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/og/ - Other Games

saya no uta

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Would anyone be interested in an official Terraria server for Uboachan?


Sure, I'm up for it

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Tactical "fire emblem-like" RPG made in SRPG Studio about magical girls fighting demons, monsters and other bad guys. The game includes a massive cast of lovely characters, very good story, amazing soundtrack and tight tactical gameplay, where player should make a good use of his strategy brain in order not to be wiped even by regular enemies in few turns. Combat system is very elaborated, every girl has her own weaknesses and strenghts, and positioning your team means a lot, since almost all the opponents are deadly and powerful.

For now, the game is available only in Japanese, but maybe (just maybe) it will be translated to English.

Read more:

Gameplay videos:


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"This thing again?!"

A while ago I put Hell Diary on hiatus while I worked out the design of the game and what direction I wanted to go with it. Is it a sim, an adventure, what do I want to do with this thing?

I think it's still my most popular game despite not being in active development… until recently. A lot of people really, really liked Nightmare Castle, or at least some of the things it did with aesthetics. Hell Diary is set in that era (well… roughly). So I've started over again almost from square one and worked out some design elements I can stick to and make the game really fun for me to work on and feel like I'm making progress, and not confusing the hell out of players.

I've done away with the in-universe calendars and lingo and stuff, I'll just say the game is set in 1979 and has all of the characters you knew from before. But I'm splitting the story up into three "episodes" and at least trying to start out less open-ended. Gameplay's the same, but the aesthetic is different and there should be less stuff to wade through to get to the story.

NOW, the game's being done with Nightmare Castle's PC-8801/9801 aesthetic with 8-colour 640x400 graphics, and a soundtrack done with emulated YM2203 and Music Macro Language instead of Nightmare Castle's SB16 soundfont. I've already got the "engine" set up (it reuses Nightmare Castle's scripts and visual effects). I'll have some more about it up when I can take some screens; this post is long enough already!

Also, if you want, you can support me working on free resources and games on Patreon. You will get to download the game or any free music even if you don't donate, though: https://www.patreon.com/NoyemiK
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Cool beans, OP. I'll give it a shot when I get off work.


Damn, the link is dead. Anyone know where I can find it?


Seconding this. Why are all the links dead here? What the hell happened?


Huh, every other mention of the game I could find, even the archive only goes up to version 0.03. Did anyone download 1.00+? Maybe someone could send her a message on twitter.


This game looks really nice. I love the PC-98 esthetic, but games like this one are extremely rare. If anyone has the 1.0 version, please reupload it, I want to play this.

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A game about a day in the life of Touko Fukawa from Dangan Ronpa. Talk to trashcans, whine about your life, and solve a puzzle or something. Download is in the author's tumblr post about it that I linked.
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Is there another download for this? Everywhere I look is dead links.



Link is dead. Anyone got one?



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Your board is cordially invited to participate in a fighting game tournament. Score as high as you are able and earn glory for yourself and/or your board.


BRACKETS LINK: https://challonge.com/MASHFIGHT
SIGN UP FOR THE TOURNEY HERE: https://challonge.com/tournaments/signup/8V5KD80C1F#/signup/269mgr143wj
If you do not want to register, post the name that you are signing up with in a central thread. You will be added to the brackets.

Hisoutensoku is an expansion to Touhou 10.5 SWR and is a multiplayer fighting game made by Tasofro with ZUN's approval. It's easy to learn, hard to master battle system makes for fun and fast paced matches with counterhits often launching girls across the screen. Very fast when played right. As a P2P game, game hosts must forward ports in order to play it or use specific workarounds.

Full installation: https://mega.nz/#!ashhnZza!cWdD2mqnQSfpzow5h_LDABQzHOnAiHDL62ceAOF6z9k
Mirror: http://www.mediafire.com/file/7ulje2arv05zjbg/Touhou_Hisoutensoku_%252B_Full_Unlock_%252B_SokuRoll_%252B_SWRSToys_%252B_Tensokukan.zip/file

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Soku isn't bad compared to Melty. Try it.


6 days isn't nearly enough time to train in a fighting game tournament


We have a thread that has people playing near-constantly. We also do these tournaments once every three months. Consider joining just to see what it's about.


CYTUBE LINK TO STREAM: https://cytu.be/r/kimeemaru
CYTUBE LINK TO STREAM: https://cytu.be/r/kimeemaru
CYTUBE LINK TO STREAM: https://cytu.be/r/kimeemaru




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What an adorable, innocent game! Just what I needed after .flow, a cute happy game with a totally sane protagonist.
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To answer your question…

It's possible to avoid killing her the first time, and if you do so, you'll get a slightly different outcome when meeting Flowey at the end. The reason you were unable to was cause you went about not killing her in the wrong way.



this game looks cool…might give it a play


Assuming you're not trolling you definitely should, despite what people here are gonna say. It's a great little game, there's a reason it's so well loved.


I finally got around to playing this last month, after somehow not spoiling myself this whole time. It is actually one of the best games I have ever played. The hype is well-deserved.

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does anybody know about the game known as lsd dream emulator?
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Sorry for the bother. I downloaded the LSD Dream Emulator in my PC. It suposed to work with my keyboard but it doesn't. I try to change it with the F5 but nothing happens, I can't start to play it (the intros are cool but is frustrating when they start to reproduce almost immediatly and your keyboard controls don't work). Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?


assuming you're using an emulator such as ePSXe, you should be able to configure your controls in the preferences..


You were right. Thank you for the


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I recently started really playing this game. I had played maybe 3 dreams and not really gotten used to the game before a few times but I finally realized whats so great about it. It feels so much like YN but so different. The gameplay feels more dynamic than just wandering around barren places. It also gives some creepy vibes without even trying. I'd take screen shots and share but I'm playing it on my psp.

I was told a while back that there's an actual ending which I'm very curious about since YN had a clear goal while this one doesn't.


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Full English Patch Released
22 years later I might add. Now even stupid gaijin NEETs can read the text dreams.

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Post some interesting articles, blogs, fan theories or plot analyses about RPG Maker games.

I'll start with an article about Towelket:

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I made Madotsuki and Urotsuki's sweaters in ACNH.


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Can you change the color on Urotsuki's sweater? I'm using this one that I found on google search but yours looks more detailed. Very well done.

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