as a way to talk to people because I'm not too into multiplayer.

Though if you are into voice chat you won't have a problem. You could hop in a public mumble server at any point and be gold.


Thanks for the art.

Go into any number of threads, on any number of imageboards and ask/share you contact information. Literally just ask people if they would like to chat or be friends with you. Start talking to them, see if you have something in common, if you'd like them. It's deceivingly simple.
The hardest part is actually keeping in contact because online it is very easy to message someone over a few days or a week and then never hear from them again or send them a message yourself.


How do you even meet these kind of people?
And how did you even manage to keep normie friends when you say you have anexiety and depression?
Remaining friends with normal requires alot of effort, that someone depressed couldnt keep up with.

I dont know how you can be a shutin but still be a able to mange to meet people and have friends.

I suppose there are many people claiming to be loser neets only to look for sympathy when infact they are fairly functioning, compared the actual antisocial creatures alteast.
I dont want to imply that you are one such case, but there are quite a few that and i cant blame them for being cautious and paranoid.

Why bother being friends with these people if they cant understand you?
Seems like a poor relationship when they cannot relate to you properly.

I get the impression youre pushing things too hard, why else would these people have such a hard counter reaction, you cant expect others to want to be your friends and knowing how antisocial they are by nature you should have known better than to attaching yourself too much to the idea of interacting with such people.
I cant say i blame them for being so rejecting to such people, tough i think its uncalled for.

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>How do you even meet these kind of people?

On the internet.

>And how did you even manage to keep normie friends when you say you have anexiety and depression?

>Remaining friends with normal requires alot of effort, that someone depressed couldnt keep up with.

That's the thing, it doesn't affect my social skills. I didn't have much common ground with any of my irl friends, but we just hung out in college and sometimes got drunk together outside of it. I don't see how depression has to factor into that, it's easy for me to be happy in the moment or even just put a smile on for a while but that doesn't mean I'm no longer depressed.

>I dont know how you can be a shutin but still be a able to mange to meet people and have friends.

On the internet. I'm not in contact with any of these college friends anymore and don't have any friends irl unless people I had offline meets with counts.

>I suppose there are many people claiming to be loser neets only to look for sympathy when infact they are fairly functioning, compared the actual antisocial creatures alteast.

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You are all beautiful! Do you guys realize the avaricious courage seeping through your veins. I been depressed my whole childhood. My smile is a mask that makes you believe I am happy. Well I would lie if I said I was not happy because, it's nice to reward yourself. Something funny, and exciting happened a few days ago. My crush can't date because of trust issues. She secretly told me she has been battling depression for a year. But my buddy told me that "Two wrongs don't make a right" What is right? Maybe I wanna head left to eventually go right. Right? Jk I know I'm right. But I love to be wrong. I mean left….left out….


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>You are all beautiful! Do you guys realize the avaricious courage seeping through your veins.
I am the definition of evil. I did things to people and I'm still doing it without showing any sign of regret for my actions. My morals have gone down the shittier long time ago.


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Don't bastardize Mani's name.

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I'm feeling like shit right now.
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I want to work as a programmer someday but I have no idea what to do other than work very slowly at a community college and no one is really helping me get there any quicker. I feel like I'm wasting several years doing pointless crap in school because no one will help me do what I really want to do and I'm unconvinced that school assignments teach me anything serious about programming. I have overdue homework and I feel like my advisor doesn't take me seriously. I have no idea who to go to to speak to about my experience. My family especially will tell me I am manipulating people if I say I am having any difficulty or am depressed or anxious or anything like that and these are the same people who were drug and alcohol addicts for several years with failed marriages and still think they have business telling me what I should feel. This is really just my father and his girlfriend though. I really have no contact with my mother if I can avoid it because she is violently abusive and a terrible person.


School, according to other programmers doesn't teach you shit, it's your job to learn by yourself
First you start with Java and shit, try modding minecraft and other cancer to start
Then youDownload Python and fuck around with it with YouTube and shit.
Then you do shit with the C programming languages.

Ive been learning by doing random projects over the years.
I don't have any advice to give with depression, I just take it.


Well i dont like telling it to you like that but someone has to.
Get used to it, most programming is dull bullshit doing pointless crap too and most people are incompetent aswel as unhelpful.

You will have to take some initiative, it isnt hard tough, all you need is a good starting point, like modding a game or so is a good way to learn and practice.
Programming is generally easy unless you go in too deep, then it can become a real maze.

I think you should change subject in college, the programming marked is way overstatured and you wont learn much, if i had the oppertunety to get a paper i would chose something more practical but less common, like say biotech or something.

Im sorry to hear that your surrounding is shit, but cant help it there but distance yourself from them.

Hang in there and dont get to stressed out about things.


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That really sucks that most programming is pointless bullshit. I hadn't thought about that before actually.

Is there even a subject in college that you will learn a lot from? I really don't want to change my major. I've been at this for over a year and down over $10,000.

Some of my teachers say I'm quite talented as a programmer and it could be a good career for me, though these are the same teachers with questionable competence and who don't help me much. Plus I've always wanted to do the programming thing since I was very young.

About my family: it's not that they make my environment hostile. Not anymore, anyway. I don't live with them. I'm just not sure I can talk to them.


