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/og/ - Other Games

saya no uta

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What the FUCK does Uboachan think about this game?



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It was pretty enjoyable, my score was 72 I think.


My best score was 53. I used a pump action shotgun and a tec-9. It overall pretty enjoyable, remind of classics controversial game series Postal but with a anime asthestic and more rage fueled rampage than of pure mental illness.


I think that was the score of friend that reccomend me this game. lol


I love it, great replay value and art.


Oh man I love this artist, didn't even know they put out a game till I saw this thread. Thanks OP.

As for the game. It's good for a bit of fun, feels a little odd on keyboard to me, better on controller. The story was relatable and fit the game well, but I would have liked it more if there had been maybe an extra mode with more of a gameplay focus. Like maybe a twin stick shooter mode, or endless waves mode against the police at the end.

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Happy Snake makes a lot of cute games, though this time they tried to make something with a little bit of horror in it. QT is kinda like a reverse horror game, in that it starts spooky and then gets full of good feelings instead. It's also a big reference to P.T.

The game is currently on Kickstarter, but there is also a free Demo that can be tried here: https://happysnakegames.itch.io/qt

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Shoujo Kidan - A girl's Eerie Story, by lol_rust.

It took my a good while to translate, particularly because I had to deal with a lot of problems related to the engine itself more than the translation. That's why the filesize is sightly bigger than the official japanese download (I had to add some RTP files). Either way, it's finally here.


TL;DR run it, if you see garbage, switch the locale to JP.
Just download the game, and run it. If you see mojibake, you will have to either switch your locale to japanese or use a third party program like applocale (or whatever works for the new windows). There's a way to fix this, and that is to encode all the shift_JIS filenames to Windows-1252, however I currently don't know any way to do this which isn't changing every single filename manually. I suspect some file extractors such as winrar can achieve this when extracting files in a non-japanese environment, however I'm not sure and I haven't tested it myself.

The game has 2 routes and an omake, meaning it has 3 endings. It isn't really hard, but it comes with hints so it's nothing unbeatable. I will reply any question if anybody has problems with it though.

Finally, I want to thank every single person who gave me a hand with this translation, for their effort and input. And although this work is finally published, I still accept input and criticism regarding the translation quality, so feel free to bring anything up in this thread or via mail.


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The English translation of the game is missing these RTP files:




I've made bloatless versions of Shojo Kidan in English and Japanese, which will both work without needing to install the RTP. These should include all missing files and exclude all non-essential files. The English version also includes the translation patch.

Bloatless Japanese download: https://mega.nz/#!WU8gGYQa!OOgAFDcqn9wgCZ3B2tUySHbz4MFZc_dkMQdUWz8WMNM

Bloatless English download: https://mega.nz/#!fc1yzSSA!oieA5duRWlJM0hd4_xiMV9RBkXOSykP-GORh0XtN4pI

Please tell me if I missed any RTP files and I'll make new versions including those.


Oh thank you!


I've updated my bloatless packages of Shojo Kidan. The links changed as a result of how MEGA handles files, so here are the new links.

English: https://mega.nz/#!2IVjBCwI!K7tqjj1SWu2kdi1-EQEnwMINrHADpTxOV4DAytC5bYQ

Japanese: https://mega.nz/#!aVUTkSgZ!gIYOE4_kdGr_DGUPUZZVtDL52rCKhGjlTGNyWAokrnE

The main difference is that English version was missing some extra translation notes from the download link in the OP, different to those in >>4455, which I added in.

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Haven't seen this mentioned on Uboachan yet, and don't really know where to post it, but if you haven't seen it yet, Petscop is pretty neat.



Isn't this more /x/ related?


It's unclear. It's creepy, sure, but there's no sign of anything explicitly paranormal.


It's a nice watch. Wish there was more though.


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Highly recommending this. I know crappy analysis videos by e-celebrities coming up when you search for it can be a turn off, but give it a chance. It's much more interesting than other stuff in it's "genera" (i.e. It's not Ben Drowned). It's also ongoing AFAIK.

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I finished translating Milya. The game is, for some reason (i.e. the engine can't handle memory allocation with some textures), very prone to crashing, and although I managed to improve the overall time between crashes (a lot), it still happens from time to time. The good thing is that this game isn't that long and you don't need to save or anything like that anyway. But I insist that it crashes as a fault on the engine side, so please spare me the complains.

