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/og/ - Other Games

saya no uta

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Hello, does anyone here know where I could find the game Kasumigaseki (霞ヶ関)? I found out about it while reading about Ayashii World, it's an underground game that is based off of a Japanese subway bombing. Other than the articles referencing Ayashii World, I could not find much information on it. I found this page which I think has information about it in Japanese, but no download link.




I'll put the link to this website here because it seems like it might have some other interesting software.


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It's the sequel to Amihailu in Dreamland that nobody asked for!

Amihailu's World of Magic is a PC-98 styled turn-based RPG in the turn-based style of Rogue, where you play as Amihailu and explore her magical world of Tumydorado. This time, you're fighting a variety of different hostile creatures as you explore, with one of the many unique tools the game gives you to do so.

Features (some are planned, some are already in the game):
-Simple melee combat/skills using Amihailu's powerful fists
-Utility and attack magic for solving puzzles, defeating enemies, or escaping
-Ranged combat using firearms for a different flavour and new tactical challenges (being well-trained in their use, Amihailu is reluctant to use her gun at times she determines it would be unsafe)
-Shops, new characters, and a new surreal story starring Amihailu
-640x400 16-colour palette and simple graphical effects to preserve a PC-98 aesthetic

The game's intended to eventually be a commercial product, but the first couple of alpha builds will be free (if a bit sparse) so that people can try it out and see if they enjoy it.

Feel free to ask questions or suggest a feature or two! I'll talk a bit more about systems as I implement them. The game's being made with Game Maker, so it can compile cross-platform. The newer GML is a bit more C-like, so I have little trouble programming with it as well.
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There's no procedural generation, I'm considering adding puzzles or somesuch that need special equipment to engage (like zelda or metroid) which requires the dungeons to be hand-made.

For any incomplete releases you should largely expect fighting and progression demos though!


This looks fucking cool as hell. Really looking forward to seeing more of this.
I hope you take some inspiration from Yume Nikkis exploration too.


Due to popular demand (hahaha, okay, couldn't say this with a straight face)

Err, anyway, due to demand… I decided not to do AdLib+effects/processing for the soundtrack. I'm using OPNA FM synth instead, like I originally wanted to.

The game won't use the original PMD files like Hell Diary (I want it to be playable on Mac and Linux) but the tracks are rendered from the PMD originals using FMPMDE and then snipped down to loop properly in the engine.

And, instead of Hell Diary's monoaural YM2203, this game will use YM2608/YMF288 stereo six-channel FM+PSG. Enjoy!



Hello, yes, this game is still a thing. I'm starting to create some better/extra music before I commit to releasing a demo.

The game will use the PC-9801-86:


Is the game still in development? I see the channel is active, but I couldn't find any version of this game.

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The Pixiv page of Kouri,the developer of Ib?
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Well, let's see… 2kki has over 12 years, .flow is going to turn 10 next year. ib is from, what, 2011? What's next, towelket?
If the devs wanted to milk their cow, they would have done so already. It seems for some reason you associate popularity with success and if a game isn't… "available" to the west, then it isn't successful for you (and guess again, the eastern fanbase is x3 or x5 times the western one). If you want to help the developers, spread the word in your blog or among your friends. There's no need for them to be on steam. You don't really think any of the shitty games made in the west would really blast it on freem or any similar platform, right? Also there's the problem of localization, who do you think would translate them? Because the only translations are fan made and only when someone actually decides to sit their ass through the whole process of translating, scripting, testing and debugging. And don't expect japanese people to trust western faggots touching their game, it's happened in the past and hasn't gone well.

These communities have existed and done pretty well without messing with steam, and part of the fun is finding about them by yourself. And actually, people on steam do not appreciate RPGmaker games (and for a good fucking reason, tumblr has been spouting meme games for about 6 years and steam is full of fucking RTP graphics "games"), so don't think people will actually care about them and in fact be ready to see how people bash on the author because the dolphin raped a witch.


>Well, let's see… 2kki has over 12 years, .flow is going to turn 10 next year. ib is from, what, 2011? What's next, towelket?
To be fair, games like Misao, Mad Father, The Crooked Man, etc, are all from 2012 and they still got re-published on Steam during the last year.




