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/og/ - Other Games

saya no uta

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File: 1372467783980.jpg (47.65 KB, 400x240, 2013 06June 24 ACNL 9.JPG)


I'm not sure if this should go in yume nikke general or in other games, but here you go.
Made a pattern in ACNL with regular Uboa on the front and post-touched uboa on the back.
It's entirely possible someone has already made something like this, but whatever, I haven't seen anyone make the alternate uboa face yet so it's got that.


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Yume Nikki general*
also here's a picture of the back if you don't want to click links.


I think I'll have unlocked the QR booth tomorrow. I want an uboa shirt in my house

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I think 'The Path' would be another surreal game that you guys could make interpretations for. The soundtrack is beautiful and there is no clear storyline. It's much like Yume Nikki in the sense that there is not really an objective or enemies. It's kind of like a spin-off of red-riding hood with 6 girls, all of which whose names are another term for red. (Ginger, Scarlet…etc) It costs around 10 dollars if you buy it, but if you want to try it beforehand there is a torrent on piratebay. Honestly, it's one of my favorite games along with Yume Nikki. Give it a try c:


it's a take on the old tale of the red riding hood.
The original tale (the Perrault version, not the toned down Grimm one) is about a girl who's fucking gullible and gets eaten by a wolf. It's a tale about rape, the wolf being the male, adult male, and red being… well. The kid.

Yeah, pedo shit.


no offense, but when you take in account the original tale, this game isn't much more interresting than that. Unlike some other games like Lisa or anything, this game is just a litteral retelling of the red riding hood story. I've seen children books doing a better job :(


Honestly, there are very little similiarities between them with the whole Red Riding Hood thing. The only major likeness is the grandmother. Try playing it yourself and see c:

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I couldn't find the Pokemon Thread from before, so pardon me.

But… I can't be the only one that saw this, right? That and the color scheme reminds me of Madotsuki, or alternatively Princess Peach. Or, you know, the new Fairy-type.
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I'll be disappointed if they don't give Fairy-type to the Clefairy family.


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but of course they're giving fairy type to the clefairy family. it's just about guaranteed.

well, this isn't the thread for nostalgia-goggled guys like you. find a different one, or make your own i guess.

fairy was needed because dragon didn't have enough weaknesses. i highly doubt there's going to be a second type, though. i like fairy anyway, i expect some cute pokemon and a few evil ones because the fae of folklore weren't purely of sunshine and lollipops. (technically, they never really were, modernization made them cute little sprites and innocent little elves)

anyway, a popular kid's magazine known for pokemon reveals got leaked, this time around it doesn't seem like we're getting "proper" rivals, but a bunch of kids that we meet at the beginning that seem to go on an adventure of their own. that's what my guess is, anyway. also some new pokemon

pic related for the kid part, i think the girl is adorable.


The kids are pretty adorable, all in their own way.
These are going to be long 4 months.


It's not a fairy type though. It has to be unintentional but I can't unsee it. I always associate Earthbound and Pokemon and Yume Nikki because Pokemon was influenced heavily by Earthbound and the same with Yume Nikki.

I stopped playing when Platinum came out and I started again the past year or so with Soul Silver and now Black and White. The character and Pokemon designs seem a lot more charming to me than Black/White although I did really enjoy those games. I never followed news on new Pokemon though.

The new Fairy type and Mewtwo has me excited and nostalgic. It reminds me of when rumours about Mewthree were out waaay back in red/blue days. I'm really excited. Especially to see all the rare shiny pokemon and Pokemon I've raised become 3d!


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X/Y has everything I ever wanted in a Pokemon game as a kid.

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It looks like vgperson has translated another game! This one is called "Re:Kinder".

It's a freeware horror game by Parun (Horafuki Yokochou) made in RPG Maker VX. It's a remake of Kinder, originally released in 2003 with RPG Maker 2003.

You can get the full description and download at: http://vgperson.com/games/rekinder.htm
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I find it odd that someone who has such a difficult time communicating is accusing others of being young.


im sorry, i didnt realize i had to be part of some homo hivemind. ill try not to have individual thoughts or feelings ever again.
how am i having a difficult time communicating?
is it because my punc. and spelling isnt perfect?? i dont really consider that a sign of a lack of intelligence and inexperience, but someone accusing another person of being a 'tumblr faggot' for bringing up an issue and acting like the desire to be equally represented and respected is some kind of new thing that only exists on the internet is pretty stupid and shows an extreme lack of knowledge of history and how the world even works.

but i forgot that this is the internet, of course real people dont exist on the internet and of course these ideas never have any effects ever on anyone outside the internet.

keep living your 13 year old dreams. keep living in fear of the world changing and you having to grow up.


Calm down, your newness is blinding.


I wasn't even the one who called you a tumblr faggot.
Now you're just being accusatory and silly. Quit trying to defend yourself on an anonymous bulletin board. You're nameless and we can only tell who you are because you're the only one here who can't type.
Suck it up, type like you know English (even if it ain't your native language) and offer ideas that pertain outside of your own little life. We're all anonymous because we don't care about individual ideals, we just want to talk about certain things without people's egos and personal bullshit getting in the way and yours is.
You may not be a tumblr faggot, but you're certainly a faggot.

