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/rec/ - Ex-NEET / Recovery

Board for recovering NEETs and Ex-NEETs who are trying to reintegrate.

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once i muster up the strength to refill my adderall, id like to start school again at a community college for programming or computer science

is it unrealistic to want to have a job that i can work from home, that is the only way i see myself being happy in the future

is this just wishful thinking or do you think its obtainable


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I like to think that since the current 2020-2021 topic, there's alot more emphasis on working from home. Especially in the tech industry.

I'm sure you'll find a job or two that will accept people working from home.
Personally I prefer working somewhere else because I get too distracted at home and I loose focus quickly.


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>programming or computer science
Oh God there's so many of us in the same field.
I'm a com sci guy and I work from home, it's not unrealistic for that career, the best piece of advice I can give you is that it's a trap.

It sucks exactly as much as your regular job, the general situation varies depending on your employeer, but the second you procrascinate you're DEAD, because you WILL give excuses for your delayed work, it WILL pile up and the day will come when you will realize you're surrounded by your own bullshit excuses, the only real benefit is that you can stop caring about clothes as much.

In other words, you will have to work just as hard, while also avoiding the temptation of jumping into your favourite MMORPG to help your sinking shithole of a guild because everyone there is a fucking noob that can't do anything on their own and keeps trying to cause drama and okay I'll stop projecting.


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op here

saw psychiatrist today and got dose raised to max and getting refill soon, feels good to make that first step after ive been putting it off for months and months

honestly wouldnt have done it if it wasnt for my friends being obnoxious assholes and pushing me but it feels good right now, im not gonna get my hopes up too quickly because feelings can drop so quickly but today was a good day, thank you for your responses


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OP, I'd be very careful about working from home. While it is very flexible, you'll likely find that your very own home becomes more of a workplace in your mind. This could make you feel less relaxed overall, because it's now associated with 8+ hours of work five days a week. It's no longer "home sweet home", so to speak.


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2006-2015: 375% increase in CS majors
2006-2015: 20% increase in number of software-related jobs


Almost every other major is far worse when it comes to job prospects. That's the sad part. The exceptions would be nursing, accounting, and a few other fields that absolutely suck.

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