can i ever leave my house without anxieties?
i am an ex-hikki. i am still unemployed but i am looking for a job. i have recovered immensely after years of reclusion. now i finally go out often, socialize, i even go to parties.Progress is slow and escaping is hell
I got a job working at McDonald's about 2 months ago, it was the first place to accept me. Majority of the people I work with are highschoolers and the few that aren't seem to have their own clique/ingroup at work, it also doesn't help that I'm autistic. I'm pretty sure my roster manager hates me, I barely work any hours and I don't get paid that much. I'd like to be able to afford to move and save up for some luxuries that I don't have (PC namely) but I get paid breadcrumbs. Why is everything so hard? I just escaped being a neet fulltime to be a neet mostly fulltime and get reminded how autistic and lonely I am at work.A little thread / sharing
Hello lovely people, I just wanted to make this thread to remind you that it's all going to be OK.fear of never becoming valuable
I'm a bit embarrassed to make this post, but I've been lurking for a long time and was hoping to hear from other people who have had the same issue, or know how to get out of it and stuff.ways of dealing with executive dysfunction?
i read through the recent thread about getting diagnosed and it resonated with me a lot, since i am unmedicated (talking to therapist, we both agree something is wrong with my brain) and currently just a complete failure in college due to my executive dysfunction. just bombed the first test of the course, and it dawned on me that staying like this is not sustainable in the slightest (not that i was ever under the impression it was), so i want to change this while i am still just starting out, before it's too late. i have tried sheer-willpower-ing and it has not worked well at all, my brain is shockingly easy to distract.Aimed too high and wasted 8 months
Since I graduated from University in June I've been planning on going back to do a Master's or a PhD. For what it's worth, I graduated with (I think) the highest grade of my year from a pretty bad university, but I also did a community-related EC and was the recipient of a research scholarship in my second year.starting to regretting recovery
19 years old and i recently ditched the whole neet lifestyle and got myself a job. genuinely sucks so much and i thought it would change a lot for me but if anything it ruined my life.Getting out
Currently undergoing possibly the biggest change of my life. I’m moving out of my current house soon without my family, and I’m moving in with a different relative. I know it’s going to be much better for me, quieter, more peaceful, in a better area and I’ll have more to myself. Plus, I’ll be getting away from who is essentially an abuser. However, my autism makes it so I’m stuck in this obligation to stay in this home, that everything will go Haywire if I leave and things need to be as they are or I don’t know, I fucking die of autism or something. That, with my added on tensions and habits of being half a hikki where I don’t leave my room much, don’t talk to my family and stay in my room online so I can ignore the fact that I’m living with someone I despise, means it’s INCREDIBLY hard to break out of the ‘if I leave this structure I fucking die’ mentality.Executive dysfunction
Does anyone have issues with executive function? Like not being able to remember stuff, spacing out, being generally unable to get stuff done, poor hygiene, inability to focus on stuff but at the same time often hyper focusing on a single thing to the point of spacing out and being unable to ignore everything else?Parents who don't want you to be independent
Who else is in this situation? Or maybe you used to be, but you got out? I'd really like your story if you did. This is the recovery board so let's help each other and formulate escape plans. If you like you can use this thread to share lessons/tutorials our parents didn't teach us too.progress and loneliness
do y'all ever have trouble discerning if you are actually making progress towards being the person you want to be or if you're just spinning your wheels doing things that are good/helpful but avoiding the truely nessecary steps you need to take to change your life?What should I do?
I dropped out of school at 14. I started working late last year while 18. I live in the UK. What should I do? If I take GCSE's and A-Levels, I'll be 22 before I even start University. Is this worth it? Will it even be valuable then? There's nothing in particular I want to do, I just want to make money. I don't have any irl friends and my online connections are poor. What should I start working on now? I have lots of time, and I'm building up motivation. The past week I've immediately finished all the chores I used to put off until the end of the day and been left wondering what I should even do with the rest of my time. Please help me to find something to do. I want it to be important or profitable.the cracks are starting to show
I remembered that on one of my posts about getting into uni, I was directed towards this board when the post wasn't really about recovery. funnily enough, I do actually have something to say here nowWhat made you withdraw?
For me, it was a mental breakdown which struck right at the cusp of becoming an adult, when I was 14 and on holiday with my parents. I had just left secondary school and so was approaching adulthood, and I broke down on holiday and fell so quickly ill that I felt like I was going to die. I cried holding the hands of my family as I felt the darkness was coming in, I felt certain I was dying.coping with full-time employment
i have been a NEET for most of the last decade, apart from a seasonal part-time job some years ago which i quit after a few months. i recently was hired full-time for a mostly WFH office job. how can i cope with suddenly having to work for eight hours a day? i can't relax because i know i'm just going to have to do it again tomorrow. i feel like i have no free time any more. what are some strategies i can use to avoid suicide? i miss those carefree days already…Got a Job
I got a job after 8 years of NEET-dom. I'm tired of the NEET life.standing up for myself
well since im in similar company id like to talk to my fellow ex-neets about uncomfortable social situationsPanic Attacks
I just had a panic attack while attending an employment training course. I've had them before but this was the worst one yet, I feel like such a failure when everyone else there is perfectly fine with the tasks, and I'm not. Anyone else have experience with them? Have you been able to overcome them?Return to NEETdom
Its a cloudy, dark gloomy day outside and if the lockdown had never happenned, if I had made another choice a year ago, I would be outside enjoying the sights and coming home from a boring day at work.on whether to continue this hikki neet life
I was meditating upon the subject for a while and this is the conclusion I have to come to "to wish to live you must wish to die" wishing to live in the sense of "really living" you can't keep running and be safe in your castle, it's a rather colourless way to live one with no variations, very grey.3 year NEET, part-time school and now University.
I was always extremely introverted in adolesence, chronic pain at 16 led me to become entirely reclusive.Ex-NEET Recovery Board
Since it's sometimes difficult to have a conversation about trying to exit the NEET lifestyle in /hikki/ without it getting derailed, I have created this new board for such conversations.