Milya in Japanese can be downloaded here:
(Link provided through lol's site http://rustlimbo.webcrow.jp/games/milya/index.html )

And the patch can be downloaded from here:
Just extract the files inside the original Milya folder, and when asked if you want to overwrite things, say yes to all.

Inside the ./www folder, you will find a copy of the original CommonEvents.json file, plus a backup of the english one. In case you want to switch to the original language again, all you have to do is copy the CommonEvents[EN/JP].json file, paste it inside the ./www data folder, and rename it to CommonEvents.json (overwriting the file there).

However, if you find that extracting a file is too difficult for you to handle, here's a download with the executable already patched:

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A transcription of the game would be nice to have, thanks.


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I tried replaying Milya and writing down within the file all you see so you could follow the context, but unfortunately the crashings and need for adding jump points (more on this later) takes more time than I can actually put down for this. Instead, I'll write the general feeling of the game here.

I divided the game's text into what I called "branches". They aren't branches in the classical way (i.e. a byproduct of making a "choice" within the game), but rather just different loops that run when you start the game. When you play for the first time, you run what I call "branch 0", which will always be the first branch the player sees the first time they play the game.
Sometimes when playing, for example, "branch 2", two or three snips of text from "branch 05" will appear, before jumping back from where it left in "branch 2". This is what I denominated "Jump Points". This makes understanding the story more difficult, therefore by reading this script (which is in order and with corresponding text inside their respective branches), you will probably have a better understanding of the story than just by "playing the game".

With all that said, here's the file: https://pastebin.com/XeSJbFTN

And some context: Some of these branches (those that don't seem to be narrated by "the protagonist", i.e. a girl who goes to this café in a forest) are generally just text over a black background. The others are, as I mentioned, apparently narrated by the girl, who walks through different maps through passages, corridors, what looks like some forest path, a field, basements, etc.

If you want to discuss something or have doubts about anything in the file, feel free to ask and I'll try to fill as many holes as possible.


Thanks a lot for providing this.

I've only read the script once so I barely understand anything, but man, lol really loves his mind screw and disease plots, doesn't he? Either way, looks like I'm going to have to do a lot of rereading again to try and figure this one out…


According to lol's twitter, apparently he's remaking Milya in Unity (same engine AruMa KeteRa used) to be more functional


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You guys are free to use my translation (or improve it, if you feel like it) for the unity version. This is going to be a busy year so I'm not sure I'll have the time to do it.

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Hey Uboachan, I'm not posting this game in /fg/ since I don't know if it's a fangame or not, but I'm pretty sure it's something worth asking about. Do any of you know anything about Nocturne? What I know so far is:
-You play as a shadowgirl named Soentsuki. (Pictured in what I assume is her room)
-You go through a two-screen hallway into a black void where only Soentsuki's eyes are visible.
-The game has a small chance of loading you into a Red Room that locks the game up. Otherwise, the dark room is a softlock.
-In another edition, modified for 100% Red Room, I've managed to move around and discover that the "Red Room" has two screens, but you're mostly stuck on one.

Any info besides this, including decompliling it (It was made in an older edition of Game Maker, I assume) would be appreciated. If need be, I can post a download link for the game.


You don't need to submit a name nor your mail to post here.

>Do any of you know anything about Nocturne?

Yes, an unfinished and abandoned project with weird gimmicks but not much else.

>Hey Uboachan, I'm not posting this game in /fg/ since I don't know if it's a fangame or not

It is, well known fact, the -tsuki makes it obvious too.

>Any info besides this, including decompliling it (It was made in an older edition of Game Maker, I assume) would be appreciated.

Well, you pretty much resumed what is available at all. You can butcher the game yourself if you're that interested, really, but you won't find much.

>If need be, I can post a download link for the game.

It's not in the fangame archive (or at least in the directory list), so that'd be appreciated.



Here's the download, other anon. Sorry, I never post here anyways. Also, I would decompile it if I could, but all I have is a .exe. I'll try opening it in like WinRAR.

