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/rec/ - Ex-NEET / Recovery

Board for recovering NEETs and Ex-NEETs who are trying to reintegrate.

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i read through the recent thread about getting diagnosed and it resonated with me a lot, since i am unmedicated (talking to therapist, we both agree something is wrong with my brain) and currently just a complete failure in college due to my executive dysfunction. just bombed the first test of the course, and it dawned on me that staying like this is not sustainable in the slightest (not that i was ever under the impression it was), so i want to change this while i am still just starting out, before it's too late. i have tried sheer-willpower-ing and it has not worked well at all, my brain is shockingly easy to distract.
so i'd like to ask, what are some tips/tricks/methods/whatever you find useful that helps you get things done despite having executive dysfunction?


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Counting tends to help me. Very short countdowns that are constant. So like, if I’m procrastinating I shower, sometimes I count myself to stand up, then I count again to start walking, count to turn on the shower, etc. no real pressure, just ‘three two one’ and I stand up. Doing the steps towards the actual tasks like this makes it a bit easier for me to get to the task. It isn’t foolproof though, unfortunately.


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keeping track of things seems to really help me. if theres a way you can throw all of your to-do stuff in one (or several centralized) lists it makes it easier to know what it is that needs to be done and what can be prioritized. using a personal discord server for just that has helped a lot of people i know, and goblin.tools seems like a good place to start if youre stuck on where to start on a task. >>529 is very good advice too. ive also heard "just do 5 minutes" of a thing and you'll either get engrossed in the task and just do it, or you'll have 5 minutes of work done which is better than nothing


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hii, op here. a lot has happened since when i first made this post and i just wanted to give an update of some kind i guess
firstly, >>529 and >>530 are genuinely really great pieces of advice, and did help me be a bit more productive. but at the end of the day they ended up not being enough on its own lol

i did however manage to get properly diagnosed with adhd after pursuing it for a few months, and was also able to get on adhd meds for the first time!
and holy shit the difference is shocking lol. it feels surreal to actually be able to do things at all, and at least for me there's a sense of relief knowing that i'm not just lazy like my parents used to say all the time
it does make me wonder how i was able to get anything done before i was on meds lmao, it's kinda jarring seeing how differently my brain is actually supposed to work

overall, getting diagnosed was a huge game changer, and i'm honestly feeling a little bit more hopeful about the future, oddly enough

idk why i wanted to give an update on this, but yeah, here it is
hope whoever's reading this has a great day! :)

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