Now talk about the game instead of responding to me with some weak strawman accusations since you can't even form a good defense for your own choices.



Your a focking bewb!

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Excuse me, have you ever played this game? It's from creator of "To The Moon" and is about faceless girl, who live in the house, and sthange things happens. The game is short, but nice.
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This should probably have been posted in /og/, though.


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Birdie is a biological weapon Leah helped make/manage, and Leah regressed to a childlike state in an attempt to forget/cope with what she had done.


I've played it before. It's confusingly ambiguous and that's all I can really say about it.


I think that's the point, though.


Leah's parents made Birdie during wartime. Birdie makes things disappear. Birdie made Leah's parents disappear and escaped. Birdie calls Leah several times and bosses her about, more or less to taunt her with its power.
Birdie makes most of the world disappear. Leah makes herself disappear when Birdie picks her up. The end.

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Hey all,I just got FO3GOTY to go with my FONVU. So, any reccomended mods for these?


I would say the Six String Samurai mod for NV, but sadly I don't think the full thing (outfit, sword, guitar) is on the Nexus anymore.


Type 3 Hi-Rez Nude Body Replacer Mod jejejejejejejejeje

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Hello Uboachan, this is my new game, it's a survival, it's about Samanta, a rookie soldier trying to survive an invasion from a very superior race.

The story is a prequel of my first project, however this game is very different, here items are very important to survive and I managed to correct my errors from that project.

Here's a small beta with the general idea of the game, I need some opinions, thank you.

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the first one looks like stocking anarchy, downloading anyway


I don't even…


Played some of it, it's entertaining, I will finish it later, but I think it's very hard…
>the first one looks like stocking anarchy
I lol'd, if she were more cartoon-ish


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I don't see your point, she doesn't look like that, really

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Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?gxh0qegb2u4k8lu

Very Retrouvaille is sorta my first game. I made it in like, 2 weeks (more or less).
It’s made with rm2k3 and it's short and not too difficult. (some of the npcs can give hints too.)

You play as a little ram girl named Faraday who is trying to find her pet rabbit ’ - ‘.
Enjoy! I think the game is pretty decent for a first game… (Oh, and thank you to Chesir who beta tested it.)
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1000+ downloads pic.

Thank you all for the feedback & advice!
(and I like lamb too |・ω・`))

>will you continue updating it?

Maybe? But I think I'll change the ending to the original one I planned for the game (though I think the originally planned ending is bullshit aha)


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Off topic, sorry, but god that picture hurts my heart. Don't be sad, tiny Calliope. ;_;
More on topic, I might draw some fanarts too if I can get my scanner to work. I'm a sucker for ram girls, and all of those character designs were super cute.


It's a really cute game - the art is cute, most of the music you use is very cute, a lot of the characters act very, very cute (even if they try to act tough).

It's good for a first time.

I'm not a big fan of fetch quests though.

I just wish you were a bit more careful with your color palette for the sprites, because most of the time, they end up being the same color as the ground - it's just a minor faux-pas.


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Ahh, thank you!

Thank you! I'll try to be more careful.


Played the game right now, was neat.

Some thing:
You can ask the guy about the phone number after giving it to him. You can also get "Go to the mayor now" from another character after already seeing her.

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Can someone link me to that one rpgmaker horror game called "miso" or some shit like that? They were talking about it on gentleman discussing vidya and I can't find that shit anywhere. It was made by the same gook that made mad father if that's of any use. Pls help /og/



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A game by Osamu Sato, the same person who made LSD: Dream Emulator

I want to play it but I can't seem to find a working download of it
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Alright, in order to get the game to work properly, I did a number of things.

First, I downloaded a DOSBox-compatible version of Windows 3.1, which will run the game, and also downloaded >>1931 which works fine.
I burned that onto a blank CD, which gave me the files I needed to run the game, which I transferred into the temp. file of Windows 3.1.
Then I ran DOSBox, setup Windows 3.1 from inside of it, and then installed Quicktime 2.0 from inside of it as well, by downloaded the old version of the program.
While running Windows in DOSBOX, the game could then be accessible by checking out the files in TEMP, then clicking ESTRNMND.exe to run the program.

But downloading and setting up all that shit took me a long ass time, so I've simply uploaded the contents of my own folder onto 4shared for you to easily access.


Ignore the ESTRNMND.exe that is located OUTSIDE the TEMP folder. IT WILL NOT RUN PROPERLY. Run the one that is IN THE TEMP FOLDER.

Simply use DOSBox to run Windows after setup (setup is setup.exe, the acutal windows is labeled as win.exe) find the proper program in temp, and run ESTRNMND.exe and you're ready to enjoy some crazy ass shit.

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Thank you very much, worked for me! :)


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Thank you.


I think Eastern Mind also had a sequel: Chu Teng. But there's literally NO information about it besides the fact that it exists.


But where does one obtain Chu Teng.

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