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On kick starter there was this pretty good game that got funded called crosscode. It's based on the same sort of concept as sao. You're stuck in a virtual game, etc., etc., etc. There's also some memory loss thrown in. Despite the generic premise, the game play is pretty fun. There was a really extensive demo on newgrounds(which is how I found out about the game) which they later removed. I remember that they almost didn't get funded, but came up with a weird gimmick at the last moment where giving 40 dollars suddenly meant more or something. For some reason no youtubers talked about it when asked to despite raving about shovel knight. I suspect that all of that promotion was payed for. Yacht Club Games already existed before shovel knight so they probably had the money to get some people to shill, not that I could blame them for doing so.
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>I really want to know where this game lies on the scale of, "retro graphics"
This is a meme, it doesn't matter. All that matters is "does it look good?".

>tumblr artstyle

That's probably in reference to the character portraits. I don't want to list all the features, but if you compare them to a generic tumblr drawing you can see the similarities.

>If this game is bad, I wonder how one guy or a small team would go about making a good one.

Do you think it's bad? If not then it doesn't matter. Try not to gauge quality on the opinions of one specific community, especially one where everyone copies each others opinions like /v/. Anyway, you like Yume Nikki right?


I wouldn't say so. Something like fez or undetale being praised for its graphics is a problem. As for the character portraits, everybody keeps posting the older, shitier versions for some reason. I don't know. I want a real explanation or a diagram or something so I can know what should be avoided.
I think the way other people sees things is important. I don't want to be the guy that likes Adam Sandler movies. If i'm going to spend time on something, i'd like to know its true value.
>you like YN, right?
What does that have to do with it?


It does look "retro" to some degree, the shading and colors are distributed in a similar way to what old hardware would allow, it's good to note not all pixel art is instantly retro, the term became a buzzword to the point it doesn't mean anything anymmore.

I can confirm the portrait art looks EXTREMELY tumblrish, just browse the art tag in tumblr and you'll see, personally I don't like it, but the person behind it can actually draw, unlike Undertale's author.

Undertale graphics aren't retro, they are just outdated, simplistic and minimalistic to the bone, I mean, if you go to the Atari era, you'll see a couple messy pixels with one color could represent a person, Atari games are great and fun to play that doesn't mean it looks good or the graphics age well.

Both games are considered retro, yet if you compare UT's sprites with these, you'll easily notice this is a superior technique, character design is superior too, UT's MC design reduces to "average person with shirt, pants and shoes", it looks directly inspired from a random dude on facebook.

/v/ used to love Yume Nikki, but after it got a Steam release they hate it, yes it's a hipster circlejerk.


>Something like fez or undertale being praised for its graphics is a problem
Why is that a problem? Who's it harming? If people like Fez's graphics then they're allowed to give them praise. It's a pretty game, it doesn't matter that it's not copying an older style or that it "didn't take enough skill". The same principle applies to Undertale, though for all the moaning people do about it getting praised for it's graphics, I've never actually seen anyone do it. Maybe it's just the places I hang out, but it seems to me like that idea was made up by the people who moan about it.

>I think the way other people sees things is important. I don't want to be the guy that likes Adam Sandler movies.

So in this metaphor the reason you dislike Adam Sandler is not because you think his films are bad, but because it's uncool to like them? If the popular perception matters more than the artistic vision, then why even bother trying to make something new? If all that matters to you is /v/ thinking you're cool then your game will be nothing but an amalgamation of other games they like, which is pointless since those games already exist. Obviously I'm taking what you said to the extreme, I'm just demonstrating why the principle you're following is ridiculous.

>If I'm going to spend time on something, I'd like to know its true value.

There's no such thing as a "true value" to art. Art exists to be enjoyed by humans, so it's value is subjective. It's your time, so you should use it to make a game that is valuable to you, not other people.

>>you like YN, right?

>What does that have to do with it?
You said "If this game is bad, I wonder how one guy or a small team would go about making a good one". Sorry if you meant an actual method to follow, I'm not good with subtext but the way you started the sentence with "if this game is bad" made it sound like you were stuck for examples of good games made by few people (and were therefore basing your decision about whether small teams can make good games only on this).


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It's less about other people's perception of me and more about myself. I think the quality of a person has too much of a parallel with the things they like to just be a coincidence. People are always eager to reject that line of thought and I get why, but I just can't. I'm just so much more likely to enjoy the company of somebody that prefers Frankenstein over Twilight. I'm probably not going to like people into pop-rap either. It's hard to explain in words, but I just feel it everyday.

