Not CoD of course, I'm meaning more cult classics. I'm heavily biased to older western so I'll list some classics as well as some lesser known new games in the hope that someone might find this useful.
Deus Ex series
Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines
Fight or flee and occasionally talk you way out of things. I remember quadrupling my money in Invisible War by rigging a genetic mutant gambling match by breaking into the champion's apartment and giving him a little lead.
System Shock 2
STALKER series
Metro 2033
Atmospheric shooters, some with stats
Specialising in creeping dread, early ammo stress and very few jump scares.
Geneforge series
One of the few CRPGs to maintain the trinity of the speak/sneak/slay from tabeltop RPGs. Be dropped into a world controlled by a secretive totalitarian regime able to mainpulate biology. Interesting themes. You WILL get attached to the little creatures you raise and summon. Put your points into either combat or pacifist skills, you won't be effective if you try to be a hybrid. Damn amusing writing with a branching plot.
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