A bit of an update:
Thanks all for the kind words and advice. I cringed pretty hard rereading my epic self pity rant here lol. Thanks uboa for the advice and taking the time to read my slop lol.
I've realized recently how much of a fair weather fan I am when it comes to my own life. When I'm in the dumps I can't seem to get out (see the parent post), but when I'm happy I might as well be floating. I can't imagine thinking any of the stuff I did 4 weeks ago right now.
The spring semester has been going really well. I'm making new friends, exercising a lot, doing my HW and reading a ton, and praying/reading the bible every day. I also joined that self-defense club and it's been unexpectedly fun so far. Please send me ur positive energy /rec/anons, I really want to keep up what I've got going.
There's this cute girl who's friends with a new friend of mine. She's in the same class as us, but I haven't talked to her much even though we sit in the same area and have a mutual friend. I get pretty obsessive about the people I like and they start to take up like 10% of my waking thoughts, and the same thing is happening with this girl, but unlike the other times I think I might have Jesus encouraging me for this one, because something kind of crazy happened tonight.
I was at the dining hall sitting outside and for some reason I thought to myself "If that girl is in the dining hall when I go inside to put my dishes away I'm going to go talk to her one-on-one."
Sure enough when I went back inside she was there. No joke. I did like 5 circles around the hall before I steeled myself to talk to her. I literally mentally said to myself: "Come on dude, Trust Jesus, this is a gift, just do it, just go talk to her." and was finally able to drag myself over to her. We had a normal conversation about a shared class and she gave me her number and I almost had a nervous breakdown leaving the dining hall afterwards lol. It's been really long since I've had a real crush and I'm still kind of freaking out over it.
>>655Yes I am Asian lmao. How could you tell?!? Thank you for your words. I definitely have it a lot better than a lot of Asian kids. My parents love me and give me freedom over my life. They're not helicopterish at all. I don't really have to "break free" of anything, I just feel guilty when I'm being unproductive because I know how much they care about me / want me to be happy. But they would be much happier knowing how happy I've been this semester.
>>656Thanks for the advice. I can definitely say that getting a bike, doing self defense, exercising, going outside and being able to eat/sleep at normal times have been great for my productivity/discipline. It makes me wonder how I even survived last semester lmao
Thank you anons again, y'all are awesome. Let's keep at it one day at a time.