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/og/ - Other Games

saya no uta

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Am i the only one unironically excited for this?
When i played .flow i spent 1 hour playing Shinsoku Neko before i even began the game out of boredom.


Making simple games is a very good way of learning how to develop in a new environment. That's probably why he's suffering so much.

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So, i was looking for more info (or a general explanation) of this game.
Its called 極・魔導物語の
which is translated to something like "Polar Madou Monogatari"
Now, i know Madou Monogatari is a series of old Dungeon crawler/RPG titles for old consoles.
"Polar Madou Monogatari" is made with RPG maker. I have seen random japanese youtebers fooling around with. The first think i notice is that the plot is either a parody or a knock-off of "Peret em Heru - For the Prisoners"
Teacher and bunch of cliche students go to explore ruins, end up trapped, monsters pop up, etc
Depending on actions you take or not it seems some of the students die and come back later as enemies near the end.
You also have to fight the characters zombie/ghosts form the Madou Monogatari series. The art of some of the zombies/revived characters is very amateur
I have not understanding of japanese, and was simply curious cause it looked pretty weird.
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So, 10 minutes into the game and I'm being asked to be fucked in the ass by another guy because "we're both virgins and just thought I'd rather do an asshole than a pussy".
I was right, quality kusoge.


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woah that was sick





is this like tha Egyptian game?
i mean, do you have a chance to save the characters?


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A few things:
First, the game is a parody of Madou Monogatari only because the backstory and some characters appear on it, but that's just about that. Arle stayed pure.

I do suppose that the Peret em Heru reference of a professor is there, but I'm not entirely sure. First and foremost, the students are transported to Satan's castle as a consequence of something unknown (Haven't played since I posted the pics). The professor came by own volition to study some ruins with other 2 students that died; neither party knew the other was there. So while I see that cold come as a reference, it's certainly not the same thing.

And, I don't remember if that guy particularly can be saved, but a few objects can be obtained only if you trigger some events that end in the death of someone, so I'm not entirely sure if it's possible to save them or not as I haven't beaten it yet (been more engaged in the original madou monogatari), but I think a saw some pics in the files that suggest some of those that died in my gameplay don't necessarily die, but I'm not sure if it's because other died or if they can be saved.

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SO, Uboachan, it has been a long time. usually i occasionally pop in to look for good game suggestions or see nice fanart, but this time i need help!

i am looking for a game that was posted here once upon a time ago. i don't remember the name though. what i DO remember is that it has a nearly entirely monochrome palatte, and it was very exquisitely pixelled. there is something about demons, i think? that is literally all i remember since i never finished it, it was a little tough for me (i am very casual, though, so others may remember it as easy). im currently making a game and wanted to see it for inspiration.

any suggestions or leads would be very, very, very appreciated. once we find the game this automatically becomes a game suggestion thread.

gif 100% absolutely unrelated.




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Do we have plans to translate lol_rust's new game Milya?
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its more like a 30 min game
lol_rust recently (i think 1 week ago) uploaded Milya on his website


What he meant: Chesir pls translate Milya


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How about no?


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Y'all should check out Space Funeral. It's an hour and a half-long psychedelic RPG. Lots of bizarre characters and Lynchian dialogue.
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Best game ive played in a long time.


movin on up!


Thecatamites takes on 3D. I will be forever scarred. http://harmonyzone.org/Pleasuredromes.html


Dear sweet goodness why have I not played this game till now????



This is seriously one of my favorite games period

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Is Utahonotatari ever getting translated?


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No, I have a life.


maybe in 4 years
provided ubuu doesn't die

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 No.2954[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

So the guy who made Lisa just launched a kickstarter for his new game of the same name.


That music.
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has anyone played lisa the pointless?


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I finally went through Painful/Joyful and I really am in love. They're better than I was ever expecting. My only wish is that the games could be longer, but at least the replay value's good.

I'm wary of any fangames that aren't YN. Frankly I can't see any reason to continue after Joyful, even though I love the setting/characters a lot. I guess that's why it's called 'the pointless' though!



Pointless is pretty much the only Lisa fangame that actually keeps to the general humor and style of the originals, and it's rather goddamn hard to boot. Original tunes to it are very nice and remixes/"reimaginings" of Painful and Joyful songs are fantastic, and the journey of the main characters doesn't actually cross with Brad's journey despite going through some of the same areas. I honestly do rank it among Painful and Joyful.



Does it get better past the Garbage island? Cause I recently got through that section and wasn't loving it.