Not only that, but I've been thinking about making something of my own. I don't want to be an Adam Sandler or a Phil Fish. Coming to appreciate and understand, "higher", things is like a form of self-improvement to me. I wont stop enjoying things just for other people, but i'd like to be aware of their faults.
I've never actually used Tumblr except for a few specific people's pages. I'm seeing a lot of thick outlines, accentuated, bulbous noses and lips, pastel colors and eyes that are too close together. Would you say that's accurate?

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It is my pleasure to introduce a new project I have been working on for the past several days. The Uboachan Dream World MUD is a text-based, in-browser multiplayer game where the users create the content with in-game commands. The focus is exploration, but I plan to add some more dynamic kinds of features later on.

You can play the MUD in your browser at http://dream.uboachan.net/ or follow the link on the sidebar.

This thread is for comments and questions, and eventually I will collect my answers from this thread into a FAQ for new users. Some user guides will be very helpful in navigating the command system, so ask me whatever and I'll try to write some good posts.

I would also like feedback on how easy/difficult/pretty various aspects of the MUD are to use.

Github: https://github.com/seisatsu/Dennis
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Ok, help has categories now. Some commands are in multiple categories.

Unless there are other suggestions, the next major update will probably be either keys or mail.


The "describe" commands now let you insert a paragraph break. Use a double backslash wherever you want to split the paragraph.


Added a telnet service at dream.uboachan.net:37378. Currently, users accessing via different backends cannot see or interact with each other, though they can edit the same world.

Edit: Telnet and websocket users can now interact.


The "look" command now shows item and exit IDs next to their names, and the "go", "get", and "drop" commands now support IDs in addition to item/exit names. This should make interacting with items and exits with long names less obnoxious.

There are also single-character aliases for some common commands:

"hello -> say hello
#hello -> chat hello
.user hello -> message user hello
:dances -> action dances
>big door -> go big door


Moved to >>>/ig/872.

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Hello Uboa! I'm here to post an old, complete game that I have made (in rpgmaker 2003, released in 2016), called Jasei No In: The Serpent's Lust.

RPGmaker.net: https://rpgmaker.net/games/8710/
Devblog: http://bleetdev.tumblr.com/jaseinoin
Direct Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/psrbohbwxd9hk11/Jasei+no+In+v.1.3.rar

This game was a project from university a few years ago, that I expanded into a full, completed game. JNI is a project about adaptation, specifically: I adapted half of a short story (usually called Jasei no In or The Serpent's Lust or some variant) from a collection of classic Japanese supernatural tales (called the Ugetsu Monogatari) and turned it into a videogame.

From my devblog:
"Jasei no In: The Serpent’s Lust is a short, linear game with a strong narrative… This particular story is a very popular one in Japan, and has gone through many adaptations since its initial creation around 1776.

The protagonist, Manago, is a simple weaver girl who gets caught in a rainstorm. A mysterious man in white appears out of nowhere and shields her from the rain, lending her an umbrella. Feeling indebted to him and perhaps a little attracted to him as well, she tries to return the umbrella to his manor hidden deep in the woods. Manago quickly becomes swept up in a romance that is not all that it seems, and must figure out who exactly the mysterious man in white really is, or face severe consequences.

The game isn’t horror, but it contains supernatural/paranormal themes."

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And here are a couple more images/gifs of the environments as well.


This looks pretty cool. Did some research in to the name, looks like its an amalgamation of some old Chinese stories with some spins on the plot.

> 蛇性の婬」は、『雨月物語』中唯一の中篇小説の体をとっている。原話は、『警世通言』第28巻「白娘子永鎮雷峰塔」であるが、途中から終結を道成寺縁起へ結びつける、独自な要素をもっている。

Jasei no In is a novella from "May Stories (lit. rain month stories)". The original version is from "Stories to Caution the World"'s 28th volume, "The White Maiden Trapped in Leifeng Pagoda", but along the way combines the ending of "Dojoji Omen" (the story of Kiyohime) and has its own unique elements as well.


Won't bother translating this, but for those interested, go to https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E9%9B%A8%E6%9C%88%E7%89%A9%E8%AA%9E#%E8%9B%87%E6%80%A7%E3%81%AE%E5%A9%AC

Anyways, the art looks great. I'll definitely give it a shot.

