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/og/ - Other Games

saya no uta

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hey guys im making this post from inside garrys mod


That's kinda cool,,

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>Create new large biomes world in the new snapshot
>6th try after getting non-stop snow/ocean biomes
>Extreme hills biome
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Other Mo' Creatures shenanigans:
>another cat I wanted to tame falls into water and drowns while I'm in my inventory screen

>found and tamed a lion cub (called it Leim), was leading it around while riding a horse, noticed too late that Leim had stopped following because I was going too fast

>built a makeshift birdcage in my home, filled it with one of every bird except crow and dove, throw seeds inside the cage to feed them, they all clip into the ceiling and die instantly

>build a tower, put a tamed kitty (pictured) in the top floor bedroom that has slit windows, give it a yarnball to play with while I'm gone

>come back later, yarnball is laying outside at the foot of the tower and the cat is nowhere in sight
>later find the cat had clipped into the bed instead of swandiving out the tower window like I'd thought


>Gets Biomes o' Plenty mod
>Explores around aimlessly for a while
>Finds a Mesa
>Sees tallest rock formation
>Goes and builds upon it
>Builds a Skybridge



I lost it at the birds dying


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>Pre-beta version of Minecraft
>In a cave, mining
>Start taking damage
>No enemies nearby


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posting this in /og/ because even if its mc it has nothing to do with the cute little server you got goin on

So, let's have a nice custom map thread. I myself am looking for big maps that are just eyecandy with astounding design and amazing builds. I have a few suggestions, one or two involve puzzles.

>Lumina Nocturnale the Underwater City

one thats just nice to look at. fun to explore for a while, and trying out different texture packs is quite interesting. not much to actually do though.

>The Tourist

a really good custom map. comes with a texture pack, and its got puzzles. best in single player.

I also played one called Enigma Island but I won't really include it because it was more for puzzles than it was eyecandy, and I want this to be mostly an eyecandy thread.

picture kinda unrelated, its just minecraft and its pretty great.


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Anything made by the voxelbox, really.

Deep Space Turtle Chase - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nf-ISg0G-JM
Pastry Pirates in the Clockwork Garden - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mO_NNfX7VMw


People still play MINECRAFT?


Yeah why not? It's just as fun as it was a decade ago

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I created a video game.

6APM An experimental real-time strategy game: you are limited to exactly 6 Actions Per Minute (APM).

Did you ever have the feeling that RTS games like Command & Conquer, Starcraft or Company of Heroes are somehow stressful? There are always useful orders to give, but trying to perform 200 APM just isn't relaxing anymore.

We'll, I had this feeling, that's why I developed this game. It's a quite normal RTS game with units shooting at each other, control points, bases to spawn units. However, you are only allowed to give a move order (to an existing or new spawned unit) every 10 seconds, resulting in exactly 6 APM. Not the quickness of the commander is decisive, but good decisions – the game gives you enough time to analyse the situation and plan your next move.

Download Game:



what's the lore behind the monkey head statue



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6APM?! Ha! That looks super fun! I'll give it a go when I'll be back home this after-noon!


deepest lore

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So, uh, hey Uboachan, never been here before but discovered the place after playing YN and Ib so forgive me if I seem out of place.

Anyway, I just wanted to let you guys know about this if you didn't already know since I didn't see a thread about it. It's called SCP: Containment Breach, it's based on the SCP Foundation stuff. The game is in early alpha but playable, and having played many horror games this is the only one that's ever scared me. The levels are procedurally generated, so it should be somewhat different each time. The game has a blink meter, which is quite important for the main enemy of the game.

I know it's nothing like Yume Nikki, but it's pretty fun if you like horror. Also, it's free.



>first post
>not a shitpost
>letting people know about a good game

You are VERY out of place here, but in a good way


Old news.

The game's nice, though.


This site says that "the gate will open on October 31st" which probably means that a final version with actual ending will be released. I'm very excited about this.


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>Xbox 360 freezes
>generic HP memory card no longer recognized
>memory card has multiple games on it including the no-longer-available Marble Blast Ultra
>contact Microsoft customer support
>they tell me it's corrupted

What do?

Does /og/ know how to retrieve memory from a corrupted memory card?
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>Xbox 360

Stopped reading right there.


