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/og/ - Other Games

saya no uta

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This free fighter featuring famous slasher movie characters has been completed recently. What does everyone think of it?

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actually pretty amusing

the poorly rendered graphics adds to the weirdness. i like games like this.


hey thanks! got here from my referrals. thanks to the 17 other people who checked out my game. yume nikki was a big influence and uboachan is cool.


i'd like to recommend a game to everyone here! it's called soup


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I made a game, called Mutos. Play it and tell me what you think.

3 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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I played it all the way through he end, I'm not really sure what to say about the game though. It was interesting? I guess it felt to short, didn't feel memorable.

Nice music choice though, especially in the blue dungeon.


I enjoyed this.
Interesting choice of imagery!


OP here.

Thank you, everyone. I tried uploading it to rpgmaker.net but they denied it, saying that the maps in the pictures are too "blocky". If they are going to fuss over small details and be autistic like that then I don't really want my games there. Anyways, are there other sites that could be used to share this game? I have already done so on Tumblr.



gamejolt.com is a nice place.



Yeah, I put my game on there about a month ago. Some people have whined about me using 2003, though, and want me to use XP or something instead.

I personally prefer 2003. It allows more room for sprites.

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What did you think of it?

Personally I thought it was great, the voice acting was amazing first of all and it looked so nice. It made me scared of pigs though…


Does it ever begin to be scary? I think I've played it for about an hour, made quite a lot of progress, almost made it to the church, but nothing scary has happened yet.

I guess the first Amnesia was not scary either, because of how hilariously predictable it was with its usage of monsters. But it also had some pretty cool mechanics like lamp fuel, or tinderboxes, or sanity, which all seem absent from the Machine.

At least the locations are pretty gorgeous. Mandus's manor is beautiful.


I only seen Pewdiepie play it.

But I already have a insane amount of wallpapers and I find it beautiful. Not scary though…


I've seen a bit of it played (it's honestly so hard to find people playing who don't talk but I found a pretty decent LPer) and I was enjoying what I saw so far. Granted my only knowledge of the game previously came from Yatzee from Zero Punctuation; I respect is opinion on horror games enough to take what he says about it at face value.

I know I was more interested in this game than I ever was about The Dark Descent (not that I wouldn't want to play the first one but this one sounded much more interesting to me). It sounded beautiful and honestly from what I've seen it does feel unsettling and beautiful. I wish I had more time to watch the rest of the game played.

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So what's the RPGmaker GOTY for 2013?

Last year was Witch's House. Year before that was OFF. I haven't been impressed with anything this year yet.


I believe the word you're looking for is "misao", not goty.



Is it a coincidence that there's a WOLF RPG Editor game with that same name?

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Do you guys no any scary as fuck online games? Something like
hotel 626

pic not related


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The house?


I never found that game scary. Found it kinda boring actually…

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Hey guys, did any one of you play The Stanley Parable?

The original version is a mod to Half-Life 2, you can easily find it on moddb if you just google the name. It's a very odd game with an air of "2deep4u" to it. You play as Stanley, there is a narrator, you listen to him. You can ignore him, too. The results are unexpected and turn the game more into a discussion on the nature of freedom and choice in video games. There are multiple endings. The whole thing lasts about 30 minutes tops. I really liked it.

Anyway, Davey "Cakebread" Wreden, the creator of the mod, has finished a "HD Remix" version of the game, available on Steam, which is apparently a totally new game with a very similar promise, but it's also going to cost something like 5-10 bucks.

The demo was released yesterday (I think). And the full version is coming in 6 days. I have no idea how to encourage you to try it out, so I'll just leave a link to the demo here: http://store.steampowered.com/app/221910.

Though honestly, perhaps you should try the original mod first if you're interested, it's a bit different.

Picture is a screenshot from the demo btw.

Also wow, Pewdie Pie LP'd the game 5 months ago. Damnit. Looks like there's been a massive influx of shitty LPers doing a let's play of the game since. What a shame. It seriously becomes pointless if you don't play it by yourself.

Wow. So that is how it feels like when something you care about is ruined.
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There is a new Digimon game (Digimon World Re: Digitize Decode) based on the first Digimon World but with more forgiving virtual pet elements and a better battle system. The character artist is responsible for Shin Megami Tensei games such as Devil Survivor. The whole feel is as if they are trying to appeal to nostalgic adult fans of Digimon who have since went to SMT. Anyway, the only way we have a chance of getting it is through this petition.



I signed it a while ago

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I'm in a weird mood and I was replaying a game I put up on gamejolt a couple months ago with some vague nikki influences. just thought it was worth showing somewhere, if you give it a chance, try to complete it, the beginning of the game is a little bland.


sorta belongs in big ol indie games masterthread, but…

did… did i lose?


heres the pic with spoilers


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>poor sabi just hasnt been the same since the .18 update


PIPE down, Sabi.

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