>That really sucks that most programming is pointless bullshit. I hadn't thought about that before actually.
Giving it second thought, next to anything is pointless bullshit, its true programming has alot of reptetive "copypaste, test, debug, adjust" loops and trivial crap.
But next to any occupation or activity has a similar cycle of repetiveness, even hard science.
I suppose you best disregard that.
>Is there even a subject in college that you will learn a lot from? I really don't want to change my major. I've been at this for over a year and down over $10,000.
I couldnt really say, if changing or adding a different course are possible without losing money then maybe consider it.
As for the fields themselfs, i cant really say.
I suppose programming is good because it offers a very general and practical direction and can be done with cheap means easeley on your own.
Whereas say comperatively physics is very theoretic and of little practical value, but then again you could also learn it on your own.
And then comparing to some more specialized fields such as chemistry or biotech that cannot be effectively applied and learned on your own but are probably lucrative job oppertunites.
Screw humanities, law, finance and all that other crap.
Well im not the right person to give advice in general, im just giving things to consider.
>Some of my teachers say I'm quite talented as a programmer and it could be a good career for me, though these are the same teachers with questionable competence and who don't help me much. Plus I've always wanted to do the programming thing since I was very young.
Thats good, maybe your teachers are lazy or burned out but now their stuff, atleast they have good oppinion of you, you will find out if you are good enough or not yourself and there are many bad programmers that get away with things so dont worry about it.
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Why is it so hard for a lot of people to simply live for themselves? Why do people so quickly grow bored of themselves and living for themselves and begin to exist with some sort of ideal in mind that when you come down to it is just words? Or people whom their ties to are tenuous? Or goals which amount to empty words on a blackboard marked "future," something that doesn't even exist in the present?

Even being aware that the only lasting peace in life would come as a result of being able to live in comfort with myself and only truly for my own sake, and knowing how ultimately silly it is in a lot of ways to live otherwise rather than just having those things as secondary focuses, I can't. And I'm pretty sure a lot of other people are the same way, that that's a lot of what makes being NEET in the longterm rather shitty. Because you grow bored of yourself and living for yourself, because even as you do you best to enjoy it it becomes stagnation.

Personally I think the root of it is simply that we're a cooperative species and if we were able to live simply for ourselves we wouldn't have gotten nearly this far, that to an extent it's hardwired and ideals and altruism and all those great things are manifestations of that fact. Maybe I'm wrong though.
Whaddya think /n/?


Biologically speaking I think we are hardwired to live as a group, not just for the propagation of our species but as a survival instinct. It would've been incredibly difficult for primitive humans to live on their own without a family or tribe… I do find a certain existential terror in loneliness… like I could just disappear…

But then is this just a survival mechanism of our species? Is it foolish to fall prey to this or… Would denying it go against our very nature?

People like to feel like they are in control, like nature is not manipulating them and guiding their actions but… What are we without it?
Many people try to live for themselves but end up suffering as a result… ironically so…

I don't think it really matters if something is pointless in the end, if what you do amounts to nothing, if it's a waste of time and resources… What really matters is what you truly want… Whether that is to be alone or to be with others… The reason why you want it and the source of your want is irrelevant, so long as you know what you want… that is all that matters.


Yeah, I definitely think that we're social creatures by nature, that it's somewhat hardcoded into us but I think being that we were all raised in a community impacts us a lot too.
Going to a store, to school, to work, a show, to a club or sporting activity; if we didn't do these things while we were raised most people are usually encouraged to and you're looked down upon if you don't 'participate' in society.
I wonder how people bought up in a much more secluded, self sustaining environment would feel.

Then on top of this, we of course have a constant stream of mass media that goes on against living for ourselves.


Yeah. It varies a lot from person to person though, and I think part of that can be because of personal values. They may be derivative to some extent, but they may have an effect for the strong of will. Those that get written about, that end up being considered worth remembering in the annals of the race, are ironically probably largely the people who are the least tolerant of simply existing for their own sake.


I hate the whole "social beings by nature" crap. While its true (to an extent) it ends up being another ideal people blindly pursue in hopes of some happiness and societal acceptance. Plenty of great people in history and even average folks realize the power of solitude, people nowadays are so afraid of being alone because they think they're too weak to face their demons.

If you are truly in tune with yourself/have inner peace the companionship you seek from others changes entirely, you still wish to help our species as a whole but in completely different ways. Being by yourself isn't boredom its taking pleasure in every simple unraveling moment in life-
Alone you can begin to shed to masks you've created, and the things you've been taught were "right and wrong" by people equally as lost and begin to come to the conclusion for yourself, to start your own journey unhindered by those beliefs

Its so hard because we aren't raised to believe this way, you have to break free and find it for yourself, if it were that easy everyone would be an enlightened master. We're born pure but raised to be sheep, conditioned and used as a pawn for the world we live in, not for the betterment of us but for "society" itself. Its why we're instilled values that are seemingly humane but not really, pushing away the natural but dark nature of humans and makes us fear it



This is a really good post, I wish I had more to add but I'm an idiot.

I think we are in a paradox where we have a lot less social contact than we used to, but any contact we do get is of worse and worse quality, and that as well as the ensuing isolation and psychic anxiety causes our personalities to degrade, as you said.

It seems like a reinforcing pattern of destruction.

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