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RIP Xbox360
It's all about Xbox S/E/X now…


May the 4th be with you


Old thread, but Rescuezilla. Run it. Learn it. Love it. Got close to 90% of my 3 TB anime collection back with it.

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Surprised there's no thread for this yet.
A rather simple point and click horror game that requires good strategy and fast reflexes in many cases. You work as a security guard working the night shift at a kid's pizzeria a la Chuck E. Cheese's, and can only move to check your camera monitors and the door/light switches on the side of your booth. The animatronic animals that make up the main entertainment move around the restaurant, and your goal is to survive off the minuscule power your booth is budgeted from 12 am until 6 am without getting killed and stuffed into an animatronic suit by Freddy and his gang for 5 nights. Shit progressively hits the fan harder with each passing night, including hallucinations that can kill you and the addition of a new animatronic who bumrushes your booth like he's goddamn Sonic the Hedgehog. You can also unlock a 6th and 7th night.
The game itself has a free demo but can be purchased for around 5 bucks. It's actually pretty interesting once you get past the horrifying animatronic screeching that plays when they kill you and shit. There's also a wiki up for it, but it's been vandalized recently.
>tl;dr night of the living fursuits: the game
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Most sites wouldn't shut the hell up about it when the first game came out.


boring, repetitive game with mediocre jump scares


>fast reflexes
And I'm out…


why the fuck did you bump two 5 year old threads to say you don't like it?


Not as scary as Resident Evil VIII

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this might be a dumb question, but

say i want to make a post about a game in, i don't know, /fg/ or something.

- the game already has a thread
- no one has replied to the thread in over a year

do i put my post on the already-existing-but-inactive thread, or do i make a new thread?
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> Garry
Wrong, that's Yomika from Yume Graffiti.
The rest of those are all from other YN fangames, too lazy to actually list them.


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Holy shit, we just found another recolor.


It is interesting to point out that Ib was first released two years after that fangame though.


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That only proves that a base character already existed when the recolor appeared.


Nice color pallet

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i thought some of you might be interested in this… it's not funded yet, but it's tentatively scheduled for early 2015 and i really, really hope it happens

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Because this place is dead and this is the most active thread in months


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Still got it.


ive been coming here on and off since like 2012 and i can see this is not a website for discussion anymore. this is just a place for people to try to dunk on each other for wanting a discussion.
this place didnt use to be like this, oh well time to move on i guess.


You must be joking, with all the infamous classic threads, Middens, Flux, .fleshchild, Undertale, /cos/, it was a lot worse back in the day and got to it's peak of retardation when Yume Nikki started to get mainstream attention and attract new people, all the hobby funposters and trolls either moved on or grew out of it.

We did have richer discussion despite this however, I give you that.


>Implying World of Warcraft is a bad game
What is that, a counterbait?

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Uboachan seems pretty quiet lately so maybe this will stir some passions. The creator of Middens has a new game.

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What was he… like?

…Do you remember the one time he answered some ask on tumblr about how crude he talked during a recent interview, and he was talking about how he had genitals and whatnot?

Sort of like that.
But also understanding, he's spiritual, uhhh… a little old-fashioned, … basically about as crude and weird as you can see him online as you can see him on skype, I suppose?

He's a hard one to describe. Lord I feel like I'm being watched by him right now.


Woah, that suddenly jumped! Looks like they're already at their total.


His last game too, apparently. Definitely looking forward to this one.


It's his last game? Where did you read that?

Went to the page and there's some debate about Valve going on. Turns out Clowder doesn't like Steam. Says it's like a Shinra reactor harvesting the life force out of independent games lol.


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He doesn't have any plans for other games at the moment, and WTCTR is likely his last game before he takes a break or stops altogether.


He hasn't stated that he has any more plans. However, he has stated that he might produce a new work that isn't a game after WTCTR.

I'm inclined to agree with him about Steam. I just do not like the platform what-so-ever. Steam and I have never really been good, in all honesty, mostly because of computer difficulties.

I do sort of share the view that indie games shouldn't attach themselves to any particular platform. In my opinion it takes something away from it, but I'm not entirely sure what that thing is.

Have a poorly-animated Nomad shooting, courtesy of me.

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