I didn't mind the difficulty and the art and music seemed pretty good, but the dialogue and story seemed really lacking. There wasn't any hook or sense of purpose, and most of the humor felt like it was trying too hard to be Lisa without understanding what made Lisa's humor work.

Is the start just rough?



Start's a bit rough but it does get better. I adore the game for really forcing you to scavenge absolutely everything you possibly can, from exp via fights to the optional stat-boosts from sidequests like humping garbage on Garbage Island.

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Does anyone play Nintendo games?
Mine's Wario Land 4.
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Kirby is probably my favorite video game series. Kirby fans, which game's your favorite? (Mine's 3DX.)


Mass Attack was amazing, but I always have a soft spot for Super Star (Ultra) and Amazing Mirror.



Definitely Super Star. None of the Kirby games since have matched it for me, though the recent ones are still really good.


The good news: Nintendo had just released the Switch console this month.
The bad news is that everytime I look up Super Mario Odyssey, I get this random thought about prevent the 'too bad scripting virus' from ever appearing in the game, as my belief is that the death text appearing in other 3D titles could attract negative feedback towards players.
I'm not offended by anything else during gameplay. Just a problem with Nintendo over a tiny flaw affecting a good game that's going to be released at Christmas 2017.
If you like to see where my problem arose, here's a couple of links:
(' * ')


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I have Worms Blast and Worms 3D for the Gamecube, and both Pokèmon Stadiums for N64, which also had team battles. I also have Chameleon Twist 1 and 2, and I used to complete CT2 mostly. It was such a great Japanese classic.

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Princess maker 2 is really addictive. You can become satan, a general, an artist, a divorcee, ect. Really shows the value of education. Pretty good. Also there's rape. It's criminally underrated. The marketability isn't too high which is a shame and western sensibilities definitely don't fit with it.
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It's screaming.


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Weird… extract from the rar file and try again, sometimes some hdi get overwritten, but I can't remember if it was an anex thing or a np thing…


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Tried that 3 times already. What version of np2 are you using and where did you get your bios?
I tried running it on the anex86, but for some reason even with the bios I found from here
http://retro-type.com/PC98/files/BIOS/PC98Ce2-model-S2D-Bios/Backup-of-Ce2-Bios/Backup-of-Ce2-Bios/Extracted%20Bios%20Files/PC9821-Ce2-S2D-Bios-MKBIOS/ and
it doesn't display any of the characters correctly. When I start it with both the hdi and fdi files the screen fills with stuff, I can see the windows 95 logo for a split second and then this screen pops up. When I just start it with the hdi the same thing happens(except the screaming is different) that happens with np2.


np21 with fmgen bundled in.


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I got it to work on a another unofficial version of np2 called neko project 21/w which has memory that can up to 230.6mb. I don't know why it works on that it just does(maybe it's the larger memory).
I can't find cd4win to open up windows 95, but I don't know if that's supposed to be there or not.

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A cute…ish and fairly complex game about the life of Yandere-chan (a placeholder name, obviously) and how you, as the player, must help her sabotage her rivals for Senpai's affection. It's still in its debug builds, but another update will be released as early as tomorrow according to the dev blog. There are expected to be various methods of sabotaging your rival, from kidnapping her via knocking her out by tranquilizer (only if your biology grades are high enough, and you'll have to get past the school nurse as well in later builds), to straight up stabbing her in the neck and dumping all evidence in the incinerator, to sabotaging her online or real life reputation and potentially causing her to commit suicide.

The guy behind this seems fairly competent and friendly. Personally, I like yanderes and even if I didn't, the game is actually challenging and interesting enough (if not in theory for now) to make me interested. Obviously, if you're sensitive to blood, gore, psychological torture, and all that other fun stuff this isn't the game for you - but considering this board, I doubt there's much of a problem.
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An update! This time with the implementation of male students, and Senpai is no longer just a placeholder that stands there. I dunno about your main rival, though. Either way, there's now multiple Senpai related bad ends - and the main point is to NOT have him notice you.
There's also some voice acting now. I have yet to try it out yet, but I'm looking forward to it.


This has a lot of potential, the only thing I can complain is that it's made with unity, which works like shit in my system.
Testing the new version.


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Quite a few updates have released since the last post in this thread! There's now the option to drown girls, poison girls and make your murders seem like a suicide.

(Plus there are bathrooms now! By far the most revolutionary update to date)


This is a ridiculously silly little game. I love it.


This didn't age well.

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