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/og/ - Other Games

saya no uta

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A cute…ish and fairly complex game about the life of Yandere-chan (a placeholder name, obviously) and how you, as the player, must help her sabotage her rivals for Senpai's affection. It's still in its debug builds, but another update will be released as early as tomorrow according to the dev blog. There are expected to be various methods of sabotaging your rival, from kidnapping her via knocking her out by tranquilizer (only if your biology grades are high enough, and you'll have to get past the school nurse as well in later builds), to straight up stabbing her in the neck and dumping all evidence in the incinerator, to sabotaging her online or real life reputation and potentially causing her to commit suicide.

The guy behind this seems fairly competent and friendly. Personally, I like yanderes and even if I didn't, the game is actually challenging and interesting enough (if not in theory for now) to make me interested. Obviously, if you're sensitive to blood, gore, psychological torture, and all that other fun stuff this isn't the game for you - but considering this board, I doubt there's much of a problem.
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An update! This time with the implementation of male students, and Senpai is no longer just a placeholder that stands there. I dunno about your main rival, though. Either way, there's now multiple Senpai related bad ends - and the main point is to NOT have him notice you.
There's also some voice acting now. I have yet to try it out yet, but I'm looking forward to it.


This has a lot of potential, the only thing I can complain is that it's made with unity, which works like shit in my system.
Testing the new version.


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Quite a few updates have released since the last post in this thread! There's now the option to drown girls, poison girls and make your murders seem like a suicide.

(Plus there are bathrooms now! By far the most revolutionary update to date)


This is a ridiculously silly little game. I love it.


This didn't age well.

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Dumping screenshots I found, hope someone has an idea of what this is


No idea what it is but it looks vaporwave based


OP here, I'm retarded and can't into Google Image Search. Screenshots are for a game called Oneiro. I traced it to itch.io at https://fyndr.itch.io/oneiro


Also looks like this fucking geocities site from 1999 has more information


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This game has been out for years, and from what i heard it's way better when compared to Shoujo Kidan.


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>Is there any translation project for Gidan?

Yes, check >>4504
I'm still working on it but I've been dealing with some stuff in college, so it's delayed as fuck. Hopefully that will end next week as that's the last scheduled final I have for this year.
Also, the engine has been giving me some problems because apparently some scripts aren't working in the translation, so I am waiting to have everything clean to touch that stuff.
And I will still need somebody to help me naturalize the script because I have no talent for writing.

>and from what i heard it's way better when compared to Shoujo Kidan.

60000% times better than kidan, believe me.

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Lets talk about BYOND

What was your favorite game?
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what the fuck is this?


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picture is from 2005, its gone a different direction compared to what it was.

Its an online game dev site where you can play or make games, its kinda fun when you find a good RP game.

its BYOND.com

Im sure some of you had to have heard of Space Station 13 or Mitadake High… both games originated on BYOND


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Heres a picture of Mitadake High, for those who dont remember or have Goku Syndrome


Rena? Death Note? I am confus. Might look into this later.


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So, Lisa another game made in RPG maker. I'd probably describe it as a surrealistic adventure game with an Earthbound-like aesthetic; the game could be compared a bit to Yume Nikki, since it leaves a lot up to interpretation, isn't too clear about your goals, and has a nexus, with multiple locations available from the get-go. I'd say Lisa's more structured though, since it does spell out small bits of the plot for you, and the way to advance is a bit linear at points. The game can also be somewhat disturbing, though I probably wouldn't call it horror. I suppose it might scare some, though for most, it'd probably just make you feel rather uncomfortable.

game link:
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I started up the game not too long ago, and Lisa won't stop going left. If I push right, she merely stops, and won't move right at all. Is there a way to stop this?


Yes, don't use enter as your interacting key, and minimize/maximize until it is fixed.


Disconnect any periferics you have and try again.


So what's the connection between this game and the creator's other game, also titled Lisa?



The two characters that appear in this game also appear in Lisa the Painful as the sister and dad of that game's main character. Playing this just gives you a better idea about those two characters.

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So, back in the day I mercilessly stole textures from all over the place (Kikiyama, /fg/, people with talent, etc.} to create the only complete Yume Nikki texture pack at the time. After 1.8 I got overwhelmed with the fifty-billion new things added and decided to take a break. Now I'd like to continue and bring it up to date for 1.1. Just like before, any questions, comments, and suggestions are more than welcome. Also, if I took something and you want me to drop it from the pack… just ask!
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I'm going to offer a bit of constructive criticism. If you're going to make something repeat in a texture, you have to actually make it loop. If that makes sense. When you look at it you shouldn't be able to tell they are 16x16 tiles.

I love the hands in place of shrooms and plants though.


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>threads from 2012 are still in the catalog
Holy fuck, this board is ded.


No its not. You're just obliviously new.


There are 22 pages my necrophile friend


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I miss the golden age of Minecraft

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Hello, Uboachan.
Guess what I have received today.
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It worked! thanks. Also it seems most of the glitches i got in the other computer by using compatibility mode are gone here.

It's always good to learn something new huh?


Sorry for the necrobump, but I'm posting from Kyoto where I just picked up a copy of the game in a book-off store (they were trying to hide it I swear.)
I'm on my phone right now so it's cumbersome to search in multiple tabs, so I'm up for uploading a PSX rip of the game if it hasn't been done yet.


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Oh yeah, I found it at a book-off store.
I also realized that my computer doesn't have a CD drive >_>
So I'll have to improvise.


Got it, Manno. Don't worry, take it easy, if you can't that's okay.
Kinda off-topic, but could you talk about how your trip in furui heiankyou was like? Also pics and whatnot, I'm honestly interested. I think the random thoughts thread in /ot/ would be a better place for it though.

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itch.io seems to be the spot for some of the more interesting new indie games, so I figured I'll start a thread for people to discuss and share their favorites!


So I'll start the thread with this little gem. Basically Spirited Away with hints of Yume Nikki, the music and aesthetic sense are just great.



Yeah, I got nothing. Surreal, confusing, "games"?… most of the stuff here is like half Yume Nikki with less cohesion done in Unity. Worth poking about tho, for sure.


Oh, nice! I loved Lost Town


https://redamz.itch.io/monstergirlisland [nsfw]

I'll have to go through my itch collection and update that freeware thread. I would highly recommend the itch.io app.

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have any of you heard of Patty & Mr. Miles?
it's a strange game with a lot of deeply disturbing elements in it, as well as more games by the same creator claimed to be in the same setting/timeline
Patty and Mr. Miles seems at first that it's like animal crossing or some kind of happy town life simulation, but the After Story provides a lot of detail to the backstory as well as contrasting the rest of the game with moderately demented imagery and themes

here's a link for it! https://doushiuhohtranslations.wordpress.com/2014/08/28/a-vague-story-and-patty-and-mr-miles-wolf-rpg-editor-games-by-brownsugar/

if you happen to like watching someone else play it, i suggest manlybadasshero: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zsj2DNj_0BQ&list=PLq7Wze90TsOo179wpqPGa8GZJ2QYka_w-


Looks like something I would like. I'll try it out!


Gretchen is a really promising game dev. I just wish she hadn't lost the original files for Patty & Mr Miles.
Even so, I'm still looking forward for any new works she decides to publish.

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