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/og/ - Other Games

saya no uta

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I fucking love anything by Osamu Sato, LSD, Dream Emulator, Eastern Mind: The Lost Souls of Tong Nou, Chu-Teng, etc. It's so fascinating to research these games and everything else Sato has made.

Anyone else agree?


Hell yeah


Awww Heyulll Yeeaaahhh


here is his youtube channel



If anyone's interested, there is an online archive of all his games and shit.

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Why do Japanese RPG Maker games have more of a well-known following than say western RPG Maker games?
Is it because western indies are so full of themselves because they think their game is art or something?
Of course there are exceptions (such as OFF or Lisa the Painful, for example), but it just seems that people are more receptive of games like Wadanohara or Towelket instead of games like bleet's games or Sore Losers.
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Their priorities are completely different.
The western dev seems to focus on gameplay and implementing some robust gameplay mechanic, or making the game beautiful and distinct visually.
The jap dev on the other hand, focuses on story and characters. The popular RPG maker games all have story and character as the focus, not anything else. Even if focus was put to make the game appealing visually it's for the sake of characters and not for the sake of the game itself.

I would argue there isn't a correct approach, it's just modern audiences, or at least people who are willing to try RPG maker games lean toward preferring story/characters.


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You forgot Space Funeral which was popular enough to get a fangame.


They're not. Towelket is unknown in the west and Wadanohara got popular because of Tumblr.

Takamo's games, Penpals, Pom Gets Wi-Fi, Dreaming Mary, and Your Star were popular for their time. Fleshchild had a big fanbase too.

Interest in RPG Maker games has simply died in general.


RPG Maker is just way more popular in its home country of Japan.


There are barely any western RPG Maker games that aren't memes or fangames. You've got your big ones (Off, Space Funeral, LISA, Hylics, etc.) and you've got a few dedicated creators, like bleet and Takamo. And that's basically it. It's not a popular engine outside of Japan.

You'll see a boom if one of the shitty bigger let's players ever get ahold of it again.

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Any Witch and the Hundred Knight fans, or???
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>wish i could play it
How are you a fan if you haven't played it?


pc port when?


im a fan of arpgs in general, i would like to play this game. sorry for the confusion


Great yuri love story


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The OST is fantastic


I wish I could play it but I don't have a ps3 or 4.


Any Persona fans in the house?


What did you delete?


accidentally fucking deleted a picture of akechi


repost it

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 No.1561[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I created this, it's called CCLE, now a 0.00 beta, I need some opinions
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You're not the boss of me now


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You're not the boss of me now
And you're not so big!


I am here to remind you of your sins.

Could you reupload it? I didn't think the link would be taken down so fast. Or maybe you could email it to me instead?



Thank you.

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Don't just drop a link, say something about it next time.

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A good and free metroidvania

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Sluggish Morss - http://gamejolt.com/games/other/sluggish-morss/12218/
Slugghist Morss: A Delicate Time in History - http://gamejolt.com/games/other/sluggish-morss-a-delicate-time-in-history/12298/

Two really weird games I haven't seen posted here before. Much like games such as Off, Space Funeral, and Middens they are DEFINITELY not for everyone.. or even most people probably. If you do like that type of game these are probably worth a play though.
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dude you hit the nail on the head. i loved those games to death! they really are something special and amazing, and i feel jack king spooner is incredible underrated. i adore will you ever return and it's sequel.

have you played hylics by any chance? it's not by him but it's similar in that it's also claymation. i really love that game, hope you do as well!



I agree, jack is so underrated it hurts but i feel like that adds to the charm of his games. each time i play them i feel like im being let in on a little secret that few other people know. will you ever return and its sequels were really good. I really enjoyed mammoth as well.

ive never heard of hylics but thanks for telling me about it, ill check it out sometime.


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I've been feeling pretty nostalgic for these weird indie games lately. The last one I got into was Hylics, but I don't think anything's similar has come out lately. I figure the rpgmaker scene's dead.



Jake Clover is pretty good, his stuff is a lot more basic but they have a lot of charm and delightful weirdness to them


Jake Clover is really nice, he used some music of mine in one of his games, Gradient Addiction

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like Yume Nikki, but you are a cat! it has two endings


Link? Or something?


Not OP but I found it, no idea how it is, though.



i really need more games like this in my life

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Anyone play Mitadake High? Best info here and such. I'm Mr. Faec

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This game was so amazing.

Too bad it's dead now.


Ive been trying out Pyrce High as it is seemingly more active
and Ive never seen so many self righteous meme spouting children in one place.
I was the killer one round and after actually making a move, I was killed and scolded for trying to kill someone without setting up the situation(i did hint pretty heavily i was about to harm the person)
then this person explained to me that you shouldnt try to kill certain users???
what the hell is the point then?


I've watched a game, but it just seems like the community isn't too good like you said. To be honest all the new modes and items also got me a bit confused. ;w;


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Im trying to bring Mitadake High back…

MH Discord Channel is here



To anyone who cares. There's long since been a 'pseudo' remake of Mitadake called Misuterii high. The Tv tropes is pretty outdated, but the game itself tends to dip in and out of being dead and alive.

It's fairly faithful to Mita, with some additions including a pretty good list of actually not trash user made modes.

Like the guy above me, here's the discord to the Misuterii (Which is quite frankly much more alive then that graveyard.)

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