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/og/ - Other Games

saya no uta

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How much are people here interested in making a chart/list of all the small and unknown worthwile indie horror games that deserve more attention than they get (similar to the one we have for RPGMaker)?
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Out of all the RPG maker horror games I played the one that stuck out the most (besides YN Ofc) was "The Longing Ribbon". It was definitely not a perfect game, and the ending kind of didnt make a lot of sense, but it had enough twists and atmosphere to stick in my head. Im actually about to download it for the first time in like 8 or so years and see if it still holds up.

Funny I see this thread when Ive been looking for RPG maker horror again. Ive done some reading and "Beautiful Escape: Dungeoneer" sounds really good too, but I havent played that yet.


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Fatum Betula is nice as well.


I might try that


Cat in the Box
PsychoFlux Entertainment


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Detention 返校
Devotion 還願


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So what other games do you guys play besides Yume Nikki, fangames, and indie games?
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Devil Daggers


Dwarf fortress. I know it seems obtuse but its such a deep and complex game its worth the confusing UI (and the eventual steam release will fix that)


After so much time, Uri released a new game!
And the game comes out without an english translation. In short, this is due to the fact that the game is specific and has an unpleasant plot.

DL: http://2style.in/uri/pedestal/top.html
Explanation: https://twitter.com/analoguri/status/1437748479426654210

To be honest, it's a shame that there will be no English translation, because I read omake **and realized that this game undermines the cliches about a happy ending quite well in detective stories.

If you are interested, then here is the link, but there are VERY HEAVY SPOILERS there: http://2style.in/uri/pedestal/omake.html **.


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Real Time Strategy but no one does that genre well anymore…


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I like the VS fighting game genre

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im hype as fuck for the ib remake what about you guys im especially excited about mary getting her theme remade (not that the old one was bad, its just cool)


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Oh snap, really? Can you provide me a link on where this has been said. I love Ib and a remake was something I was sliently hoping for in the back of my mind.




Time to reply the original meguesses…………

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What multiplayer games would you share to feel comfy with other people?

I've hit an issue where singleplayer games feel too lonely, MOBAs or FPS games with strict objectives aren't social, and social games like VRchat are often too disorganised and nothing happens.

What would you say hits the perfect social spot?
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Competitive or Co-op multiplayer?


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Diablo2 multiplayer over TCP/IP; PvM and PVP. Fun-times.


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Multiple people sharing one big screen is best multiplayer.
"Welcome to a whole new world"


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Play DiabloII over TCP/IP


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Wanting to play KOFXV

I prefer Diablo1

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Some LSD: Dream Emulator bug

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I prefer Sexual Queendom


My mommy told me not to download things from strangers on the internet.

Someone confirm it doesn't contain viruses or cheese pizza


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Probably a good advice


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Oh my……….

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Lol_rust (.flow's creator) remade Milya on Unity so it would work better, and seems like added more story/gameplay(?) to it.

And tried to translate it to English, but… "She was born one eye without it" just doesn't seem right. Also, sentences are cut sometimes, idk if it's intentional or not.

You can not only walk here, but also use a console, which puts up an overlay with the branch number, your progress and text history, as well as the additional "hidden" text you don't see in message boxes.

Judging by the "hint" page on lol's site, there might be puzzles.

The link: http://lolrust.site/game/milyabroken/


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^ same person here

Seems like this game has some similarities with DDLC.


Milya [broken] is also on itch.io, and it was updated to v1.04 about a month ago; looks like lol's website wasn't updated to reflect that.


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WoW general.


wow is good game ,lol


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Necros in WoW are best


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WoW needs more angels.

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Hey so apparently someone a while back posted here with screencaps from a game called "parade" that noone could find any info on. It made its way to an "iceberg chart" on reddit, where the original dev found it and linked to an unlisted "tech demo" they'd posted on YT in 2013.


Sadly, there seem to be no working download links. Thought you guys might find this interesting regardless.


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This is suspicious.


Let's keep it that way. This game looks like ass. The music and SFX are all stolen.

At least the battle sprites are sorta good.


"Hey guys check the game I made" would've beeen a more sensitive approach.


but the game isn't even made

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Can we get an Animal Crossing thread in here? Y'know, like posting friend codes, talking about the new game, posting designs and screenshots, etc. How about that New Leaf game, eh? It's still only available in moonrunes flavor right now (at least last time I checked)but it comes out in the US on June 9th. I'm pretty excited but also pretty broke.
I'd post my friend code but Nintendo is the definition of autism when it comes to wifi and internet connections and it won't connect to WPA/secure connections so I have to figure that shit out. Either that, or go to Starbucks.
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Fun times were had.


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And then Sabitsuki and Jason Voorhees came for a visit.


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so fun desu ne


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Government Bureaucracy never looked so fine & fluffy

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