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/rec/ - Ex-NEET / Recovery

Board for recovering NEETs and Ex-NEETs who are trying to reintegrate.

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happy new year /rec/, ive been a depressed neet for almost a year and its finally caught up with me. not only am i out of savings but my dad lost his job so now i have to cut my bed rotting time short and "lock in". im looking for advice on how to do interviews and pretty much how to conduct myself like a human being. tips on how to get over phone anxiety would be greatly appriciated as well considering im likely working as a receptionist


im so sorry about your situation. I dont know how to advise you about your depression and actual situation, but I can advise you about your phone usage. An app that really helped me to get trough my phone addiction is "Digital Detox" Its available on google play. Basically all it does it blocks your phone for a determined hour of time, so you can try to focus in other things. The app offers you some emergency buttons while blocked in case of an emergency (like calling someone or something) If you want to give up and unlock the phone before the determined amount of time, you will have to pay two dollars, or even more if you change the amount in the settings. Hope this helps, wish you the best.

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