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Hell no, fuck off. These RPG Horror remakes are pure soulless bullshit. Just look at The Witch's House remkae:
>ugly, uninteresting graphics compared to the original smooth and cute graphics
>some death animations were redesigned in a way they lost all the impact they had (the famous "wall-crushing" death animation isn't as jumpscarey as before)
>npc were redesigned in a very goofy way; the "invisible ghosts" are now clearly visible so it isn't as impacting as before, I remember the first time I played I got surprised when suddenly something in the kitchen talked to me. the anaconda was black/green olive in the original game, however, in the remake it's bright green which makes it look like a dragon of some sort (which is goofy as fuck) and it contrasts with the little illumination of the room making it even more goofy
>black cat redesign it's the worst of them all (white borderlines, seriously???)
>too much hand-holding for newbies, in the original game you had to think, the remake just gives you everything in the mouth
>bugs everywhere, the game just can't stop soft-locking and crashing
So glad I didn't even bought it. The only thing I liked was the new Viola's portrait and I still like her original sprite more.


adding to what you said
>published by Dangen

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Sharing with you a demo of my new game, it's RPG and shooter.

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There's a walktrough in the website http://touhoumysticseal.yolasite.com/ if you have doubts just ask, thank you for playing!
Some tips:
>you can shoot while slashing
>Hina's spell card makes things easy in boss stages
>remember to buy some sake before leaving the village

Thanks a lot, I hope you like it :j


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A small gif with a scene against Mima


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I hope you'll read this, but thank you from the bottom of my heart, I had a really bad day today and this fangame was exactly what I needed, and I'm honestly a huge fan of Touhou fangames so to see something as niche as this is wonderful.

It's honestly amazing how I ended up on this 7 year old thread, but thank you. I'll treasure this fangame. I had a great time playing this and even though I'm guessing development stopped, I hope something compels you to finish it. Thank you again.


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Hey, it's been such a long time since I even remembered this existed, but I'm really happy you liked this.

I kind of moved on to other projects but I'll see how I feel about it once I finish those, if I do it however, I'd have to start from zero again, for many reasons, even my pixel art would feel inconsistent now.

There has been some more development, you can see some of it in the posts in this tag:

Thanks a lot and I wish you better days.


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It makes me very happy that you ended up replying back to me, thank you for your kind words and I wish you nothing but the best on your future projects!

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Does anybody here play "I wanna be the guy" fangames? Maybe even the original. They are quite fun, i am currently playing "I wanna kill the Kamilia 2" and at the end of stage 6. Share your progress if you do play them here.

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This is a high quality work, fully hand-drawn game, years in the making, by a single developer.

It’s crafted with lots of love, I want as many people to play and see this

It's a short demo, I hope you try it out!

It's made in RPGMaker, but Everything is hand drawn, even the menus, with lots of original features


RPGMaker https://rpgmaker.net/games/10227/

Itch: https://yoraee.itch.io/black-crystals

Game Jolt: https://gamejolt.com/games/blackcrystalsrpg/447903
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Don't know, kind of unimpressed. Hope it works out better with a different kind of audience.

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Here's a nice game by the developer of Neftelia!
Title: ドミニクの手紙
Official download is at the dev's website: http://etgmz14.g1.xrea.com/ksg/dominique.html

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Lately, i have been playing the entire Suda51 backlog. Killer7 is so good that after finishing the final chapter, it became my second favorite game ever, only surpassed by Nier Gestalt.

Playing The Silver Case atm, and it's pretty great, i'm really impressed by how underrated most of his older games are. Maybe these recent Grasshopper meh titles like Lolipop Chainsaw and Killer Is Dead did indeed hurt his reputation, but it's kinda sad that the other titles are kinda underrated.

I would recommend especially No More Heroes, Killer7 or the Kill The Past canon trilogy. Any thoughts about it?
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I'm >>5434

You should play Killer7 first if you want the smoothest introduction to the Kill The Past universe really. It's an alternate universe spin-off, but it really shows what you can expect about this type of game in a much more fluid, action packed manner. These are some old bizarre puzzle adventure games(and Flower Sun and Rain, has some boring parts on purpose), so… They might be kinda tiring to play sometimes. If you finish Killer7 though, you'll probably be motivated to play the rest of it just for the sake of having similar experiences and knowing more about this bizarre universe.


