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/og/ - Other Games

saya no uta

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Hello! I saw this download link to Tenteki Fighter and the game will not open for me. I get no error messages, it just won't open at all.

I have the RTP, I placed a file that a friend said he got an error screen showing he was missing, and Japanese is installed in my PC.

I don't know why else this game could not be working for me unless the file is just completely keked

This is the link to the download:

Thank you
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Try out this version, it works for me
Btw there also some other games by this dev



Thank you so much! i'm very thankful you were able to share them with me and others :) none of the games have text for me so it might be just more of a *me* problem more than anything, so i'll get to lookin gor a reason soon :P again thank you very much!!!


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Ok, after doing something i fixed it, and the games work wonderfully!, again thank you so much have an awesome day!!!!


just beat both endings, man the battles were really dull, but overall it was pretty interesting

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the surreal/fairytale-ish landscapes here make me think of yume nikki. share more if you've got 'em (they don't need to be text adventures but, you know.)
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Superliminal (Steam/GOG/consoles) is a puzzle game where you take part in a dream therapy program called SomnaSculpt (completely safe when used as directed). The central mechanic is that the size of objects is subjective, and can be enlarged or shrunk depending on your perspective (like trick photography). The environments have the dream quality of appearing normal at first glance but not really making sense and not connecting in logical ways. The story is simple but very good. It's a short game that should take you three hours, but it packs a lot into those hours and there are also optional secrets and challenges.

It's not particularly similar to Yume Nikki, but should be of interest to anyone who likes dreams.


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Should I post it here?

Kagami no Akuma / Devil of the Mirror

I found this little gem on freem, don't know how the story is but the artstyle looks charming and soulful + it's RM2000, after all.

Anyway, here's the japanese version with renamed filenames, if anybody wants to give it a try:

The original page:



You also need to include japanese RTP in the game to run.




I'm a dumbass and forgot to turn off the rtp check. Now it really should work fine:

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I don't think this has been posted yet



Pfft. Amon was okay the first two games, but playing the same game with minor changes for the third time - no thanks. Seriously, it's all the same shit.

Awaiting fanrage…


Maybe I'm just not fazed about this kind of thing, but I played this at like 3am in the dark a couple weeks ago. I got bored about halfway through. Is this guy's earlier stuff better?


Well, same thing, except no shield. The atmosphere is nice, though, so are the graphics.


This game has fantastic art and atmosphere.



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How many of us here are into Project Moon-verse? I've proudly beaten Lobocorp (twice), and now is slowly proceeding into LoR until the recent update (slowly bc I'm a retard who can't into proper tactics and deckbuilding).

Anyway, managers & librarians - unite here!


big bird's pretty cute


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Not CoD of course, I'm meaning more cult classics. I'm heavily biased to older western so I'll list some classics as well as some lesser known new games in the hope that someone might find this useful.

Deus Ex series
Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines
Fight or flee and occasionally talk you way out of things. I remember quadrupling my money in Invisible War by rigging a genetic mutant gambling match by breaking into the champion's apartment and giving him a little lead.

System Shock 2
STALKER series
Metro 2033
Atmospheric shooters, some with stats
Specialising in creeping dread, early ammo stress and very few jump scares.

Geneforge series
One of the few CRPGs to maintain the trinity of the speak/sneak/slay from tabeltop RPGs. Be dropped into a world controlled by a secretive totalitarian regime able to mainpulate biology. Interesting themes. You WILL get attached to the little creatures you raise and summon. Put your points into either combat or pacifist skills, you won't be effective if you try to be a hybrid. Damn amusing writing with a branching plot.
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I play western 1st Person Shooter games like DOOM and Team Fortress.


Star Control 2: The Ur Quan Masters - Space exploration action WRPG with extremely modular gameplay. The freeware version that drops the "Star Control 2" part of the name is probably the best way to play this.

Roguelikes - Nethack, Sil, Brogue, ADOM, lots of good stuff here, and most of the classics are freeware western games. There are also some quality Japanese rogue-derived games such as Shiren the Wanderer, but most are roguelites with unlocks and such.

Locomalito games - Hydorah, Maldita Castilla, and The Curse of Issyos are all high quality, arcade-style games.


i have played a lot of western games but couldnt like them, my tastes are mostly japanese. the one western game i didnt hate recently is fenyx rising, which is just a copy of a japanese game lol


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Sure thing. Not only Japan can into good gaems.

As for the oldschool and hard-western stuff, I really like Hostile Waters: Antaeus Rising, Soulbringer, Red Alert 2, Heretic, Doom + wads, Crimsonland, Shadow Man.

As for the newer (mostly indie) stuff: The Dishwasher + Salt & Sanctuary, Enter the Gungeon, Marrow + Exoder, Risk of Rain, Rain World, Momodora series + Minoria, Monolith, The Final Station, Jets'n'Guns.


>Do you guys play anything western?
I've been playing a shitton of Brigador, C&C Generals: ZH and Starsector for a while now. Literally the only three games I play nowadays

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Why hasn't anyone talked about this yet?

A game made by Scott Cawthon, where you work the night shift at a children's pizzeria, and you have to survive against animatronics that wander at night and are out for your blood.

There's two games at the moment, a third one is in development. Either way, it gained an insane amount of popularity around the time of its release.
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Oh, I liked it, but I sucked at it way too much to enjoy the gameplay past the third night.


>it gained an insane amount of popularity around the time of its release
Wow, didn't exepect that to happen.


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Considering popular let's players played the game, I ain't surprised.


There was already a thread about it



This scares me.

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I'm just gonna dump my Pokemon screenshots here.
Gens I and II.
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>see filename



There are people who don't know whom are your Pokemon named after.

/ot/ is a supermassive circlejerk, so it is okay there.


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Pokemon! When's Detective Pikachu?

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One of the best TPS I've ever played, I've been playing this in the last 10 years and this game never gets old. It's amazing all the different things you can do and the different game modes you can play. This game really needs more recognition.

Website: https://universegunz.net
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Uc3eGbyiyo


gunz <3


Is the soundtrack as bad as the trailer music?




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I liked this and S4 league. GunZ almost gave me carpal tunnel though, but they were great games. I wish more TPS games could share their approach with emphasis on movement.

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What does Uboachan think of this list of worthwhile freeware games that I helped to compile?



Looks pretty fucking good mate. I've seen a great deal of them before, and been recommended a lot of them as well

There are a few games missing descriptions, and the list would probably look better if sorted by type. But I guess since it's aimed at the /v/ kind of audience they won't have much trouble doing the Ctrl+F routine to find the game type they're looking for

Either way, keep up the good work if it's still unfinished, or good job if that's the final list for the moment



Thanks. Since it's on a wiki, it's never truly complete. Anyone can feel free to edit it.


How about F2P games like War Thunder?

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aren't most triple A games overrated these days? I've been watching some reviews about some recent titles including Persona 5, the recent God of War and some others I can't remember of the back of my brain. I get the impression that even with the title you mention, it would deliver an experience that is akin more to gambling more than anything else rather than any sort of practice or skill. Sorry if feels like a rant right now since I've been cheated by some recent games.


Nope, it's pretty much… A perfect example of what a WRPG should be. Dense of content, well executed in all aspects (well, the combat kinda sucks, but it's not that bad) and stuff.


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