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Hello, and here's another old, complete game that I have made (in rpgmaker 2003, released in 2016), called The Huntress of the Hollow.

Itch.io: https://bleet.itch.io/the-huntress-of-the-hollow
RPGmaker.net: https://rpgmaker.net/games/8722/
Devblog: http://bleetdev.tumblr.com/huntress
Direct Download: http://www.mediafire.com/file/myfcsxya7tdax7b/The+Huntress+of+the+Hollow+v1.2.rar
(If it says it needs the RTP): http://www.mediafire.com/file/b2uh4vsv2oil9c5/The+Huntress+of+the+Hollow+v1.2+with+RTP.rar

Huntress is my passion project spin on Little Red Riding Hood, and is a pseudo-rpg, which means levels don't matter, experience doesn't matter, and grinding is NOT necessary. The battles are mostly for flavor, and can be avoided entirely if desired, and the game gives a lot of recovery items should anyone decide to fight all the wolves they come across. It's a short story with multiple, sequential endings that all conclude the story in unique ways (except for when you die early in battle/get eaten by a wolf), with a bonus room at the very end.

From my devblog:
"Lenora Calamint lives with her mother in a small village called Pokeweed Hollow on the outskirts of a forest. She often delivers food to her stubborn grandmother, who prefers to live alone in the woods. While the forest is a dangerous place full of wolves, the village and her grandmother's house were peaceful.

However, once a travelling, charismatic hunter decided to settle near the village and offered to protect it, the local wolves became mysteriously violent and began to attack the village in erratic bursts of activity. Due to these events, some villagers praise the hunter for his help in keeping the wolves out of their homes. The others can't help but think there's something suspicious about the matter. Despite it all, Lenora still has a grandmother to take care of, and so she wakes up to begin her routine of visiting her grandmother anePost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>pseudo-rpg, which means levels don't matter, experience doesn't matter, and grinding is NOT necessary. The battles are mostly for flavor, and can be avoided entirely if desired, and the game gives a lot of recovery items should anyone decide to fight all the wolves they come across.
So, like undertale? There's even faceless cutscenes. You sprite work looks nice, but you might want to put more detail into profile shots(the first game). The technicolors look nice in a stil image, but I imagine they would be a bit of an eye sore if you're playing the game for a long stretch. Maybe more neutral colors would be better in a future game. Conveying atmosphere is harder if every location is full of hot pinks and highlighter orange. Those locations should pop out and stick in the player's head as being unusual.


>like undertale?
I actually had not played undertale until after finishing this game, and it's not like undertale at all. There's quite a few pseudo-rpg games out there, my actual inspirations for this one were my friend moga's games (her Ghost Suburb series,) but there's also a bunch of others mostly on rpgmaker.net. OFF was also a great learning tool with basic battle effect animations.

Since Huntress was intended to be a short 1hr game, I took a lot of shortcuts in design and to experiment with color. The cutscene art is loose and featureless so I could make as much art as possible for endings. There's larger, detailed portraits in regular gameplay dialogue (bigger than Jasei no In's). The color palettes shift fairly frequently and the player won't stay in one area for long. I tried to make the music (royalty free) for each area match the atmosphere, so I do recommend playing it to get the feeling. There's let's plays on youtube if playing it isn't feasible (and I recommend ManlyBadassHero's LP in that case).

A lot of my color palette issues came about because I made this on my old 2010 dell laptop and the saturation on that computer turned out to be super wonky and I had no idea. A lot of my artwork from that time was a lot brighter or clashier than I physically saw myself. I wanted it to be much more balanced and less saturated, but I only just got a new laptop without the saturation issues and the game's complete and 2 years old already.

I learned a lot from this project and it definitely has a lot of flaws, but I hope anon enjoys it for what it is!


I've played this before, good work bleet, it's pretty.


Thank you very much! I'm glad you enjoyed it! I hope to do more with something like this in the future, because I really enjoyed making it.


I liked this game, the choice between the final boss was well done. Neat battle music too.

Of all your games it's probably my favorite, so I hope you got in a direction closer to this.

My biggest complaint were probably the talk portraits though. The faces were all pretty bland.

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