I'm thinking about buying Deadly Premonition soon, i have a few questions.
Does the writting have actual un-ironic value, or is it just "so bad it's good"?
I heard it's very inspired by Twin Peaks, does it understand the underlying themes or just makes surface-level references and imitates the aesthetic?



The latter, the killer is…heavily hinted at the moment you start the game and it gets heavy handed.

The surface story is absolutely stupid, but the character stories are brilliant, which I guess means it really did follow twin peaks closely.


It's pretty good. The open-world is really creative even though it has flaws. The life sim aspects are well executed. As an adventure game, it's a blast. The survival horror parts suck hard though, but at least you can easily skip them by simply running from most enemies. The story is pretty good too.


While i do agree SWERY has some bonker plot-twists, i do think they are appropriate to the story (mostly). But i can agree on that: the characters are the foundation of Deadly Premonition's story. After all, this isn't a story about Anna's serial murder case, it's a story about the characters.

Spoilers ahead, story discussion, don't click if you've never played Deadly Premonition.

Well, i do think the focus of the plot isn't really the whole serial murder case, but the duality of man. This is something that SWERY said in his notes about the game's development. It's about how people react to trauma and problems. For example: Thomas fights his gender dysphoria and intolerable love for Thomas by helping in the murders. George fights against his trauma and obsession by killing women and seeking the power of the red seeds. Kaysen is merely a metaphor, a demon which uses the people's own insecurities and traumas to dominate. Both he and the Red Tree represent evil.

Even though it may get weird, i think the meaning that everything has and the Cold War related things that happened in Greenvale (which reminded me of Naoki Urasawa's Monster lore a lot) kinda makes me think the story is pretty good. Even though it starts as a mere Twin Peaks The Videogame, it eventually becomes something of it's own.

Can't wait to see what will happen in Deadly Premonition 2. It's a pity that the best SWERY game for me, Dark Dreams Don't Die, will probably never have a follow up.


I am >>5439

Just complementing the spoilers part. If you've never played Deadly Premonition, don't read the following spoilers:

The best thing about the story for me is how York is able to deal with his trauma and focus on having a better live. This is, thematically, the most optimistic and best ending possible. He is able to fight against his own desires and traumas, thus becoming his true self. He becomes Zach, and abandons York, his coping mechanism, the "perfect cop", the strong, but very paranoid personality.

"At times we must purge things from this world because they should not exist. Even if it means losing someone that you love."

York purged his traumas. He purged York, his coping mechanism, which he shows a great deal of respect. He was able to fight against these things that "should not exists", even though he may go out of his confort zone.

SWERY is a pretty smart guy. Even though DP has some specific problems in narrative, it's pretty impressing for a low budget adventure game. Maybe, it's one of the best adventure game narratives of DP's generation.

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Surprised this wasn't posted here before. This is a shooting game by lol_rust, creator of .flow, Shojo Kidan/Gidan, and Milya.

Here's a gameplay video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvXvAscyVWo

And here's where the game can be downloaded from: https://www.freem.ne.jp/win/game/19074

lol's website, which AruMa KeteRa strangely isn't posted on yet: http://rustlimbo.webcrow.jp/
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Can someone post the "customize" stats translation, or at least explain what each of them does?


AK can now be downloaded from lol's new site: http://lolrust.site/game/arumaketera/


I'm trying to download the newest version on lolrust.site, but I get an error saying:

"Sorry, this file is infected with a virus

Only the owner is allowed to download infected files."

Anyone else get this?


Just get the game from the freem line in the OP. It's updated along with the one on lol's site.

My virus scan says the freem file is fine, and the Mac version can still be downloaded from lol's site fine, so I don't know what's up with the Windows version.


The Windows version of Aruma Ketera is now hosted on itch.io, allowing you to pay for it if you like, and there is also apparently an official English version now:


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sup /og/
has anyone here ever played this game?

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