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/rec/ - Ex-NEET / Recovery

Board for recovering NEETs and Ex-NEETs who are trying to reintegrate.

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im an ironworker. my job is quite tough

im not cut out for industrial labour. while i have no problem doing rural labour i feel like i should have a thicker skin and just be able to do whatever is expected of me with my body. i feel like i should be grateful for having a good unionized job with decent employers. but i cant
i dislike it greatly
even slow days tire me the fuck out
and the manager has 0 mercy with the newbies

all around me ive built a hispanic macho image of myself to protect my soft, emotional core. and this rough shell tells me to suck it up and take it, to absorb the pain and the exhaustion and forge myself into a tougher man. but my inner self just wants to be a shut in, focus myself in my career (park ranger) and finish it to finally fuck off to the woods

can you please give me words of encouragment? or at least tell me what you would do in my position?


Get a different job?


will do
but its not that easy
i already have a good deal here even if i dont like it
like i said, it makes me feel ungrateful to leave this job since its rare to have unionized, steady work in a recession and as a third worlder


Anon, you should be proud of yourself for working as hard as you do but it's also good to be mindful of your limitations.

Is there a way you can set a goal to work towards at work? Like a promotion/payrise/contract/saving money to a certain amount etc? Having goals like that helps some people in the workplace.

Or set a time limit? Say something to yourself like "I'm going to stick this out for X months and review- how I'm feeling, how those last few X months have been, where my financial situation is at, what other job/study opportunities are available?


well, promotions are mostly out of the window, since they are experience-based, and i dont plan to stay here long-term
saving money is closer to my end goal. since my career is not very well paid i plan to make investments, so having a good amount of cash hoarded will help me immensely. thanks for reminding me
the time limit is a great help too. enduring this semester at college and checking how im feeling and hows my gpa doing are a good measuring post. plus i think i can get more outdoorsy jobs if i look into them

damn, your advice was very solid. thanks a lot


>can you please give me words of encouragment?
All I can say is, be careful with mental exhaustion. Sorry.

>or at least tell me what you would do in my position?

I'd quit if I thought the pay wasn't worth it but you said you're unionized and got good employers so…


Apply for janitor somewhere else before you start resenting how much you have been deformed by your own façade


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Currently dealing with similar shit, I'm working an office-ish job at a local manufacturing company and am tasked with registering arrived products using Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 and a label scanning machine called "MODI". My back fucking hurts doing this shit and seeing "4PO-061876", "4PO-59160", ETC. all day is mind-numbing.

If I were you, I'd keep working the job but try removing sources of stress outside of it to relax more. At least that's what I try to do.


Anon -you're doing a really good job, obviously this is hard labor and very difficult on your body - try to remember to do stretches so you fuck up your spine and whatnot forever. Keep in mind that any job, no matter how difficult, slowly gets easier and easier with time. A few months from now your body and your mind will be used to it and your workdays will fly by instantly. Good luck saving up money, hope you have fun as a park ranger!

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