Thank you very much! More news:
• All character dolls are finished! Except for Mother Dearest but that one’s minor. Now they just need animated, and that’s the hard part.
• I haven’t touched the program beyond that first demo and honestly still need to learn how to use it. I don’t even know how to make menus and choices! I’ll learn though, I swear.
• All plot points have been finalized and just need written now.
• The visual novel was already going to be short, but it’s going to be even shorter than expected. That’s just the nature of the beast, I guess? I want the pacing to feel right, and making it any longer would drag things out. I won’t know exactly how long it’d take to play through but I think it’d probably be 15 minutes or less to get to an ending.
• Soundtrack is complete! It’s pretty short but features music by Master of the Subway Ninjas, Our Star Is Dying, Knight of Fire, Bull of Heaven, Nick Shutter (me), and Villdyret!
• Seven endings.
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